@hchavers- because they’re one of three characters
(1) they’re Homosexuals!!
(2) they are women in a
man’s body!
(3) they get some kind of dam sexual stimulation by touching & fucking a piece of cowhide!! He, He, He!!
@decoratedwarvet@hchavers Way to be sexist, homophobic, and transphobic all in one post. That’s something. Perhaps you should try being funny without denigrating other people who you don’t understand or maybe don’t care about. If that’s what you think passes for funny, actually just stop trying.
@EricFromNYC@hchavers-where do you see me do any of that. If you, say, you are a homosexual & someone points it out, like people point out, “Oh, he’s a Mexican!” I don’t call them a racist, but according to your twisted logic, I should!! BTFW, whenever you see my posted comments just don’t read them, just move on because I get many more high five replies then negative whines like yours. I know free speach has consequences, but you aren’t gonna be mine. You give me your cell # & I’ll run my Comments by you! Okay? You pick & choose the rights all Americans should have, I pick & choose all Americans should have every right that’s granted by God & the U S Constitution, And those not granting, or not including the LGBTQ community, or its population. Smoke That!!
Don’t be Fooled, because this is just a cheap, china-made, item with a damn faux leather incasement wraped around it to make it look decent,…just kidding, hell, i not know of which i talk; a terrible habit i got from tRumpty Dumpty!!
@CatsAreGods I find it nothing short of amazing that there is a number of people higher than 0 who are already treating Micro USB like it’s prehistoric. As I mentioned in yesterday’s deal thread, it’s still very much an industry standard. It’s going to take years for USB-C to completely supplant Micro USB, if it in fact ever does completely. Right now, items like Bluetooth speakers would cost more if they had USB-C connectors. Something else to think about: how many Micro USB cables and chargers do you think the average person has laying around, vs. USB-C right now?
@CatsAreGods@PooltoyWolf What we need is a multi pack of USB micro to USB C adapters. My last phone came with one. It was small and I lost it. I’d love to buy a handful more to extend the usefulness of all the micro cables I have.
Amazon has a ton of 6-packs and 10-packs. Look for ones with the extra circuitry that supports smart charging. Hint, extra circuitry costs, so the bottom tier of the cheapest ones probably don’t have it.
Thats what I did when my Nokia 6.1 uses USB-C and everything else is still micro USB.
@CatsAreGods My apologies. Text-only communication and sarcasm really don’t get along well. (My comment here stemmed from a similar one left on the previous day’s sale thread.)
I take it this is facetious… would you listen to 11.5 million documents in audio format? That would have been only the first breach btw… A documentary exists from EPIX…
just be careful how much you look into them. details
Truth is extreme greed is often overlooked and people seem to be ok with “the game is fixed” someone should take a stand because it’s crap like this that makes it so America has such a bad education system. if you don’t pay any taxes that obviously results in problems with so much of public life… I propose that if you got discovered in the leaks, they should take every dime you have… jailtime isn’t necessary they could just house arrest you and make you live in a slum perpetually.
Because somebody should actually care about the shithole left after some of the extremely wealthy extirpate the zeitgeist of America and the world.
@sippinndippin Semi-facetious. I was curious if there was some kind of actual audio you might broadcast or if your comment was merely a way of raising the topic of the Panama Papers. I have no intention of going through the papers but if there’s a book that would give me an overview I might like to read it. I know Luke Harding, who works for The Guardian, was part of the team that did the original reporting. I’ve read two of his books recently and found them very informative.
0:18 - Fishing rod with no string, feathers attached to the speaker strap, and a camera that you can maybe find film for on eBay, but you’ll have to develop it yourself at home.
@chienfou Is it a Polaroid? I’ve never seen one with a front cover like that. That cover, the handle on top, and the overall shape had me thinking it was some kinda mid-60s 120/620 film job.
@sammydog01 to be fair I just said competitor. I do actually remember this one though. Even came close to buying it if memory serves. Yeah it’s hideously gaudy but it’s so bad in a way that I kind of like, at least it has a personality. It commands you bask in its ugliness. This one is just a completely inoffensive, impotent hipster sitting in the corner of the cafe not being noticed and sulking about it.
On reflection maybe it’s my anti-hipster bias driving all this
I was about to buy this because…well, bluetooth speaker. Can you ever truly have enough of the damn things? And then I watched the ad. Can’t do it. I just won’t contribute to that kind of behavior. All day long I am surrounded by a work culture that is so hip it hurts. I don’t need more of it in my life. Whoever made that ad should lose their marketing license.
