The minor goddess of Things That Stick in Drawers, Anoia is praised by rattling a drawer and crying “How can it close on the damned thing but not open with it? Who bought this? Do we ever use it?” - Terry Pratchett.
@Kerig3 Yes, me too. Some of my duplicates are in boxes in the attic. I think I’m a hoarder. Sometimes I wish my house would burn down so I could start all over again.
@Kerig3 & JohnMorris- Long live the Discworld and Terry the Pratchett- I loved those books, though the movie/series never did them justice, and I just now learned that TP died in 2015- God bless him for the hours of joy he gave me/us!
@cengland0 I hear you on the hoader thing (being that an illness took my life from upper-middle class to just under the poverty line) I have been reluctant to throwing anything away for the last 10 years. Maybe less hoarder and more “clutterer” because I’m always thinking that I may need it in the future and don’t want to have to buy it all over again. Now I don’t actually wish for a fire, but sometimes maybe a tornado…
@cengland0 That’s exactly what I was thinking. If I were just starting out… ok. I like buying decent household stuff but this stuff, I’ve had for decades.
@cengland0 Eh, we just had 7 feet of water in our basement last month and lost 35 years’ worth of weird crap and priceless mementos (basically what we didn’t lose in the flood 35 years ago), it’s really not that great. But maybe you’re right and a fire would be better!
It’s all cheap crap, cheaply priced. Good for a vacation home or some cabin in the woods that you only visit for a few weeks out of the year and don’t cook at much when you are there. Not terrible for a kid renting a house at college either. It is that time of year again.
@jandrese I have seen worse at some of the studio hotel rooms I have stayed in around the country- which are usually a mishmash of discarded and garage sale housewares you wouldn’t use any more at home.
@jandrese Unless you’re squeamish about used kitchen stuff you could probably get much better quality cheaper at a thrift store. I bet the knives are close to useless.
Looks like a deal off the old meh chopping block – umm ideal for dorms? Don’t know about y’all but didn’t want my children’s dorm roommates to have big KNIVES in their rooms
@AttyVette if you think your kid is gonna be stabbed by their roommate then maybe you should rethink sending them to that school…(or they should live at home.)
@Thumperchick I don’t even have counters the size of a middle schooler.
I did once buy a very large cutting board, like 3’×2’, maybe even bigger. It turned out that it was a few inches deeper than my counters where I lived at the time. I tried to make it work because it was so spacious but I couldn’t make it happen. I gave it to a chef friend who was very appreciative.
@djslack Wait, so is the consensus that it’s not actually that big? Cause if it’s actually 55x32, it’s tall enough to go on most amusement park rides… (4’7", or 140cm tall) If it is this big, I’m gonna buy it to see if I can take it on a roller coaster.
@tramposinho Actually, this product is more early Meh than a lot of the recent stuff.
Although, I’ll admit early Meh would have priced it at something more like $18 or perhaps $24.
BTW, congrats on chiming in for the first time in two years here!.. and while we can’t know whether you’ve been VMP all that time, having only 15 orders, your consternation is understandable.
@tramposinho No need for me to do so - the above info is public in your profile for anyone to view.
You’re plenty welcome to look at my profile - it’s open as well.
Simply click on a username to see their profile… but if they have something to hide, they might have made it private.
You can make your profile private if there’s something embarrassing in there… but by doing so you will be blocked from viewing others’ profiles. Go to your account page and edit the setting near the bottom of that page.
You might have noticed this place is all about opinions - sometimes strong opinions. Better to lurk if it is bothersome to have people react. BTW, my congrats on chiming in was sincere.
A bit overpriced, but I could see this in a car camping chuck box. I like how everything can fit in the dish rack. I’d buy that for $20. Change out for better knives, done!
Pretty clever. But I’m not in any demographic that would find much use for it, with or without shame. Besides, there are far worse things that can happen to you than having to eat wings every night.
You really missed an opportunity to remake the classic “Time in a Bottle” here…
If I could save a kitchen in a box The first thing that I’d like to do Is to put a number of inexpensive common utensils in it Just to cook food with you
@lifftchi I’m not 30 yet but I am planning to buy all of my “settling into a new apartment” stuff from Target, Ikea, Meh/Morningsave, and Chinese-American restaurant supply stores. I’m…weirdly excited for this.
Just need to get the apartment first, which hasn’t happened just yet. Insert whining about New York City real estate here.
