Why hasn't anybody invented a speaker dock that you can use with a case on your phone? It would not be that hard--just make the lightning connector a bit longer and flexible that reaches up to a platform that fits phones with cases on it?
$15 each from JBL a while back. The sound is really quite decent, gets plenty loud. Charges my 5S very quickly as well. Convenient in the kitchen and office when I don't need access to my phone while listening. Also Bluetooth audio is still not great. It's meh...+?
@andcarro - $15 to $18. Looks to be splitting the difference on the free VMP (and in meh's favor) and assuming this is the only thing worth getting in the next month. We're off to a good start (Alibaba's attention is caught for an Amazon copycat move? ;) ). Hope I'm proved wrong.
@iggy71@nadroj@andcarro It KILLS me to agree with @unixrab but nothing is ever free per say. It is worked into the price of something somewhere along the line - be it a loss leader presuming you will buy more, higher cost to cover shipping, dumping something as it costs more to warehouse it than get rid of it below cost, in the case of meh I presume if they have say 7 left then fuku it since it no longer works as a daily deal...
@Kerig3 nah, im thinking it was the last minute shopping panic. Heck he even bought me a coffee pot. One problem. I dont drink coffee. However, he does :-/
@gertiestn wasn't disappointed. Been getting tired of fumbling for the correct charge cable under the nest of other device charge cables on the dresser. Problem solved. Partially.
@narfcake Yanno, the funny thing? I got a speaker dock in my very first Fuku. The one with the new iPad mini that was only missing the lightning cable. The speaker dock took care of the charging. Speaker docks rock!
OH MY GARSH SDF @UNIXRAB is like Nostradamus of the Mehverse and I figured this was in the future too was just hoping that I could hope for something better but I guess thats next year thanks to @LisaViolet
Got one for my son the last time they were up. For the price, I was pleasantly surprised with the quality. It's not a Bose, but it is well worth the asking price.
Is it me? It's me, isn't it? I still get the "terribly wrong" video instead of my account. Can't confirm whether I'm paying for the next 2 months, or playing on house money.
@Maui Are you clicking the 'Save that.' button while you're already logged in? Go to the account page (https://mediocre.com/account) and see if it has your VMP status at the bottom of the white box. If you're only seeing the actual log in screen with the 'Let's do this!' button, log in then check again. It seems if you're trying to put in your password when you're already logged in then it gives you the SWTW video.
@Maui You're welcome! @saodell Mine renews on March 10th. If you were a VMP member prior to yesterday it simply added on 2 free months. If you weren't VMP, it's 2 months from yesterday.
At $18, these are cheaper than an Apple Power Adapter, and less than half the price of an Adapter and a Cable. They charge my phone AND play music. What's not to love? I can't help myself. I bought one when they were $15 and I bought 3 now that I have VMP. Doing my part to put an end to SDF since August 2014!!!
@lsm1018 by this logic, we should have one of these or a thirty pin equivalent for every room in the house so we can leave our obsolete iPod Touches, etc... everywhere and have permanent streaming radio... everywhere.
Today's meh-view of the product didn't really disclose the complete depths of your diabolical plan though, at least for multiple-meh's. So, way back before I saw teh light, and VMP'd myself, I bought two of these awesome speaker docks, and paid for shipping: $15+$15+$5=$35.
Fast forward, and to those who were meh enough, and got the awesome (thank you again btw) free two months, and buy the same two today: $18+$18+$free=$36.
So, through the power of maths, we can fully expose the true depths of your master meh-plan to rule our wallets, one George at a time..LOL
@lisaviolet That federal reserve seal is wrong. They only go up to "L". And even if they did go up to "M", that would make the "12"s in the corners wrong. They would be "13"s. An otherwise perfectly good gag ruined by lack of attention to detail.
Since it's an ambidextrous lightning connector, you can dock your phone facing the wall, right? For when you don't want others' snooping your most secret dialogs as they pop on the screen.
