I’m pretty sure @therealjrn is going to say that the acronym is correct. It’s the provided definition that is revisionist history.
I’ve heard the term many times and I’ve never, ever heard it used in a context where the above definition could possibly apply.
@therealjrn - I sincerely can’t understand how you are still defending the guy if you know the truth. He radiates hate.
Do you watch any unbiased media sources, such as CSPAN, Reuters, AP, or BBC?
This may help:
@therealjrn - What? Trying to be helpful here.
And your op is clearly hateful propaganda against progressives.
Sorry you succumbed, seems like you could have been a decent person.
@kdemo@therealjrn That’s an interesting chart. Thanks for posting that. With the media outlets I am familiar with I’d basically agree with the characterizations on there for those.
@kdemo@therealjrn Looking into it further I believe that is the chart that came about due to research with multiple people ranking each outlet on a bunch of variables, looking at inter-rater agreement, and using raters with a variety of political persuasions, etc. If this is the one that resulted from that study then it is pretty free of political bias.
And you have made it clear on a variety of threads that you are pretty right leaning so conformation bias would be working in your case too, not just with people who don’t agree with you.
@therealjrn I know how you treat me isn’t how a decent person would treat others, but I thought that comment was aimed at @kdemo since the first comment was and you included kdemo in the response both times. You also stated that you didn’t think you had problems with anyone here… one would not guess that with how you trash me.
I can have my opinion and post it even if it doesn’t agree with yours. You can disregard mine as well you know - it ins’t just up to the person you dislike and disagree with to ignore you - however I do think that intelligent, thoughtful conversations that stick to the topic at hand and don’t involve name calling, etc. can be productive and sometimes can change people’s minds, or at least enlighten one about why someone else has an opinion different than theirs.
@Kidsandliz Here you go again, posting direct responses tagging me.
I’m truly puzzled why you would continue to do so.
I’m not going to keep reminding you I’m not a decent person, you have said as much yourself.
You perceive the truth about your long-term begging and posting over and over and over about how you just need money to fix the POD (problem of the day) as an “attack.” Us working folk out here get tired of it, that’s all.
LOL nobody is “attacking” you. You just can’t resist posting to keep your narrative going. That’s cool. Carry on.
@therealjrn I haven’t done so for months. You are the one who keeps bringing up, over and over, my gofundme that someone else posted here, without me asking them to do so, last November.
@Kidsandliz Oh jeeze, you are “forgetting” all the other posts you have made about your car, your vet bills, your computer, etc.
You just count on people not remembering and you clearly don’t “remember” the times you changed up your GoFundMe and posted it. You have had multiples of those posts. You don’t “remember” even a couple months back when those were resurrected for your review?
Your constant denial and reshaping of the narrative wears people down. It’s not worth it to go back and did up all those begging posts. You know this, you count on it, but there are a few of us who don’t forget.
You are intractably in need and will remain so as far as anybody can tell. You take money from those who really need it and give living on the dole a bad name.
I know you have to ALWAYS have the “last word” so here you go, you have the floor ma’am.
@therealjrn What you are forgetting is that I didn’t link to my gofundme or even initiate mentioning it in those posts in the goat threads. You, and a select small group of other bullies, are the ones who brought that up over and over.
To bring this back onto the political topic of this thread though much of the far right would like to remove entirely all of the safety net this country has. Lack of empathy is something I have never understood. Nor the claim that some of that group make that they are Christians and yet apparently either haven’t read the new testament or have forgotten what is in there. At least those who are stereotyped as progressive generally understand that a civilized society cares about all the people of this country and of other countries. I don’t agree with everything on their “platform” anymore than the platform of any other politically stereotyped group. I vote by looking at individual people’s stands on issues and their personal behavior, and so cross party lines when I vote.
What drives people of all political persuasions to turn absolutely everything into politics? Whether it’s buying chicken sandwiches, craft supplies, a particular brand of car / phone / athletic gear / coffee, or for whatever other reason, things must be turned political now.
