Just checking in to see how everyone else is doing

AttyVette went on a bit of a rant said

It’s been awhile since I’ve been on the meh site but things have been in a almost constant state of upheaval around here. First, our whole household came down with covid just days apart from one another. It wasn’t fun being at my house for sure.

Second, our sewer line backed up into our bathtubs and commodes last week. Our subdivision has an major problem, as the main sewage line has collapsed. Adding insult to injury, our cities utility company hired a private contractor to repair the sewer lines BUT when they were using a backhoe in neighbors yard, they touched an unsheathed electrical line laid on top of the sewer line.and melted the end of the backhoe. Consequently, they had to shut down working on repairing the sewer lines until the electric company shuts off the power to our area.

The contractor didn’t know we also had a sewage problem too but our daughter drove around the neighborhood and found someone who knew who the contractor was. She contacted the contractor who then had men out installing a temporary sewer flush out line at our house Friday so now the sewage isn’t in our house but standing in the hole in our backyard ! That’s not great but better than sewage backed up in our bathtubs and all over the bathroom floors in our home! The contractor discovered our electrical line also isn’t sheathed and it is in the hole full of sewage water. They can’t repair our sewer line either until our electrical company turns the power off to certain sections of the neighborhood. The electrical company announced they’d turn the power off Tuesday in announcement last Saturday then announced Sunday they cancelled the power outage scheduled for tomorrow…

We called our energy company and made an emergency ticket as we were told the electrical company was the hold up. I also contacted our councilwoman for our area and she then contacted the city’s utility director about the problem. A meeting is now set up for tomorrow to discuss this problem with the contractor, the energy company and the public utility director for our city. So at least maybe some decisions will be made and we can get this mess ( literally) taken care of.

On then last night our tankless hot water heater broke and the company shows on its website that the part ( control panel is out) is no longer made by Rheem for our tankless hot water heater.

So how is everyone else doing ??