@giovanni You should check out FIRST if you aren’t already aware of it. Great opportunities to sacrifice every free moment of your life for the children.
@giovanni I was joking about needing a new keyboard. This keyboard is an old IBM one from 1996 and has been washed several times. (Unlike the really old IBM ones that you could wash in the bathtub, this one requires a little bit of care.)
Something went terribly wrong – I got to enjoy the lovely song the first time I reloaded the page to see the new deal! I like that song better than today’s tablet. I don’t need another tablet.
“Aw, snap! Something went terribly wrong.
We’re, uh, gonna fix some things over here.”
@rileyper I love my galaxy 8.4 with 2560×1600 res. I’ve had 4 tabs, but I’ve been wanting a 10 inch for sometime now. I can’t decide either. LG is a good brand, kind of like Samsung’s competition. I don’t think there will be another tab. with as high a res. as the 8.4.
@growyoungagain Estimated Delivery
Tuesday, August 23rd - Thursday, August 25th
It’s at the bottom of the specs at the top of the page.
It usually takes long enough that I’ve forgotten I ordered anything by the time it arrives, it’s awesome!
@growyoungagain As people have pointed out, the sale lists the expected delivery dates.
Since meh uses SmartPost and its clones (FedEx or UPS or ? to your local Post Office, then USPS to you) there are two components to the shipping. I generally find the trip to the local PO goes faster than estimated while the trip from the PO to my job ALWAYS takes 1-4 days (depending on impact from weekend) after the package is marked as delivered by USPS.
@ruouttaurmind For today’s tablet I saw screen mirroring capacity with my Roku so that was enough for me. If I could wrangle HDMI out as well that’d be killer.
@growyoungagain I don’t actually own one of these, but I do own a recent model LG phone, which replaced an older LG phone. Both LG phones I owned have decent sound quality, but particularly strong volume. I have no trouble hearing the phone ring, and when listening to audiobooks or YouTube vids and such(I don’t listen to music) the speaker is plenty loud and clear.
@joflow that is just an 8 inch screen there is a big difference, and I only notice you can play a couple valve games that you can already play on your PC. (don’t get me wrong I love the shield (shield 1.0 owner) but this is pretty nice as well.)
Talk to me Comments section. I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab pro 8" I love. I retired my webOS tablet and never looked back. I just surf 5 hours a day, but I love the resolution.
@wew I got the best buy exclusive one with 32gb of memory. I love it, but when I first got it it was having screen tearing issues if i didn’t have it energy savings mode. I argued with samsung for a few months nothing was ever done, so I just changed the battery in it myself it is amazing now that it doensn’t have a malfunctioning battery that samsung refused to repair/replace.
@rileyper I don’t want to steal the thunder away from this LG-G, which looks like a nice tablet, but I didn’t know I could change the battery,(I’m sure it’s a little work). Thanks, as my tab pro has been cycling through on/off when it gets to 50% power, and I’m hoping it’s just a battery issue. The extra 2" of real estate on this LG-G–AAAHHH how sweeet!
@rileyper hey rileyper—do you mean you have the LG-G?? You have the one they are selling, right? oh wow, that took me like an hour, and it might be paused, I’m not sure. I think I read that so wrong!
@wew no i am talking about galaxy tab s 8.4 you can with care, watch video. the battery is literally glued to the device and can easily break it if you remove it too fast. I spent 10 minutes trying to lift it out.
Another thing I hate so much about samsung they glue everything the glue the lcd screen to the digitizer so if your digitizer breaks the screen is totaled as well.
@medz tethering while traveling is inconvenient since you’d have to keep both devices charged. I also find tethering not to be as fast for streaming as the original connection.
I bought a Samsung Tab 10.1, a few years back, before I had my first Android phone. I used the crap out of it and loved it, but I have no real use for a tablet, now; if I did, I would be all over this one.
MY Galaxy Tab pro has 2.3GHZ quad core and 2560 x 1600 screen. Will I notice the difference? (These tablets went on the market about the same time). I don’t think anyone is going to talk me out of this LG-G !!
@dbevensjr Don’t put a junk SD card in your tablet though. If you’re going to put any apps on there it will be a bottleneck and slow things down noticeably (at least to me). Even copying media files back and forth could be agonizingly slow (like 8x slower).
I can’t believe I just bought this without even conferring (for technical advice, not permission) with The Spouse. That’s what happens when I’m up at 2:45 am and he’s sleeping. “gullible-unadvised-polish” Yep, that pretty well identifies the situation.