I’m tired of the identity politics. I sit in the middle of the spectrum, which is to say that I’m pretty universally hated by the acquaintances holding both extreme left and right views in my Facebook and Twitter lists. Others like me are basically choosing to avoid areas where this is going on. I filter anything involving politics, COVID (apparently a proxy for politics), and protests (same) from my Facebook feed using Social Fixer, which removes about 20-25% of my feed.
Some of the smartest people I know lose all ability to reason when anything comes up that could remotely be considered political. Orange juice runs out at the local breakfast restaurant? Must be because Trump’s club in Florida took all of the orange juice from Florida so that no one else in the country can have it! Anything the House does is obviously anti-Trump and can’t possibly be because they want to achieve an outcome for their constituents! Someone told me the other day that the only reason Trump is taking action against TikTok (which represents a serious security threat with its data collection and exfiltration policies) was because kids who hate him enjoy the platform - nevermind that the TikTok app has a horrible history of collecting and exfiltrating private content, harboring pedophiles, etc.
It’s frustrating at best, and absolutely destructive at worst. And yet these people believe they’re doing good – the right believes that they’re being Christian in their beliefs, and the left believes they’re looking out for the little guy. And neither is really doing that.
Identity politics allow parties to put up bad candidates. They know that if they sell you an alignment to a (D) or an ®, it doesn’t matter that they nominate a serial sexual harrasser or a blithering dipshit - and if you think I’m talking about the “other party” from yours, you might want to look into who “our party” nominated, for whatever value of “our party” you subscribe to. They know that you’ll vote for the letter as opposed to a person.
One more point: early in my career, I attended a professional interpersonal skills course that was aimed at improving relationships with a broad, diverse set of people in the workplace who may have different objectives. One of the most important activities taught by that class for dealing with interpersonal conflicts is that you should identify 3-5 (minimally, at least 2) positive things about the person & their accomplishments, in a non-backhanded way. Try to use that before the hate gets spewed.
@therealjrn Well, that certainly works, and I’d also recommend it when the epithets start flying about politicians, too. As much as Trump can be an insufferable jackass, he has achieved some positive things (although blind rage keeps people from seeing, much less admitting it). Likewise, others may strongly disagree with nearly every policy Obama or Bush espoused, but objectively there are several positives there, too.
@chuegen@therealjrn Helps to use facts in one’s posts if you are trying to slice and dice someone though. A bit more effective. Beethoven wasn’t deaf for most of his life and as a composer prodigy his career started when he was just a child.
Say there KaL, you have astonishing persistence(1) in continuing the false narrative that you don’t beg for money.
And you are amazingly consistent(2) in tracking what you perceive as “attacks.”
And finally (3) You are super friendly in greeting new posters in the IRK threads, thus solidifying your attempted appearance of normalcy whilst simultaneously grooming them for donations…
@therealjrn Bullies always feel good when they dump on people. Practice it enough and you might even get good at it. And of course you have figured out a good way to show off your character. You must be so proud.
This ad is just plain sad. Is that the best they can come up with?
@ELUNO Oh, there’s lot’s more. But ads aren’t going to sway the party faithful. I just thought it was interesting. Thanks for watching.
/I now return you to your TDS
@ELUNO @therealjrn
@ELUNO @kdemo
Wow, rewrite history much? #fakenews LOL
@ELUNO @kdemo @therealjrn So that’s what TDS stands for? I always thought is meant trump dick sucker.
@ELUNO @kdemo @therealjrn @yakkoTDI
I’m pretty sure @therealjrn is going to say that the acronym is correct. It’s the provided definition that is revisionist history.
I’ve heard the term many times and I’ve never, ever heard it used in a context where the above definition could possibly apply.
The Wikipedia write-up is pretty good:
@kdemo @therealjrn @yakkoTDI at least Stormy Daniels got paid for it
@ELUNO @kdemo @therealjrn @yakkoTDI
You were correct!
Regardless of your TDS, @KDEMO’s post was the best [until @CINOCLAV’s.
Flo is my favorite Progressive.
@cranky1950 what does that crackhead communist want now? Home and auto insurance for everyone?!?
@ELUNO Ha what meth induced blither blather are you drizzling over your chin now?
Hey buddy…this is supposed to be about the progressives. You seem to have a little preoccupation with Trump.
