These things were super popular with the middle school kids like three years ago. As I am not a middle school kid and it is not three years ago, I shall pass on this.
I just got my first fidget spinner this week, now this? This 55 year old just can’t keep up with the kid’s trends anymore. Meh, I’m going back to learning to play my juice harp.
I must say it had me played. Got one of each, maybe I can get my grandkids out of the computer’s and phones long enough to teach me how to use them. I just love playing stupid to spend some quality time with them!
Parents were spending big money a few years ago for these toys for their kids. Last year those same kids took water bottles and threw them around.
Is Meh going to sell almost empty water bottles later next year?
The trick to catching the ball on the cup is to keep your elbow by your side (or anywhere else that you keep it still and your shoulder still) and only move your forearm.
I have no idea at all what these are or do, but the fact that they’re on pause status less than 30 minutes after release makes me think I need one of each. Well played…
@OnionSoup interesting image. This is what I found:
“Tuttuki Bako Finger Game Box
Japan certainly has a reputation for strange and interesting handheld games but we’ve never seen anything quite like the Tuttuki Bako Finger Game. Each stage features something you interact with by poking it. Stick your finger in the box and a digital representation appears on the screen mimicking your motions. From what we can tell the various stages of the game include terrorizing a tiny stick man, poking a girl in the face and flicking a tiny panda.”
I’ve always wanted one of these, which makes Meh that impulse buy aisle in the old timey general stores. Now I need to find a paper full of dots candy …
Got my kendamas delivered tonight. Box says “…as you master each kendama trick” and “with dozens of moves, the possibilities are endless!” , but there is no enclosed booklet/instruction guide/user’s manual that explains the tricks or moves. Also says “extra string and sticker included” – am I blind?; I don’t see such in the box. This goes for both styles I got, one each of wood and bamboo.
Anyone else got these goodies, or are we all deprived?
On the plus side, I haven’t hit myself in the face or on the head, as yet.
Listing didn’t say you were getting replacement parts nor did any of the pictures show extra parts. You all got exactly what you purchased.
/youtube ball in a cup
On a side note – wanted bamboo, but it was sold out, had to get the wood version instead. Pleasantly surprised by the paint finish on the wooden ball, it has such an interesting feel, and looks to be smudge/streak resistant as you play with it.
@Turken I got the bamboo one, and it’s fun but in harder than I expected. I saw some reviews that the paint finish helps grip a bit and makes it a tiny bit easier. I guess we’d need to hear from someone that got both, but it’s interesting to have them be a little different.
As @medz said, we were careful not to say it came with any of that stuff, or show it in any pictures. We got a different deal here, but they used the same boxes they use when they do have a (more expensive) string/sticker thing.
It was our thought that you’d rather get the best deal possible on the actual toy than a worse deal and some string and a sticker.
I for one was not whining. I thought I was asking a serious and appropriate question. You sound more lie a whiner (and a winer) – seems built in to your self-chosen user name.
Has anyone been able to get the ball to land on the peg on top? That seems like incredible expert-level if it’s even possible. I do like that the different concave surfaces are subtly different sizes to make for differing difficulty levels. (Unless I’m just imagining that.)
@dave I did it a total of twice (out of 50+ tries) when i got it out of the box. Sheer luck, although it made me feel like Neo in The Matrix when it happened. I found it best to steady the ball completely before doing it.
I subsequently went to youtube and the kendamausa site phendrick linked above and learned some things. One is to use your knees. This helps some. On YouTube someone said to spin the ball. This keeps it from turning over but is counteracted by the fact that i can’t spin it without swinging it some, so it doesn’t seem to be any easier.
I feel like an idiot, but I can’t figure out how to get the ball off the stick to start – the way the string is wrapped, I feel like I’m going to snap the string whichever way I move the ball.
What’s in the Box?
1x Kendama toy
二 けん玉
木製 けん玉
Price Comparison
$29.99 List, $14.43 at Amazon
90 Day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery
Monday, Feb 3 - Tuesday, Feb 4
Wood nt u know it-- meh games
Mota day was two days ago
@cengland0 It’s Mota week.
I would totally buy the one with Irk’s head. For every kid in my family.
I’ll play with my own stick and ball…
Make sure you forgo the Cheetos first, @Stallion
@huja so why spend another day not catching a ball in a cup when you could be catching a ball in a cup?
@huja came for this, not disappointed.
@ThatsHeadly You came to the right place, Hedy.
LOVE my kendamas. Have this bamboo one. A bit tougher than traditional balls with a bit more grip.
I have one in a drawer somewhere… It doesn’t need any friends, sorry.
Stupidest shit I’ve seen on here so far!
@Sidstone Yesterday was taco socks tho…
@Sidstone Then you must be relatively new here…
@Kerig3 a year after You but 18 more orders of less stupid shit than this.
“Is this some hipster thing that’s cool now,” I asked.
“Oh yeah,” he said, “Chinese people do it, I think. It’s like ball in a cup.”
@HELLOALICE Quit stealing my thoughts!
@HELLOALICE You can also buy one of these in Williamsburg in one of their “reenactment” stores.
/buy --style bamboo
@dave It worked! Your order number is: busted-translucent-net
/image busted translucent net