@AlexisB you want to buy something that has a wacom digitizer built-in. This allows for pressure sensitivity on the screen to be registered. It’s like if you’re sketching with a pencil and you have light strokes and hard strokes, a wacom digitizer will pick that up where as a standard capacitance screen will not. The Samsung Galaxy NOTE series uses a wacom digitizer. There are other manufacturers out there that also use wacom digitizer in the screen, it’s a must for a digital artist. This LG tablet does not have that feature .
I used the original LG G Pad for a year or so, loved it! Replaced it with a Galaxy S with the larger screen, but this is really a great deal for the LG. Tempted to get it for the grandson, he is hell on tablets and I really don’t WANT him to have 4G.
I’d be in if I didn’t already have a 10.5" Galaxy Tab S. Bought that new and spent a ton more than this is listed for. That said, it’s going on 2 years old and it still does everything I want in a tablet. This is the first time I’ve gone over a year with a piece of tech and didn’t start pining for something newer so I feel like I made a good decision on it.
@Thinkerer expanding as @ELUNO says this the 2GB figure is operating memory and you’re missing the storage figure (16GB). Apple started this environment by not speaking of operating ram at all.
@communist I’m too old to complain. I upgraded my Apple ][ to 64k with a language card in the 70s and bought and sold thousands of 20MB hard drives in the 90s. A gig seems like a lot of ram.
Does that baby arm app come preinstalled? Tell me it’s available for Windows 10 mobile too! Meh, even Amazon left win10 mobile, I’m probably the only one left who cares.
@stet assuming your talking about the 10.1" galaxy Note 2014, the LG is NOT as good. It doesn’t have the resolution (Note is 2560x1600) nor does it have the wacom digitizer that Note’s have. I would take your 2014 Galaxy Note (even though it has an older OS) any day over this LG Pad.
Looks like this should be sufficient to my difficult expectations of a tablet: crisp display of webpages, ebooks, and PDFs, with occasional use as a video or music player. And I’ve got SD cards aplenty for expanding storage space.
Like the bastardized Galaxy Tab 3’s Meh sold once upon a time, it doesn’t look like you can run Cyanogenmod on this thing yet either. Without the ability to individually deny permission to apps, I can’t get on board with this.
@communist I know that-- I also know that I can say Fuck too. I’m so angry with how Amazon raped and pillaged that place, then put up a mini mall after the dust cleared, I don’t even like mentioning it by name and giving the web crawlers anything to chomp on.
@communist I wonder why you can’t? I thought Cyanogenmod—I thought you could install it about anywhere–I don’t know any of the technical stuff though. o.k. you might have swayed me from buying it. Back to the reviews I go. First I was like “that’s not much money”, then I realized 84 was closer to 100 than it was to 50. But, ya know, I don’t want that VMP to go to waste. Decisions are hard on me. thanks for bearing with me. I don’t know if Meh has a filter to filter out users or not.
@wew The problem is that vendors (and cell phone companies) sometimes lock down the bootloaders, citing warranty concerns, but they are really concerned about protecting their bloatware, maintaining their back doors, and ‘features’ that restrict you (like metered wifi tethering, roaming options, etc)
@wew The other thing pertains to open source software. Projects like cyanogenmod sometimes depend on having source code to products to get their automated builds to work. LG, Samsung, etc all have to make source code available when they use open source software in their products, but if they use a proprietary chipset (wifi, camera, etc) they don’t have to provide source for that, so you only have the source code to ‘build’ 90% of the system, let alone sign the resulting binary, load it, etc.
@wew I’m on page 44 of the manual and it reads like it’s rocket science. I hope it lives up to it’s expectations. I’m no rocket surgeon, I’ll probably only use about 5% of it’s functions.(%
@growyoungagain Ha! I got your comment in the mail and said “Dog gone it, I’m buying one!” Alas, I’m too late even for the VMP I guess. Let the remorse begin! All I can find is a snotty “Why don’t you try Amazon?”
