Let's Play Even More: The Price is Just OK!


Welcome back to Act 3 of “The Price is Just OK”


A thinking person’s challenge for mediocre minds.

Two threads down and a new day dawns, so I’m kicking off one last (maybe? probably?) clean thread.

Rules below for those just tuning in.

The challenge will be a guessing game for the masses. For each* item listed today, you (Yes, you!) will have more chances at $10 coupons to waste…er spend on the item of your choice in our 10th year.

The rules for the game are simple: For every* product listed following this post, you will have 5 minutes to guess how many of that item will sell during the event. That is, how many can we get rid of before 12am EDT? You can guess at any time in the first 5 minutes the item is available. If you want to rethink your first guess, you can guess a second time in that 5-minute window, but only two guesses maximum per item, and edits will disqualify you for that item.

Your objective is to get as close to the total sold as possible without going over. The closest guesses at the end of the day will receive coupons. To keep from clogging up every product thread with guesses, please, post them within this topic. When a new product is listed, put the name of the product (copied from the product offer) and your guess. If someone has already created a comment for that product, please use the reply option to put your own guess there. No need to say “PIJO” since that’s all this thread is about. If you see “PIJO” in a product thread, please point that person here for this update.

Notes gleaned from the first day:
As always, guesses after the first 5 minutes will be ignored (yes we have timecodes for offers and your guesses), and if you guess more than twice we’ll still only take the second guess, which must also be inside the 5-minute window.

If anyone hits the number dead-on, their prize will be doubled (two $10 coupons) and the person with the most winning guesses (if anyone gets more than one) will receive an additional prize (TBD)!

Every product (with players) will have a winner and the same person can win more than once.

Ties will go to both players, but only two, so if it’s 3 or more people it’ll still only go to the first two people with that number.

Once again, keep an eye here for further clarification, sometimes things change.

*No guesses on IRKs. Those aren’t “products” and aren’t eligible for this game.

YOU are still the contestant! Come on down!