@duodec I think the 31st won't happen. It'd be a great April fools day prank however. 2 for Tuesday fukubukuros! However if they ship in the same box... How does one know how many are in the same box? By the number of red bags in the box? Great my next fukubukuro will just be red bags. (Please for the love of Irk include speaker docks and built ny too?)
@jsh139@conandlibrarian@duodec This video suggests that @kc5rbq is correct. FWIW. But @shawn made me wonder if maybe I was pronouncing it wrong. I think the thing is that his emphasis is so heavy.
In fairness, honestly, I usually just say "fuku," which sounds a lot like "fuck you." And I'm more likely to say, "fuck you, buckaroo" than "fukubukoro" per se.
@joelmw Rather sounds like the last two syllables are de-emphasized, if only by tone. The 'bu' does therefore assume a point of interest, if not emphasis, by its placement as the last syllable of the word that is not 'trailing off'. Maybe the Japanese have a different interpretation and place the sneaky complexity of the word on its least heard syllables. But being this is Meh, the most irreverent forum in the world and would blow most language classes clean off, you've gotta ask yourself one question: "Do I give a shit?" Well do ya, former Goat?
@duodec I give several shits. It's a bad habit I have. But my giving a shit (or several) doesn't necessarily imply that I'm committed to a particular opinion--it quite often means exactly the opposite (i.e., that I'd rather keep my options open).
Also, I think I kinda agree with your analysis (different bits in varying degrees). I did in fact hear emphasis on the boo.
Has anyone else been having issues loading the site at midnight in general? I usually can't get it to load right at midnight anymore, usually 12:01 or 12:02+ for me lately.
@TaRDy Yes. Kind of worrying me too. I'm there on the dot clicking, don't need 1000 folks magically swooping in and selling out ahead of me. Had the last one in my cart when everything crashed.
Shawn, just so you know - geek to geek - when they ask you to do a video, they are making fun of your nerdy, boring, extremely lame delivery. They are not doing it because you have real information.
@lumber5607 I showed the video to two nerds and a spaz. I didn't get any useful insights, but I now have a much deeper understanding of the Kirk vs Picard debate.
@Matthew How did you light this? How did you set your white balance? His right side is more blue (suggesting daylight) and his left is more orange (suggesting artificial light). I don't remember how much video experience you had before making these for Meh, so hopefully I'm not stepping on your toes, but I'd suggest next time either closing the blinds and using just your lights, or if you want to keep the blinds open (since the shadow of the blinds livened up the background some), use a correcting gel on your lights to more closely match the daylight. If your lights are LEDs, you can probably even adjust the temperature they put out; aim for around 5600K.
@jqubed I noticed the same, and have noticed other past issues, but I sit on my hands realizing I'd be critiquing a mediocre production, by definition.
@Pavlov I think they've been pretty good overall, but color temperature seems like one of those things people don't really recognize until they're taught it (they might see something is off, but not realize what). If Matthew, or whoever shot it, didn't know about mixing color temps because they didn't have formal training, it seems like one of those quick explanations that can make a big difference.
@jqubed I understand your point, the issue from my point of view is that then I'll expect they actually listen and when they don't act upon the suggestion (as in going as far as I would and gel the florescent fixtures in the ceiling or buy a decent Ikan 3-point kit [and use it properly] and buy and use use a slider [or another camera and do B-roll]) well, it is really just going to, really IRK me.
@Pavlov Whoa whoa whoa, sliders, second camera? You've been in the high dollar production world for too long! :-P Come spend a few days at our low-budget TV news operation. This is the cheap new camera they got us, and it still makes a better picture than the PMW 100s we had been using even though the codec was better. You'll remember all the quick tricks you had to use when time was a factor, the equipment was limited, and good enough was good enough. ;-)
Do you think there will be an OHSHIT report for fuku #5, and if so, when exactly will the events of that report take place?
@lichme I'm still waiting for the lantern Ohshit @JonT will that one be public? :)
I'm guessing Fukubukuro 5 is happening this week. Nice harbinger of doom here.
Best guess is April 1st.
@BillLehecka Or March 31st. Or April 2nd. April 1st would be so... so... pedestrian
@duodec I think the 31st won't happen. It'd be a great April fools day prank however. 2 for Tuesday fukubukuros! However if they ship in the same box... How does one know how many are in the same box? By the number of red bags in the box?
Great my next fukubukuro will just be red bags. (Please for the love of Irk include speaker docks and built ny too?)
@BillLehecka You know, they'll make the 'buy it' button not work, or jump around.
I love purple.
Called it! Where's my bookie? Also, @shawn was wrong... Took 5 minutes with no hitches, not 2 and a half.
Oh shit, @shawn, you're pronouncing fukubukuro wrong!! Follow Irk's example and put the emphasis on the 'bu' ;)
@jsh139 I was hearing the same thing! I kept wanting to correct him.
@jsh139 Foo koo BOO koo row
@jsh139 @conanlibrarian @duodec The Japanese formally do not use emphasis, so it's foo-koo-boo-koo-roh
@kc5rbq (Yawn) well then like quiet unemphasized banzai, eh?
@jsh139 @conandlibrarian @duodec This video suggests that @kc5rbq is correct. FWIW. But @shawn made me wonder if maybe I was pronouncing it wrong. I think the thing is that his emphasis is so heavy.
In fairness, honestly, I usually just say "fuku," which sounds a lot like "fuck you." And I'm more likely to say, "fuck you, buckaroo" than "fukubukoro" per se.
