“Oi mate Jamie Oliver here and today we are going to prepare some pasta today, here what you want to do mate is take your olive oil there and just drizzle it over ya pasta, while you do that boil some water and add a bit of olive oil in there mate, be generous, then to finish it off just a smidge of olive oil there you have it, simple yeah”.
Actual quote.
Jamie has four children, named Poppy Honey Rosie Oliver (2002), Daisy Boo Pamela Oliver (2003), Petal Blossom Rainbow Oliver (2009), and my personal fav: Buddy Bear Maurice Oliver (2009).
Actually, I'm capable of making up my mind based on my personal interaction with him - yes, I copied from a recent article, but I knew about the quote (which is what I went searching for when I found the article). I admittedly had no idea the guy had named his children so outrageously or that a female had agreed to procreate with him willingly until I found the quote I was looking for contained within the article from which I copied said information.
Long story short - Jamie's representation approached Mercedes a few years ago as he wanted to present at Men's Fashion Week London (my production company covers all Fashion Week events for Mercedes). I had the opportunity to meet him, and he was a complete idiot, IMO. I took a copy of the interview we did with him back to the Agency that oversees the London event and they barred him from the show. As in literally, he was not welcome to attend as a spectator. The guy is off - and not in any kind of good way.
I maybe should have just led with that, instead of the asinine olive oil quote.
@Pavlov I get your perspective, but really, aren't most celebs characters with whom we'd much prefer not to associate?(Yes, it is sad he has saddled his poor kids with those moronic names.)
@RedOak To a degree, perhaps. But it is more a microcosmic socio-economic disconnect that is in many ways forced upon them (celebrities in general), than it is a defect of their core personality, IME. IMO, it is a core personality issue with Oliver. Bonkers the guy is . . .
All that said, I guess these could be really great knives, but that he got a single cent from the licensing deal - well, I'm out. If I'm missing out, that's okay.
@Pavlov What sane person does this to their kids? I'm a big fan of at least giving a child a fighting chance with a strong name, early education (before actually beginning school), and good parenting. If, when he turns 18, he wants to change his name to Pop Tart Fart Face and become the world's biggest douchebag, that's his decision and good luck to him. But seriously, why doom a kid from the start?
I'm sure Oliver's children will eventually become Congressmen, world-renowned leaders of industry, and Pulitzer Prize winners with respectable names as those (riiiiight).
@Pavlov You'll be pleased to know I have never heard of him or the Chinese knives he is hawking.
I gave up the TV/cable habit years ago and basically only watch movies that I want to see..and read what I want.
Also, as a former radio DJ, I stopped being involved in pop music years ago, and entire singers and groups have come and gone without my ever hearing them. I'll take Bonzo Dog and the Red Elvises any day over most current pop stars.
come on @kylethephotoguy where is the asterisk stating that the cutting board background is not included GOD do us consumers have to do your job for you?!?!?! and if its not your job I'm SORRY yell at the person who was suppose to do it for me thanks!
Anyone know where these are made? Can't find that info anywhere. It says they are made of Japanese steel, but not where they are actually made. I'm assuming China.
Weird. That first image of the knives totally distorts the sizes, so that they all seem about the same length. The second image shows the true size relative to each other.
Not a fan of the huge-number-of-knives kitchen sets - would much rather have a few respectable(but not so respectable I get mad with the kids for abusing them) knives like this set.
'Just one thing bugging me - is it perspective-optical illusion or do those knives in the photo look like they all measure within an inch of each other? (Separate photos Photoshopped together?)
@RedOak Good to know they seem to be reasonably decent quality. Still simmering from the last celebrity chef endorsed knife set I acquired. The Emeril Lagasse set was dollar store quality at best. Guess I'll have to sleep on this one.
@RedOak To be fair, they didn't exactly specify what was guaranteed for 25 years. My money is on Jamie's licensing deal, not on the knives. Maybe the plastic and metal knife is guaranteed not biodegrade for 25 years?
@mike808 These knives are all metal. I thought the black part of the handle was plastic but it is just paint on the metal handle. These are really nice knives and I am glad I got them. I really don't care if they had Hitler on the handle no one but me is going to see them.
Jamie Oliver is the guy the told all your kids that school lunch chicken nuggets are pretty much ground up chicken and all the other unwanted chicken parts nobody wants.........thanks you English bastard, now my kid won't eat chicken nuggets
I don't care if the doofus gives his kids weird names- if these knives are as good as the Amazon reviewers say it's a good deal. Those pretty Cuisinarts are OK (I use the yellow one for meat and it alone is worth what I paid for the set) but I could use something a bit sharper.
@mike808 That Victorinox is an OK knife, especially for the price, but it's very light, and I'm not thrilled with the balance. I bought one for my parents so I'd have something to use at their house, and it does that.