TDS much?
@therealjrn - I sincerely can’t understand how you are still defending the guy if you know the truth. He radiates hate.
Do you watch any unbiased media sources, such as CSPAN, Reuters, AP, or BBC?
This may help:
@kdemo Heh, what a bullshit chart. And instead of talking about progressives, all I see is more hate speech from the left. lol
@therealjrn - What? Trying to be helpful here.
And your op is clearly hateful propaganda against progressives.
Sorry you succumbed, seems like you could have been a decent person.
Now I’m “not a decent person” for pointing out how much the left is skewed.
FWIW I think you’re an okay person. I don’t have too many problems with anybody on here. Have a nice evening.
@kdemo @therealjrn That’s an interesting chart. Thanks for posting that. With the media outlets I am familiar with I’d basically agree with the characterizations on there for those.
@kdemo @Kidsandliz If you believe in things like confirmation bias, that chart is fine.
But that chart is not accurate at all. CNN in particular along with the Wappo and the NYT are et up with left bias.
I’m not a decent person so just dismiss my opinion wholesale, thanks.
@kdemo @therealjrn Looking into it further I believe that is the chart that came about due to research with multiple people ranking each outlet on a bunch of variables, looking at inter-rater agreement, and using raters with a variety of political persuasions, etc. If this is the one that resulted from that study then it is pretty free of political bias.
And you have made it clear on a variety of threads that you are pretty right leaning so conformation bias would be working in your case too, not just with people who don’t agree with you.
@kdemo @Kidsandliz Why do you continue to talk to me? I’m not a decent person KaL.
That chart is very, very wrong. But I already asked you to disregard my comments.
@therealjrn I know how you treat me isn’t how a decent person would treat others, but I thought that comment was aimed at @kdemo since the first comment was and you included kdemo in the response both times. You also stated that you didn’t think you had problems with anyone here… one would not guess that with how you trash me.
I can have my opinion and post it even if it doesn’t agree with yours. You can disregard mine as well you know - it ins’t just up to the person you dislike and disagree with to ignore you - however I do think that intelligent, thoughtful conversations that stick to the topic at hand and don’t involve name calling, etc. can be productive and sometimes can change people’s minds, or at least enlighten one about why someone else has an opinion different than theirs.
@Kidsandliz Here you go again, posting direct responses tagging me.
I’m truly puzzled why you would continue to do so.
I’m not going to keep reminding you I’m not a decent person, you have said as much yourself.
You perceive the truth about your long-term begging and posting over and over and over about how you just need money to fix the POD (problem of the day) as an “attack.” Us working folk out here get tired of it, that’s all.
LOL nobody is “attacking” you. You just can’t resist posting to keep your narrative going. That’s cool. Carry on.
@therealjrn I haven’t done so for months. You are the one who keeps bringing up, over and over, my gofundme that someone else posted here, without me asking them to do so, last November.
@Kidsandliz Oh jeeze, you are “forgetting” all the other posts you have made about your car, your vet bills, your computer, etc.
You just count on people not remembering and you clearly don’t “remember” the times you changed up your GoFundMe and posted it. You have had multiples of those posts. You don’t “remember” even a couple months back when those were resurrected for your review?
Your constant denial and reshaping of the narrative wears people down. It’s not worth it to go back and did up all those begging posts. You know this, you count on it, but there are a few of us who don’t forget.
You are intractably in need and will remain so as far as anybody can tell. You take money from those who really need it and give living on the dole a bad name.
I know you have to ALWAYS have the “last word” so here you go, you have the floor ma’am.
@therealjrn What you are forgetting is that I didn’t link to my gofundme or even initiate mentioning it in those posts in the goat threads. You, and a select small group of other bullies, are the ones who brought that up over and over.
To bring this back onto the political topic of this thread though much of the far right would like to remove entirely all of the safety net this country has. Lack of empathy is something I have never understood. Nor the claim that some of that group make that they are Christians and yet apparently either haven’t read the new testament or have forgotten what is in there. At least those who are stereotyped as progressive generally understand that a civilized society cares about all the people of this country and of other countries. I don’t agree with everything on their “platform” anymore than the platform of any other politically stereotyped group. I vote by looking at individual people’s stands on issues and their personal behavior, and so cross party lines when I vote.
