Lurkers - Let's Get This Party Started!
10Yes, it’s that time again. My love of lurkers has not diminished. I often see previous lurkers now posting often on this site after previous threads, and that makes me happy.
It’s time to come out of the shadows and show yourselves. We are an amazing community and looking for new mehembers who will come out and play So pull back the curtain and come say hello.
Come out, come out wherever you are - and tell us something about yourself.
(p.s. As in the previous thread I will also be calling out lurkers I randomly find to introduce themselves)
- 21 comments, 123 replies
- Comment
/giphy lurking

I lurk, therefore I am

Nothing more you can tell us?
@mfladd I love Scooby. My doctor had Scooby stickers for the children to take… You better believe I snagged some.
That first song came out the year I graduated high school. Those clothes bring me back Gwen Stefani vibes.
I was too busy wearing jncos with a wallet chain and random t-shirts.
@RiotDemon HIGH SCHOOL? Oh Lord, I am old.
@mfladd yeah, I just read another thread where your age was revealed… If it’s any consolation, you’re not as old as my parents?
Yeah yeah yeah dinosaurs roamed the earth yeah yeah yeah
/giphy dinosaurs

@f00l @RiotDemon @mfladd
My homework was written on stone tablets (no auto-correct)

/giphy Flintstones car
Auto-correct was when you accidentally smashed your hand with the mallet.
/giphy smashed

@f00l What’s wrong with dinosaurs?

/giphy purple dinosaur
@RiotDemon I will admit my love for you after the parents comment.
@RiotDemon Hmmm… Music from my last year of High School…
It was a good time for Rock.
@f00l Dinosaurs? How about the single-cell organisms from back in my days?
Purple dinos good!
/giphy purple dinosaur

Open roads, remember those?
Time it was
And what a time it was, it was
A time of innocence
A time of confidences
One perspective, from another era
(From: The French Revolution as It Appeared to Enthusiasts at Its Commencement, By William Wordsworth)
“Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive,
But to be young was very heaven!”
(If you weren’t one of the casualties)
Another perspective, (from Michael Herr, Dispatches)
“Going out at night the medics gave you pills, Dexedrine breath like dead snakes kept too long in a jar. […] I knew one 4th division Lurp who took his pills by the fistful, downs from the left pocket of his tiger suit and ups from the right, one to cut the trail for him and the other to send him down it. He told me that they cooled things out just right for him, that could see that old jungle at night like he was looking at it through a starlight scope. “They sure give you the range,” he said.”
“We never announced a scorched-earth policy; we never announced any policy at all, apart from finding and destroying the enemy, and we proceeded in the most obvious way. We used what was at hand, dropping the greatest volume of explosives in the history of warfare over all the terrain within the thirty-mile sector which fanned out from Khe Sanh. Employing saturation-bombing techniques, we delivered more than 110,000 tons of bombs to those hills during the eleven-week containment of Khe Sanh.”
@RiotDemon Now those are some pictures of you we would all love to see!
@ELUNO you sure?
This is 9th grade… At a friend’s house. I think I was caught unaware.
@RiotDemon Are those perchance Airwalks?

/giphy old man drools
@lysdexia Speaking of drools…
@lysdexia good eye! Yes! I actually have a few pairs that I bought a couple of years ago. Payless shoes of all places were carrying them. Now all they carry by them is sandals and some fugly looking shoes.
@RiotDemon Best shoes evar.
Btw I would have totally gone out with you in 9th grade.
Hope you didn’t turn goth after Kurt passed on - only had to make it a year or so before korn but soo many girls I knew changed overnite, turning into Reznor zombies.
Anyone with hot tip on where someone would buy some nos Airwalks speak up!
/giphy i want a moustache damnit


/giphy single-cell organism
@RiotDemon side story never to trust a friend confused by his Reznor goth, convincing him to get into books by authors such as Anton LaVey and more importantly Poppy Z. Brite.
Being a skater/stoner myself, who could have thought this ish could make one kid so convinced Louisiana (Lost Souls) would be a good choice, and as a friend to go along.
$70, a change of clothes, couple hatchets and a creeper van were not the ideal setup for running away from the midwest. Never again, you’ve been warned.
@lysdexia even though I mostly wear black, I could never be considered gothic because I’m not into goth music. I’m a metal head that happens to be into skulls, dragons, and the such. I dress like the grim reaper every year for Halloween. I like fishnets and corsets, but I don’t wear them because it’s way too hot to go outside in them, lol
My current Airwalks that are a few years old. Only worn occasionally since I can’t find any more to buy.
And I’ve been into Nine Inch Nails, Trent Reznor, for many many years.
I even named my sunflower, Trent, in the Sunflower Head Chronicles thread.
I guess I’ll throw it out there, I wasn’t a skater, or a stoner. That was just my clothing choices at the time.
Trentheads don’t have to be goth. Boomers who got lazy and started dressing like suburbanites got smuggled into sold-out NIN concerts sometimes.
@f00l Goths don’t consider nine inch nails goth anyway.
Cool. Was way too old to care about gothness. Just liked rock and roll. Still do, when I can get away from audiobooks.
@RiotDemon Not blaming you since I saw it happen too many times for it to be mere coincidence.
You were still hot back then at least, we can’t all make the right choices.
/giphy alf joking