Weird, just noticed this, if you're on the homepage, and click the meh logo, it just quivers. I mean, I know you're already on the home page, but I thought it was funny. :D
Y'know, I should probably be pissed off that I didn't catch this deal one of the four other times it was up. Or, maybe I should be really pissed off I didn't check yesterday and get the 2 months free VMP. Or should I be pissed that the dock is somehow 3 dollars more expensive than last time it was up. Or maybe I should be pissed that I hafta take black and can't choose a white one.
To all that, I say "Meh."
$23 is a pretty good deal and the fact that I can add a USB cable so my wife can charge her 4S makes me not mind that I didn'get the absolute best deal ever. And the fact that I can now throw out our old iHome speaker dock that only works with her phone and would make weird noises whenever I tried to plug a lightning cable into the USB port makes me kinda happy.
Actually this whole thing is funny. I willingly pay for vmp and follow Meh because you bring a smile ..... Almost every day. How do you get us to follow you like lambs ?
@RedOak Now that you mention it, I have never seen @unixrat and @snapstar together in the same room. Not saying they could be the same person, but I'm not not saying it either.
Scrolling through the various misspellings and autocorrects of @unixrab on this thread reminds me of Dory not remembering Nemo's name. Unixrat, unixrabbi...
Condition: New
Warranty: 1 Year JBL
Estimated Delivery: 1/6 - 1/9
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
Black Base
Black Base with Phone
Black Base Top View
Back of Base Detail View
Battery Compartment
Price Check
$35.00 at Amazon
$119.00 List
90 days
Glad to meet again JBL
Woooo! Speaker dock Friday is still here!
Back to speaker dock Fridays! How many of these things did you guys buy?? MEH!
It's ba-aack
Shit. Speaker docks...they are like fucking rabbits.
@studerc Wouldn't know; never fucked one.
@clyde2801 missing out man!
Glad things are back to normal just before the new year.
Happy SDF everyone and a happy new year!
Back! Speaker Dock Friday!
why is it showing a samsung device compatibility when it only work with apple devices
@mzkhadir aux in means it works with any device with an appropriate output
@mzkhadir Probably because of the USB port or the 3.5mm jack you can use
Called it.
What the Meh ?
They played us like a damn fiddle!
@Mofongo And I thought they just loved me...
Why hasn't anybody invented a speaker dock that you can use with a case on your phone? It would not be that hard--just make the lightning connector a bit longer and flexible that reaches up to a platform that fits phones with cases on it?
@phatmass With bluetooth you don't even need to have a connector. I never use my speaker dock but I use my bluetooth speaker all the time.
@phatmass Lightning extension cables!! Expensive on Amazon, cheaper on eBay. You can be "docked" with a case AND use your idevice!!
@Kyser_Soze I think the point of docking is to charge.
@Pamtha I think the point of docking is to have your phone on a stand.
@phatmass Yeah, charge my JO Crystal!
So, apparently my order didn't take on the free VMP membership, so I don't have any reason to buy this dock then.
@dashcloud It looks like mine didn't either. im so sad :(
@dashcloud @faken1 - did you check your mediocre orders page? You both have the badge. mediocre.com/account
@KDemo i was already a vmp member though, and my membership expires in like a week.
@faken1 @dashcloud click on support or email halp@meh.com and then be prepared to wait a week.
$15 each from JBL a while back. The sound is really quite decent, gets plenty loud. Charges my 5S very quickly as well. Convenient in the kitchen and office when I don't need access to my phone while listening. Also Bluetooth audio is still not great. It's meh...+?
@andcarro - seems they were $15 here at one point too, but I suppose that's all part of the experiment
@nadroj "free shipping"
@andcarro - $15 to $18. Looks to be splitting the difference on the free VMP (and in meh's favor) and assuming this is the only thing worth getting in the next month. We're off to a good start (Alibaba's attention is caught for an Amazon copycat move? ;) ). Hope I'm proved wrong.
