Lovesac 5 Series Modular Sactionals - MorningSave
7Does anyone have experience with Lovesac Sactionals? We’ve been wanting a new couch and saw an ad for these not too long ago so I was really excited when I saw them on MorningSave.
I been reading reviews all day but they are very mixed and I’ve not really come to any good conclusions. Some say they are really comfortable and some say they aren’t. Most agree the customer service is pretty bad. They are discontinuing the series 5 line so I know getting additional pieces/covers might be tricky but for the price I feel like I can get everything I might need now.
I would love any input you all might have. Thank you!
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What people find comfortable in a couch (or couch-like thing) is so personal. I’m not sure about buying a couch online at all. That said, I wonder if it just needs a few pillows to be comfy. It seems like a great system and I want it. I would buy it if I was in a place to make a large purchase.
@katylava That’s a bit where I’m struggling as well. I know how subjective something like this is but I really like the idea of being able to change it around whenever I want. The M-lounger option looks amazing lol
Without bias, I can say that I sat on one when they arrived and it was very comfortable. It isn’t stiff like a lot of couches designed to be form-over-function are, but you also don’t sink in a ton like an old couch that your grandma sits on and says “welp I’m never getting up from here” (which I think maybe some people might’ve been expecting considering the brand is known for bean bag chairs?).
If I didn’t just buy a big new couch a few months ago I would definitely be picking one up.
If nothing else, I’m very jealous because I know that when I eventually move from my house, I’m going to wish that my couch broke down into nice and neat squares.
@Moose Hopefully we won’t be moving any time soon but I like the versatility of this set.
Does this sale have an end date or will it just be available until it sells out?
@Moose @stardate820926 Currently 2 weeks left
@Moose @troy Thank you!!
@Moose @stardate820926 Keep in mind quantities are pretty limited on all but two colors!
@Moose Do you think they’d be as comfortable for someone twice your weight?
While it sounds like the bottom cushions would hold their shape, there was no mention of springs in the back “pillows” (cushions) - and so if no replacement of those you might have a problem later when they crash and burn while seat cushions are still ok. Also it mentioned that these are bigger than “regular” sofas (and etc.) of the same “size”. To me that means measure carefully.
@Kidsandliz That’s a good point. Our living room is a big open space so I think it will be fine but I’ll get some good measurements just to be sure.
fuck it i bought 5+5 in blue. i’ve been putting off getting a new couch because i couldn’t find the perfect one, and this is the perfect one, so… wtg @troy.
@katylava Thanks Katy! Youre gonna love it!
@katylava Also, I think you nabbed the last Flagstone Bluegrey. Grats!
@katylava And then if you hate it you have no one to blame but yourself (he he he).
@troy i had to buy the 4+4 and one extra seat and one extra side to get flagstone
Honestly, they’re pretty freakin awesome. We’re putting one up in the office and I’m fairly sure I’ll never be working at a desk again. There’s no doubt it’s a killer deal for the quality
So I need something to tuck a leg under me while I try to dress my feet. I needs to be fairly wide and firm. I’m finding the edge of my bed too soft to do so comfortably.
Are the bases firm?
@therealjrn I went ahead and ordered one. If I sink too far down I can always use it as a slammin’ ottoman.
Placed my order. Thanks everyone!
@katylava I purchased a taupe set but would have loved the blue if it even remotely matched my decor. It’s so pretty!
Ok. New couch time. Nice deal. Taupe it is.
Lovesac will make Series 5 covers for customers - call to order. Forewarning though, they’ll be about as expensive as the prices we are selling the couches themselves for.
@troy so just buy a second couch and throw the couch away.
@RiotDemon Ha, exactly!!
purchased the 10/12 set, plus two additional basis in Taupe. Id have purchased more if they were available. Please let me know if more Taupe become available
I ordered the 10/12 as well… I am curious what sort of Tetris / couch configuration do you have in mind?
@icehole We have a pole where the corner of an L would be… so in my case, three across, three down, with a pole taking up the space where the corner seat would be. Add a lounge and an ottoman to that config and you’re at 8.
The remaining 4 (2 of the 10, and an extra 2 bases) will make a big wide love seat off to the side
That sounds like an awesome use of that space!
@audiocontr It looks like there’s at least 4 sets of Taupe available again if you still need them.
@stardate820926 can you define “set”??? Yes im interested, but the web page shows sold out still
@audiocontr When I checked earlier there were at least 4 seats and sides available. Maybe someone canceled their order.
The more I think about this the more excited I get. Our couch was a Big Lots special that’s outlived it’s usefulness (i.e. comfort). I went with the 10/12 set plus one extra side so I could make the M Lounger and a “standard” 3 seater couch. So glad I bit the bullet and ordered them last night since Taupe is sold out today.
