Look Smart Trivia: Iconic Dresses
6Let’s get a little dressy, shall we? The right dress can sum up its era and point the way to the future. These five very different designers planted their flag on their times by putting these dresses on women. Name all five (including one design team) and you’ll win a $5 Meh coupon. You’ll need to win a few more to afford one of these haute frocks. Insert signoff catchphrase here!
Our River Confluences quiz was successfully navigated by @medz, who dredged up their third $5 Meh coupon from the clashing waters of these rivers:
- Allegheny, Monongahela & Ohio
- Rhone & Arve
- Seine & Marne
- Tigris & Euphrates
- Ohio & Mississippi
- 7 comments, 9 replies
- Comment
I got 4 but can’t find the 5th.

/giphy argh!
Gonna guess:
Edit: It may be this:
I’m really impressed. Esp if you knew without having to do any searching at all.
@f00l Yep, totally knew them all without Google.

/giphy I’m lying
I bow to @sammydog01’s superior designing woman speed.
@kdemo 3 hours? I guess that’s speedy for some things. Thanks!
@JasonToon - I have your sign off catchphrase, but no way to insert above.
“Google safely.”
@UncleVinny - Even if your list isn’t right, it should be!
@kdemo there’s fifteen feet of snow in the east, and it’s colder than a well-digger’s ass.
@UncleVinny - Tom Waits! Thanks for that. Never heard that one, but I’m a fan.
@UncleVinny - Also
Frigid Chicago Bean Shrivels Up From Below-Zero Temperatures

The Onion
@f00l you forgot 4 was the design team: Barbie, Skipper and Ken
From the subject line, I expected to see these: