Never been a big fan of his (I know… booooo, hissss) because I think his acting basically stinks. I will say that John Wick (1) was a perfect vehicle for him (little dialogue) but I couldn’t get 30 mins into the second one. BUT… I have always read/heard that he was a very decent and kind human being. And that goes a LONG way in my book.
@lseeber He is a decent and kind human being. I’ve seen direct evidence, when he was barely past boyhood, and other times as well. You will just have to take my word for it, because details would provide personal information that I’m not willing to do.
No, it wasn’t me that he was kind to.
I should add that his kindness is whether or not there’s a camera around to see it (and probably far more likely when there is not). His acting is rather one dimensional (at best). The Matrix and John Wick are good vehicles for him. He’s still pretty, and he’s 54 years old. Not bad, for an actor…
@lseeber@Shrdlu agreed. I believe a bit of his philanthropic activities have more recently come to light, but it was all originally done anonymously. That alone speaks volumes.
He is a decent and kind human being. I’ve seen direct evidence, when he was barely past boyhood, and other times as well. You will just have to take my word for it, because details would provide personal information that I’m not willing to do.
You say that as tho I said that I didn’t believe he was decent. I DID say that all I’d ever heard was that he was.
/giphy cyberpunk 2077 keanu

@FeralRants ooohhhh nice, calling @Oldcatlady
Never been a big fan of his (I know… booooo, hissss) because I think his acting basically stinks. I will say that John Wick (1) was a perfect vehicle for him (little dialogue) but I couldn’t get 30 mins into the second one. BUT… I have always read/heard that he was a very decent and kind human being. And that goes a LONG way in my book.
Hey. Who cares about acting? He looks good.
/image shirtless keanu

@lseeber He is a decent and kind human being. I’ve seen direct evidence, when he was barely past boyhood, and other times as well. You will just have to take my word for it, because details would provide personal information that I’m not willing to do.
No, it wasn’t me that he was kind to.
I should add that his kindness is whether or not there’s a camera around to see it (and probably far more likely when there is not). His acting is rather one dimensional (at best). The Matrix and John Wick are good vehicles for him. He’s still pretty, and he’s 54 years old. Not bad, for an actor…
@lseeber @Shrdlu so very handsome for 54. I’d take him!!!
/giphy handsome Keanu

@lseeber @Shrdlu agreed. I believe a bit of his philanthropic activities have more recently come to light, but it was all originally done anonymously. That alone speaks volumes.
@lseeber @Shrdlu @tinamarie1974 Keanu and Trent Reznor are both out of my age range, but I’d make an exception.
@lseeber @RiotDemon @Shrdlu yeah, he is a bot old for me too…but I am ok with that!!
@lseeber @RiotDemon @Shrdlu @tinamarie1974
Wait…Keanu is a bot??? That explains so MUCH.
@lseeber @RiotDemon @Shrdlu @therealjrn hahaha that is what I get for typing while talking on the phone!
@lseeber This article from last year made me rethink his acting a little bit.
You say that as tho I said that I didn’t believe he was decent. I DID say that all I’d ever heard was that he was.
@RiotDemon @Shrdlu @tinamarie1974 lol. I think he looks good sometimes and sometimes, not so much. I’ll take one of these (There Can Be Only One!) -

@lseeber @RiotDemon @Shrdlu ih yes, Adrian Paul too. And maybe Johnny Depp
/giphy Johnny Depp

@lseeber Ah, shucks. That is not what I meant to imply. I thought I was just backing up what you’d said. Now I’m sad.
@Shrdlu Aww… don’t be sad!! NO reason!!
@mike808 Oh yeah, well bless you!
Yeah baby I’m a proud member of the meh Keanu fan club. Sigh
Idk who that hooman is but that cat was great
So what you’re saying is this is…Keanews.