Lifelock and other similar potential wastes of money

f00l went on a bit of a rant said

Do any of these services actually do anything useful (apart from over-promising)?

Their ads try to convey a “feeling of safety”. I don’t think they offer much in the way of actual safety, do they?

Most of the “we are protecting you” ambiance of the advertising seems to me to be pure BS. True, they do kinda track things. But do they - can they - fix anything? Or makes it easier for one of us to fix anything?

Is there anything genuinely valuable to these companies’s services? Should we all just lock everything down as much as we can by ourselves and be done with it?

Even if useful things (like credit freezes and trackable identity uses) and can done by one’s self for free, I would consider these services to possible be worth something if they made the actual useful action considerably easier, and the info was as timely as watching one’s accounts.

Like if they made it easier to freeze and unfreeze credit. Or easier to track potential usage of a stolen ID, or easier to report things officially.

If these services were/are efficient “one-stop-shops” for the annoying steps one can actually take that might do some good, then I might consider them.
