It's Your Birthday... and Your Fault! (September 2018 Blame Thread)
30You cried over tax law.
You worked hard to help make this place function.
You did a kick-ass MAD APE DEN.
You left, but you still visit. (That’s really what got you here, the visiting.)
Happy Birthday, @katylava!!
Now everyone will give you the gift of blame, for the whole month.
- 55 comments, 159 replies
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It’s your fault I’m not GoaT.
@jst1ofknd You’re suppose to give blame not thanks. Get it right!
@jst1ofknd @Mehrocco_Mole
This is meh. Goats get unblames too.
@katylava, This whole thing is your fault.
Doing well on your quest to collect all the badges.
So far our GoaT has not made an appearance…
@jst1ofknd We already know who’s to blame. Hint: It ain’t you. Keep up.
@jst1ofknd I was busy watching The Good Place with my new boyfriend last night
@jst1ofknd @katylava Good God, what a terrible show. To think they cancelled The Grinder and replaced it with that dreck. Morans.
@jst1ofknd @katylava @mike808 Who the heck is to blame for THAT?
@mike808 i think you might be a crazy person
Birthday goat checking in to accept blame
@katylava Welcome to Goatdom. Hope you have a, uh, enjoyable month. And Happy Birthday!
@katylava Welcome to the club, volunteer.
so, as goat, am i required to post a new topic every day? because, i can do that, but i can’t promise they’ll be entertaining.
@katylava As Goat, you can do anything you want. Talk to us or ignore us, it’s up to you. (But we would like it if you would at least talk to us a little.)
@katylava So when exactly is your birthday? … asking for a friend (snicker).
@Kidsandliz the 10th
I’m FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Life seems so, empty now. It’s your fault!
@lichme Poor Lisa, what are you going to with yourself now?
@lichme @therealjrn Duh.
Give blame as good as done got.
Release the blame, @lichme.
Free your burdens.
The new goat is here to salve your wounds and take on all that ails ye.
Your fault. While walking (on the sidewalk bringing food to a tame, but homeless cat’s food bowl) and eating an apple I managed to turn my ankle and fall skinning the palm of my hand, forearm and side of my leg. Unblame in that my apple didn’t touch the sidewalk so I could keep eating it. Good thing I never bought the caffeine gum cuz I don’t even want to think what would happen had I been walking and trying to chew gum at the same time.
I just put $17 of quarters into washing machines at the laundromat. Fuck. At least my dryer still works.
@sammydog01 wait, what? how did this happen? did i miss a story in another topic? i saw something about 100 lbs of laundry.
@katylava It used to be @lichme’s fault. Do you know anything about fixing washers?
Well, now, I thought @sammydog01 was already expert in fixing washers. She certainly researched everything about them.
@sammydog01 I do, but my knowledge is limited to what I own (Sears Kenmore/Whirlpool) and general principles.
What’s broken?
@blaineg It died at the start of the wash cycle and smoked a bunch. It’s upstairs and requires a pan with a drain which I replaced last year. The new pan is white and oil immediately started showing up (the old one was metal and probably had oil too.) My brief foray into youtube after I stopped crying coupled with the oil suggests the transmission is dead. The tray makes it a major pain in the butt to move it- I did get the front panel off (also a major pain in the butt.) So if you have any suggestions that are easy to test and replace I’ll give it a shot but I think she’s dead, Jim.
It’s a Maytag toploader I bought in 1989 and the drum is pristine which kind of bums me out.
@sammydog01 Leaking oil does sound like the transmission. Depending on the design you might be able to replace just a bad seal, but some require replacing the whole transmission. Though even that is a lot cheaper than a whole washer.
Here’s some useful web sites:
Troubleshooting and repair tips, parts sales.
Plugging in your appliance serial number will narrow down your search.
Both have almost any part you could need, but not usually the best prices. Amazon often has great prices, but search by manufacturer part number and double check to make sure you’re getting OEM parts, and not knock offs. (Unless you don’t care. Sometimes knockoffs are fine, but I’ve been burned by them too.)