@dave /giphy good job.
@username I admit I had to go look up
Clearly @username doesn’t know how this works
Can’t find Irk style in drop down… sadness.
That’s a really strange looking cat toy.
@lordbowen Ha! It’s actually a butt plug!
@Kerig3 google kentama
@Moose google ketamine.
@mike808 Google cat-o-mine.
These things were super popular with the middle school kids like three years ago. As I am not a middle school kid and it is not three years ago, I shall pass on this.
I just got my first fidget spinner this week, now this? This 55 year old just can’t keep up with the kid’s trends anymore. Meh, I’m going back to learning to play my juice harp.
/image striped-upstanding-general

I must say it had me played. Got one of each, maybe I can get my grandkids out of the computer’s and phones long enough to teach me how to use them. I just love playing stupid to spend some quality time with them!
“Has no screen, touchscreen or otherwise”
Well, that was easy. :clicks Meh:
/giphy mean-mellow-screw

But what does the A-Team have to do with a test of robotic agility?
@blaineg Oh, you fixed it. Still, the A-Team with lyrics was good for a giggle.
@blaineg, they didn’t fix it. The giphy thing is random, and changes each time you edit a comment.
@haydesigner No, it was the main page that had the wrong youtube video for a little while. This was linked instead of the current robot video:
/image playful-wanting-seed

/giphy playful-wanting-seed

/youtube playful-wanting-seed
could use more puzzly type of games
Meh …
These will fill the next fuku
/giphy horrified-comical-baseball

What can this do that my Log can’t???
@Kerig3 Log does not have Ball or String!
@blaineg but it does roll down the stairs, alone or in pairs.
I really want this! Sucks I’m so poor right now.
Parents were spending big money a few years ago for these toys for their kids. Last year those same kids took water bottles and threw them around.
Is Meh going to sell almost empty water bottles later next year?
@gustador Well, they’ve got the fully empty water bottle thing mastered…
The trick to catching the ball on the cup is to keep your elbow by your side (or anywhere else that you keep it still and your shoulder still) and only move your forearm.
I have no idea at all what these are or do, but the fact that they’re on pause status less than 30 minutes after release makes me think I need one of each. Well played…
@Myrrick on a Saturday nonetheless!
Why the fuck would anyone want this, much less enough to pause the deal?!
@opshannon kids are very entertained with this
why the fuck would anyone get upset about this, much less post an angry comment about it?

@opshannon Nieces and nephews. I have many of them.
@opshannon I blame hipsters. First vinyl records. Now this.
Okay, the daily sale has been pretty craptastic lately imo, but +100 for the “tradition” link.
@jiltant TOO TRUE!
For reason reason I wasn’t actually aware these aren’t common outside Japan.
Missed opportunity to use this gif tho:

/giphy frequent-fast-blood

@AccusingEwe is that what happens when you whack yourself in the head with the ball from this toy?
/buy --style wooden
@ManBehindPlan It worked! Your order number is: patriotic-inexpensive-hat
/image patriotic inexpensive hat

Um. Not sure what this is. Being Japanese I can only suspect it’s some kind of weird sex toy.
/image weird Japanese toy

@OnionSoup interesting image. This is what I found:
“Tuttuki Bako Finger Game Box
Japan certainly has a reputation for strange and interesting handheld games but we’ve never seen anything quite like the Tuttuki Bako Finger Game. Each stage features something you interact with by poking it. Stick your finger in the box and a digital representation appears on the screen mimicking your motions. From what we can tell the various stages of the game include terrorizing a tiny stick man, poking a girl in the face and flicking a tiny panda.”
@RiotDemon I want that way more than the kendama.
@cinoclav @RiotDemon
As low as $32.15 on Amazon.
I looked on some other websites based in Japan, and they aren’t selling this.
All glory be unto Ra.
Sixty (60) years ago the Bob-a-loop was BIG in the U.S.