I have other knives I like better. I understand Chris Kimball loves the knife. I think it's just OK.
Wow, this might be the first Sunday in forever something hasn't sold out. I was shocked I was able to get in on these. I think a lot of people are missing out on this one.
@dino2269 Aside from people possibly having an issue with the specific celebrity endorsement (myself included), the knives do get really good reviews in the UK and at $25 they are probably well worth it - if not an absolute steal - hell, you could break the set and re-sell them on Amazon UK and make money, even accounting for the cost to ship them over the pond. If it didn't have 'Jamie Oliver' stamped on the blade I wonder if that would have made a difference . . . I know @MrsPavlov was going to pick up a set as a gift for someone and re-box them until she noticed the branding.
Sales do seem much lighter than I had anticipated when I saw them offered at $25 USD.
Knowing Meh, they'll be back (sooner than later) if they don't sell out. Maybe cheaper. Maybe not.
I was a student at Marshall University, when Oliver's 'Food Revolution' tried to make the city of Huntington (Where Marshall University is) healthier. He was such an jerk to everyone there, I'd but these but I cannot have this jerk in my kitchen.
MoV steal, considered a high quality knife steel, very corrosion resistant, hard to get and edge but keeps an edge, prone to chipping? Does that pretty much line up with anyone else's research.
Since this was put on sale on my Bday I went ahead and bought it as a gift for my Mother who's been saying how she wants new knives for a while. Just hoping what I get is what is pictured and that the packaging is adequate. They arrive tomorrow, so here's hoping it's more than just a meh!
@DKL Mine arrived and have fingerprints on them... Think someone murdered someone with them and then returned them to dispose of the murder weapon?! I made guacamole with them so....
I got the knives in and they are fantastic. They are sharp out of the box and have a great weight and balance to them. My mother and brother and wife and even my 15 year old son likes them. If these come around again and you didn't get them this time I would recommend buying them. I might take one of the knives to those 4 for 30 dollars pillows they have sold a couple of times. Those suck, really really suck. If they ever do the 4 pillows for 30 bucks thing again stay away from it.
Well, these came with more than enough packaging to keep them undamaged, which was wonderful. My Mom loves these and no one in my family can believe that I was able to afford them! If they only knew... This was my first purchase here and I'm so glad I made it! Thanks Meh!! :D
Jamie is lame but these knives are really pretty nice, especially for $25. Very sharp, nicely balanced. Well worth it, a lot better than your typical "cheap" knives.
Condition: New
Warranty: 90 Day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery: 12/21 - 12/23
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
1x Chef’s knife
1x Paring knife
1x Utility knife
Retail box
Price Comparison
$30.95 at Amazon for Chef’s
$24.92 at Amazon for Utility
$19.99 at Amazon for Paring
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
Estimated Delivery
Monday, January 28th - Monday, February 4th
Cut ups!
I might shun these...
@AttyVette a cut below the rest
@AttyVette Now that just "Cuts like a knife"!
What a sharp deal
@CrossIT what a dull deal lol
@CrossIT a cut above the rest
@jml326 - Bruuuuuuuuuuuuce!
Maybe if it came with that cutting board...
Slashing prices
Big fat meh
Slicing through the deal tonight - trifecta of blade runners
"More knives??? 😱
Thank god I have a big belt buckle!!!"
-Childhood friend of Dr. Ben Carson
Trump can get around that belt buckle, easy.
@f00l The power of a winning belt!
Full tang is nice, but what about Wu?
@jaremelz Full Wu is good too
@jaremelz Eff Wu, you can never have too much tang. Moar Tang!
@mike808 I'll take both the
And for sure the
@jaremelz You forgot the

@jaremelz Cannot give enough stars for the Wu-Tang.
Will not buy because Jamie Oliver.
“Oi mate Jamie Oliver here and today we are going to prepare some pasta today, here what you want to do mate is take your olive oil there and just drizzle it over ya pasta, while you do that boil some water and add a bit of olive oil in there mate, be generous, then to finish it off just a smidge of olive oil there you have it, simple yeah”.
Actual quote.
Jamie has four children, named Poppy Honey Rosie Oliver (2002), Daisy Boo Pamela Oliver (2003), Petal Blossom Rainbow Oliver (2009), and my personal fav: Buddy Bear Maurice Oliver (2009).
What a tool.
@Pavlov I thought everyone used olive oil like that. Just drizzle on everything, twice.
@Pavlov the article you got that from is idiotic...people are so easily offended by nonsense.
Actually, I'm capable of making up my mind based on my personal interaction with him - yes, I copied from a recent article, but I knew about the quote (which is what I went searching for when I found the article). I admittedly had no idea the guy had named his children so outrageously or that a female had agreed to procreate with him willingly until I found the quote I was looking for contained within the article from which I copied said information.