It’s plumbing focused, but lots of good info here. Run by a professional plumber.
@sammydog01 Also just found these, looks promising.
Blame that I am having to shop for health insurance. Un Blame because the insurance lady said that since I am still under 40, I don’t have to have a form from my doctor to apply. (Birthday later this month but will still be under 40. Am loving reminding the husband how much younger I am than he.)
@tnhillbillygal I’m gonna be 40 too!
@katylava i am hitting 38 this year on the 21st. I keep campaigning for a trip to Japan for my 40th Happy Soon Birthday!
@katylava @tnhillbillygal Hi Birthday Month buddies! Mine is the 26th
@katylava @stardate820926 Best month to be born!
@katylava @tnhillbillygal Agreed!
@tnhillbillygal My washing machine is older than you. Damn.
@katylava @stardate820926 @tnhillbillygal
I … will be older than 40 this month.
Wait. I was older than 40 last month. Now I’m confused.
@sammydog01 that must be a dang good washer!
@sammydog01 @tnhillbillygal
@tnhillbillygal better hope the Republicans dont repeal the ACA (Obamacare) before they get voted out of office or people are too stupid to realize that’s what will happen to their healthcare - shitty expensive non-coverage, just like it was before.
@therealjrn @tnhillbillygal I was wishing I had one of those the other day- and a wringer too.
@sammydog01 @tnhillbillygal Old washing machines that work clean better and the washer and dryer cycles are 30 min each. I have 1983 Kenmores. Worthy buying a good one used and keeping it running.
@tnhillbillygal It breaks at least once a year, and it takes me a couple of weeks to fix it each time. Plus it’s in a tray with a drain so I have to lift it up on blocks to just check it out. And there’s oil underneath.
@narfcake Is it time to junk it? Oil leaks are bad, right? And smoke?
@sammydog01 @therealjrn I have a ringer washer in one of our outbuildings. A few years ago our washer went out and we didn’t have the money to buy another one. We drug out the ringer and put it on the front porch. We got some strange looks from the neighbors as they drove by and saw us washing our clothes on the porch. Worked really well though!
@mike808 I don’t want to get into a healthcare debate here but I will speak as to what has been our family’s experience since the enacting of Obamacare. Our insurance costs through our employers sky-rocketed. One of the jobs started charging $200 PER WEEK for the employee share of the family plan health insurance provided through their group plan. My husband worked for the state and his coverage there doubled per month when it went into affect. I stayed far, far away from the governmental health insurance exchange when I shopped for insurance. The costs were insane and the coverage lackluster to say the least when I did dip my toe into the research there. It is not a good thing for working-class families.
Like I said, I don’t want to get into a debate but I did want to share what our experience has been as a family of four trying to make it work.
@tnhillbillygal Just a guess, but the fine print in your old pre-ACA policy likely had a shit-ton of pre-existing exclusions, and your Republican-controlled state legislature opted out of the free money as a “fuck you” to expand Medicare and so you didnt get the subsidies everyone else got that put the “affordable” into the ACA. Precisely to sabotage and give you “the experience” you did. That’s also exactly why the congress went after the subsidies in the failed attempt to repeal it.
In short, your elected state officials failed to lower those costs to make it fail - for political points and two seats on the Supreme Court, to control women’s bodies, tax the poor and give to the rich, get the blacks and browns out of town, and to give them a pass if they get caught stealing elections or packing courts with corrupt “activist” judges. Mighty white of them.
@tnhillbillygal A Tennessee-specific article on why your premiums went up so much.
Pssst. They would have gone up anyway without the ACA - and the states that expanded Medicare also had cost increase caps - none of which the people of your state got.
/giphy well said
Seems even more appropriate with a Colbert giphy.
@katylava @stardate820926 @tnhillbillygal Birthday buddies! Mine is uh, today. Yay I guess.
/giphy Happy Birthday!
@cinoclav @katylava @stardate820926
/giphy happy birthday!