@lysdexia need to get what alf’s on, this ice just isn’t doing it.
@RiotDemon So there was some Reznor witchcraft involved with your sunflower! I call cheating/doping!
@ELUNO Trent was the one I named after he survived. I had picked him to die, lol. I voted on daisy to win. I did not name her.
@RiotDemon My bad then. Your picture distracted me!
@The_Tim You have been randomly chosen. Please report to the lurker thread to say Hello.

@bluecolor You’re next. Please don’t keep me waiting too long to say Hello…

@Lurker I see you have already popped your head in this thread. Now please tell us something more about yourself.
@mfladd Why do I love this gif so much. I see you haven’t been slacking off in my absence.

@sammydog01 we are supposed to be nice, not send rabid puppies after them! ⊙.⊙


/giphy rabid puppy
/giphy Terminate The Future


/giphy too fast
@RiotDemon I fixed it

@Proto732 Please introduce yourself and say hello.

@mfladd at least we got to have a random conversation earlier in the thread…

/giphy hide and seek
/image shrdlu lurker

@Shrdlu Oh. My. God. That’s just flat perfect.
Yeah Kinda
/giphy excellent

@Shrdlu Hahahahahaha. OMG.
I made that - nostalgic feeling - I am getting old.
Ok, it appears this thread is a failure (except for a couple of lurkers that popped in - thank you)
I don’t have the will any more to keep the lurker thing up. You are on your own now lurkers.
Are they all watching the Olympics perhaps?
/giphy failure

/giphy lurkers show yourselves

<< COMPLETELY OFF TOPIC >> Watch the “Hello” Karmin video (opening thread) and you will see the Black/Red Puma sneakers the guy is wearing. I WANT THOSE. And I can’t find them online. Anyone?
@mfladd I blame the goat that you can’t use the thread we now have for this exact thing! Bad @sammydog01!
@mfladd How about some red shoes?

/image ruby red slippers
We’ve got a lot of 'em in Kansas.
@mfladd I’m assuming you mean the ones at 1:40? If anyone can’t be bothered to watch the whole video.
@RiotDemon People don’t watch videos on an opening thread? Pfft! Bitches. I always do.
And yes, you are correct. 1:40 sneakers

The “no” is my wife, and she does not figure into this equation.
@RiotDemon No. saw those. We are talking leather hi-tops - not suede. But I had the blue/white suedes when I was in 8th grade - so cool.
@mfladd I’m assuming it was a custom variant. The suede doesn’t even exist in that color variant on the puma site.
@mfladd how can you tell they’re hi tops? Is there another shot besides the one at 1:40?
@RiotDemon Oh crap. You are right. See what I get for not putting my glasses on. They are NOT hi-tops. I apologize to you.
@mfladd these are leather:
The ones in the video do not say liga below the logo. All of the shoes I’m finding have the name below the logo…
And all of the black with red are European versions.
@mfladd Not in the US, but I believe these are the ones.
Edit: ah no, it has an extra red stripe at the bottom, but otherwise look the same material…

/giphy shoe fetish
@ELUNO the logo is wrong too.
@f00l hah. My cat is a weirdo and rubs all over my shoes.
@RiotDemon Well kick me more while I’m down
@ELUNO just being observant
@mfladd Puma Roma 1 @ebay or Puma Roma 2 @ebay?
@compunaut the soles are wrong. The front have a lined texture, the rest looks like orange peel.

/giphy orange peel
@mfladd @RiotDemon Is this a scavenger hunt where we have to steal the exact pair from off somebody’s feet, or are we just looking for cool shoes?
@compunaut @RiotDemon And the logo is wrong too!
@RiotDemon It’s hard to find a pair with so much hair on them. It must be the Chewbacca special edition.
@ELUNO it’s probably pointless to keep looking since they’re not hi tops, eh @mfladd?
@RiotDemon They are most likely special editions made just for this.
I think your closest match is gonna be these:
I’m guessing they redid the logos since 2012 on their shoe lines to better call out the different lines. It’s plausible that the red stripe is still suede and just catching the light funny.
Everything else looks right to me. The soles have the dual pattern to them, red lining, low top, the laces aren’t red in that picture but unless they have dual color laces I’m guessing it comes with both red and black laces. Also note in the observations picture the part of the black that looks shiny, that correponds with the seams on the one I linked.
@jbartus Thanks, but they are now sold out of that color
@ELUNO They might be. I know Puma even sells a Karmin womens shoe. In this video she is wearing Nike’s at first, but in the blue hallway scenes she is wearing Puma’s.

