Just... make it stop (please?)
11So, after a tough delivery for my wife 2 weeks ago, and my car accident last week, my scooter’s battery died last night (only other form of transportation). Please just it with all the crazy stuff going on, I thought my bad luck for the year already ran out!
Luckily I got the battery going for a little bit, I can catch rides with a coworker to work and back, and family let me borrow a vehicle while the minivan is in the shop, so we’ve got some good support!
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Ouch! I think I’m more sorry for you, but that stop sign had to hurt.
Does the scooter use a regular motorcycle battery?
@kaighintze definitely one of my favorite gifs though, it’s so… perfect?
I assume it’s a regular motorcycle battery, but I haven’t compared. It’s a little 12 volt battery.
@luvche21 Fluke, or is the scooter not ridden much? After a several hundred dollar battery replacement incident in my rarely-driven car, I realized going for a pricy deep-cycle battery might be worth it. Have an (again, admittedly quite spendy) Optima yellow-top in there now, and the car simply laughs at my constant neglect. Also, if possible, a battery tender could be a wise investment if it isn’t regularly driven… wish I had that option with my car.
@brhfl I ride it 6 days a week at least, even through most of the winter, so definitely a fluke. I got it to start again somehow, so maybe a connector came loose somehow?
@luvche21 'Sorry to hear the bad luck hasn’t run out yet!
It feels a bit silly to say… did you clean the battery terminals, flush them with water, and securely re-attach? (Be careful not to short the two terminals together… boom.)
Can you bump-start the scooter or is it an automatic?
@RedOak I think I’ll clean them… after it sat overnight, I went to jump it in the morning, and even before I did it it started back up fine. Maybe something’s loose somewhere? The terminals don’t look dirty at all though - no corrosion or anything.
@luvche21 visual inspection can spot obvious oxidation, but it doesn’t mean there isn’t a weak connection.
Here’s to hoping it gets better!
I have seen these type of hauntings before. Your only chance is to have @KittySprinkles - with her witchy voodoo, and @carl669 - keeper of the mehcronomicon, do a cleansing for you. I think then the bad shit will stop happening. I am crossing my fingers for you.
@mfladd @KittySprinkls @carl669 let the cleansing begin?
@luvche21 probably tomorrow. I know KS’s is super tired and C669 is probably - Oh hell, I don’t even know. Probably fell asleep next to his absolutely beautiful child. They will cleanse you tomorrow.
@mfladd @luvche21 I only know how to cleanse with fire.
@KittySprinkles Can you please be serious and help. Do the voodoo that yoodoo, Oh so well.
@mfladd Oooh, you mean that kind. Yeah, I’ll try a little something tomorrow!
@KittySprinkles @mfladd
I almost put a generic voodoo doll kit in the box I’ve been preparing for the next Meherican Exchange, but then thought better of it…
@carl669 Can you begin the cleansing process for @luvche21 - he has some bad mojo attached to him.
@KittySprinkles that’s probably my new favorite picture. I think it’s real too. I think it’s starting to work!
Congrats on the baby, everybody doing well now?
@mehbee Yep, everyone is doing well - my wife is nearly off the pain meds already and is much much more mobile. Getting there!
@luvche21 Great news…pics if you haven’t already shared your new cutie with us.
@mehbee I posted one over here after his birth.
@luvche21 Oh my goodness he is GORGEOUS!
@mehbee thanks! He looks just about the same as his 2 year old brother did when he was born, except this time with lighter hair!
@luvche21 @mfladd @KittySprinkles
let us invoke the mehcronomicon! the following incantation should be uttered throughout the day. (preferably very loudly and in a public place)
"lysol, clorox, scouring pad
rid @luvche21 of all that’s bad.
pinesol, pledge, swiffer jet,
may their luck be better yet.
dyson, hoover, electrolux,
rid their lives of all that sucks.
so say we all."
@carl669 Wait! You forgot the Roomba, Neato part!
@mfladd that’s in the chapter about unattended, periodic cleansings. @luvche21’s current issues required immediate attention.
@carl669 this is definitely going to creep out my wife. And my chiropractor when I yell it in his office. And my wife’s doctor when I yell it there.
But my 2 year old will probably think “daddy is normal weird”…
@luvche21 wait until your 2 year old repeats it… your wife is going to LOVE that!
@carl669 And not a fuck in there.

/giphy cleanser
@OldCatLady i know! the book seems to go through periods of fuck and no fuck.
@mikibell Luckily he’s not repeating EVERYTHING I say… he sure says what and when he wants to!
@luvche21 give it time…the 2year old will repeat something embarrassing at the MOST inopportune moment!
@mikibell yes, yes he will. He’s learning both English and Japanese right now, so he’s not talking as much yet.
@luvche21 my boy was almost three when he finally started to talk…good Lord the kid has not been quiet since! The other monster has been noisy since the day she was born…oh I miss the baby stage, but 11 and 13 are not so bad right now (could be I am missing them, they have been away for almost a week
Congrats on the polyglot…
@carl669 I read this to be an incantation that the whole community should offer on behalf of @luvche21 so I’ve been trying to do my part. I must admit that I’ve only proclaimed it loudly in private, but did mutter it to myself, old-person style, in public a few times. Hope it is helping!
My three axioms for getting through the rough times:
Hope the worst is past!!!
@mikibell Thanks! His grandma from Japan is here with us for the next few weeks, so hopefully that will help kickstart him with some more Japanese.
Thanks @gio!
I’ve successfully gone 36 hours with no mishap, so it must be helping!
I was so disappointed when I discovered that GIF was made in aftereffects.
@NAFderwin I really wanted to believe it was real!

Just gonna leave this here for y’all
(I know google shows it as health but I think it’s a Kanai Anzen which is supposed to be general luck)