@sammydog01 @tnhillbillygal Thank you both!
/giphy much appreciated
@TheFLP I’ll be older than 40 this month. Of course I’ve been older than 40 for a LOT of months.
@blaineg Shhhhhh. If those “bonus” months hear you talking that way, they’ll build a month factory and start cloning themselves faster than you can stomp them to death.
Oh crap. I think they heard me…
@cinoclav @mike808 well put!
I’ve got a thing to blame…
Last night about 1:30 am, my 6’x3’ bathroom mirror apparently had enough of the world and leapt off the wall to end it all. 2.5 hours of cleaning glass shards from, well, everywhere. Thankfully, we did plan to renovate the room in the future (and my wife complained about the mirror), but not, you know, now.
Oh, and I get on a plane in a day for a two week business trip, so I have to figure out how to temporarily fix the room (vanity smashed, no mirror for all the women in the house to use, etc) until I come back so I can do a more detailed repair.
@Ozzie2191 At the prison camp we just used polished slabs of chrome. Hope this helps!
@Ozzie2191 Post-it note that reads “You look lovely.”
You’re welcome.
@Ozzie2191 Also, if you have a son or something, have him sneak in in a few days and replace it with, “You look fine.”
Then, a few days later with, “Could be worse…”
@Limewater I totally like this idea. I will have it up for when my daughter comes home from work.
@Ozzie2191 walmart cheap mirror. Picture hanging hook. Done in 5 minutes not counting the trip to walmart to buy a $10 cheapo mirror. Hint - their ones to stick on the back of doors run 8 to 13. Put it sideways if you don’t have the height. Then when you are done and fix the mess you have a mirror to put on the back of a door in daughter’s bedroom and she’d likely be thrilled.
@Kidsandliz yup, that’s the fix for now. I’ve been pricing new vanities/etc and will deal with it in “down time” while on my trip.
@Kidsandliz For some reason I’m seeing a door length mirror mounted sideways on the wall.
@blaineg That is what I figured would likely happen too.
Blame: Amazon’s search has sunk to zero. Really. I’m getting no search results at all right now.
Unblame: I’m not spending countless
dollarscents on random shit from Warehouse? That window mechanism for 0.07 earlier was really tempting!
I blame @katylava for there being no more flagstone bluegrey sactionals.
/giphy astounding-knowing-optimist
@Ignorant that is definitely my fault
A friend came to dinner with an amazing purse she picked up on Amazon. So I have temporarily re-gotten Amazon Prime, to get one for myself, when I wished to be rid of it forever.
(I don’t even like purses, but it’s SO PRETTY.
/image “geometric luminous purse”
And of course, I ended up staying up too late browsing Amazon to see what else I should pick up on Prime shipping before I cancel it in a week.
And I couldn’t skip work! So I’m here, and snippier at coworkers than I should be, and dumped instant coffee into the tea I was making.
Clearly my insomniac shopping and subsequent irritability/misery is your fault, @katylava.
@Kawa That’s so pretty! Now I want one too. I blame @katylava.
@Kawa sounds like something i would cause
LONG RANT and skip if you don’t want to read a lot of whining. Fair warning.
Please explain to me why, when balancing my checking account, when my bank register is in excel, that it took me nearly 1 fucking hour to do this??? It is YOUR fault that you made invisible that I forgot to put a minus sign in front of 2 checks and it drove me nuts until you finally stopped screwing with me and made that mistake visible. Sheesh. Don’t you have anything better to do this evening?
Oh yeah - while I am on a roll, since I am in a piss ass mood this evening due to stupid young adult child of mine (adopted at nearly 10 and there are some things I don’t think I will ever be able to fix and I just need to learn to lower my expectations and get over it, which clearly I didn’t do this evening, thinking maybe, just maybe this time she’d say thank you instead of scream at me)… I have spent the better part of the last 2 days finding that shit some baby crap (her baby girl is due in a bit over a month from now and the dumb ass threw out everything from the 2 year old despite picking out her estrogen sticks last January to get pregnant on purpose).
