Least crappy things you've stuck in your ears?

rv617 went on a bit of a rant said

I have two ears. And every so often, I like to stick things in them. Usually these things take the form of cheap, crappy-sounding earbuds that I bought for $8.99 and that fall apart before I even have a chance to lose them behind the cluttered trash heap I call my desk.

Here’s the thing – I write for a living, often camping out in libraries or cafes when I can’t bear the thought of staring at the walls of my office for a moment longer. The problem is, other people tend to congregate at these venues and flap their gums with abandon. Which brings me back to the earbuds I use to shut out the inevitable conversations about low-carb diets and sale-priced yoga pants and urinary tract infections and whatever other distressingly prosaic matters with which these people feel they’re justified in assaulting my eardrums.

My question to you is this: have you purchased any earbuds or headphones from Meh (or, heaven forfend, elsewhere) that a) don’t make John Coltrane’s saxophone sound like a dying goose b) don’t look like a Rastafarian vomited on my head and c) don’t cost more than a black-market human kidney in Bangkok?

Thanks for your two cents!