I don’t get the Wes Anderson movies reference but i got snookered into buying a Wes Anderson box set and I’d love to unload it on some sucker… i mean find someone who would appreciate it!
Got mine in a few days ago to replace a broken stereo in my 2003 Ford F150 (I know, don’t judge me, I’m poor). I’ve got it tucked up in the dash near my inspection sticker and it sounds amazing! Well worth the money.
What’s in the Box?
1x Speaker
1x Micro USB charging cable
Price Comparison
$43.99 at Amazon
1 Year LG
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 13th - Thursday, July 16th
Bluetooth speakers Woo
@jsh139- it’s STD!!
The color is very presidential.
@nolrak It worked! Your order number is: amethyst-warm-eagle
/image amethyst warm eagle

@nolrak- Fine as Whine!! Would you like some Cheese wid dat??¿
Why would anyone want a speaker that looks like a leather man purse?
@hchavers that’s a European carryall to you, bub.
@hchavers- because they’re one of three characters
(1) they’re Homosexuals!!
(2) they are women in a
man’s body!
(3) they get some kind of dam sexual stimulation by touching & fucking a piece of cowhide!! He, He, He!!
@decoratedwarvet @hchavers Way to be sexist, homophobic, and transphobic all in one post. That’s something. Perhaps you should try being funny without denigrating other people who you don’t understand or maybe don’t care about. If that’s what you think passes for funny, actually just stop trying.
@EricFromNYC @hchavers-where do you see me do any of that. If you, say, you are a homosexual & someone points it out, like people point out, “Oh, he’s a Mexican!” I don’t call them a racist, but according to your twisted logic, I should!! BTFW, whenever you see my posted comments just don’t read them, just move on because I get many more high five replies then negative whines like yours. I know free speach has consequences, but you aren’t gonna be mine. You give me your cell # & I’ll run my Comments by you! Okay? You pick & choose the rights all Americans should have, I pick & choose all Americans should have every right that’s granted by God & the U S Constitution, And those not granting, or not including the LGBTQ community, or its population. Smoke That!!
Don’t be Fooled, because this is just a cheap, china-made, item with a damn faux leather incasement wraped around it to make it look decent,…just kidding, hell, i not know of which i talk; a terrible habit i got from tRumpty Dumpty!!
Skinny jeans, man buns, socks with sandals… now leather bluetooth speaker man satchels. Yikes.
Stay away from the VW bus. Look at it. What is between you and anything you might accidentally run into? A thin piece of metal. That’s all.
That ad is hilarious. I have very limited camping experience but even I know you don’t take your stoneware when you go camping.
@Pamela-What in thy hell are you talkin about Willisita??
@decoratedwarvet I’m talking about the write-up and ad it’s about.
@Pamela-Okay, My Bad!! Thanks for the correction & heads up!! I’ve got Oldtimer’s Disease!!
Micro USB? Are we savages now?
@CatsAreGods- No, Catmando, you were a savage Before!! Keep Up!!!
@CatsAreGods I find it nothing short of amazing that there is a number of people higher than 0 who are already treating Micro USB like it’s prehistoric. As I mentioned in yesterday’s deal thread, it’s still very much an industry standard. It’s going to take years for USB-C to completely supplant Micro USB, if it in fact ever does completely. Right now, items like Bluetooth speakers would cost more if they had USB-C connectors. Something else to think about: how many Micro USB cables and chargers do you think the average person has laying around, vs. USB-C right now?
@CatsAreGods @PooltoyWolf What we need is a multi pack of USB micro to USB C adapters. My last phone came with one. It was small and I lost it. I’d love to buy a handful more to extend the usefulness of all the micro cables I have.
@CatsAreGods @kalfaz @PooltoyWolf
Amazon has a ton of 6-packs and 10-packs. Look for ones with the extra circuitry that supports smart charging. Hint, extra circuitry costs, so the bottom tier of the cheapest ones probably don’t have it.
Thats what I did when my Nokia 6.1 uses USB-C and everything else is still micro USB.
@PooltoyWolf Next time I’ll just end with a /s
@CatsAreGods @kalfaz Now that’s something I’d buy on Meh!
@CatsAreGods My apologies. Text-only communication and sarcasm really don’t get along well. (My comment here stemmed from a similar one left on the previous day’s sale thread.)