I traded several days of slave labor in a used store for a deal on a pile of clothes, baby bathtub, a couple of needed things for her other 3 kids and some other junk they had that she will need. I also bought a few things new, spent three hours tracking down where she can get a free car seat since I am out of money to buy one, and when I told her all of this and that I was going to stop by tomorrow to drop it all off she was pissed that the photo I sent her of the baby bath showed it was dirty and so she didn’t want it - uh duh we can wash it - and that she was going to have to jump through some hoops to get the car seat. She still needs some things like some long sleeve footie onesies, baby hats, baby jacket and probably some crap I haven’t thought about yet and I’ll look for them (and winter jackets for 2 of the other kids and fleece jackets with hoods for 2 of them) at the used stores where I am going tomorrow.
She didn’t even say thank you. Instead she screamed at me and was nasty. This used stuff is in good shape. I hung up on her and am tempted to say fuck you; find your own crap except that isn’t practical because her car is broken, she has no money, the daddy is not in the picture (this is kid #7 for him with woman #7)… but this baby is an innocent victim and I can’t just walk away (not to mention she has a 2, 4 and 5 year old so I can’t walk away due to them too - funny how that love thing traps you). I NEED A LIFE TRANSPLANT. All your fault I can’t get one!!
PS unblame big time that the school in Alaska finally was topped off today!
@Kidsandliz Try YNAB.You Need A Budget.
I think you can still get the standalone version. The cloud version isn’t that bad, I’m just used to the old school look and feel.
@Kidsandliz @mike808 I know my finances didn’t get turned around until I had a budget.
@mike808 @mike808 @therealjrn - This may be too much information so feel free to skip. And I am still grumpy and in a piss ass mood (sleep did not fix that like it usually does)… If you read any further you have been warned.
It isn’t a budget issue, it is an unemployment issue, a cancer with no cure issue (cancer #3) and one other major medical expense issue coupled with my 9 mo temp job ending and I don’t have another one yet issue. Just got back into hud housing but I have to move 190 miles (which, other than the expense of moving is a good thing since that town is MUCH bigger than this little, rural place so more job opportunities, and rent will be way cheaper in hud).
3 cancers in a short period of time, including 2 in one year is incredibly expensive. Eventually I got laid off (at will state so doing this at the end of my contract even though they put in writing I was too expensive for their insurance turned out not to be illegal - I tried to sue under ADA and found this out). No medicaid expansion in that state and then I made less than you needed for a subsidy. So I paid full price. In 2016 my medical and health insurance premiums were several thousand more than my income. My state taxes were audited over that earlier this year and I am sure the feds will follow. There is medicaid expansion in this state but I kept COBRA because moving back to where I was I’d be back to no medicaid expansion and COBRA is cheaper than open market individual health insurance. Yes I could stay here but was told at least another year to two years before I got to the top of the hud list. Well I’d be homeless well before that.
Prior to getting this job I had to eventually choose health insurance over rent due to the cancer crap. Lived in a partly finished shed that had power due to an extension cord from the person’s house, someone’s unfinished wet basement, and finally hud. Got this 9 mo job 190 mile away from where I lived before (and unfortunately in a tiny town 110 miles one way and 190 the other from medical specialists and decent medical care). It ended. This state has 16 weeks of unemployment. COBRA costs more than I get in unemployment. Fortunately I lived like a monk while I had this job and shored up my savings and could start making payments again on my medical debt so they would still see me. But, due to savings, that also means no food stamps (if I can’t find anything in about 1.5 months I will be able to get food stamps again as I will drop below the limit for assets and will be able to buy more fruit than just bananas which is a plus but this will also create other problems).