Thanks for the awesome deal @troy and meh!!
@stardate820926 man I wish I could have afforded more!
@katylava It was definitely more than I planned on spending for a new couch but with a 20 month 0% APR offer on my card it was just too good to pass up. I always feel like we don’t have enough seating when people come over so I’m pretty excited about completely redoing our living room
Holy crap! That was fast. My Fed Ex delivery manager is already blowing up with shipments due to be delivered tomorrow.
@stardate820926 They shipped??
@audiocontr @stardate820926 see below
Holy boxes, Batman!
*cat for scale…because of course there is. He was on the boxes before Fedex even finished delivering them all lol
@stardate820926 Looks good. Just sit on them like that.
@medz if it’s good enough for the cat, it’s good enough for me haha
So comfy…
@stardate820926 did you do any setup yet?
@Ignorant Yep! I ended up taking a PTO day so I could be sure I was here when they arrived. I worked on unpacking and covering all day and my husband and I put it together when he got home.
We ended up making a modified M Lounger (we added a piece to one side) and a 2 seater sofa. The sofa is currently behind the lounger because we didn’t have time to get ride of our old sofa since it shipped lightning fast lol Once we do, the 2 seater will be across from the lounger.
@stardate820926 nice job, looks great. Are they comfy? Was assembly pretty easy?
@Ignorant It’s super comfy!!
Assembling the layout was easy but unboxing and putting the covers was a workout. I spent about 6 hours on it before my husband got home and then it took another 2 or 3 hours to finish.
@stardate820926 wow guess I know what I’ll be doing all day then.
@stardate820926 holy smokes, that looks like it took up a significant portion of a FedEx truck. Your house might have been a third of that driver’s route today.
@stardate820926 Looks like the cat is busy making itself comfy (and marking it by getting cat hair all over I’d guess).
@stardate820926 Nice turnaround on assembly! Looks great, and nice work snagging Taupe before it all sold out!
@Ignorant I would recommend watching an unboxing video or two before you start working on it. The included instructions aren’t bad but I found the videos much more helpful.
@djslack haha yeah, he asked me if there was some kind of furniture sale because he had a mattress on his truck as well.
@Kidsandliz The cats weren’t sure what to make of it at first but they’ve come around. I’m just resigned to having cat hair on everything I own so it’s alright lol
@troy Thank you! We love it already
@stardate820926 already done.
@stardate820926 That looks fantastic! Also, please tell me you kept the boxes for important cat things.
@riskybryzness We contemplated building a cardboard cat city in our spare room haha
So far they are spending just as much time on the new couch as we are, even the one that normally settles anywhere except the couch.
@stardate820926 That’s so awesome! I’m contemplating getting one myself, just trying to figure out where to put it–but if they are cat magnets, it may be an easier pitch for me.
@riskybryzness This is Shady. She NEVER got on our other couch and would jump down immediately if you carrried her to it. The other two cats just want to be wherever I am so I don’t think the couch matters too much to them lol
All 3 cats have taken to the couch quite nicely haha
@stardate820926 I love the legs hanging off. It’s rough being a cat I guess
They dont look like the photo! Thats not the brown i ordered, and WTF? They were brown and red?
(You should so configure the boxes as the configurations in the ad photos)
I think I ordered mine yesterday and it’s slated to be here tomorrow. What the hell meh? That’s not very meh at all!
@therealjrn ordered mine yesterday too, will arrive in SoCal on Tuesday.
@Ignorant Here in Tulsa I guess I’m closer for FedEx ground.
@therealjrn yay!!
Sounds like you are going to have a long day ahead of you.
@therealjrn my shipment looks to have been split up most of it set to arrive on Tuesday and a couple pieces now arriving on Wednesday
Oh shit! The cops are here!
I only have the one ottoman/base to put together. I needed something to perch on to fold my leg under so I can doctor my feet. Happy feet makes for a happy soldier!
I think you/anybody will be happy with a set. They seem very well made.
@therealjrn fantastic. So is it going to work out for dressing your feet?
@Ignorant I think so. It’s wide enough for my caboose and seems to be firm enough so I can lean forward without falling in or off. I’m letting the cushions air out/fluff up a bit. But it doesn’t stink, which is a plus. It just smells like new furniture or fabric.
