Look Smart Trivia: Dictators of the 1970s
5The 70s were kind of a gold-painted age for truly creepy, bizarre dictators. Your friendly neighborhood megalomaniac, sheltered by one side or the other in the Cold War, mouthing warmed-over 60s platitudes of liberation, was free as never before to indulge his (always his) sadism, delusions of grandeur, and terribly tacky taste. These five monsters all held office during at least part of that decade - if you’re the first to name them, you’ll win a five-dollar coupon code from Meh. If not, well, you can at least be very thankful you don’t have to live under them. Insert signoff catchphrase here!
A hearty hoera, zito and evviva to @DennisG2014, who got the closest to identifying the five languages in yesterday’s pretty damn difficult Name That Language video:
- Welsh
- Bahasa Indonesia
- Hindi
- Esperanto
- Yolngu
- 8 comments, 20 replies
- Comment
Haha, if I hadn’t gone on a self-absorbed dive into how my brain works, I would’ve gotten my revised answers in on time.
Perfect, really, because I used Google to come up with the final answers and I’d have felt cheap winning that way.
Thanks again @JasonToon!
@DennisG2014 I’m pretty sure you’re the only one who would have come up with Esperanto. Congrats!
@sammydog01 That’s the only answer that I can actually ‘show my work’ on how I eventually arrived at that answer and was convinced it was right.
It was a fun exploration of the strange ways my brain works.
Oops. Wrong decade.
/image Krushchev shoe

@f00l - I preferred the original shoe image.
Tentative guesses:
Totally googled, but I never found a single image matching the clues.
Equatorial African States 10000 francs
I’m told that 3 is Franco, so let’s go with this:
@kdemo Google image search on #3 picks up Mike Pence. And Matt Damon.
@sammydog01 - Pence? Dictator? That’s next year.
Your computer must be from the Twilight Zone, predicting the future and all.
@kdemo It picked up Ginsburg too.
@sammydog01 - Allen or Ruth Bader? Gotta love Google.
@kdemo Ruth Bader
I get by with a little help from my friends.
@kdemo I’m impressed you got that Hoxha guy- they only way I recognized him was his hat and that was after I saw the answer.
@sammydog01 - They were all relatively challenging except Amin. Still not certain if all are correct.
@kdemo That Bokassa guy sure loved a good uniform.
@sammydog01 - That Bokassa guy was despicable.
Shame of Thrones
@kdemo @sammydog01 I liked it when CAH bought an original Bokassa and had people vote on whether to cut it up or donate it.
@djslack @sammydog01 - Damn. I need to change my vote now.
Sign-off catchphrase alternative -

@kdemo Between this quiz and looking up Aboriginal films I’m feeling like people suck.
@sammydog01 -

@kdemo @JasonToon How about some puppies tomorrow? Or kittens- they’re almost as good as puppies.
What? No Mohammar Khaddafi?
We, Who Are Oppressed, …
During that decade he was more of an “up and comer”.