Looking for something that Meh-mbers are uniquely qualified to recommend...
3This is my first topic, so please be kind (or don’t). Anyway, I’m looking for some kind of Bluetooth speaker or system for my car that will pair with my phone to let me listen to music and possibly allow me to also make phone calls.
Most importantly, I don’t want something that I have to hire someone to install. I don’t want cables that have to run under my carpet, etc. Just something I could put under the dash and plug into the dual port USB adapter I have. I could also hook it into the electricity of the car, but once again, only under the dash.
I’d like something with decent sound, one speaker is OK, and having it do phone calls is completely optional. I’m totally OK with using my headset for that.
They make something that works with my stereo, but only if you have an iPhone (I have a Samsung Galaxy 5), and it also requires pulling out all the carpet, and running it into the bloody trunk.
I really just need a Bluetooth speaker or system, I don’t care if it works with my stereo.
Has anyone put something decent in their car that’s relatively simple to install?
Your input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!
- fz
- 12 comments, 45 replies
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How about using a Bluetooth receiver in an AUX port?
They’re cheap, use car speakers, can be used for phone calls,and are easy to setup.
@PlacidPenguin There is no aux port on my car. If there was, I’d have done that ages ago. It has a multi cd player in the trunk, plus some other possible connections, also in the trunk. My car is 16 years old and has a proprietary stereo (BMW)
Installing an updated stereo head unit is a very doable DYI project. Crutchfield.com is the market leader in the resources it provides customers for making the task as easy as possible. I installed a new head unit about two weeks ago that greatly improved the functionality of my car stereo system. All for about $150. Pretty cheap if you ask me.
@huja seconded. Other benefits of doing it this way are that you get features like disabling music output when you get a call. You could also spend a bit more for a unit with a screen that mirrors your phone for in dash navigation and the like. No carpet involved!
@huja take caution with newer cars. Sometimes they have the door chime, turn signal sound, and other computer functions built into the head unit. Depending on the car, replacing the unit could require adapters and extra effort. I had to add a chime box that made the sounds and kept the radio on after shutting car off and before opening door ( like the stock unit did). I also had to add something for the steering wheel controls. AND I lost satellite radio with the new unit. (Don’t use it)
@jbartus It’s a 16 year old BMW, no way to replace the stereo.
@medz Because of all those things, I’d start with Crutchfield. You can actually speak to a specialist before you buy anything. That’s what I did to discuss what HU I should buy in order to get the functionality I wanted. Also, my car has an integrated dash and it took some custom parts (which they stocked and sold to be for next to nothing since I bought my stereo from them). You could also visit some sites dedicated to enthusiasts of your car make and model. There will undoubtedly be a thread on aftermarket stereo head units.
@huja yes, crutchfield is the tits. They always include free install instructions for your car. Usually free adapters too. (antenna and wire bracket) you can find the head unit cheaper elsewhere, but the extras balance it out.
@medz I worry how they are doing in this current retail environment. They can’t match amazon in price and hiring U.S.-based, trained specialists to help customers costs them money. Even as big a fan as I am, I only buy car stereo set ups from them once a decade. Plus, I’m not sure how much of the DYI-spirit still exists among those younger than my generation. I hope really Crutchfield survives.
@Fuzzalini what about your BMW makes this unfeasible? Year/Model? O.o
Not trying to be pushy but it seems like you want a perfect solution that isn’t really going to happen without a head unit swap. Sure you can mount a speaker somewhere if you really want to but it’s not going to be anywhere near an integrated solution. Whenever you get a call you’re gonna have to reach over and shut off your music so you don’t blast the people you’re talking too with your tunes. Conversely using it for both music and phone will not give you nearly the listening experience as having multiple speakers around you does with your car stereo, never mind is the likely imense difference in driver size between the car stereo and any bluetooth speaker small enough to mount somewhere unobtrusively.
If youre insistant on a bluetooth speaker option all I can say is i’m immensely happy with my bose sounddock mini.
@jbartus 2001 3-series.

@huja 41 Stereo HU’s with Bluetooth options under $100 that will fit at Crutchfield. For an addition four bucks, they’ll include a custom bezel piece for this specific car, wiring harness, antenna adapter, instructions, misc hardware and phone support from a trained tech.
@huja exactly where I was headed. I like this one personally.
@jbartus That’s a shit-ton of functionality for a hundred bucks. Plus it’ll be a seamless install with integration with existing speakers.
@huja shame it seems like OP has moved on
@jbartus Welp. Maybe the thread will inspire someone else to upgrade their dated HU.
If no aux input, you could try a Bluetooth FM transmitter of some kind.
That would solve the power problem.
They have dual port cigarette adapter FM transmitters…
@PlacidPenguin Tried the fm transmitter, it sounds like shit because the antenna sits on top of the trunk.
@PlacidPenguin The last one I got didn’t even connect, wouldn’t work at all. The fm transmitter that I put in the tape player also sucked.
@Fuzzalini This is what I use in my 2002 Blazer and 2008 Impala: Mpow Bluetooth FM Transmitter, MP3 Player & Hands-free Calling & Radio Car Kit with TF Card Slot. Frequently on Flash Deal at Amazon, I paid about $15 each. It supports Bluetooth connection to your phone, OR Aux connection via a cable to the headphone jack for better sound quality (Aux from phone to the device, then FM transmission to the radio)
I have one in each vehicle, and they pair via Bluetooth automatically without any trouble. The sound quality is good. Not audiophile superior, but good. Sound quality improves with use of the Aux cable, but I prefer the convenience of Bluetooth.
@ruouttaurmind Two-fer <$13
@huja Excellent! Thank you for the pointer. Ordered. I have a third vehicle I’ll put one in, and give the other to my flatmate for his birthday next month. Great timing.
This is worthy of the May Deals topic if you’d like to post there?
@ruouttaurmind Nah, you deserve the glory in the May Deals thread. Go ahead and post over there.
I bought this device on Amazon last month and have been all kinds of pleased with it. Cost $20, comes with a two port usb plug for your cigarette lighter, plugs to your AUX port in your car stereo. The receiver dealie comes with a magnet and an adhesive patch so you can use whichever works for your dash. It’s small, about the size of a half dollar. You want to put it close to you as that’s what you are talking to on phone calls. I put mine right in front of the steering wheel with the adhesive. Took me about 30 seconds to install. I keep the cords bundled with the included velcro strap, they haven’t been in the way and I drive a stick. I did have to switch cigarette lighter adapters as the one that came with it fit too loosely and would lose contact. I also had to download an app called “autoplay” from the app store because my dumb phone wouldn’t auto connect. But now as soon as I start my car my music starts playing, I never even have to take my phone out of my pocket or bag. If I want to make a call I just use “ok google” and it routes it over the radio. To recieve an incoming call I tap the middle button, to disconnect, same. Music starts back up. Use the forward and back buttons to skip forward or back on your play list. Also works with navigation, although sometimes the navigation voice is super quiet yet the music is at regular volume, so the music will be playing, the nav will interrupt with unintelligible “mumble mumble mumble”, then back to music. This is doubtless my dumb phone misbehaving, not the device.