Wood have bought a couple, but the Bamboo is sold out.
Not a good sign for the survival of VMP on this account unless the right deal arrives here by the 24th (auto-new day).
… Which leads to a VMP question - does anybody know if the auto-credit still happens if you cancel within a given month and have not bought anything?
Meh made me buy stocking stuffers in April.
Well played.
@justbuyit Xmas in April is the second best Xmas
Don’t know about anyone else, but I’m downloading Grammarly now! Note: downloading after posting this comment.
/buy --style wooden
@talv0002 It worked! Your order number is: punitive-lousy-genie
/image punitive lousy genie

@talv0002 /giphy punitive-lousy-genie

/image capable-bony-elephant
I’ve always wanted one of these, which makes Meh that impulse buy aisle in the old timey general stores. Now I need to find a paper full of dots candy …
@runester man, do I detest that fancy candy!
Maybe it’ll make the teenager put down her phone for a few minutes. Worth a try. /image dorky-nutty-copy
@jetkins Probably put it down long enough to pick this thing up and throw it at you.
Saw my niece and nephew today. Both glued to their screens.
Bought 3. (one for me- I’m a giant kid.)
/giphy phone screens

Got my kendamas delivered tonight. Box says “…as you master each kendama trick” and “with dozens of moves, the possibilities are endless!” , but there is no enclosed booklet/instruction guide/user’s manual that explains the tricks or moves. Also says “extra string and sticker included” – am I blind?; I don’t see such in the box. This goes for both styles I got, one each of wood and bamboo.
Anyone else got these goodies, or are we all deprived?
On the plus side, I haven’t hit myself in the face or on the head, as yet.
@phendrick Same here. Noticed this extra string and sticker promised twice on the box (and once something about a bead as well) but they’re not there.
I believe someone at Meh is about to corner the market on extra kendama strings.
It is fun and more difficult than I expected. My puppy thinks it’s something for her to go after, though. That’s not gonna end well.
@phendrick that’s probably why meh sold them.
Not a huge deal, but I did not get the replacement pieces the package states are inside
This is annoying, I hate all those cute kendama kids
None of the replacement parts in my kendama either.
Listing didn’t say you were getting replacement parts nor did any of the pictures show extra parts. You all got exactly what you purchased.
/youtube ball in a cup
No parts in my box either.
On a side note – wanted bamboo, but it was sold out, had to get the wood version instead. Pleasantly surprised by the paint finish on the wooden ball, it has such an interesting feel, and looks to be smudge/streak resistant as you play with it.
@Turken I got the bamboo one, and it’s fun but in harder than I expected. I saw some reviews that the paint finish helps grip a bit and makes it a tiny bit easier. I guess we’d need to hear from someone that got both, but it’s interesting to have them be a little different.
@phendrick @tommd57 @Turken @djslack
As @medz said, we were careful not to say it came with any of that stuff, or show it in any pictures. We got a different deal here, but they used the same boxes they use when they do have a (more expensive) string/sticker thing.
It was our thought that you’d rather get the best deal possible on the actual toy than a worse deal and some string and a sticker.
@dave Do you honestly think Mehtizens are gonna miss a chance to whine?
I for one was not whining. I thought I was asking a serious and appropriate question. You sound more lie a whiner (and a winer) – seems built in to your self-chosen user name.
@phendrick Ha says the man crying into the internet about a piece of string.
@dave I’m ok with that. I just wanted to paint the picture of someone removing spare strings to corner the market, it made me giggle.
Has anyone been able to get the ball to land on the peg on top? That seems like incredible expert-level if it’s even possible. I do like that the different concave surfaces are subtly different sizes to make for differing difficulty levels. (Unless I’m just imagining that.)
@dave 12 y/olds are doing it. You’re just a spaz.
And you’re just cranky.
@PlacidPenguin and yore point is?
@dave I guess it’s possible, at least for some people. (Maybe before I hit puberty, or at least old age.)
After watching this, I realize I shouldn’t have been asking about moves/tricks. Serves me right. I now feel inadequate.
(or just uncoordinated.)
tl;dr: yes, with physics.
@dave I did it a total of twice (out of 50+ tries) when i got it out of the box. Sheer luck, although it made me feel like Neo in The Matrix when it happened. I found it best to steady the ball completely before doing it.
I subsequently went to youtube and the kendamausa site phendrick linked above and learned some things. One is to use your knees. This helps some. On YouTube someone said to spin the ball. This keeps it from turning over but is counteracted by the fact that i can’t spin it without swinging it some, so it doesn’t seem to be any easier.
I feel like an idiot, but I can’t figure out how to get the ball off the stick to start – the way the string is wrapped, I feel like I’m going to snap the string whichever way I move the ball.