oops…did anyone else click buy at the stroke of midnight figuring it must be a… wait a minute …what new name did they pick for the bandolier of carrots?
I’m not ashamed to admit that I just went ahead and clicked buy without looking at what the deal was. first deal of the meh-rathon and It’s $5? must be something good… or not lol.
What’s in the Box?
1x Unicorn Pool Float
90 day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 13th - Monday, July 20th
I already have two of these! I have a feeling that will be my theme for the night.
off to a good start.
Holy crap, we’re off to a slow start.
good item to test payment method working
@medz Good point. I just switched pmt card. I should probably check.
Why u do dis to me
I’m already regretting staying up for this… But, for some reason I’m still here.
I almost talked myself in to buying this. I resisted though.
Got so click happy the oh God what did I do button was never more true. Oh well the kids will think it’s cool
That was great.
oops…did anyone else click buy at the stroke of midnight figuring it must be a… wait a minute …what new name did they pick for the bandolier of carrots?
@DaveKnowsAll Instant Regret Kit.
Lovin’ the model number. Giuliani is the rarest unicorn of them all.
Dammit, I actually wanted that!
I’m strangely excited for this!
@akadamia We go tubing with friends every summer, my wife would have loved this. I just wasn’t fast enough

/giphy excited-nipples
@smigit2002 I got mine on Morningsave- I think it was maybe $14 for two. Keep an eye out?
I got jobbed. I’ll get something unicorn, i promise.
I’m not ashamed to admit that I just went ahead and clicked buy without looking at what the deal was. first deal of the meh-rathon and It’s $5? must be something good… or not lol.
That product model though!
I saw $5 and bought it. Time to cancel.

/giphy Not an irk.
@hems79 Too bad I can’t just have yours!
And so it begins.
Ok, how many people just accidentally bought a big unicorn pool float because they saw a $5 item on Meh and impulsively purchased it?
@kasona I did and then cancelled it.
Tried to buy it but sold out before I could click thru. Dang it.
Side note, love today’s model number. I understood that reference.
Yes! A meh-rathon. And I am off work to be able to watch the deals. Hopefully there is still a VMP only hour.
If they are sold out why do we have to wait for the clock to run out to get another deal? Move it along people!
So we have to wait the remaining 10 minutes after it sold out? Sheesh.