Long story short - Jamie's representation approached Mercedes a few years ago as he wanted to present at Men's Fashion Week London (my production company covers all Fashion Week events for Mercedes). I had the opportunity to meet him, and he was a complete idiot, IMO. I took a copy of the interview we did with him back to the Agency that oversees the London event and they barred him from the show. As in literally, he was not welcome to attend as a spectator. The guy is off - and not in any kind of good way.
I maybe should have just led with that, instead of the asinine olive oil quote.
@Pavlov I get your perspective, but really, aren't most celebs characters with whom we'd much prefer not to associate? (Yes, it is sad he has saddled his poor kids with those moronic names.)
@RedOak To a degree, perhaps. But it is more a microcosmic socio-economic disconnect that is in many ways forced upon them (celebrities in general), than it is a defect of their core personality, IME. IMO, it is a core personality issue with Oliver. Bonkers the guy is . . .
@Pavlov FWIW, he does look like a "tool" on the product box.
All that said, I guess these could be really great knives, but that he got a single cent from the licensing deal - well, I'm out. If I'm missing out, that's okay.
@RedOak my favorite odd name has to be Moon Unit Zappa
@Pavlov What sane person does this to their kids? I'm a big fan of at least giving a child a fighting chance with a strong name, early education (before actually beginning school), and good parenting. If, when he turns 18, he wants to change his name to Pop Tart Fart Face and become the world's biggest douchebag, that's his decision and good luck to him. But seriously, why doom a kid from the start?
I'm sure Oliver's children will eventually become Congressmen, world-renowned leaders of industry, and Pulitzer Prize winners with respectable names as those (riiiiight).
@Pavlov You'll be pleased to know I have never heard of him or the Chinese knives he is hawking.
I gave up the TV/cable habit years ago and basically only watch movies that I want to see..and read what I want.
Also, as a former radio DJ, I stopped being involved in pop music years ago, and entire singers and groups have come and gone without my ever hearing them. I'll take Bonzo Dog and the Red Elvises any day over most current pop stars.
come on @kylethephotoguy where is the asterisk stating that the cutting board background is not included GOD do us consumers have to do your job for you?!?!?! and if its not your job I'm SORRY yell at the person who was suppose to do it for me thanks!
@sp3ar I'll take the blame for this one. Can't get @kylethephotoguy and his captions back soon enough! Here:
@sp3ar wait isn't he in the hospital or something?
@dave kudos for the page layout.
@dave Well why would you do that when there's a perfectly good scapegoat around ?
Oh @taRDy ! Please come take care of this. Thank you.
Watch out these might have a boomerang effect.
These knives are on point.
Anyone know where these are made? Can't find that info anywhere. It says they are made of Japanese steel, but not where they are actually made. I'm assuming China.
@Portlis or Bayonne
Why does no one else remember this reference!!!!
I feel so old...
$39.99 at Groupon
Robo-knife in for 2
@somf69 Still kinda out, but I just had to get in an animated gif.
@Kylethephotoguy I could tell it was your work. Nice to have you more or less back!
Weird. That first image of the knives totally distorts the sizes, so that they all seem about the same length. The second image shows the true size relative to each other.
@KenC you beat me by a couple minutes!
@KenC I think I've got the sizes a little more accurate now.
Not a fan of the huge-number-of-knives kitchen sets - would much rather have a few respectable (but not so respectable I get mad with the kids for abusing them) knives like this set.
'Just one thing bugging me - is it perspective-optical illusion or do those knives in the photo look like they all measure within an inch of each other? (Separate photos Photoshopped together?)

I keep nice knives for myself, and people i trust to handle them well.
I have ceramics for other people who might wander into the kitchen. These might do for the latter group. Or perhaps they're "a cut above."
Groan. Apologies to all.
@RedOak Ok, I think I've got it a little more to scale now.
In case you're curious, the Amazon page (and reviews) in the Jamie Oliver mother country for the chef's knife:
@RedOak wow, about $100 in the UK for the 3 knives.
@RedOak Good to know they seem to be reasonably decent quality. Still simmering from the last celebrity chef endorsed knife set I acquired. The Emeril Lagasse set was dollar store quality at best. Guess I'll have to sleep on this one.
I'm guessing that 25 year manufacturer warranty isn't worth the plastic it is printed on (top right corner) here in the colonies.


@RedOak To be fair, they didn't exactly specify what was guaranteed for 25 years. My money is on Jamie's licensing deal, not on the knives. Maybe the plastic and metal knife is guaranteed not biodegrade for 25 years?
