I’ve got a fever, and the only prescription is more speaker dock
1I have yet to buy one. I think you should list a broken speaker dock for more than Amazon list price and I will buy it then. Are Korean people doing something with speaker docks that I don't know about? Whose buying them? What are they doing with them? Should meh,com require end user certificates for all of these speaker docks to ya' know protect the homeland? If you don't stop selling these things, there will be questions.
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Speaking of the Koreans… I haven't seen a post in Korean for ages. They still around on the forums or is there now a separate one totally in Korean?
@Kidsandliz Their English is probably better than ours by now. They're hiding behind their language skills.
@saberg131 I have a broken speaker dock. If you want to buy one :)
Awake and rational is not how I buy things on meh.com. I much prefer the lucid dream purchases and the Christmas morning feel when random crap comes to my doorstep. Also my debit card overdrafts, thats more like New Years day though.