@narfcake LA looks like a great place to not live.
In DC, just imagine how much more work they would not get done if they could get to their offices sooner.
The best excuse I got out of a student was that the farmer was crossing the cows and he had to wait until they were done crossing the road (turned out to be true too LOL; farmer did it twice a day to get them from one field to the other).
@f00l In Costa Rica you had to always be on the lookout for roaming cows, they were everywhere. They always seemed to be going somewhere, too, as if they had a schedule to keep. The farm where we stayed up in the mountains had automated milking stations, the cows ran loose on the property and whenever they felt like being milked they’d head over to a milking stall. None of the urgency of cows uncomfortably heavy with milk.
Here’s Bob trying to get past one on the road up to the house.
And a bunch of them on their way someplace in a little town where we stopped to eat and buy handicrafts.
/image LA traffic

/image hours wasted in traffic
@narfcake LA looks like a great place to not live.
In DC, just imagine how much more work they would not get done if they could get to their offices sooner.
@narfcake - Nightmare! But I think I know what’s causing the problem.
@phendrick Hah! The thing is, according to TomTom, LA’s congestion is worse.
@KDemo Yeah, nice try. All those cars have Euro sized plates.
@narfcake - You’re too smart for me.
Most places have traffic jams in one direction at a time. LA seems to be tied up in all directions at all times.
Was it this?
@f00l - Did you make the MST gif? So cool!
No, I lucked out. I just googled images for Meh, and some unsung genius had had done this image for us all.
My profound thanks to the anonymous whomever I failed to seek out and credit.
@f00l - I’ll add my thanks. But do you think they meant it to say “bilked”?
@f00l Did anyone (besides me) support their reboot of the series through Kickstarter?
Ive actually never seen MST. I was boycotting tv for some reason or other. I do get the idea. Someday I hope to watch a few of them.
What happened on the MST Kickstarter?
I fell asleep in the chair and didn’t set the alarm clock. Which is usually the case.

I hit the snooze alarm too many times.
@heartny - Love her so much! I think that’s her best. Didn’t realize it had a snooze button, though.

The best excuse I got out of a student was that the farmer was crossing the cows and he had to wait until they were done crossing the road (turned out to be true too LOL; farmer did it twice a day to get them from one field to the other).
I think there are places in Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, where herds of sheep have right of War even on major roads.

@f00l Yes when I worked in both England and Scotland there were fines for hitting/killing a sheep - even if they were sleeping in the road.
Yeah, I really ought to learn to read at some point. I hear that literacy is a good thing.
Actually I do have an excuse.
The “Sheeple Right Of War” post was composed on an escalator. When the escalator ride came to an end, so did what passes for my thought processes.
@f00l - I liked it, though! The rewritten history would be so much more entertaining.
@Kidsandliz And different, stranger, results for folks who didn’t kill sheep but did other things.
James Dickey, reading his poem The Sheep-Child:
https://www.theatlantic.com/past/docs/unbound/poetry/dickey/sheep.htm (requires RealAudio for, er, audio, but you can read it aloud by yourself if you wish.)
I used to have nightmares after hearing Dickey read it, but I’m better now [wriy grin]
@f00l In Costa Rica you had to always be on the lookout for roaming cows, they were everywhere. They always seemed to be going somewhere, too, as if they had a schedule to keep. The farm where we stayed up in the mountains had automated milking stations, the cows ran loose on the property and whenever they felt like being milked they’d head over to a milking stall. None of the urgency of cows uncomfortably heavy with milk.
Here’s Bob trying to get past one on the road up to the house.

And a bunch of them on their way someplace in a little town where we stopped to eat and buy handicrafts.
/youtube it’s that click streak that makes me crazy
Gotta love the ref reactions.
/image I lost my foot

It didn’t have a geolocator or Bluetooth tag? How careless of you.
@f00l naw man, that’s how they track you
Then I suppose we should rejoice. At least The Foot is a Free Foot.
/giphy "free foot"

Effing map pins. Always popping up in the middle of the road.
@KDemo We actually had something similar in the parking lot at work, courtesy of Capital One.
@heartny - Post-its would be cheaper.
But not as Capital-One-ish
@KDemo It’s a pushpin big enough to hold up my to-do list.
@thismyusername - Positron router malfunction.
The monitor needs another box of pixels.
so many chores

Apparently you can use dogs as an excuse for being late for work: