Just placed first order with Meh, and shipping is worse than just "Meh."
0Just placed my very first order with meh.com. Unfortunately, when I received the acknowledgement e-mail, I discovered that the order was shipped using a “mongrel” shipping service known as FedEx SmartPost (which those of us who have experienced it known as “DumbPost”). FedEx ships the package by ground (a suitable name, because they often grind packages up quite finely) to a US Postal Service depot, where it sits for a week before the Postal Service gets around to accepting it – and then processes it slowly and with rough handling, because it’s not “theirs” and they don’t believe they have to take any care with it. (In fact, the clerk at my local Post Office candidly told me that they intentionally harm and delay it so that you’ll ship the whole way with them the next time.) Goods arrive damaged, broken, and late. DHL and UPS have similar “services” (which are only “services” in the same sense that a bull “services” a cow).
I practically quit Amazon because they were using this delivery method (I eventually got Amazon Prime when they promised me they would NEVER use one of these shipping methods if I used their “Prime” shipping). If Meh wants me to order from it ever again, it had better warn me upfront that it intends to use one of these inferior, slow, destructive shipping methods and give me a way to opt out of it.
- 30 comments, 90 replies
- Comment
@BrettGlass lol You didn’t fully research the site did you? The shipping policies are clearly posted. Besides, the estimated delivery dates are on each product…so now it’s meh’s fault? What the hell man, get a grip.
@therealjrn There is no link on the page that says “shipping policies.” Again, I’ll vote with my wallet. Meh has a choice: If they want my business ever again, they will let me opt out of “mongrel” shipping methods that delay and then drop-kick your package. I will pay a few bucks more for shipping if necessary (it often isn’t), but will NEVER willingly buy from a vendor who will stick me with one of those “services” (Not!).
@BrettGlass you can still get your order cancelled i would bet, just email customer support (don’t even think about trying to call them), but if you decide to stick around you might get addicted, so I’d say you just get, while the gettin’s good
@Yoda_Daenerys It shipped the day after he ordered it- see below.
@Yoda_Daenerys and you would be mistaken see this
cough cough click me
@vanslaterco If that’s correct, Meh has just gotten its last order from me.
@BrettGlass Very correct.
@BrettGlass Welcome to meh! You should get the VMP subscription–then you don’t have to pay ANYTHING for shipping!

@mfladd Dang, it’s broken.
@therealjrn yup @BrettGlass, you can get as much Meh. stuff shipped to you each month for one small VMP payment of $5, albeit shipped slowly…
/giphy bye

@MrMark wow next time put a spoiler alert in there, I was just about to catch up on the Poochie series this weekend.
So let me get this right: You are appalled because Mediocre, Inc. uses mediocre shipping methods?
@copperx This isn’t mediocre. Using UPS or the Postal Service is mediocre; these methods are beyond horrible.
@BrettGlass My first Meh order took a month to arrive. It’s part of the site’s charm. My expectations are so low they can smell my feet. I believe that’s the right attitude to have in life.
@copperx and as one Meh.mber said in another thread it is so slow, it is like getting something unexpected each delivery because you’ve forgotten what you’ve ordered by the time it arrives
the fact that you are still responding @brettglass has me worried that you might just decide to stick around and take more verbal abuse fror all the Meh.tizens and aMeh.ricans, and probably some Meh.xicans and CanMeh.dians, with something to say about false expectations…
@Yoda_Daenerys thanks for including my ilk in your message
but I don’t think we would dish out verbal abuse. It’s not our thing. We are far more likely to just apologise profusely for things we didn’t do.

/giphy not understanding

I got all five of my orders no problem. The boxes were fine. No one drop kicked anything.
Did you not read the FAQ before joining?
@RiotDemon FAQs are for people with questions. I did not have any. I naïvely assumed that a site called “Meh” would go with at least mediocre shipping, not gawdawful shipping. If they were going to send via a horrible, glacial shipping service, I would have expected that to be disclosed in the shopping cart during checkout, and that there would be another option. That’s just basic business ethics. They let me down, and I won’t order again unless they fix this.
@BrettGlass I’m sorry that your local usps office people are jerks that drop kick packages.
@BrettGlass A VMP membership is the only thing that will fix this mess you made. You should try it, you’ll like it!