So I don’t go totally insane I budget $10/mo to be wasted (definition of wasted due to the rest of my budget: money spent on VMP although that is about ready to go because I am going to have to cut my junk budget to $5/mo soon, any junk food, 1/2 gallons of ice cream, chocolate, fukos, TV dinners - I don’t eat out ever, any recreation, expensive fruit like blueberries that I love…). I am living below the poverty line income wise (unemployment compensation which ends in 2.5 weeks, only 16 weeks in this state) at the moment. I have enough savings to last about 2-3 more months depending on the cost of the move. The first layoff I had enough in savings to last a bit over a year and that is despite all the continued cancer related costs related to the chemo damage. This second layoff I had nearly 6ish months squirreled away. I managed to do that because I didn’t change my spending habits much once I had a decent job.
About the only thing some of you will say is unnecessary are my cats. Three are 17, one of those I bottle fed. I am not killing them and they’d never be adopted due to their medical issues. I am not having them live the end of their lives in a cage in a no kill shelter. I’ll go without necessities before I’ll do that. The foster I am being given cat food, litter and medical care for her so she is cost free and actually that partly subsidizes the other cats since I am given more than I need for just her. Goat cat I am keeping so I have one cat when my others die. I’ve had her since a tiny baby rescue from the middle of the highway in the driving rain where she was dumped. I’d rather be homeless and live in my car than give up my cats. My cats are what keeps me sane and are a lifeline when I am overwhelmed. I know some of you will condemn me for that.
So no, it isn’t a budget problem. But thank you for suggesting resources in case it was (I am not being sarcastic with that thank you despite the rest of my rant).
@Kidsandliz @therealjrn
It’s just called You Need a Budget (aka YNAB). With your budget, the cloud subscription version probably is a worse option than the one-time OG version (which isn’t developed anymore, but works fine).
I suggested YNAB as better than a spreadsheet, not that you weren’t budgeting. Also, I hope you are using free WPS or Open Office instead of paying Microsoft for Excel.
I still thinkYNAB helps over a spreadsheet because it visualizes where you want your money to go, not where it went.
However, for deductibles, dates of service, and insurance accounting, the free form nature of a spreadsheet is better than YNAB for that. I use both. I start reports from YNAB and then add info from other places to a spreadsheet.
For example, YNAB will tell me my energy and water bills, but not my usage, and I bill average, so its hard to see year-over-year usage or cost increases.
Like catching the for-profit water company skimping on infrastructure replacement for shareholder dividends, and then whining to the utility commission that they’re too broke to replace all that aging infrastructure they knew about when they privatized. Of course, they didn’t save a penny for it, so they want to stick the public with the bill for a gold-plated replacement, along with their skim/profit. If you’re making 3%, of course you want that to be 3% of the biggest number possible. It’s the same for real estate. Prices are set by how much the realtors want to make on a deal, not true market forces. Alas, I digress.
@Kidsandliz @mike808 Things have changed over the last couple of years for me. My budget is impossibly out of date. I’ll have to go hunt YNAB up. Thanks Mike!
@therealjrn The OG standalone version might still be available on Steam. It doesn’t have any DRM, so you don’t need Steam to run it. That said, they’ve pushed hard to kill the standalone program and move to a cloud service to add mobile and sync features. I’m just not there yet.
@mike808 $6.99 a month for the cloud version is too much for me. So many programs (apps?) nowadays are moving to the subscription model. Phooey, Blech, Thrrrrpt.
I looked on Steam without signing into my account and I didn’t see it. I guess I’m looking for YNAB 4.
@therealjrn Yes, YNAB4 is the OG. Not sure if they sell it direct anymore. Might find it on the software shareware sites.
@Kidsandliz @therealjrn
OK, the YNAB4 (standalone) version isn’t availabe anymore. Unless you can get a key.
What YNAB is, is a type of budgeting called “zero-based budgeting”.
You could use Dave Ramsey’s offering, for free (you pay for bank imports, though, which I don’t do, and it sounds like you don’t either.)
Here are some alternatives and prices.
@Kidsandliz @mike808 I’ve never linked my accounts. I want to marry Dave Ramsey he’s so wonderfully hard core. Thanks again Mike!