@joelmw Yep, that's how I've been saying it in my mind.
@joelmw Rather sounds like the last two syllables are de-emphasized, if only by tone. The 'bu' does therefore assume a point of interest, if not emphasis, by its placement as the last syllable of the word that is not 'trailing off'. Maybe the Japanese have a different interpretation and place the sneaky complexity of the word on its least heard syllables. But being this is Meh, the most irreverent forum in the world and would blow most language classes clean off, you've gotta ask yourself one question: "Do I give a shit?" Well do ya, former Goat?
@duodec I give several shits. It's a bad habit I have. But my giving a shit (or several) doesn't necessarily imply that I'm committed to a particular opinion--it quite often means exactly the opposite (i.e., that I'd rather keep my options open).
Also, I think I kinda agree with your analysis (different bits in varying degrees). I did in fact hear emphasis on the boo.
@duodec This is by no means the most irreverent forum in the world, not by a long shot.
@jqubed Maybe so but since I'm not on those boards they don't matter.
@joelmw Agreed, I heard emphasis on the "bu" as well
yes, i think we will be seeing a fuku the first part of the week.
He has an Apple laptop? Negative one coolness point for Shawn.
infinity minus one is infinity
@juststephen don't be a hater because you can't afford one.
@juststephen how quickly we forget.
@Headly Technically could, but I wouldn't want one.
@juststephen Hate to burst your bubble, but Meh is an Apple laptop company.
@juststephen Careful not to cut yourself on that edge.
@juststephen OK. Regardless of OS best laptop I've ever owned...
@cleverogre I like this "coexist" image better..
Ixia makes nice load generating hardware, if you have All The Money. Of course, I have no idea how it works for AWS hosted sites...
I favstarred this
Fuku 5
1400 units sold
sold out 12:02EST
hmmm, maybe we should wish for a server crash
@communist 1400? I saw 1029, but when I checked again now I see 1028.. odd
:-| I thought it was pronounced "Os-hit."
That video was so much more interesting than I thought it'd be. More!
Has anyone else been having issues loading the site at midnight in general? I usually can't get it to load right at midnight anymore, usually 12:01 or 12:02+ for me lately.
@TaRDy Yes. Kind of worrying me too. I'm there on the dot clicking, don't need 1000 folks magically swooping in and selling out ahead of me. Had the last one in my cart when everything crashed.
@TaRDy @UgaDogCH YESSSS!!!!! Gawd, it's driving me crazy. And giving me the shakes thinking I might miss another fuku.
10:59pm Central - Just before a Fukubukuro is posted...

I'm very happy that this video has given us some good @shawn gifs.
Me too. if you have any created internally, please share!
@medz All I can hear when watching the second one there is windshield wipers going back and forth.
@shawn seems much more uncomfortable with the whole video interview than I would have thought.
@shawn omg that's awesome.
@shawn @Bingo I was actually thinking how photogenic these damned kids all are. You did fine, @shawn. Better than fine.
@Bingo Maybe it bothers him more than it should?
Shawn, just so you know - geek to geek - when they ask you to do a video, they are making fun of your nerdy, boring, extremely lame delivery. They are not doing it because you have real information.
@lumber5607 I don't know about geeks... As a dweeb, I found it interesting and mildly entertaining.
@lumber5607 I showed the video to two nerds and a spaz. I didn't get any useful insights, but I now have a much deeper understanding of the Kirk vs Picard debate.
@Matthew How did you light this? How did you set your white balance? His right side is more blue (suggesting daylight) and his left is more orange (suggesting artificial light). I don't remember how much video experience you had before making these for Meh, so hopefully I'm not stepping on your toes, but I'd suggest next time either closing the blinds and using just your lights, or if you want to keep the blinds open (since the shadow of the blinds livened up the background some), use a correcting gel on your lights to more closely match the daylight. If your lights are LEDs, you can probably even adjust the temperature they put out; aim for around 5600K.
@jqubed Dude in background didn't really sound like Matthew...
@jqubed I noticed the same, and have noticed other past issues, but I sit on my hands realizing I'd be critiquing a mediocre production, by definition.
@medz I wasn't sure, but I figure since he's the Video Ombudsman he's the person to talk to.
@Pavlov I think they've been pretty good overall, but color temperature seems like one of those things people don't really recognize until they're taught it (they might see something is off, but not realize what). If Matthew, or whoever shot it, didn't know about mixing color temps because they didn't have formal training, it seems like one of those quick explanations that can make a big difference.
@jqubed I understand your point, the issue from my point of view is that then I'll expect they actually listen and when they don't act upon the suggestion (as in going as far as I would and gel the florescent fixtures in the ceiling or buy a decent Ikan 3-point kit [and use it properly] and buy and use use a slider [or another camera and do B-roll]) well, it is really just going to, really IRK me.
@jqubed And IMO, these single camera crop/jump cuts are jarring.
@Pavlov Whoa whoa whoa, sliders, second camera? You've been in the high dollar production world for too long! :-P Come spend a few days at our low-budget TV news operation. This is the cheap new camera they got us, and it still makes a better picture than the PMW 100s we had been using even though the codec was better. You'll remember all the quick tricks you had to use when time was a factor, the equipment was limited, and good enough was good enough. ;-)
@jqubed See - this is exactly why I sit on my hands. : P
@jqubed it says right there, "professional hd camcorder"
What more do you need?