/giphy kitty shoes
@jbartus I found two that are close. 1 with the leather stripe, but not in, 1 with the red trim at top but not leather stripe.

I am on a mission now.
@mfladd those both look like the same shoe I found, the white stripe looks like suede still to me.
@jbartus yup I posted the wrong one. Here is a leather stripe.

ugly soles
@jbartus lol. or should I get these?

@mfladd I like the suede ones personally, the leather stripe isn’t a big deal to me.
Ugly souls
/giphy ugly souls

@Barney I ❤️ Ruby Slippers!
@jbartus 6pm has them for 29.99
@MzSooze I

@mfladd has what? Link?
@mfladd are you getting a pair? Those are actually pretty sweet, I’m contemplating biting at that price.
@jbartus I know. And they have all sizes available. I was just waiting to see if the kids needed shoes to get the free shipping. Or, I suppose I could just get something else too. I was thinking of stopping in Foot Locker to try a pair for sizing as I am either a 9.5 or a 10 depending on brand.
@mfladd hmm… I am typically a size 12 but you’re right I’ve never bought Pumas before. Does anyone besides Footlocker carry Puma?
@jbartus I think I saw Kohl’s does. The suede’s are pretty common so I think you can find someone who does. Size 12???
@mfladd you making fun of my feet? Don’t make me show you where I can stick my size 12 boots.
I might even let you pick which ones. I’ve got these:

And these:

And a pair of New Balance MW798GTs I can’t find on the internet
@jbartus @mfladd Those aren’t feet; they’re skis!

/giphy skis for feet
@mfladd sheesh… I have bigger feet than you. Don’t make fun of @jbartus for his.
@RiotDemon Of course you would say that.

@compunaut which boots did you select?
@mfladd they’re 24.99 on 6PM right now!
Lurkers, Shoes, Lurkers, Shoes. Which do I covet more today?
Hint: 6pm doesn’t have Lurkers on special.
I’m going to flag @growyoungagain over here after a discussion about the Wizard of Oz in another thread. Want to come introduce yourself? We like new people and lurkers too!
Hello lurkers, I’m a sneakerhead (Nikes) and I collect Android tablets. You can never have enough tablets. Back ups care a must. I’m not a techie,but I do have nerd/geek moments. There are plenty of mehtizens who know tech. so I’ll be relying on you. Medicine/Public Health are my specialties.
/giphy shoe fetish moar

@f00l I’m hallucinating my pretty pony, makes my head hurt.
@growyoungagain Medicine you say? I think I sprained my leg or something, I can just walk something like this off, right?
@jbartus major major owie!! There’s not enough drugs to remedy that situation, in fact give me drugs just for seeing it. Yeah you literally could walk it off as in it falling off. Dare I ask where did you get this image? Olympics??

/giphy hurts to look at
@growyoungagain French gymnast in Rio this year.
@f00l He did it for Shampoo.

/giphy good point

/giphy i like you
Stick around!

/giphy Shampoo for money
@f00l Noooo you changed it! Unstarred!

/giphy cigarettes for money
What’d I change?
/giphy huh?

Oh. I couldn’t get the prev giphy to load on my phone. Never saw it. Apologies.
/giphy never mind


/giphy Forgiven
@f00l Is’nt frozen in time a more accurate caption?
The /giphy command brings up all sorts of nutty results. You never know. Sometimes I like the vibe even tho the result is kinda next-galaxy-over.
hi, My name is Sohma. I’m a long time poster that went back to lurking… I think I may be back now. So… What did I miss???
@sohmageek lots of random giphys!

/giphy random

/giphy "welcome back!"
Proud to Lurk
This situation calls for expertise.
@mfladd, can you intervene?
I don’t think @mfladd saw the tag.
@mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd @mfladd
/giphy I needed that.

Please, lurkers, come out and play. We need new goat candidates, as well as new POVs. We also need new joke topics, links to free music/books/software and opinions.

(I tried to do a meme, but haven’t figured it out yet, so -)
/giphy "free stuff"
@OldCatLady I love memes

You want a joke?
“So this guy goes to a bakery, and he is pulling the leash of an alligator.
A guy in the bakery looks at him and quickly turns away.”
No wait… It wasn’t an adjustor, it was a chihuahua.
“The chihuahua owner notices and…”
Also, it was at a hotel, not a bakery.
“Goes over to the guy…”
Or was it at a diner?
Edited out
“And he says…”
I forgot what he said, but trust me, between the zookeeper, flamingo, turtle owner, and waiter who were all trapped in a bakery (it was a bakery after all), there was a pretty funny punchline.

/giphy punchline
That Giphy aside, I liked the joke
I need some beach time now. So glad this isn’t animated.

Please take us on a
/giphy magic carpet ride

Now that you’ve revealed yourself, care to share a bit about yourself?
We already know you’re a purchaser, so that won’t suffice.