@Kidsandliz @mike808 @therealjrn
very much this was not Not TL:DR .
Liz (or is it Kids lol), you are an angel on earth. I wouldn’t have been able to handle that shitty disrespect… And the way you feel about your feline furbabies is exactly how I feel about my canine ones…no price too great. Thanks for ranting. We are all in this together, trying to do the best we can every day. That’s really all anyone should ask (or expect) out of us. Hugs and prayers
@thismyusername aaawwwwww
Blame: One of my Amazon Warehouse orders arrived differently from the description. Should have been two complete sets, not one incomplete one.
Unblame: At $0.29, it was still a great price. But I reported the issue anyway, noting that I’m not even asking for a refund.
Unblame x5: CS issued a $5 credit for reporting the discrepancy.
Neutral: After seeing if there were any sub-$5 catshirts, Amazon is “recommending” things for my cat. Ugh.
@narfcake blame + unblame + 5unblame + neutral == you’re welcome?
@narfcake or should it be written as blame - blame - 5blame + neutral?
@katylava Either way?
wastespend $1.99 x 2?I Don’t Do Decaf
/giphy bike shaped object
I’m annoyed that the polls stop working after midnight. I can live with the meh buttons and the deals turning into pumpkins, but a good poll should be open for a couple of days. Blame!
Polls stop working at 11:00 PM for me. You get an extra hour of polls…
@katylava, I have been waiting and waiting for someone to point out that we have the same 24 hours with the poll, but no one has. That’s somehow your fault.
@jst1ofknd @TheFLP @katylava
What’s with spammers setting their calendars on when their Woot probations are up? Ah well. They have a longer sentence now.
@narfcake why do we care about woot spammers? Let them feast on octopus breakfast.
@mike808 Hey @narfcake gets to blame the goat for things that happens in his life as he is one of the forum hall monitors over there (hmm and here too), just as we do in ours. That it is on woot is incidental. “wink”
@katylava Happy birthday!
I don’t know if you ever got into Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp, but if you have it and play on your birthday, each animal you interact with will wish you a happy birthday as well.
@msklzannie I have to remember to pull out my 2DS on my birthday! I used to be addicted to that game.
@sammydog01 This is the phone version; does the 2DS do the same?
@msklzannie If I remember correctly your neighbors throw you a birthday party with a cake and everything.
Blame: The ceiling fan I bought from a thrift store last week was missing a down rod – which was probably why it was donated.
Unblame: 13 cents later from Amazon Warehouse …
6x unblames: It’s hard to complain about a sub-$6 Hunter ceiling fan, especially an unused one.
/image Happy Birthday, @katylava!
BLAME!! Another dead kitten. Mama cat (feral) lost her lovely little orange and white baby this morning. It was best buddies with the flame siamese that died last month that was run over by a car in the parking lot. Orange and white kitty was hit by a car in the street early this morning. At least this dead baby mama and her other baby saw it. The next door neighbor picked it up and put it behind the wall so the kids waiting for the school bus wouldn’t see it and so the mama and her other baby wouldn’t be hit as they were staying by the baby in the street. Hopefully these siblings are playing together over the rainbow bridge.
Tonight when I put out food, only mama came by. It makes me worry about her last baby. WHERE IS IT???
I just saw mama again, under a car in the parking lot without her last baby. Usually when she is under cars in the parking lot her babies are with her. Makes me very worried about that baby. Haven’t seen her last baby since I fed them breakfast. Her other one had died an hour before I put out breakfast. She is a good mama. If she had 2 babies die in the same day that will be so sad. When the first baby died she became more protective of the other two and seemed to grieve her missing baby for the better part of a week. I need to stop getting attached to these cats and stop spending time talking to them to try to make them less afraid of me. It only causes me heartbreak too. Last litter I didn’t get attached to them. This littter I did.
@Kidsandliz I’m sorry.
@narfcake This is an amazing cat mama. Expecting the worst I go out this morning and only see her under the car. Since still no kitten my plan today is/was to call the city and find out if, when they picked up dead kitty, they caught the remaining kitten. If they did I was going to rescue it from the shelter and give it back to mama.