Warning: my tablet developed bubbles under the glass after less than 2 months of use. It looked like the glass was un-adhereing from the plastic under it and it was spreading, so I contacted Meh about it. Meh didn’t have any for replacement so suggested I turn it in to LG for repair/replacement. The tablet has not been dropped or exposed to water or anything everyone knows not to do with a tablet (and it has a case). I’m the only one who uses this tablet and I know how I treat it. After FedExing it to LG, LG declined the warranty due to either it being out of warranty OR due to water damage (they don’t say which) and wants almost $300 to repair it. My choice is I will not pay to repair something that should be under warranty and costs more to repair it than I originally paid. I think this is an inferior product and inferior customer service from LG. It should be in warranty (1 year from date of purchase) and the water damage assertion is ludicrous. Anyway, buyer beware if this comes back up on Meh. Otherwise the tablet works fine. But eventually the bubbles will probably spread and I wonder if the touchscreen will work at that point (plus they pretty much ruin the screen for viewing if they spread beyond the edge). End of rant.
@vanblu sorry to hear that. I bought 1 and it’s slower to load than my Samsung and has a few quirks. I’m not totally optimistic about the tablet, the way things go for me I’m just waiting for some big glitch to happen. But I pray that it doesn’t, neverless we SHOULD have some warranty cover. What is meh doing about it??
@growyoungagain The warranty is 1 year parts and labor. That’s why I sent it in. I went on the LG site and it said my tablet was under warranty and eligible for mail-in repair. So I got a RA # and mailed it in. I obviously would not recommend doing that now after my experience.
Update: the tablet was returned from LG “repair” totally unusable. The case was not snapped shut all the way (), there was a bulge in the casing, and the tablet will not boot, charge or do anything (). It went from a cosmetically flawed, fully-functional tablet to a $184 paperweight after going through LG inspection and non-repair. When we called LG to see what they would do about the additional damage caused while in their care, we were told nothing would be done and in fact no one at LG even opened the case once they saw the “crack” on the screen. Two issues with that: the case was obviously opened because it was not snapped all the way shut when we got it back and there was no crack on the screen, just the bubbles under the screen. They also noted a “broken cable” in the inner workings on the documentation we got back - I’m not sure how they can claim to know that if they didn’t open the case. This was not damage caused during shipment - cases don’t unsnap themselves from the inside during shipment. My packaging to them was even more padded than their packaging back to me (several layers of bubble wrap around and on the ends inside the box - this is my tablet, I wanted it back to use even if they wouldn’t fix the cosmetic damage).
Anyway, again, buyer beware. I will never purchase another LG product. No one in my family will ever purchase another LG product if I can help it. It blows my mind that I sent in a working, fully-functional tablet, got back one that has catastrophic issues, and LG won’t do anything about it and even denies doing what it is obvious they did (open the case). We’ve taken this up with Meh, with LG (multiple times) and with our credit card company. Meh and the CC company are not part of my complaint. LG has been horrible and caused damage to my tablet they will not own up to or repair.
@vanblu That’s horrible and truly, truly SUCKS and here I thought that LG was an upper end product. C’mon meh @hollboll you’ve got to make it right. You sold alotof these and you’ve got the means to order some other Android tablet as a replacement. So “Just do it”
@vanblu hang tight, we’re going to reach out to our LG rep to see what’s going on here. Def not okay. If they continue to suck we’ll get that back for a refund.
I am singing Meh’s praises from the highest mountain. Holly at Meh really stepped up and my LG tablet is with FedEx for return to Meh for a refund. I can’t say enough about Meh’s customer service. It’s wonderful to talk to real people who have real feelings and are empowered to make decisions to help their customers. THANK YOU.
For an update on what we found when we opened the tablet up, https://imgur.com/gallery/sHpSq. We found the source of the bulge and why it wouldn’t boot. We didn’t find corrosion, a cracked/bleeding LCD, or a broken cable.
Ok, after some hard use since receiving this, thought I would chime in late! Very happy with it, battery gets about a solid 8-9 hours (no video streaming included) of continuous use, I have not had any issues with ram, storage or speed. I added an sd card but have very little need for it other than storing movies and music.
I am seeing the “bubble” starting to appear in the top right corner, it almost looks like it is delaminating, but, the touch still functions where the bubble is, so it is cosmetic only. Overall, well worth the price paid.
I will be back in 6 months to review my shark steam mop!
@PlacidPenguin I did a while back when I busted this one, but I was able to fix it. But it’s fragile and keeps getting reinjured so it’s about time to replace it. I just dropped a fortune on vet bills though, and I’m not done, so I really ought to hold off. Thanks.
What’s in the Box?
1x Android tablet
1x Micro USB charging cable
1x USB power adapter
Tablet front and back
Retail box
Price Comparison
$279.97 at Amazon
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
1 Year LG
{I took the first post to say FIRST. I clearly make bad decisions.}
@giovanni (( sad slow clap ))
@giovanni You should check out FIRST if you aren’t already aware of it. Great opportunities to sacrifice every free moment of your life for the children.
