Look Smart Trivia: Guitars Minus Guitarists


Was the hegemony of the guitar pre-ordained? Did it always share a destiny with rock & roll? Or is there some alternate timeline where the violin, or the clarinet, or the accordion became the signifier of rebel attitude, played in its “air” version by millions of would-be rock gods in front of bedroom mirrors? Well, you won’t win a $5 Meh coupon by answering any of those questions. Instead, that glittering prize goes to the first player to ID the absent axe-wielders in each of these photos. Insert signoff catchphrase here!

Extry, extry! Notorious high roller @medz scores big in Blurry Newspaper Mastheads shocker!

  1. Le Monde
  2. The Sacramento Bee
  3. The Globe and Mail
  4. The Sun
  5. The Asahi Shimbun