Literary trivia: Help me identify this 19th century (?) horror short please!

ruouttaurmind went on a bit of a rant said

I remember reading this horror short as a weeun and being unable to sleep with the light off for weeks. I’m pretty sure it’s mid-19th century vintage. I thought it was EAP or maybe Maupassant, but I’ve gone through the list of their horror shorts to no avail.

Synopsis (as best I can recall): A seedy boarding house in New York with a reputation to be haunted, or a gateway to another dimension. At the end of an evening of conversation (and opium use) with the other boarders on the topic of ghosts and the supernatural, the narrator retires to his room. After reading a bit, he puts out the lamp and tries to sleep. Shortly, something drops onto his chest and begins to strangle him. Pitch dark. He cannot see anything. He fights to fend off his attacker. Through the struggle he gets a sense of what he’s fighting and reveals details of what I guess could be described as a homunculus. Eventually the narrator manages to subdue his attacker, tying him up with a scarf or some such. When he puts the lamp on he is horrified to see… nothing at all. His attacker is invisible. But real.

The story goes on for a bit from there until eventually the creature dies (IIRC?).

Please help me identify the author and title!