HAHA! Someone edited my post. Didn’t even know that was possible.
@giovanni This is occasionally a grammar nazi zone. (No, I don’t have that power… NO ONE would want me to have it. Trust me on this.)
Hi @giovanni - I’m your neighborhood friendly volmod.
@baqui63 actually I did have caps lock on when I typed. I didn’t really care since I wanted to be first though. It came out as fIRST.
@Thumperchick “neighborhood friendly”? As in “friendly to the neighborhood”?
Or do you mod neighborhoods?
(See @giovanni, this is an example of why only insane people would want me as a mod.)
edit: And tc, you edited yourself into a volmod (given your powers, it isn’t even a ninja edit).
@giovanni I know. TC already told me that.
@baqui63 I’m going to edit your comments into pictures of butt-shaped things for a while.
@Thumperchick I promise to do betters firsts officer!
@Thumperchick You owe me yet another new keyboard, though this time it was just water, and the keyboard needed cleaning anyway.
@baqui63 what happened to the first keyboard?

@giovanni I was joking about needing a new keyboard. This keyboard is an old IBM one from 1996 and has been washed several times. (Unlike the really old IBM ones that you could wash in the bathtub, this one requires a little bit of care.)
Volmod? Voldemort mod?
Why, ~TC! I didn’t know!

@Thumperchick, can we ban anyone else who does those incredibly annoying “First” posts from posting in here, for like a week or so?
Triple meh
@mcemanuel why though?
Take two tablets and call me in the morning.

/giphy golf clap
Something went terribly wrong – I got to enjoy the lovely song the first time I reloaded the page to see the new deal! I like that song better than today’s tablet. I don’t need another tablet.
“Aw, snap! Something went terribly wrong.
We’re, uh, gonna fix some things over here.”
I miss not having a 10 inch android tablet, I replaced it with a Galaxy Tab S 8.4 I’m tempted but can’t decide.
@rileyper I love my galaxy 8.4 with 2560×1600 res. I’ve had 4 tabs, but I’ve been wanting a 10 inch for sometime now. I can’t decide either.
LG is a good brand, kind of like Samsung’s competition. I don’t think there will be another tab. with as high a res. as the 8.4.
@rileyper I’d used an ancient Acer A500 for eons until I replaced it about a month ago with the 7" LG tablet I got here.
The 7" tablet is nice (it fits in a back pants pocket even) but I’m thinking I might should get a 10" one as well.
I will play the let’s see if this is still here at 4PM game.
@baqui63 I thinking if we wait on it they will be gone. Who knows how many meh has??
@growyoungagain You may be right, but I’m a VMP so I’ll have a shot at 4PM, if I remember.
@baqui63 Careful, I killed a tablet by sitting with it in my back pocket.
@baqui63 By jove I think I bought it!!! My first purchase. Realistically how long does the shipping take?
@growyoungagain Estimated Delivery
Tuesday, August 23rd - Thursday, August 25th
It’s at the bottom of the specs at the top of the page.
It usually takes long enough that I’ve forgotten I ordered anything by the time it arrives, it’s awesome!
@growyoungagain Congrats! … or condolences, at least in your wallet’s perspective.
The estimated delivery dates are always listed at the opening discussion post. In this case, it’s Tuesday, August 23rd - Thursday, August 25th.
@growyoungagain the farther away from texas you are, the longer it takes.
@communist I’m in MN, so it’s a fairly decent distance.
@growyoungagain As people have pointed out, the sale lists the expected delivery dates.
Since meh uses SmartPost and its clones (FedEx or UPS or ? to your local Post Office, then USPS to you) there are two components to the shipping. I generally find the trip to the local PO goes faster than estimated while the trip from the PO to my job ALWAYS takes 1-4 days (depending on impact from weekend) after the package is marked as delivered by USPS.
I’m in the market for a Meh hand mixer. I burned my old one out this weekend and I just knew I’d be able to pick one up tonight.
@Charliethedog You can definitely mix with it, but turn it off before you rinse it off.
This tablet actually looks nice. But, I’m going to pass for two reasons: No HDMI port and does not run on Windows.
@JT954 I believe an inexpensive MHL adapter will provide HDMI connectivity.
@ruouttaurmind For today’s tablet I saw screen mirroring capacity with my Roku so that was enough for me. If I could wrangle HDMI out as well that’d be killer.
