Learning to sew part 1.


Hello friends!

So a thing happened a few weeks ago and I'm just now able to share with you. A few weeks ago one of our Mehricans @Eris discovered a long-kept secret of mine. Despite taking Home Economics and being a girl scout, I never learned to sew.

I was told to hang tight and that I'd receive a mysterious package. So I did and low and behold guess what showed up:

That's right. An American Girl crafts Sew and Stuff Kit. Which will let me sew one bear for me and one for my (nonexistent) doll.

So I set to work. Of course I skimmed the directions and spread everything out:

Then I started, immediately broke the thing that threads the needle, kind of fixed it and started again. It took me a few tries but I eventually got the eye stuck on there.

Those cold dead eyes.

I got the beady little eyes on the little bear, and attached both noses. That's where we're at for now. I lost the thing that threads the needle over the weekend so I'll have to get a new one and then we'll see what happens. But for now let these somewhat nice looking bears lull you into a false sense of security and see how they are corrupt—err finished.