Now I will start to show you what I need them for… More to come…
PS… Please bring back speaker docks!!!
@sohmageek Unless they put in a manufacturing plant you’re out of luck.
You didn’t try bribing or coercing yet?
I’m shocked.
@PlacidPenguin ehhh… I’ve tried… I need to find more dirt…
How much dirt would you like?
Of course, due to the nature of aforementioned dirt, I wouldn’t be able to share it on the forums.
Did you offer chocolate?
But did you grovel?
@therealjrn He bought the wrong vowel. /image gravel
Amiibo stands each with their own unique sound FX?!?
@sohmageek We 're not sure your intended uses would be considered sane.
Who are we to call what @sohmageek wants to do with speaker docks “insane”?
@PlacidPenguin We are assholes, I would presume.
@PlacidPenguin @TickledLizard @FroodyFrog @FruityFraug @asshole @TheUnSane @mfladd @mflassy @mflaccid @TheForgotten @TheUnforgiven @Yoda_Daenerys @NotYoda @NotDaenerys @JustAnyone @TheMisspelled @TheMisspelt @TheMiss_Pelt
At first you had a theme going with the names on that list, but after you listed my 3 usernames, you went away from the theme.
@PlacidPenguin Do, or Do Knot There is no Theme.
@FruityFraug offers a course on how to write lists with themes, but they are busy at the moment.
@PlacidPenguin The memes are busy?
And a @f00l attempted to disturb them?
Well, fuck that. And that also.
/giphy fuck that also
me knows knot wat 2 think of meself being taggered
/giphy tagged in detroit
@Yoda_Daenerys multiple names- that’s you
PS… Please bring back speaker docks!!!
@sohmageek Unless they put in a manufacturing plant you’re out of luck.
You didn’t try bribing or coercing yet?
I’m shocked.
@PlacidPenguin ehhh… I’ve tried… I need to find more dirt…
How much dirt would you like?
Of course, due to the nature of aforementioned dirt, I wouldn’t be able to share it on the forums.
Did you offer chocolate?
But did you grovel?
@therealjrn He bought the wrong vowel.

/image gravel
Amiibo stands each with their own unique sound FX?!?
We 're not sure your intended uses would be considered sane.
Who are we to call what @sohmageek wants to do with speaker docks “insane”?
We are assholes, I would presume.
At first you had a theme going with the names on that list, but after you listed my 3 usernames, you went away from the theme.
Do, or Do Knot
There is no Theme.
@FruityFraug offers a course on how to write lists with themes, but they are busy at the moment.
The memes are busy?
And a @f00l attempted to disturb them?
Well, fuck that. And that also.
/giphy fuck that also

me knows knot wat 2 think of meself being taggered
/giphy tagged in detroit

@Yoda_Daenerys multiple names- that’s you