@JT954 This might be more up your alley. . . HDMI, win8.1
How Meh do you want your products anyway?
@ruouttaurmind Do you know anything about it’s speakers or how it sounds? I can’t find any info. on that.
@growyoungagain I don’t actually own one of these, but I do own a recent model LG phone, which replaced an older LG phone. Both LG phones I owned have decent sound quality, but particularly strong volume. I have no trouble hearing the phone ring, and when listening to audiobooks or YouTube vids and such(I don’t listen to music) the speaker is plenty loud and clear.
Of course with this tablet, YMMV.
@ruouttaurmind Thanks!! I had to google what YMMV means. Cute. I copy that!!!
When you can get an Nvidia Shield tablet for $199? Nope!
@joflow link? OOS here https://shield.nvidia.com/store/tablet/k1 and here http://www.bestbuy.com/site/nvidia-shield-k1-8-tablet-16gb-black/4701400.p?id=1219803088257&skuId=4701400
@joflow that is just an 8 inch screen there is a big difference, and I only notice you can play a couple valve games that you can already play on your PC. (don’t get me wrong I love the shield (shield 1.0 owner) but this is pretty nice as well.)
@connorbush that would be great if it were available for sale anywhere.
@Quakerdan that’s my point exactly… I think you meant to respond to joflow
@connorbush yup.
10 inches for 10 hours? Oh my.
@gyozilla /giphy George Tikay

/giphy George Takei
This is good timing. I had just decided on Thursday that I need to get a tablet. You know, for school and shizz. Thanks Meh!
/giphy quaint militant almond

@melonscoop Same!
Keeping tabs on this deal
Any good case suggestions for this? Preferably with keyboard and free 2 day shipping?
@connorbush found one. https://www.amazon.com/LG-Electronics-Portable-Wireless-Bluetooth/dp/B01605UVV6
keyboard that is.
Talk to me Comments section. I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab pro 8" I love. I retired my webOS tablet and never looked back. I just surf 5 hours a day, but I love the resolution.
@wew I got the best buy exclusive one with 32gb of memory. I love it, but when I first got it it was having screen tearing issues if i didn’t have it energy savings mode. I argued with samsung for a few months nothing was ever done, so I just changed the battery in it myself it is amazing now that it doensn’t have a malfunctioning battery that samsung refused to repair/replace.
@rileyper I don’t want to steal the thunder away from this LG-G, which looks like a nice tablet, but I didn’t know I could change the battery,(I’m sure it’s a little work). Thanks, as my tab pro has been cycling through on/off when it gets to 50% power, and I’m hoping it’s just a battery issue. The extra 2" of real estate on this LG-G–AAAHHH how sweeet!
@rileyper hey rileyper—do you mean you have the LG-G?? You have the one they are selling, right? oh wow, that took me like an hour, and it might be paused, I’m not sure. I think I read that so wrong!
@wew no i am talking about galaxy tab s 8.4 you can with care, watch video. the battery is literally glued to the device and can easily break it if you remove it too fast. I spent 10 minutes trying to lift it out.
Another thing I hate so much about samsung they glue everything the glue the lcd screen to the digitizer so if your digitizer breaks the screen is totaled as well.
Don’t see much support for third party ROM’s. If you don’t like LG’s very idiosyncratic android skin, might not be for you.
@daggar or just simply install the Google launcher or Nova Launcher and make all that custom LG garbage go away.
@daggar I have a newer LG phone (Android 6) and don’t notice too much in the way of non-vanilla Android. What sort of stuff are you referring to?
@ruouttaurmind Possibly not as much of an issue anymore. My last experience with LG was a bit ago. Still, good to know what’s out there.
I’d never pay over $100 for a tablet without 4G LTE
@gallogj why not? Just use your phone’s hotspot.
@medz Not all service providers allow tethering.
@medz tethering while traveling is inconvenient since you’d have to keep both devices charged. I also find tethering not to be as fast for streaming as the original connection.
@gallogj Valid points. To me, the inconvenience is worth the savings in tablet price and additional data plan.
Damn MF some person bought 3?!
@connorbush probably to resell… or keep 3 kids busy and quiet at once.
@jeffreywsnyder This is 1.0 not II?
No Android 6? Sigh on vendors not supporting devices. Are there still security updates for 5? Does LG put them out?