@BrettGlass Go back to the product page for what you bought, click on “see more product specs”, and the estimated delivery date is clearly stated.
Actually, I am told that the drop kicking is done at a central facility to save pennies.
I think that sums it up, @BrettGlass.
The good news is that there are plenty of sites where you can buy stuff at a much higher price so you can get it a day or two sooner!
FWIW, the $8 hand blenders arrived in 4 days. Yes, meh’s shipping totally sucks ass! /s
(That may be because I also had some woot shirts, so the truck was filled. =^.^= )
@BrettGlass well I’m sorry that they feel the need to drop kick your stuff then.
@RiotDemon I think they get malicious enjoyment out of it.
@BrettGlass if by fix, you mean ship you as many orders as you want each month for only one $5 VMP Meh.mberhsip fee, you’re in luck.
On the other hand if by fix you mean get it to you quicker, then
/image you don’t say

Hey @BrettGlass.
Sorry to hear you’re not a fan of FedEx SmartPost. I took a look at your order to make sure there wasn’t any crazy delay we could workaround on our end.
Looks like you placed the order on June 23rd 2016 12:21am ET. We packed it up on June 24th 2016 10:37am ET. By June 24th 2016 7:39pm ET it was safely in the hands of FedEx.
We waited until all orders for this product were placed and then shipped them out the next morning. That’s ideal timing from the most efficient we could possibly operate standpoint. One of our tricks to keeping our costs low and passing along the savings to customers.
June 24th was a Friday. I see historically that shipments to your state starting on Fridays take on average 5.9 calendar days to be delivered. Shipments to your specific postal code are a bit better at 5.6 calendar days on average. FedEx is telling us an estimated delivery of July 5th which falls at the end of the estimated delivery date range we put in our product specs but still seems inflated to me. Based on the data I’m looking at I’d expect it a couple days earlier. Possibly as early as July 1st.
I’d love it if you’d let us all know how it goes. In the meantime, if you’d like to try meh.com again I’ve added coupon code
to your account for $5 off shipping on any order placed before August.@shawn Well Done. Another example of excellent customer service.
@shawn I love that coupon code.
@shawn Meh infatuates me as a business
@vanslaterco stop trying to get free stuff.
@shawn I see a month of VMP coupon codes for all current VMP Meh.mbers in your future, with coupon code ILUVMEHVMP
@shawn A thousand favstars… epic customer service and on a weekend, too!
@djslack i’m guessing @shawn is playing him, cuz he probably also inadvertently signed up as VMP, and will forget to cancel in 30 days, so he’ll get free shipping until August anyway
@shawn I too hate smartpost. Stupid smartpost always gets me my packages on or before the estimated delivery date. Ugh smartpost is the worst.
@shawn Tell you what. Instead of giving me a $5 discount, could you put the $5 toward a nondestructive, prompt, sane shipping method?
@BrettGlass fair enough. coupon code removed. now, what specifically do you have in mind?
@shawn How about USPS Priority Mail? The difference in shipping charges is less than $5, especially if you use a flat rate box. (That’s what I do when I sell on eBay, and I have 100% satisfied customers.)
/giphy dis gun b gud

@BrettGlass doing the same volume on your eBay store as meh?
@BrettGlass In this specific case the difference between FedEx SmartPost and USPS Priority Mail is $10.60, so we’ll stick with SmartPost and have 99.8% satisfied customers.
@shawn @BrettGlass
I suppose we could see if @Snapster would agree to 1 day deliveries.
Of course, then the costs of VMP and Shipping would have to increase greatly.
But, at least items we don’t need would arrive faster.
And isn’t that the appeal of Prime? Getting items we don’t need in 2 - 3 days, because the items we need badly we would willingly pay more for, just to get them that same day?
an 87 day old account that doesn’t know meh is meh…
also I had one “smart post” issue, and it eventually showed up… generally I get mine several days before the closing delivery estimate, around these parts both fedex and the usps work well.
@thismyusername Yes, the account is 87 days old. I signed up when I saw another item I might want to purchase, but when I actually tried to place an order the site told me it was sold out. So, this was my first actual purchase from Meh.
You are using a cheap closeout based site. Shipping times and costs are clearly stated if one decides to use that God awful skill taught in school, reading…
@BrettGlass I just have to know… if UPS and FedEx are merely ‘mediocre’ in your estimation and SmartPost is crap, what is ‘just okay’? Bike courier?
@jbartus smoke signal delivery would be just okay
i wonder if the indians (i already forgot how to do strike thru font) native aMeh.ricans used morse code in their smoke signals, or something more advanced…
The service I most prefer is Priority Mail, because packages sent to my post office box are delivered to a locker at the local post office. Delivery is therefore more secure than services such as FedEx or UPS, which may dump a package on your doorstep. There is also actual tracking, automatic insurance coverage, and accountability. With DumbPost, when a package gets lost the two carriers point their fingers at one another and neither will do a thing to help.
@BrettGlass nice to know, you don’t get any choice here though, just sayin’
@BrettGlass you do realize that usps makes the final drop off right? They leave shit everywhere. So does FedEx. So does UPS. Unless you pay extra for a signature.
None of them even ring my doorbell anymore. They just put it on the chair out front.
@RiotDemon I have a post office box. When a package comes in, it is placed in a locker at the post office and the key is placed in my box. No one can get to it but me. It’s secure until I retrieve it.
@BrettGlass that’s what I don’t get. You’re complaining that smart post will leave shit on your doorstep. I said that they all do that… But it doesn’t matter because you have a locker, at the post office. So either way, your stuff goes in the locker, so who cares?
My local Post Office clerks tell me that holders of PO Boxes at most PO’s can receive UPS and Fedex shipments there, same as USPS shipments, perhaps excepting shipments of very large size. Check with your local PO where you have the box. It often involves using a certain addressing format with the PO street address.
@RiotDemon I’m in a big housing community with a bank of 300+ individual locked mailboxes and a dozen locked parcel boxes. When a USPS delivery doesn’t fit in the mailbox, the carrier puts the package in a parcel box and the key in my mailbox. (When I unlock the parcel box the key gets locked in place and only the carrier can remove it again.) If all the parcel boxes are full, or the package is too big to fit, the carrier will leave it on my porch. Except that I didn’t want my packages sitting out waiting, so I went to my Post Office and filled out a form authorizing -only- parcel box use and not exposed drop off. If they can’t get it into a parcel box, they’ll leave a note in my mailbox and I’ll pick it up at the Post Office. (They’d rather not go through that, so if they have more packages than parcel boxes that day, they’ll make sure mine goes into one of them, and drop somebody else’s package on their porch.)
Brett, you already got a free shipping coupon and a note from meh. Now you’re just attention whoring.

/image attention whore
@therealjrn now? rofl
@therealjrn @brettglass just stand back and let it all be
@therealjrn Nope. I’m determining whether I will ever order from Meh again.
If your whole concern is shipping, you could always just buy stuff you don’t need from Amazon using Prime.
@BrettGlass Whatevah AW.
@BrettGlass there’s tons of people that are happy. You haven’t even received your package yet, to know if there’s cause for concern… And they gave you free shipping if you want to try again.
@therealjrn an*
@connorbush I know. You’d think an old lady would use better English.
@therealjrn It’s not being an “attention whore” to tell a vendor why I am dissatisfied. Sorry if you do not agree.
Mr. Glass,

@BrettGlass agreed. i sincerely appreciate your thoughts here and the opportunity to investigate if things are working as we designed.
@shawn Well, if you designed your site to encourage catty remarks from the peanut gallery, then yes – it’s working.
In any event, I do not order from vendors that won’t let you opt out of “mongrel” shipping methods. (And I’m not the only one.) So, I won’t be ordering from you again unless you provide for those of us who want reliable, accountable, prompt delivery. Sorry.
@BrettGlass Oh no! You’re threatening not to patronize a website that doesn’t care to have your business! Whatever will Meh do.
As a great man once said “The Gord often wonders why people threaten to never come back after they’ve been told never to return”
@DrunkCat Way to chase business away. Bye!
@BrettGlass I may joke here, and post stupid stuff - but I also think @shawn was very fair with the offer of a free shipping code. Meh is what it is. It is items that come to us cheaply, which means shipping perhaps comes slowly. We ALL know that. This is not Amazon Prime - but then again many of the items you buy here will cost you a lot less if you are willing to wait. Walk away if you will because you didn’t get your item in 3 days, but realize that this dysfunctional community is a lot of fun if you give it half a chance. We are also very forgiving of those who want to take a chance here. Your decision.