@therealjrn oh good
@Ignorant If you’re putting together a whole set, get ready for a trash haul of cardboard and plastic wrappers. Each base is going to have two neat wooden slats that I can’t imagine why to save, but I will. Be careful getting the cushion and the pillow out from each base–they’re really tucked in there and need some gentle finesse in from the sides to get them out. I went on youtube like @stardate820926 suggested and found a nice 5 minute or so video that has some good tips. Yeehaw! I have a perfectly good, clean Goodwill couch but it is too soft to perch but it is the bomb for sitting in. I couldn’t justify getting a whole set. But as @tHumperchick said–I have a case of the wantsits now.
The photos are making my case of the wantsits so much worse.
@Thumperchick mine too, but we just recently bought a sofa last year so I have no good excuse to spend that kind of money, even if it is a great deal. We still have one that I’m not particularly fond of compared to the new one, but it’s not really bad, just by comparison. It’s really overflow seating now for when we have people over. Most of them I don’t want getting too comfortable.
I can’t imagine how much it cost them to ship these things.
Forgive the clutter (our living room is still in chaos) but we may never the house, or the couch, again lol
This set was worth every penny…and probably more. The quality and comfort is way beyond anything I expected. Absolutely amazing deal!!
@stardate820926 Which color set did you buy?
@Bakasama this is the Taupe set.
We love our set. We’ve had it for about a year and have already changed the shape of it in the room. We bought at Costco with a deal there. It came with a lovesac, which we absolutely loved until the cats determined it was a good litter box. I nearly killed the cats. Apparently the cats using the lovesac as a litter box is common, so I suggest you avoid those if you have kitties. The sactional is perfect albeit more on the casual side of furniture. Hope you enjoy yours!
Received mine. 29 boxes so far, with another 9 in transit.
These suck to put together. Took us 4 hours and were not done yet. Still have 4 bases to go.
I will say this… I dont like the back pillows. You can feel the rear structure through the pillows. Also, we had four of the feet mounts that were not threaded. I have the 8x1.25 tap, but still show stopper for a lot of people. I expect morningsave will have several returns due to this. Might be worth it to get a few replacement leg bases and swap them out with three screws
Beyond that, the look is great, seat comfort is excellent and flexibility is top notch. This was a deal for sure.
No more for me…
My lovesac desires are spent.
I agree with this as far as putting the covers on, but the arranging and putting together of the actual couch for me was pretty smooth. But those covers are a bitch!
Yup I agree here too, sucks it’s not more of a lean back couch. I’m going to have to have to get some throw pillows to try and make that a bit better.
I will say I like how this can be reconfigured to fit the space or mood. The construction of the bases/sides and sewing of the covers all looks to be great. I really had to test some of those seams when stretching the covers over and when putting in the metal clamp. Packaging was nice too other than all the cardboard that will be filling up my can for the next couple of weeks. Only issue I saw on any of my pieces was one of the back pillows has a rip on the inner pillow middle channel, but that doesn’t seem like it’ll be a big deal.
@audiocontr @Ignorant Meh needs to offer more of these.
I decided to make my own Deep You-Drink cup holder. I think it’ll end up costing as much or more in filament then if I just bought a real one from MorningSave, but what the hell right?
@Ignorant if I were just making that, I think I’d make it out of wood. But if I were 3D printing it, I’d improve upon it. Add a remote caddy or a phone holder? Or even a phone charger. Or make it ultimately Meh: a cupholder speaker dock!
@djslack yeah wood working skills are at a zero over here. Maybe I’ll add a little holder of some sort, but remote is on it’s charging base any time it’s not in my hand.
@djslack @Ignorant
Ended up printing the top and the legs separate to save on support material, and had to make the legs much thinner than originally planned/designed but I think it came out alright.
@Ignorant :applause:
@Ignorant that’s awesome! It kind of looks like a giant caramel candy lol
@Ignorant Are there hollow parts in the corners or is that thing solid?
@medz top bit is hollow.
I redesigned it to be solid though because I thought it might use less filament at 10% infill then printing all the support material.
@Ignorant how much do you think that cost in filament?
@RiotDemon if I could find my kitchen scale I could give a more accurate number, but I’d say less than $10.
@Ignorant nice!
@RiotDemon found my scale. It weighs 324 grams, I think the spool of filament I used was just a tad under $20 for 1kg…but I’ll just up it to $20. So that’s what, .02 cents a gram?
So $6.48 plus another buck or so for the support material.
Hey Meh if you happen to have some unsold pieces clogging up your warehouse I might be interested in buying one more section.
@Ignorant If you need some help, please feel free to write into CS at
@therealjrn but but but these were sold at MorningSave.
/giphy my bad
They’re back, thanks meh
@Ignorant The 'sac is back, baby!
The year is 2020. While it has been easy to move from one house to another, I realize the the lovesac sactionals are egregiously overpriced.