Last day to sign up for the (unofficial) mehrican exchange (like a fuku but better)
2Today, 2/11 (well unless you sneak in under the wire before I make assignments), is the last day to sign up for the Mehrican exchange (you send stuff you get stuff).
Here is the thread with all the info
And if you are in a hurry here is url to the sign up form
Come join us for the fun.
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/image bump

Hey @riotdemon you didn’t put all of your address - just your street part. Email me the rest of it at the exchange email so I can add it.
@Kidsandliz oopsie!
/giphy gratuitous bump

We are up to 31 folks from 26 with this last minute rush
I tried persuading several people to join, but I don’t think any of them did.
@PlacidPenguin Well it is what it is. Those of us doing it will have fun. And maybe this is something where we just shouldn’t do it very often… Of course if we did it shortly after a fuko and people missed getting that more might join LOL And we are up to 31… Since I can’t even begin to deal with this in the morning since I teach all morning that will give some procrastinators a chance.
OK so I won’t get to this until likely tomorrow evening. This means there is time to sneak in the door. Once I am working on it I will turn off the ability to sign up. So if you can still fill out the form then there is still time and you will be included.
Oops didn’t tell that “tomorrow” is defined at Tuesday evening…
The form let me fill it out, so I guess I’m in…?
@Pony yup. You are in. I have no time until tomorrow evening to deal with this so people continuing to sign up doesn’t make any difference with respect to work I need to do.
34 folks now