Look Smart Trivia: Iconic Dresses


Let’s get a little dressy, shall we? The right dress can sum up its era and point the way to the future. These five very different designers planted their flag on their times by putting these dresses on women. Name all five (including one design team) and you’ll win a $5 Meh coupon. You’ll need to win a few more to afford one of these haute frocks. Insert signoff catchphrase here!

Our River Confluences quiz was successfully navigated by @medz, who dredged up their third $5 Meh coupon from the clashing waters of these rivers:

  1. Allegheny, Monongahela & Ohio
  2. Rhone & Arve
  3. Seine & Marne
  4. Tigris & Euphrates
  5. Ohio & Mississippi