@Kawa IKEA has some pretty bad-ass knives. Just remember not to throw them in a drawer (shudders harshly for longer than appropriate) - get a block or magnetic holder.
@Kawa Yeah, pretty much all my housewares and furniture come from IKEA. My advice is to avoid buying too much at once. Don’t get carried away.
Daiso is also extremely handy, but I’m not sure if you have any out there. (Japanese dollar store – excellent quality by dollar store standards, which is admittedly not a high bar.)
The vacationing germaphobe who refuses to use the kitchen equipment in Airbnbs can also buy with confidence, knowing her needs are being met by this all-purpose product. Just because other people are fine using poorly-washed spatulas that have been strewn willy-nilly throughout a rental kitchen’s dusty cabinets doesn’t mean she is.
This actually makes a lot of sense. I don’t really remember staying at a beach house rental where the kitchen stuff didn’t seem at least somewhat gross.
@jbartus … and here I am thinking twice about ordering anything over $100 for my Chevy – which was how much a “correct fitment” exhaust replacement could’ve ran … or I could spend $35 total for a new stainless muffler (sized to fit an Acura MDX), pipes sized to fit a Cadillac Seville (with the dreadful 4.1L V8), and make it work.
What I’ll do with a couple extra feet of pipe and the 3-bolt flange afterwards, I don’t know yet. I’ve been running a muffler that was from my Volvo for years on it already.
@narfcake what is the relative age of your Chevy to my Subaru though? I’ve got a 2014 Crosstrek under certified pre-owned warranties for the next 65000 miles.
@jbartus I just being a cheap ass, that’s all. I’ve done some not-so-minor repairs (head gasket, head, cooling, and suspension) in the past couple years on the notion that I know its quirks and the cost is way less than a replacement.
As long as I can keep it running well, I’ll do so, because even a 20+ year old truck with a bad engine fetches $1k here in SoCal.
@narfcake I dunno about your specific car but for me most 90s cars are too early to make all the electrical crap worthwhile and too new not to have that electronic crap.
@jbartus GM made them to the price, so it’s pretty simple. Manifold pressure, air and water temp, and crank position … and I think that’s it for engine management. Even the ignition system is simplified with the wasted spark method.
96+ was when OBD2 was enacted, so things got a bit more complicated the few years after.
@RiotDemon Don’t forget to buy a cut-proof glove- my first mandoline experiment was very colorful. Thanks Meh and that stupid microwave potato chip maker for the inspiration.
@sammydog01 I have a cheap mandoline now and I hesitate to use it because the little food holder thing sucks. (Not to mention the blade storage on it is terrible…) If they ever sell one, it definitely should include a glove.
Good luck with that. I’ve watched for that for many years. There’s far, far more crap or even stuff that works fine for about 10-20 uses… then turns to crap.
After wearing out or breaking a lot of mandolines over the years, the common factor that seemed to disappoint: being made of plastic.
The one that (mostly) has far outlasted all the others - a MIU Professional that I got several years ago from Costco with a nice case of blades for about 50 bucks. Heavy gauge stainless steel - built like a tank. Brass bushings for the table hinge/support.
Pretty large. A newer version is sold on Amazon (the photo).
The one shortcoming was the original food-holder - it worked great but was not as durable as the rest of the machine. Ended up contacting the company and after a debate they supplied a not quite as functional, but more durable replacement food holder that has lasted. (The original food holder had side rails that locked into the frame of the mandoline and gave a lot of control.)
@RedOak Amusing side story - the company gives the impression of somehow being French, the MIU name + “FRANCE” stamped under that logo, for example. I didn’t see any evidence of a “French connection”. Seemed like a company in California, perhaps farming the production out to somewhere in SE Asia.
They’ve also sold silicone baking mats via Costco, now also available on Amazon I noticed.
@cinoclav Wow, you’re lucky. If only Meh had included peanut butter and jelly spreaders in that same package too. Your status would have been elevated from lucky to legendary.
If anyone wants a donation for their local homeless or women’s shelter, this would be awesome for someone graduating from transitional housing. Also a good high school or college graduation gift.
I wouldn’t mind a Garage in a Box. My tool set is haphazard and in a 2 story house duplicate tools are always welcome.
Just an incredible collection of “chozzerai,” as my Uncle Sonya might say. I’ll invoke his favorite phrase, remembered from the ramshackle Borscht Belt bungalows he ran in the 1950s: “Taint woit uh nickel. Trow it 'n da gahbich!”
@SHOPHERENOW1 what do you mean? i just bought one like an hour ago. granted, it wasn’t on this site. and it was wasn’t for the same price. and it wasn’t either of these colors. but i bought it! or maybe it was something else. i’m not really sure. my “buy” finger just kind of does its own thing.
What’s in the Box?
1x 10" fry pan
1x 3-qt. covered saucepan
1x 7" mixing bowl
1x chopping board
1x 7" H x 19.5" W x 12.3"D dish rack
1x 1-cup container
1x 2-cup container
1x 4-cup container
1x 3.5" paring knife
1x 5" utility knife
1x 8" chef’s knife
1x 11" multi-tool
1x Knife block
White exploded
White collapsed
White stuff
Black exploded
Black collapsed
Black stuff
Pot thingy
Price Comparison
$58.79 at Amazon
90 Day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 13th - Thursday, July 16th
This is a half baked deal.
That would be a perfect item if I was just starting out in life. But I’m old and have all those items already.
@cengland0 I’m old enough to have several duplicates of those items…all shoved into a drawer that’s near impossible to open.
The minor goddess of Things That Stick in Drawers, Anoia is praised by rattling a drawer and crying “How can it close on the damned thing but not open with it? Who bought this? Do we ever use it?” - Terry Pratchett.
@Kerig3 Yes, me too. Some of my duplicates are in boxes in the attic. I think I’m a hoarder. Sometimes I wish my house would burn down so I could start all over again.
@Kerig3 Me too, and some of mine are in unopened padded enveloped with “Meh” on the return label.
@Kerig3 & JohnMorris- Long live the Discworld and Terry the Pratchett- I loved those books, though the movie/series never did them justice, and I just now learned that TP died in 2015- God bless him for the hours of joy he gave me/us!
@sammydog01 #relatable
@cengland0 I hear you on the hoader thing (being that an illness took my life from upper-middle class to just under the poverty line) I have been reluctant to throwing anything away for the last 10 years. Maybe less hoarder and more “clutterer” because I’m always thinking that I may need it in the future and don’t want to have to buy it all over again. Now I don’t actually wish for a fire, but sometimes maybe a tornado…

@cengland0 That’s exactly what I was thinking. If I were just starting out… ok. I like buying decent household stuff but this stuff, I’ve had for decades.
@Kerig3 What if the tornado hit another hoarder and deposited more stuff in your yard, got to be careful with those wishes
You’re gonna give me nightmares!
@cengland0 Eh, we just had 7 feet of water in our basement last month and lost 35 years’ worth of weird crap and priceless mementos (basically what we didn’t lose in the flood 35 years ago), it’s really not that great. But maybe you’re right and a fire would be better!
@mossygreen Even though life is rarely linear, the whole “starting over” thing generally sucks.
Sorry that happened.
Everything but the kitchen sink?
@sammydog01 Or a dishwasher.
@Kerig3 or a cook…
At least it’s not a D*** in a Box. Although there is a lot of junk…


/image junk in a box animated gif

It’s all cheap crap, cheaply priced. Good for a vacation home or some cabin in the woods that you only visit for a few weeks out of the year and don’t cook at much when you are there. Not terrible for a kid renting a house at college either. It is that time of year again.
@jandrese I have seen worse at some of the studio hotel rooms I have stayed in around the country- which are usually a mishmash of discarded and garage sale housewares you wouldn’t use any more at home.
@jandrese Unless you’re squeamish about used kitchen stuff you could probably get much better quality cheaper at a thrift store. I bet the knives are close to useless.
@sammydog01 I can’t tell if the knives are serrated or not. If not they’ll be useless before long since the kit doesn’t include a honing steel.
That’s pretty nifty could’ve used that 2 years ago.
Looks like a deal off the old meh chopping block – umm ideal for dorms? Don’t know about y’all but didn’t want my children’s dorm roommates to have big KNIVES in their rooms
@AttyVette if you think your kid is gonna be stabbed by their roommate then maybe you should rethink sending them to that school…(or they should live at home.)
@AttyVette yes those 18+ year old guys should only be allowed safety scissors and crayons! Wear your helmets too fellas!
A 55" x 32" chopping board. The mind reels at the size of those vegetables!
Holy hell, that’s a giant chopping board. Just what I need for those radishes I’ve been growing over the radioactive waste dump.
@djslack Looks like it’s a lid for the 19.5 by 12.3 dish rack in a Tardis sort of way.
@sammydog01 This one’s bigger on the outside.
@djslack What, you don’t have a cutting board the size of a middle-schooler?
I think they got the centimeters mixed up with the inches…
@Thumperchick I don’t even have counters the size of a middle schooler.
I did once buy a very large cutting board, like 3’×2’, maybe even bigger. It turned out that it was a few inches deeper than my counters where I lived at the time. I tried to make it work because it was so spacious but I couldn’t make it happen. I gave it to a chef friend who was very appreciative.
@ELJAY At least it wasn’t a Mars Lander.
@djslack Wait, so is the consensus that it’s not actually that big? Cause if it’s actually 55x32, it’s tall enough to go on most amusement park rides… (4’7", or 140cm tall) If it is this big, I’m gonna buy it to see if I can take it on a roller coaster.
@owenversteeg It fits as a “lid” to the dish rack. Definitely not tall enough to get on the ride.
@ELJAY This is the kind of error that kills Mars probes.
Is the pan lining ceramic or old coatings?
@martycaw What difference does it make if the coating don’t kill you the Raman will.
@cranky1950 Raymond or Ramen?
@PhysAssist Or Rayman?

/giphy rayman
@PhysAssist I don’t know I don’t eat that shit.
A light bulb and a foil tray and it converts into an EZ-Bake oven.
Thinking in cancel my account, meh is not meh anymore…overpriced junk…
100% Agree I have lost faith.
@tramposinho You don’t like candy corn or gum?
@sammydog01 Hmmm, Mehbe you could use this to make the Candy Corn Butterfingers recipe. I don’t think I’d risk our real pots for that.
@tramposinho Actually, this product is more early Meh than a lot of the recent stuff.
Although, I’ll admit early Meh would have priced it at something more like $18 or perhaps $24.
BTW, congrats on chiming in for the first time in two years here!.. and while we can’t know whether you’ve been VMP all that time, having only 15 orders, your consternation is understandable.
@mehcuda67 I just bookmarked Candy Corn Butterfingers.
@RedOak do you want to share my information also??? My spending habits?? My credit card maybe??? Is my opinion meh, be careful…
@tramposinho No need for me to do so - the above info is public in your profile for anyone to view.
You’re plenty welcome to look at my profile - it’s open as well.
Simply click on a username to see their profile… but if they have something to hide, they might have made it private.
You can make your profile private if there’s something embarrassing in there… but by doing so you will be blocked from viewing others’ profiles. Go to your account page and edit the setting near the bottom of that page.
You might have noticed this place is all about opinions - sometimes strong opinions. Better to lurk if it is bothersome to have people react. BTW, my congrats on chiming in was sincere.
“Can you smell what the Meh is cooking?”
GoaT!!! @2many2no get in here and apologize for this!
If you really want to cook
You should give this kit a look.
But don’t buy it yet.
You can surely bet
It’ll show up in a fūk.
Perfect for gluten-free travel!
@christinewas Or Kosher.
Whats up with weeks and weeks of crap on MEH?
Errr… that’s the Meh modus operandi.
This would be good for a camper/motor home.
made in china I assume?
@elpepe And by children?
@elpepe Yes, by Xin Jiang Happy Industrial Chemicals And Kitchen Tools Company, please enjoy.
@awk Yes, Bidet and Chewing Gum Division. Always the best enjoy for both ends!
@elpepe Did someone say Ch-eye-na???
I’m pretty sure the cutting board measurements are in centimeters. About 21.5" by about 12.5".
@lalala That is probably it. Good catch.
I’ll wait for the real meh to come back from vacation
A bit overpriced, but I could see this in a car camping chuck box. I like how everything can fit in the dish rack. I’d buy that for $20. Change out for better knives, done!
Only $199.99 at Bed Bath & Beyond.
@benf_dc But shipping is free over there for everyone.
@benf_dc you can use a 20% off coupon and it’s still more expensive.
@cengland0 You could use a 80% off coupon and it would still be more expensive.
Looks like those ‘strangely shaped measuring cup lids’ are made to stack.
@cinoclav AND scoop…
@cinoclav I was going to say the same thing. If anything it’s the measuring cups that are strangely shaped. The measuring cups did it first.