@iggy71 @nadroj @andcarro It KILLS me to agree with @unixrab but nothing is ever free per say. It is worked into the price of something somewhere along the line - be it a loss leader presuming you will buy more, higher cost to cover shipping, dumping something as it costs more to warehouse it than get rid of it below cost, in the case of meh I presume if they have say 7 left then fuku it since it no longer works as a daily deal...
@Kidsandliz embrace the logic of the unixrab
@unixrab What? You a cult?
@Kidsandliz I guess if 'logic' is a cult...
Yay! Speaker dock Friday, sans baby arm. Still meh.
i had to buy one... it being the last friday of the year.. and that jbl speakerdocks simply do not suck.
@Noddy93 true about JBL speaker docks. Especially if you prefer clean sound to boomy overblown fake-bass.
And to think, my husband just bought me a speaker dock for christmas...
He must love me, or something.
@Ayer87 Or he had an extra twenty in his wallet. :-)
@Kerig3 nah, im thinking it was the last minute shopping panic. Heck he even bought me a coffee pot.
One problem.
I dont drink coffee.
However, he does :-/
@Ayer87 Ouch.
Dear Meh,
Impulse buy due to free VMP deal yesterday? I think not.
Sneaky of you to combine my favorite recent Meh pricing sweets pots: $8 & $10.
Will sleep on it and get back to you tomorrow...
@RedOak Gee, you think maybe they won't sell out?
@gertiestn wasn't disappointed. Been getting tired of fumbling for the correct charge cable under the nest of other device charge cables on the dresser. Problem solved. Partially.
Hahahahahahaaaaa... Return of the speaker-dock overstock! Gotta love Meh's temerity!
@narfcake Yanno, the funny thing? I got a speaker dock in my very first Fuku. The one with the new iPad mini that was only missing the lightning cable. The speaker dock took care of the charging. Speaker docks rock!
@lisaviolet FALSE!
Yeah, I signed up for it too, however I can't even log into my account to see if it's there due to explosive errors. Sigh.
@juststephen You have the badge, so you are VMP. If you weren't VMP before yesterday then you can assume the order went through.
I feel sick.
Someone at Meh has a perverted and strange fetish for speaker docks it seems...
Still, it's better than putting panties on goats like that Dastardly Singing Cowboy I suppose...
I ordered one way back and like it. I think it was $15, def worth that much if you need one.
@Stallion but not 3 bucks more?
Put them in a fuku and cut your losses.
Son of a BITCH
Damn meh, meh so hard meh-er-muckers wanna buy me.
As heard in the Asian massage parlor, "You're so rong!"
Meh has sold around 4200 of these previously. That is a lot of damn goats.
@lisaviolet It's a good thing they didn't decide to go with the 'Platypus of the month.' I think we'd have long ago run out of gifs.
@Cinoclav And it wouldn't have been nearly as much fun!

@lisaviolet You don't think?
@Cinoclav Nope. After about three days, gifs would start repeats. Short season, I'd say.
LOVE it. hahahha. touche'
phew i was just starting to go through withdraw.
These aren't the speaker docks we're looking for. Move along.
No Georgia Red. . . for that alone, meh.
@jrwofuga That's my boy!
@srwofuga Where's @Barney? He needs to tell us he loves purple!
@tranadra I love purple.
Oh look a speaker dock version of a lump of coal
OH MY GARSH SDF @UNIXRAB is like Nostradamus of the Mehverse and I figured this was in the future too was just hoping that I could hope for something better but I guess thats next year thanks to @LisaViolet
@sp3ar Free shipping tho....
@sp3ar One more week of being the scapegoat, then it's someone else's turn...
@sp3ar Nostradamus was a hack so there's that.
@denboy So unixrab is a hacker?
@tranadra Maybe, it's a fun mystery isn't it. All I know is what Nostradamus was.
@tranadra @tranadra
@unixrab did you really get free shipping on this?