@moondrake no aux port, so, bummer.
There’s an app on my phone which I use while driving.
It automatically starts up (along with music app) when I connect to the Bluetooth receiver in my car.
By default when there are audio alerts the music goes in the background, though there’s an option to pause music instead.
I usually have audio alerts from Google Maps muted anyways, so I should probably tweak something.
@PlacidPenguin What’s the app, if you don’t mind sharing?
@djslack @placidpenguin Sounds like the app I use. Mine’s called Auto Play.
@djslack @moondrake
It’s called AutoMate.
@PlacidPenguin @moondrake Thanks!
Should have mentioned: no aux port. No way to replace the stereo because it’s proprietary and built into the dash. FM transmitters do not work because my antenna is too far away from the dash.
I’m really looking for a recommendation for a Bluetooth speaker I can put in my car. Thanks.
@Fuzzalini What make/model. I have a Subaru Outback that had the integrated dash and there are aftermarket solutions.
@Fuzzalini FM transmitters usually not great quality sound anyway. If you have a tape deck, you can go with the adapter for that. Otherwise, a rechargable portable Bluetooth speaker with speaker phone ability may be the way to go for decent sound.
@medz And a roll of strong, double-sided tape.
@Fuzzalini They make fm modulators that actually plug into the antenna cable going into your head unit, or used to. If you have the multi disc changer in the back then you have as aux input, it’s just not exposed as a 1/8" plug in the front. And many fm transmitters are plenty powerful to reach a rear - mounted antenna, unless you have some kind of metallized window tint that blocks rf really well. When fm transmitters were more prevalent there were plenty of times that a neighboring car’s transmitter would walk all over mine (until i installed a 1/4 wave antenna made from a strand of wire out of a cat5 cable and presumably started walking over them instead).
This Bluetooth cassette adapter has middling reviews but seems to thread a needle through all the caveats you’ve given so might be worth a shot.
These bluetooth speakerphones cost a bit more and appear to allow you to listen to music but not through the radio. And if that’s an ok solution, maybe wait until meh sells their next Bluetooth speaker tomorrow and just get some Velcro.
Also, if you can find one, the Audiovox Dice Mediabridge for BMW seems to provide a tightly integrated solution specifically for BMW head units. They appear to be discontinued, though.
If you can receive FM broadcasts from radio stations, a reasonable quality FM modulator should work fine, no matter how far it is from your antenna.
@medz Unfortunately for him that is discontinued. Maybe meh will sell it now?
I have been using my Monster Clarity HD speaker (from here) with my Fire to listen to audiobooks in my car. The Monster Superstar is pretty nice too and inexpensive on EBay. They do something with phone calls too but I don’t know how to use that feature.
@sammydog01 Thanks!
Do you use the CD changer? For my 15 year old Jeep, I purchased a module which emulates the CD changer and adds an aux port. Then use a Bluetooth receiver like @PlacidPenguin suggested.
@redtorus I do, but I could stop doing it, I have everything already on my phone. What did you buy?
@Fuzzalini this was what I bought.
But it is Jeep specific.
It really depends on the car model and type of head unit. It looks BMW actually made an aux adapter for some models even as far back as 15 years ago. Search for BMW aux input CD charger and some of the BMW forums have suggestions. It looks grom audio sells a vehicle specific device but that is more expensive than the module for my Jeep.
I was shopping at Big Lots today and thought of you when I saw this.

@PlacidPenguin ehh… I dislike bluetooth… I’m a speaker dock guy
@PlacidPenguin Don’t get @sohmageek started on Bluetooth.
@sohmageek I did see a Sony lightning dock half price at Kohls this week.
I’m in the mood for the thoughts which @sohmageek has in regards to Bluetooth.
@PlacidPenguin no, there is never a good time to unload that… I’m more toxic to Bluetooth speakers than Illegals fleeing the US when Trump got elected… too soon?
In all honesty though, I missed the part of the box which mentions Bluetooth.
@Fuzzalini Bluetooth car speaker on morningsave.com $19 (less 10% and free shipping if you’re VMP here): https://morningsave.com/deals/online-exclusive-mota-high-definition-bluetooth-car-speaker
go to crutchfield.com
they have sales agents that can help (not pushy)
i used them 30+ years ago to buy an 8-track for my chevy vega
i used them last month to get a nice bluetooth stereo to replace my 2005 honda pilot factory radio