Look Smart Trivia: Ugly Animals
6Sure, ugly is in the eye of the beholder. But I dare your eye to behold these grotesque animal uggos and not recoil in disgust. The first commenter with a sharp enough eye and strong enough stomach to name them all will score a $5 coupon from Meh. And they’ll have earned every virtual penny. Insert signoff catchphrase here!
Before you sit down at the gaming table with @lichme, beware: he might be hustling you. After all, he has already scored a $5 coupon for naming all of the Game Boards in yesterday’s quiz - don’t let him take your money, too:
- Payday
- Supremacy
- Forbidden Desert
- Ticket to Ride: Europe
- Pictionary
- 7 comments, 11 replies
- Comment

/giphy noooooo
@Ignorant Hey. Sorry.
The same thing happened to me last week, so maybe you’ll be on the right end of things next week?
@Ignorant @steelopus

@sammydog01 @steelopus

Damn. Y’all are fast. I knew 3/5 right away.
I got 4/5, but didn’t know what kind of stork that was. Definitely one of the easier ones.
3 is Big Bird’s friend, right?
@ELUNO Mr. Snuffalopagus?
@speediedelivery Yes. Him. And this one I guess.

Blobfish isn’t that ugly until you bring it to the surface.

/image blobfish underwater
BTW - that image of the blobfish is “Bob” from Men in Black 3, so probably not a real one. But, an accurate enough representation, anyway.

/image bob MIB