@TerriblyHuang EVERYONE who signed up for the shady "free" VMP program on Christmas day got "free" shipping on any order for the next 58 days.
Finally have a use for this got an ipod nano :)
@ddaymorgan Find a lightning extension cable (cheaper on EBay) so you can use while plugged in, or with a thick case. 😀
하우스 올웨이즈 윈즈
@EthanP How do you say "yup" in Korean? Don't trust google - it says 여피의 약어
@Kidsandliz im not sure if there is an exact translation for that. sorry.
Ordered one! Heard good things, and I've been looking for something cheap.
FREE SHIPPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@TerriblyHuang oh no.
@unixrab @lisaviolet
@DaveInSoCal @lisaviolet
Life is good.
It's Speaker Dock Friday AND My Birthday! Yay!
Sadly, I already have the Mini, which is the superior speaker dock. But I still have much joy.
@wishlish Happy birthday!
@wishlish Happy birthday!
Theres "Buy it", there's "Meh", but for this one there needs to be an "Oh hell no!" button. This is far below Meh in status.
You BEAT me. I can't help buying this.
@JonT That show was great.
첫 주문 기대중.
@Kei77 앞으로 많이 달리실꺼에욥
@MasterST 지난달26일에 주문했는데, 아직도 감감 무소식 ㅠㅠ
The persistence you have in selling these things is valiant. I can only say "meh" so many times...
방금 jbl독 2개를 주문했지만,
방금전 사이트에서는 결제가 제대로 안됬다는 화면이 나왔는데,
제 폰에는 결제가 돼었다는 문자가 도착했습니다.
어떻게 된것일까요?
제 주문은 제대로 된것일까요?
I feel sick.
@paransam Support 에 문의 해주시면 정확한 답변 얻으실수있을꺼에욥
Got one for my son the last time they were up. For the price, I was pleasantly surprised with the quality. It's not a Bose, but it is well worth the asking price.
@steelersluver thank goodness it's not a BOSE.
Do u have white one???
I'd like to buy white one!!!
If u have, tell me!!!
@yangsunkim If they had it, they'd sell it. What they are selling is what you can buy.
I love purple.
next time just try "We will feature these every Friday until they are gone."
Is it me? It's me, isn't it? I still get the "terribly wrong" video instead of my account. Can't confirm whether I'm paying for the next 2 months, or playing on house money.
@Maui Are you clicking the 'Save that.' button while you're already logged in? Go to the account page (https://mediocre.com/account) and see if it has your VMP status at the bottom of the white box. If you're only seeing the actual log in screen with the 'Let's do this!' button, log in then check again. It seems if you're trying to put in your password when you're already logged in then it gives you the SWTW video.
@Cinoclav Bingo! Says I renew March 8, so "purchase" must have worked yesterday. And to answer my own question, it WAS me. Oh, and "thanks!"
@Cinoclav March 8?! I only got through Feb 24. Extra week on free shipping ... That's at least one more crack at a speaker dock.
@Maui You're welcome! @saodell Mine renews on March 10th. If you were a VMP member prior to yesterday it simply added on 2 free months. If you weren't VMP, it's 2 months from yesterday.
@Cinoclav yah, that page, when you're already logged in is confusing. Sometimes simplicity goes too far.
@RedOak Agreed. But I do it just for the song anyway.
i knew it i knew it i knew it i knew it.... 2 solid months of speaker docks coming our way
@Steve7654 We didn't even think of that.
Careful, @Steve7654. mehmbers have received goat nominations for just such faux pas.
At $18, these are cheaper than an Apple Power Adapter, and less than half the price of an Adapter and a Cable. They charge my phone AND play music. What's not to love? I can't help myself. I bought one when they were $15 and I bought 3 now that I have VMP. Doing my part to put an end to SDF since August 2014!!!
@lsm1018 that's what I was thinking. mine's going in the garage.