Pretty clever. But I’m not in any demographic that would find much use for it, with or without shame. Besides, there are far worse things that can happen to you than having to eat wings every night.
@mehcuda67 Some of them can happen because you eat wings every night.
You really missed an opportunity to remake the classic “Time in a Bottle” here…
If I could save a kitchen in a box
The first thing that I’d like to do
Is to put a number of inexpensive common utensils in it
Just to cook food with you
@awk So romantic!
@awk You win! (Unless someone tops you with a Mad Ape Den version, of course)
@mehcuda67 I’d love to see a Mad Ape Den version … box of pre-eat kit ?
I don’t need a kitchen in a box. I have a kitchen in a kitchen.
Very meta.

/giphy very meta

@Coldrice Yo Dawg! I heard you liked making muffins and weed, so we put your bong in an oven in an oven so you can bake while you bake while you bake.
This is actually pretty cool if it is made half-way OK. Unfortunately, our car camping box is already pretty much fully staffed.
Still, at $25 I might supplant some of our gear with this cleverness.
@RedOak $25?
@therealjrn Still too much? (That’s what it would take to free up my credit card.)
As a 30(something) in San Jose, I and all my friends in studio apartments found that article almost too accurate to be funny. Almost.
@lifftchi I’m not 30 yet but I am planning to buy all of my “settling into a new apartment” stuff from Target, Ikea, Meh/Morningsave, and Chinese-American restaurant supply stores. I’m…weirdly excited for this.
Just need to get the apartment first, which hasn’t happened just yet. Insert whining about New York City real estate here.
/image “the rent is too damn high!”

@Kawa IKEA has some pretty bad-ass knives. Just remember not to throw them in a drawer (shudders harshly for longer than appropriate) - get a block or magnetic holder.
/giphy primo-bushy-cottonmouth

@Kawa Yeah, pretty much all my housewares and furniture come from IKEA. My advice is to avoid buying too much at once. Don’t get carried away.
Daiso is also extremely handy, but I’m not sure if you have any out there. (Japanese dollar store – excellent quality by dollar store standards, which is admittedly not a high bar.)
This actually makes a lot of sense. I don’t really remember staying at a beach house rental where the kitchen stuff didn’t seem at least somewhat gross.
@jqubed The alternative–washing the utensils before you use them–is just too horrible to contemplate.
@jandrese Some things, particularly the burned up pans, are beyond help from washing.
Now I’ve got “It’s my kitchen a box” (sung to “D*ck in a Box”) stuck in my head.
Good donation item to your local crisis shelter…
I was tempted to buy this after the Subaru mention… then I ordered $1200+ in car parts and accessories for my Subaru instead.
@jbartus … and here I am thinking twice about ordering anything over $100 for my Chevy – which was how much a “correct fitment” exhaust replacement could’ve ran … or I could spend $35 total for a new stainless muffler (sized to fit an Acura MDX), pipes sized to fit a Cadillac Seville (with the dreadful 4.1L V8), and make it work.
What I’ll do with a couple extra feet of pipe and the 3-bolt flange afterwards, I don’t know yet. I’ve been running a muffler that was from my Volvo for years on it already.
@narfcake what is the relative age of your Chevy to my Subaru though? I’ve got a 2014 Crosstrek under certified pre-owned warranties for the next 65000 miles.
@jbartus 22 years with 280+k miles.
(The only warranties I know of are the lifetime ones on parts from AutoZone or O’Reilly.)
@narfcake I probably wouldn’t spend $100 on a 22 year old Chevy either. And older one perhaps but 90s? Meh.
@jbartus I just being a cheap ass, that’s all. I’ve done some not-so-minor repairs (head gasket, head, cooling, and suspension) in the past couple years on the notion that I know its quirks and the cost is way less than a replacement.
As long as I can keep it running well, I’ll do so, because even a 20+ year old truck with a bad engine fetches $1k here in SoCal.
@narfcake plus you have a lifetime of free mechanic labor…preeeeety sweeeet!
@therealjrn My criteria is DIY repairable. The friendlier, the better; RWD is a big plus for that.
If a vehicle need to be hooked up at a dealer because the battery is replaced or a window regulator broke, that isn’t a car for me.
@narfcake I dunno about your specific car but for me most 90s cars are too early to make all the electrical crap worthwhile and too new not to have that electronic crap.
@jbartus GM made them to the price, so it’s pretty simple. Manifold pressure, air and water temp, and crank position … and I think that’s it for engine management. Even the ignition system is simplified with the wasted spark method.
96+ was when OBD2 was enacted, so things got a bit more complicated the few years after.
/image “OBD2 cat shirt”
I’m glad that meh is selling kitchen stuff… I just wish they would sell kitchen stuff I actually want.
Currently wanting:
A really good mandoline at a really cheap price.
A new nonstick skillet that I basically only use for eggs.
@RiotDemon Don’t forget to buy a cut-proof glove- my first mandoline experiment was very colorful. Thanks Meh and that stupid microwave potato chip maker for the inspiration.
@RiotDemon I picked up the Anolon set they had a couple of months ago and it’s great. Beware though, the 12" skillet is gargantuan!
@sammydog01 I have a cheap mandoline now and I hesitate to use it because the little food holder thing sucks. (Not to mention the blade storage on it is terrible…) If they ever sell one, it definitely should include a glove.
@demonbane I skipped those because they weren’t dishwasher safe.
Maybe some company actually makes nonstick that’s also dishwasher safe, because I throw everything in the dishwasher.
Good luck with that. I’ve watched for that for many years. There’s far, far more crap or even stuff that works fine for about 10-20 uses… then turns to crap.
After wearing out or breaking a lot of mandolines over the years, the common factor that seemed to disappoint: being made of plastic.
The one that (mostly) has far outlasted all the others - a MIU Professional that I got several years ago from Costco with a nice case of blades for about 50 bucks. Heavy gauge stainless steel - built like a tank. Brass bushings for the table hinge/support.
Pretty large. A newer version is sold on Amazon (the photo).
The one shortcoming was the original food-holder - it worked great but was not as durable as the rest of the machine. Ended up contacting the company and after a debate they supplied a not quite as functional, but more durable replacement food holder that has lasted. (The original food holder had side rails that locked into the frame of the mandoline and gave a lot of control.)
@RedOak Amusing side story - the company gives the impression of somehow being French, the MIU name + “FRANCE” stamped under that logo, for example. I didn’t see any evidence of a “French connection”. Seemed like a company in California, perhaps farming the production out to somewhere in SE Asia.
They’ve also sold silicone baking mats via Costco, now also available on Amazon I noticed.
When are you going to sell a Bathroom in a Box? I’m running dangerously low on toilet paper.
@Kenbo Too late. They sent me all the toilet paper in my Fuku bonus box some time ago.
@cinoclav Wow, you’re lucky. If only Meh had included peanut butter and jelly spreaders in that same package too. Your status would have been elevated from lucky to legendary.
@Kenbo I STILL have quite a few of them. One day I’m going to buy up all the peanut butter and make gazillions with my monopoly.
If anyone wants a donation for their local homeless or women’s shelter, this would be awesome for someone graduating from transitional housing. Also a good high school or college graduation gift.
I wouldn’t mind a Garage in a Box. My tool set is haphazard and in a 2 story house duplicate tools are always welcome.
Maybe you should sell a single item that does all these things. I’m sure Ron Pompei would be happy to help.
@norman8 Ron Popeil. Ron Pompei(i) died during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.
I just bought a little teardrop camper and the galley is empty, so I’m in for one. I hate camping, so if this sucks hard what difference does it make?
Just a bit confused? Your username stands explained.
I have some swamp land available… you’d likely hate it as well.
@Contrary Hahaha- sooner or later I’m going to impulse buy a camper and I’ll be in the same fix.
@Contrary I hope meh never sells those. they look great. Too bad camping happens outdoors.
Just an incredible collection of “chozzerai,” as my Uncle Sonya might say. I’ll invoke his favorite phrase, remembered from the ramshackle Borscht Belt bungalows he ran in the 1950s: “Taint woit uh nickel. Trow it 'n da gahbich!”
Needed this a year or two back. Better late than never?
/giphy what’s in the box

I’ll show you a kitchen in a box. My IKEA kitchen will be delivered tomorrow between 9am and 1pm.
I missed this?
@SHOPHERENOW1 mmm, yep. 3 years ago almost.
@SHOPHERENOW1 what do you mean? i just bought one like an hour ago. granted, it wasn’t on this site. and it was wasn’t for the same price. and it wasn’t either of these colors. but i bought it! or maybe it was something else. i’m not really sure. my “buy” finger just kind of does its own thing.
@carl669 @SHOPHERENOW1

Your “buy” finger?