I bought a Samsung Tab 10.1, a few years back, before I had my first Android phone. I used the crap out of it and loved it, but I have no real use for a tablet, now; if I did, I would be all over this one.
I don’t have a G spot to put this G pad.
So it’s a Meh for me.
MY Galaxy Tab pro has 2.3GHZ quad core and 2560 x 1600 screen. Will I notice the difference? (These tablets went on the market about the same time). I don’t think anyone is going to talk me out of this LG-G !!
How do you get the extra 64gb card for $20 that’s in the description?
@dbevensjr This is the first result I got on a search for 64gb sd - is $19.99 close enough?
@dbevensjr Don’t put a junk SD card in your tablet though. If you’re going to put any apps on there it will be a bottleneck and slow things down noticeably (at least to me). Even copying media files back and forth could be agonizingly slow (like 8x slower).
I bought mine for clash royale
I can’t believe I just bought this without even conferring (for technical advice, not permission) with The Spouse. That’s what happens when I’m up at 2:45 am and he’s sleeping. “gullible-unadvised-polish” Yep, that pretty well identifies the situation.
/giphy magic cave

My girlfriend could maybe use this for her art: drawing etc… Would this be a good tablet for that?
@AlexisB you want to buy something that has a wacom digitizer built-in. This allows for pressure sensitivity on the screen to be registered. It’s like if you’re sketching with a pencil and you have light strokes and hard strokes, a wacom digitizer will pick that up where as a standard capacitance screen will not. The Samsung Galaxy NOTE series uses a wacom digitizer. There are other manufacturers out there that also use wacom digitizer in the screen, it’s a must for a digital artist. This LG tablet does not have that feature .
@AlexisB gak0090 is absolutely correct; you want a more sensitive digitizer for artwork than the usual tablet has.
I have the Galaxy Note Pro 12.2, and it’s a gorgeous thing. Wrote a review for it here if you’re interested.
If Meh releases that background picture with Irk, I’m in for one.
@caffeineguy /giphy karaoke
I used the original LG G Pad for a year or so, loved it! Replaced it with a Galaxy S with the larger screen, but this is really a great deal for the LG. Tempted to get it for the grandson, he is hell on tablets and I really don’t WANT him to have 4G.
I’d be in if I didn’t already have a 10.5" Galaxy Tab S. Bought that new and spent a ton more than this is listed for. That said, it’s going on 2 years old and it still does everything I want in a tablet. This is the first time I’ve gone over a year with a piece of tech and didn’t start pining for something newer so I feel like I made a good decision on it.
Only 2GB RAM means I don’t NEED to “upgrade” to this. No thanks meh!
Android 5.1???
Helloooo LG - a bit tardy with the updates? 7.0 is out in two weeks!!!
@MrJazz You’ve pretty much hit on why it is here …
/youtube Mel brooks tablet
I was right on the edge of buying this until reading a review,
“My only complaint is the bloatware and inability to remove them”
Interest gone. I love my android phone; I despise the bloatware. Fuck off, beats.
The 2GB is a deal breaker - lots of apps can’t be swapped into SD which means my phone and current tablet (both 16GB) are often pushing for memory.
@Thinkerer This does have 16GB of storage.
@Thinkerer expanding as @ELUNO says this the 2GB figure is operating memory and you’re missing the storage figure (16GB). Apple started this environment by not speaking of operating ram at all.
they dont speak of it because up until last year, almost every IOS product had only 1 gig of ram
even the ipad air 1 and the iphone 6 only have 1 gig of ram
@communist I’m too old to complain. I upgraded my Apple ][ to 64k with a language card in the 70s and bought and sold thousands of 20MB hard drives in the 90s. A gig seems like a lot of ram.
@snapster My first hard drive was a 100MB external SCSI for my Mac 512Ke. I paid around $1,100 for the hard drive!
@snapster I still have a Seagate ST-225 somewhere, and it was probably formatted RLL for a whopping 30 megabytes of storage!
Did Synapse Micro ever advertise in the Computer Shopper back in those days?
Yeah, okay fine… Jammed Cavernous Shark
Does that baby arm app come preinstalled? Tell me it’s available for Windows 10 mobile too! Meh, even Amazon left win10 mobile, I’m probably the only one left who cares.
LOL at the specs on Amazon. Careful, you don’t want to drop it and damage the hard drive.
@GLaDOS I found a picture of it

@GLaDOS A flash drive is still relatively “hard”. It’s certainly not floppy.
@medz Not if you keep talking to it like that.