@lsm1018 by this logic, we should have one of these or a thirty pin equivalent for every room in the house so we can leave our obsolete iPod Touches, etc... everywhere and have permanent streaming radio... everywhere.
Today's meh-view of the product didn't really disclose the complete depths of your diabolical plan though, at least for multiple-meh's. So, way back before I saw teh light, and VMP'd myself, I bought two of these awesome speaker docks, and paid for shipping: $15+$15+$5=$35.
Fast forward, and to those who were meh enough, and got the awesome (thank you again btw) free two months, and buy the same two today: $18+$18+$free=$36.
So, through the power of maths, we can fully expose the true depths of your master meh-plan to rule our wallets, one George at a time..LOL
@lisaviolet That federal reserve seal is wrong. They only go up to "L". And even if they did go up to "M", that would make the "12"s in the corners wrong. They would be "13"s. An otherwise perfectly good gag ruined by lack of attention to detail.

I have 2 already and make great chargers, cheaper than a regular Apple charger.
How heavy is it? I am in the market for a new boat anchor.
@jseay65 They double as door stops
@mehdiocre_user but all of my door stops have Bluetooth capability.
@jseay65 Also useful as paperweights
Since it's an ambidextrous lightning connector, you can dock your phone facing the wall, right? For when you don't want others' snooping your most secret dialogs as they pop on the screen.
@RedOak Blew my mind.
Weird, just noticed this, if you're on the homepage, and click the meh logo, it just quivers. I mean, I know you're already on the home page, but I thought it was funny. :D
@tranadra If you have sound on and turned up, get ready for a surprise!
@dashcloud I didn't have my sound turned on... I'll have to go check it out again!
@dashcloud Oh my god, this is awesome! I love it. I guess I have a new ringtone now...
@tranadra Save you a little trouble there: https://meh.com/forum/topics/how-can-i-download-shaking-meh-song (Soundcloud link to the theme in there)
@Cinoclav How could you tell? :)
Y'know, I should probably be pissed off that I didn't catch this deal one of the four other times it was up. Or, maybe I should be really pissed off I didn't check yesterday and get the 2 months free VMP. Or should I be pissed that the dock is somehow 3 dollars more expensive than last time it was up. Or maybe I should be pissed that I hafta take black and can't choose a white one.
To all that, I say "Meh."
$23 is a pretty good deal and the fact that I can add a USB cable so my wife can charge her 4S makes me not mind that I didn'get the absolute best deal ever. And the fact that I can now throw out our old iHome speaker dock that only works with her phone and would make weird noises whenever I tried to plug a lightning cable into the USB port makes me kinda happy.
C'mon, Arkansas. Get with the holiday spirit and buy one of these docks!
Actually this whole thing is funny. I willingly pay for vmp and follow Meh because you bring a smile ..... Almost every day. How do you get us to follow you like lambs ?
@1wally1 we can be sure the meh crew has a good hearty laugh at us over Friday nite beers. Followed by bets on how many suckers will post comments.
@1wally1 further pondering that, perhaps @unixrabbi is a double agent.
@RedOak @1wally1
@RedOak Now that you mention it, I have never seen @unixrat and @snapstar together in the same room. Not saying they could be the same person, but I'm not not saying it either.
@hallmike @redoak @snapster
@RedOak Had not thought of that angle but totally agree. At least we all get to smile.
Today's not for me, but I still have another 59 days to find a gem of a deal.
(I need something I can plug my quality sansa clip+ into.)
Is this for the people complaining the snap charger was too hard to use?
Scrolling through the various misspellings and autocorrects of @unixrab on this thread reminds me of Dory not remembering Nemo's name. Unixrat, unixrabbi...
한글로 써도 답변을 해주시는 건가요? ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
OK, who do I have to bribe to get the meh face for this product?
A new computer and a screwed up internet conspired against me.
@smilingjack https://meh.com/forum/topics/meh-video-ombudsman-on-meh-button-click-streak-forgiveness-program