@BrettGlass Let me tell you a story lad:
@DrunkCat The Chronicles of Gord 12:1-48 are always a classic.
Gord is Great!
@shawn was very fair with his offer.
Personally when I have issues with a business, I email, call, or talk to that business personally. I don’t make forum posts on their site whining about it, without giving them a chance to correct it first.
@RiotDemon Or, maybe he’s just an attention whore.
Not really sure why this thread is still going on.
Problem was stated, solution was given.
@TickledLizard inertia
@TickledLizard Solution was rejected.
Well you know what the standard protocol for this type of situation is. Right?
@TickledLizard DING DING DING - you are the 100th post on a thread that surprisingly went this far. Congrats!

Shame I don’t have my special micro sd with me. Besides having my secret journal, it also has a folder of pretyped speeches for different occasions I have something just for thus kind of occasion.
(This is the micro sd which I will eventually eat due to the fact that it’s the most efficient way to remove its existence, so…)
/giphy drama llama

We could use a running count of slow shipping complaint threads started. Tho I am too lazy to do it.
@f00l And how many of them got coupons…
Can i have a coupon for suggesting a thread count of slow shipping complaints? No?
Well then, how about this! :
Slow shipping!! Slow shipping!!
Sob!! Cry!! Bitch!! Moan!! Accuse!!
Slow shipping!! Slow shipping!!
Meh, you bastards, you’ve ruined my life!!
I"ll never shop here again!!
Was that good? Can i please have a coupon now, pretty please? I already sent you guys candy once.
@f00l you too can have $5 off shipping on your next order, coupon code YOUALREADYHAVEFREESHIPPING

/giphy sarcastic shock
We already know, bruh.
This site may not be for you.
Can you really ship “Meh”? hmm…
/woot meh
@chacham Why doesn’t hat find the meh shirt?
/image woot meh shirt

@chacham That one is actually titled “Not So Action Packed”. Other meh shirts are here.
There was something about the woot markdown that only searches “active” items. It probably doesn’t help that woot’s system a bit dysfunctional when it comes shirt.woot.
/woot kitty
Hello Picasso Kitty for $8 - $11
Janome Basic Hello Kitty Sewing Machine for $89.99
Hello Kitty Lighted Rain Boot (8T-1Y) for $19.99
/woot cat
Catsy for $8 - $11
Catue of Liberty for $8 - $11
CATffeine for $25
Star Cats for $25
I Heart Cats for $8 - $11
Dot Cat for $8 - $11
Starry Cat for $8 - $11
H Cat for $8 - $11
Cosmic Catnip Scratching Post for $12.99
Catnip. It’s a Hell of a Drug. for $8 - $11
Dangerous Cat for $8 - $11
Snowdinger’s Cat for $8 - $11
Tinty Cat Bed for $34.99
Cats, Rise Up ! for $8 - $11
Choose Your Cat Adventure for $8 - $11
Tedco Storm Catcher Weather Laboratory for $12.99
Tinty Cat Scratch Ball for $9.99
Shock Top Mouse Toy for Cats for $4.99
Schrodinger’s Cat in the Style of Mondrian for $10 - $13
Grizzly Super Treats Crunchy Cat Treats 3oz for $5.99
That explains it. The linked shirt (as opposed to the one /image found) is actually titled meh. I was hoping to find that one, which would be totally awesome for /woot meh.

I am not really confident, but I think it’s a person that is about to hit the ball.
Door is to your left.
/youtube snagglepuss exit stage left
@chacham Wait a minute isn’t that stage right.
@MrMark You enjoy the rare erudite discussion about this in the youtube comments.
/giphy youtube erudite comments

@chacham Thank you for making my day with that gif!!
Sounds like someone missed the point of Meh.
/giphy missed the point

Well they use the shitty shipping method because it’s cheap and mostly reliable. Sorry you didn’t understand that before ordering, but do you really need what ever you bought immeaditly?
/giphy operations management

Just placed my 93rd order the other day. Shipping is still mediocre. Meh-
I’d totally wear a meh T-shirt that displays a cartoon postal worker drop kicking a package hahaha
I had a reminder to check up on this shipment for @BrettGlass today and looks like it was delivered, July 1st at 12:32pm, like I expected.
@shawn To celebrate, I decree that we have a national holiday on Monday and set off some fireworks.


/giphy fireworks
@shawn Or, mehbe he’s just an attention whore.
/either way, you did your best to resolve his nebulous shipping problems.
@Barney Canada already took care of it, July 1 is Canada Day!
/giphy oh cananda

/giphy nebulous-shipping-problems