Naw, I thought the toons were funny, well maybe ironic is a better term.
Yet they had nothing to do with the progressives. Thanks for “sharing.”
I like Jamie for my favorite progressive. He’s a true renaissance man.
@zinimusprime He’s way better than Flo.
Dream Theater, or maybe Rush.
@Limewater Maybe? There would be no Dream Theater without Rush having influenced them!
What drives people of all political persuasions to turn absolutely everything into politics? Whether it’s buying chicken sandwiches, craft supplies, a particular brand of car / phone / athletic gear / coffee, or for whatever other reason, things must be turned political now.
I’m tired of the identity politics. I sit in the middle of the spectrum, which is to say that I’m pretty universally hated by the acquaintances holding both extreme left and right views in my Facebook and Twitter lists. Others like me are basically choosing to avoid areas where this is going on. I filter anything involving politics, COVID (apparently a proxy for politics), and protests (same) from my Facebook feed using Social Fixer, which removes about 20-25% of my feed.
Some of the smartest people I know lose all ability to reason when anything comes up that could remotely be considered political. Orange juice runs out at the local breakfast restaurant? Must be because Trump’s club in Florida took all of the orange juice from Florida so that no one else in the country can have it! Anything the House does is obviously anti-Trump and can’t possibly be because they want to achieve an outcome for their constituents! Someone told me the other day that the only reason Trump is taking action against TikTok (which represents a serious security threat with its data collection and exfiltration policies) was because kids who hate him enjoy the platform - nevermind that the TikTok app has a horrible history of collecting and exfiltrating private content, harboring pedophiles, etc.
It’s frustrating at best, and absolutely destructive at worst. And yet these people believe they’re doing good – the right believes that they’re being Christian in their beliefs, and the left believes they’re looking out for the little guy. And neither is really doing that.
Identity politics allow parties to put up bad candidates. They know that if they sell you an alignment to a (D) or an ®, it doesn’t matter that they nominate a serial sexual harrasser or a blithering dipshit - and if you think I’m talking about the “other party” from yours, you might want to look into who “our party” nominated, for whatever value of “our party” you subscribe to. They know that you’ll vote for the letter as opposed to a person.
Meh. Be a good human.
@mediocrebot You don’t know what a rant is, my metallic friend.
One more point: early in my career, I attended a professional interpersonal skills course that was aimed at improving relationships with a broad, diverse set of people in the workplace who may have different objectives. One of the most important activities taught by that class for dealing with interpersonal conflicts is that you should identify 3-5 (minimally, at least 2) positive things about the person & their accomplishments, in a non-backhanded way. Try to use that before the hate gets spewed.
Thanks @chuegen. I’m going to try that.
@therealjrn Well, that certainly works, and I’d also recommend it when the epithets start flying about politicians, too. As much as Trump can be an insufferable jackass, he has achieved some positive things (although blind rage keeps people from seeing, much less admitting it). Likewise, others may strongly disagree with nearly every policy Obama or Bush espoused, but objectively there are several positives there, too.
@chuegen I may have to do it more frequently because there is this one poster who keeps following me around and trying to start stuff with me.
I don’t get it, what’s in it for her???
@chuegen @therealjrn Helps to use facts in one’s posts if you are trying to slice and dice someone though. A bit more effective. Beethoven wasn’t deaf for most of his life and as a composer prodigy his career started when he was just a child.
@chuegen @Kidsandliz @therealjrn
Say there KaL, you have astonishing persistence(1) in continuing the false narrative that you don’t beg for money.
And you are amazingly consistent(2) in tracking what you perceive as “attacks.”
And finally (3) You are super friendly in greeting new posters in the IRK threads, thus solidifying your attempted appearance of normalcy whilst simultaneously grooming them for donations…
Yeah, this stuff works! I feel much better
@therealjrn Bullies always feel good when they dump on people. Practice it enough and you might even get good at it. And of course you have figured out a good way to show off your character. You must be so proud.
Carry on.