@mike808 These knives are all metal. I thought the black part of the handle was plastic but it is just paint on the metal handle. These are really nice knives and I am glad I got them. I really don't care if they had Hitler on the handle no one but me is going to see them.
@dino2269 Glad it turned out to be a better-than-meh deal for you.
Every single person you know needs this for winter holiday commerce exchange. Including parents. And in-laws. You're welcome.
Jamie Oliver is the guy the told all your kids that school lunch chicken nuggets are pretty much ground up chicken and all the other unwanted chicken parts nobody wants.........thanks you English bastard, now my kid won't eat chicken nuggets
I don't care if the doofus gives his kids weird names- if these knives are as good as the Amazon reviewers say it's a good deal. Those pretty Cuisinarts are OK (I use the yellow one for meat and it alone is worth what I paid for the set) but I could use something a bit sharper.
@sammydog01 Just get a Victorinox and be done with trying out knives and save money. For more tang!
@mike808 That Victorinox is an OK knife, especially for the price, but it's very light, and I'm not thrilled with the balance. I bought one for my parents so I'd have something to use at their house, and it does that.
I have other knives I like better. I understand Chris Kimball loves the knife. I think it's just OK.
My new motto: It's easy to be naked when you've got clothes on.
The upper-middle-northwest appears to already be all knived up.

Wow, this might be the first Sunday in forever something hasn't sold out. I was shocked I was able to get in on these. I think a lot of people are missing out on this one.
@dino2269 Aside from people possibly having an issue with the specific celebrity endorsement (myself included), the knives do get really good reviews in the UK and at $25 they are probably well worth it - if not an absolute steal - hell, you could break the set and re-sell them on Amazon UK and make money, even accounting for the cost to ship them over the pond. If it didn't have 'Jamie Oliver' stamped on the blade I wonder if that would have made a difference . . . I know @MrsPavlov was going to pick up a set as a gift for someone and re-box them until she noticed the branding.
Sales do seem much lighter than I had anticipated when I saw them offered at $25 USD.
Knowing Meh, they'll be back (sooner than later) if they don't sell out. Maybe cheaper. Maybe not.
@Pavlov Hell, even if they come back cheaper I'm not even mad about $25 for a set of 3 decent knives.
@dino2269 I just don't need any more knives.
Jamie loves Choppy!
No serrated knife? Finally. Serrated knives are such a waste. A knife set I can finally buy.
Jamie Oliveoil
Meh. I tried to buy a set but my billing address wouldn't validate. (Mixed billing vs shipping address as we're moving this week.)
Oh well. Too tired to care right now.
I was a student at Marshall University, when Oliver's 'Food Revolution' tried to make the city of Huntington (Where Marshall University is) healthier. He was such an jerk to everyone there, I'd but these but I cannot have this jerk in my kitchen.

@chipt4 is that... Xena?
@thismyusername No silly it's Number 3.
MoV steal, considered a high quality knife steel, very corrosion resistant, hard to get and edge but keeps an edge, prone to chipping? Does that pretty much line up with anyone else's research.
Since this was put on sale on my Bday I went ahead and bought it as a gift for my Mother who's been saying how she wants new knives for a while. Just hoping what I get is what is pictured and that the packaging is adequate. They arrive tomorrow, so here's hoping it's more than just a meh!
@DKL Mine arrived and have fingerprints on them... Think someone murdered someone with them and then returned them to dispose of the murder weapon?! I made guacamole with them so....
@alexthegirl I choose @JonT in the warehouse with the knife. But really, I don't have a clue.
@Barney I always pegged @JonT as more of a Candle Sticks in the Library type.
@alexthegirl True, but I think you might now have his fingerprints. ;)
@Barney No Colonel @ChadP in the Breakroom with the inflatable hamburger?
@Thumperchick seems legit
@Thumperchick @ChadP You guys just let the air out of my theory.
I got the knives in and they are fantastic. They are sharp out of the box and have a great weight and balance to them. My mother and brother and wife and even my 15 year old son likes them. If these come around again and you didn't get them this time I would recommend buying them. I might take one of the knives to those 4 for 30 dollars pillows they have sold a couple of times. Those suck, really really suck. If they ever do the 4 pillows for 30 bucks thing again stay away from it.
@dino2269 I love mine too. The knives,not the pillows.
Well, these came with more than enough packaging to keep them undamaged, which was wonderful. My Mom loves these and no one in my family can believe that I was able to afford them! If they only knew... This was my first purchase here and I'm so glad I made it! Thanks Meh!! :D
Great knives. Good feel, sharp. Would buy again.
Jamie is lame but these knives are really pretty nice, especially for $25. Very sharp, nicely balanced. Well worth it, a lot better than your typical "cheap" knives.
These guys are for sale on MorningSave, $26 for VMPs. I really like them and have only sliced my hands up a little.