Lodge 49, anyone?
3Season 1 trailer:
Season 2 trailer:
I love this show so much. I don’t even have cable, won’t be able to watch the new season until Hulu gets it, but I’M SO EXCITED IT’S COMING BACK. I called my mother from work when I saw there was a new trailer, and now she’s mad at me because she won’t be able to watch it for months.
If you live near me and have AMC, please invite me over. And my mom.
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Oooh I like this show, too. I’ve missed Dud and Liz.
I recently noticed that Life in Pieces was cancelled, though, which super saddens me. That show is a total crack up!! Lame.
@moonhat I identify very strongly with aspects of Dud. Also, he’s living my dream of joining a cult.
I really didn’t think I would like it… but by episode two they had me lulled into their spell.
@thismyusername I knew I would love it based on the the name, before it was ever broadcast, and everything I heard about it only convinced me more (so I guess I’m lucky that I didn’t oversell it to myself). As soon as I was done with it I wanted to watch it again, so I talked my mom into watching just the first episode with me, and like you, by the second she was hooked.
It took a few times watching it for me. Imma big Better Call Saul fan, so they knew where to schedule it so I could find it.
@therealjrn I lurve some Saul too
I forgot this was a thing. I should go look it up.