I wonder how this would compare to my Samsung Galaxy Note 2014 Edition which I use daily. It appears to have a faster processor but less RAM.
@stet assuming your talking about the 10.1" galaxy Note 2014, the LG is NOT as good. It doesn’t have the resolution (Note is 2560x1600) nor does it have the wacom digitizer that Note’s have. I would take your 2014 Galaxy Note (even though it has an older OS) any day over this LG Pad.
@gak0090 Thanks for the reply. I’ll keep with what I have. I do use it daily and love it but the battery is starting to age.
Looks like this should be sufficient to my difficult expectations of a tablet: crisp display of webpages, ebooks, and PDFs, with occasional use as a video or music player. And I’ve got SD cards aplenty for expanding storage space.
/giphy apathetic synonymous volleyball

This will play Hearthstone fine, right?
@Lazarpandar yes it will play hearthstone fine
@communist Thanks!
Like the bastardized Galaxy Tab 3’s Meh sold once upon a time, it doesn’t look like you can run Cyanogenmod on this thing yet either. Without the ability to individually deny permission to apps, I can’t get on board with this.
Edit: Actually-- The Tab3’s were bought on that ‘other’ site, a long time ago in an Internet far-far away…
@caffeineguy you can say woot here
@communist I know that-- I also know that I can say Fuck too. I’m so angry with how Amazon raped and pillaged that place, then put up a mini mall after the dust cleared, I don’t even like mentioning it by name and giving the web crawlers anything to chomp on.

/giphy woot surprise sex
@communist I wonder why you can’t? I thought Cyanogenmod—I thought you could install it about anywhere–I don’t know any of the technical stuff though. o.k. you might have swayed me from buying it. Back to the reviews I go. First I was like “that’s not much money”, then I realized 84 was closer to 100 than it was to 50. But, ya know, I don’t want that VMP to go to waste. Decisions are hard on me. thanks for bearing with me. I don’t know if Meh has a filter to filter out users or not.
@wew The problem is that vendors (and cell phone companies) sometimes lock down the bootloaders, citing warranty concerns, but they are really concerned about protecting their bloatware, maintaining their back doors, and ‘features’ that restrict you (like metered wifi tethering, roaming options, etc)
@wew The other thing pertains to open source software. Projects like cyanogenmod sometimes depend on having source code to products to get their automated builds to work. LG, Samsung, etc all have to make source code available when they use open source software in their products, but if they use a proprietary chipset (wifi, camera, etc) they don’t have to provide source for that, so you only have the source code to ‘build’ 90% of the system, let alone sign the resulting binary, load it, etc.
My first meh. purchase!!! yay!!! different-prudish-meal, I hope a bot comes up with these names.
@growyoungagain dont forget to buy a micro sd card, for movies games and apps that support sd card storage
@growyoungagain welcome.
/giphy Jesse Pinkman

@connorbush Thanks, I’ve seen a few(too many) of BB eps.
@growyoungagain I sincerely hope it’s everything you dreamt it would be.
@wew I’m on page 44 of the manual and it reads like it’s rocket science. I hope it lives up to it’s expectations. I’m no rocket surgeon, I’ll probably only use about 5% of it’s functions.(%
@growyoungagain Ha! I got your comment in the mail and said “Dog gone it, I’m buying one!” Alas, I’m too late even for the VMP I guess. Let the remorse begin! All I can find is a snotty “Why don’t you try Amazon?”
@wew Don’t do Amazon, wait for meh. I think they got the msg. that we’re interested in good Androids.
/giphy okay?

@WSADKeysGaming why stop there https://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B00V62XBQQ/ref=dp_olp_used?ie=UTF8&condition=used
200gigs for only $68-$70
previous returns sold by amazon warehouse deals
Looks like no circuits were broken for this meh today.
@beachhead Almost 650 sold; pretty big number for the $$ amount

/giphy big number
@compunaut yes!! Pete and Pete
For prosperity
@capguncowboy heh. 69.
Did y’all receive your G Pad? Thoughts? Micro-reviews?
@connorbush I came to ask the same question.
It arrived. Awesome.
@connorbush thoughts? how do you like it?