@CatsAreGods Seriously, it’s not like they’re space-limited. Full-size USB-B is the only reasonable choice.
@PooltoyWolf Don’t worry, I wasn’t insulted or anything. Just in a weird faux hipster mood for a moment I guess.
@CatsAreGods Don’t sweat it
I just checked the GOgroove Portable Bluetooth speaker that I have that is similar in size and features & it’s only $15 on Amazon.
@Kyser_Soze but has that a leatherette strap on?!
@salpo “Faux leather exterior gives it a premium feel and look” but no strap, is the strap worth $14?
Oh god.that video. I wanna throw up.
Who doesn’t like a good looking strap-on?
I could use this to broadcast the shame of the Panama papers.
@sippinndippin why is it that there’s something about the Panama papers in every thread I see here
@sippinndippin Are the Panama papers are available in an audio format? Is there an audiobook about them?
I take it this is facetious… would you listen to 11.5 million documents in audio format? That would have been only the first breach btw… A documentary exists from EPIX…
just be careful how much you look into them.
Truth is extreme greed is often overlooked and people seem to be ok with “the game is fixed” someone should take a stand because it’s crap like this that makes it so America has such a bad education system. if you don’t pay any taxes that obviously results in problems with so much of public life… I propose that if you got discovered in the leaks, they should take every dime you have… jailtime isn’t necessary they could just house arrest you and make you live in a slum perpetually.
Because somebody should actually care about the shithole left after some of the extremely wealthy extirpate the zeitgeist of America and the world.
@sippinndippin Semi-facetious. I was curious if there was some kind of actual audio you might broadcast or if your comment was merely a way of raising the topic of the Panama Papers. I have no intention of going through the papers but if there’s a book that would give me an overview I might like to read it. I know Luke Harding, who works for The Guardian, was part of the team that did the original reporting. I’ve read two of his books recently and found them very informative.
Ahh meh offering a Bluetooth speaker… All is right with the world.
Bundle it with a knife and candy corn for a perfect camping experience
That is an amazing ad. She’s wearing a cotton dress and boots and a floppy hat. That’s precision.
I still think I’ll pass on the tiny speaker, though.
0:18 - Fishing rod with no string, feathers attached to the speaker strap, and a camera that you can maybe find film for on eBay, but you’ll have to develop it yourself at home.
@Aspirant_Fool That actually looks like an old Polaroid, which has/had film that would automagically develop anywhere…
@chienfou Is it a Polaroid? I’ve never seen one with a front cover like that. That cover, the handle on top, and the overall shape had me thinking it was some kinda mid-60s 120/620 film job.
At the end of the video they hang it up and drive off, waving “goodbye.”
Yes, that’s exactly how I feel about this product.
It reeks of desperate hipster.
Competitor for ugliest speaker meh has sold
@uninflammable Did you not see this one?
@sammydog01 to be fair I just said competitor. I do actually remember this one though. Even came close to buying it if memory serves. Yeah it’s hideously gaudy but it’s so bad in a way that I kind of like, at least it has a personality. It commands you bask in its ugliness. This one is just a completely inoffensive, impotent hipster sitting in the corner of the cafe not being noticed and sulking about it.
On reflection maybe it’s my anti-hipster bias driving all this
The image with the salad and cutting board sold me.
Odd. I was just rolling my eyes at /r/vandwellers this very morning.
Interesting. Looks like a steam punk VR headset.
@fait true dat
I was about to buy this because…well, bluetooth speaker. Can you ever truly have enough of the damn things? And then I watched the ad. Can’t do it. I just won’t contribute to that kind of behavior. All day long I am surrounded by a work culture that is so hip it hurts. I don’t need more of it in my life. Whoever made that ad should lose their marketing license.
Best product description/skewering of a promotional video ever!
Whew! Thought we were going to go a week without bluetooth…
I don’t get the Wes Anderson movies reference but i got snookered into buying a Wes Anderson box set and I’d love to unload it on some sucker… i mean find someone who would appreciate it!
That VW van looks like the one i live in!
@dlmasonjr then you better order a speaker!
Fanny Pack that plays music…
/giphy Fanny Pack

Got mine in a few days ago to replace a broken stereo in my 2003 Ford F150 (I know, don’t judge me, I’m poor). I’ve got it tucked up in the dash near my inspection sticker and it sounds amazing! Well worth the money.