Warning: my tablet developed bubbles under the glass after less than 2 months of use. It looked like the glass was un-adhereing from the plastic under it and it was spreading, so I contacted Meh about it. Meh didn’t have any for replacement so suggested I turn it in to LG for repair/replacement. The tablet has not been dropped or exposed to water or anything everyone knows not to do with a tablet (and it has a case). I’m the only one who uses this tablet and I know how I treat it. After FedExing it to LG, LG declined the warranty due to either it being out of warranty OR due to water damage (they don’t say which) and wants almost $300 to repair it. My choice is I will not pay to repair something that should be under warranty and costs more to repair it than I originally paid. I think this is an inferior product and inferior customer service from LG. It should be in warranty (1 year from date of purchase) and the water damage assertion is ludicrous. Anyway, buyer beware if this comes back up on Meh. Otherwise the tablet works fine. But eventually the bubbles will probably spread and I wonder if the touchscreen will work at that point (plus they pretty much ruin the screen for viewing if they spread beyond the edge). End of rant.
@vanblu sorry to hear that. I bought 1 and it’s slower to load than my Samsung and has a few quirks. I’m not totally optimistic about the tablet, the way things go for me I’m just waiting for some big glitch to happen. But I pray that it doesn’t, neverless we SHOULD have some warranty cover. What is meh doing about it??
@growyoungagain The warranty is 1 year parts and labor. That’s why I sent it in. I went on the LG site and it said my tablet was under warranty and eligible for mail-in repair. So I got a RA # and mailed it in. I obviously would not recommend doing that now after my experience.
Update: the tablet was returned from LG “repair” totally unusable. The case was not snapped shut all the way (
), there was a bulge in the casing, and the tablet will not boot, charge or do anything (
). It went from a cosmetically flawed, fully-functional tablet to a $184 paperweight after going through LG inspection and non-repair. When we called LG to see what they would do about the additional damage caused while in their care, we were told nothing would be done and in fact no one at LG even opened the case once they saw the “crack” on the screen. Two issues with that: the case was obviously opened because it was not snapped all the way shut when we got it back and there was no crack on the screen, just the bubbles under the screen. They also noted a “broken cable” in the inner workings on the documentation we got back - I’m not sure how they can claim to know that if they didn’t open the case. This was not damage caused during shipment - cases don’t unsnap themselves from the inside during shipment. My packaging to them was even more padded than their packaging back to me (several layers of bubble wrap around and on the ends inside the box - this is my tablet, I wanted it back to use even if they wouldn’t fix the cosmetic damage).
Anyway, again, buyer beware. I will never purchase another LG product. No one in my family will ever purchase another LG product if I can help it. It blows my mind that I sent in a working, fully-functional tablet, got back one that has catastrophic issues, and LG won’t do anything about it and even denies doing what it is obvious they did (open the case). We’ve taken this up with Meh, with LG (multiple times) and with our credit card company. Meh and the CC company are not part of my complaint. LG has been horrible and caused damage to my tablet they will not own up to or repair.
@vanblu That’s horrible and truly, truly SUCKS and here I thought that LG was an upper end product. C’mon meh @hollboll you’ve got to make it right. You sold alotof these and you’ve got the means to order some other Android tablet as a replacement. So “Just do it”
@vanblu hang tight, we’re going to reach out to our LG rep to see what’s going on here. Def not okay. If they continue to suck we’ll get that back for a refund.
I am singing Meh’s praises from the highest mountain. Holly at Meh really stepped up and my LG tablet is with FedEx for return to Meh for a refund. I can’t say enough about Meh’s customer service. It’s wonderful to talk to real people who have real feelings and are empowered to make decisions to help their customers. THANK YOU.
For an update on what we found when we opened the tablet up, https://imgur.com/gallery/sHpSq. We found the source of the bulge and why it wouldn’t boot. We didn’t find corrosion, a cracked/bleeding LCD, or a broken cable.
Ok, after some hard use since receiving this, thought I would chime in late! Very happy with it, battery gets about a solid 8-9 hours (no video streaming included) of continuous use, I have not had any issues with ram, storage or speed. I added an sd card but have very little need for it other than storing movies and music.
I am seeing the “bubble” starting to appear in the top right corner, it almost looks like it is delaminating, but, the touch still functions where the bubble is, so it is cosmetic only. Overall, well worth the price paid.
I will be back in 6 months to review my shark steam mop!
Dang, got excited for a minute. I need a new tablet.
Start a new thread asking for suggestions.
For extra help, give things like budget, OS, and ideal specs.
@PlacidPenguin I did a while back when I busted this one, but I was able to fix it. But it’s fragile and keeps getting reinjured so it’s about time to replace it. I just dropped a fortune on vet bills though, and I’m not done, so I really ought to hold off. Thanks.