I walk back inside to get food. I turn around as I am entering my place and see her going under the house next door and come out with her remaining kitten!! Usually they are all under the car, she comes out first to check out the food, steps back, and her kittens go eat their fill while she watches.
This morning when mama and her remaining kitten are done eating I see her trying to herd this baby in that direction (kitten wants to run around the small parking lot, house is on the other side of it) and finally resort to dragging her remaining kitten by the nape of the neck back under the house. She then sits in that entrance, blocking it, and I see a little kitten head poking up over mama’s back.
Yes I know feral cats have a hard life. And I am looking for any informal group (no formal one around here) who does fix and release (although the remaining baby is too young yet) as now we are down to so few (adults - orange kitty, black and white tuxedo, this mama, her mama; kittens - this baby and any babies left from the other mama - as I haven’t seen her recently I have no idea how many she has left - last summer all 5 died; they are hanging out behind the church across the street and she apparently gave birth under it, last summer she gave birth in the blocked drainage tunnel next to my apt) it might be possible to prevent any more kittens.
/giphy Happy Birthday Katylava!
@sammydog01 YES HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Oops! Happy belated b-day! @katylava
@sammydog01 @Kidsandliz @tnhillbillygal Thanks! I didn’t even have a chance to check the forums yesterday so belated wishes are all good!
Blame. I just got my first ever speeding ticket for driving SIX miles over the speed limit…WTF. can you say quota lol
@tinamarie1974 There is a small town north of here outside of Memphis that is being investigated for giving out hundreds “inattentive driving” tickets. There is one I go through every time I head over the state line and they are fans of the “rolling stop” ticket for everyone at that stop sign. Those are hard to fight in court.
I did manage to prove once that I didn’t run a stop light using physics. Blind sided the judge, cop and prosecutor. Figuring the three of them likely had forgotten every shred of science they knew I spelled it out in minute detail. Judge left the room with my “proof” and came back about 5 or 10 min later (google is his friend maybe?) and dismissed the ticket.
@Kidsandliz that is awesome. Good for you. I just contacted a lawyer I know to see what he can do. Sucks
Blame: My last Amazon order was incorrect.
Unblame: I don’t think it’s going to be worth my time or their time to complain about a $0.06 item, since the crimp terminals that arrived instead are going to be much more useful. Or the $0.13 item … s. I expected one pipe coupling, not one BOX of 10 couplings.
Blame: I haven’t purchased anything considered “useless cheap crap” from Amazon Warehouse today either.
Unblame: I haven’t purchased anything considered “useless cheap crap” from Amazon Warehouse today – only useful crap for cheap. Like HVAC filters in the proper size. Got a dozen (good MERV 10 rating) for about the price of one in similar quality at Home Depot/Lowes.
Neutral: Blames to come if I do get a BOC today. Additional unblames if I don’t.
@narfcake You are full of indecision today aren’t you…
/8ball Aren’t I always?
Yes definitely
Still no luck with the BOCs. Have two more unblames, @katylava!
Blame: Meh is blowing up my phone with stupid tweets. I don’t own any kind of Apple products, don’t plan to, so the humor is lost on me.
@therealjrn OK, 50% unblamed because some of them are kinda cute.
Tweets are for Birds
Price: $19.00
Condition: Probably New
Unblame, because I have a non-broken iPad dash mount again.
(Blame for the broken one went to @lichme.)
Blame: Woot is down.
Unblame: It happened after the $1 shirt was offered/bought already.
Blame: I’m awake already, and have been for over an hour already.
More blame: I’m out of coffee here at home.
Much much much more blame: Ramy is doing a Ramycorn right now.
My cat died in my arms in the middle of last night. For pics of her (and a few with her litter mate brother):
Blame: the incompetent vets in town. Vet 1 nearly killed this cat in 6 or 7 months ago due to incompetence (didn’t know you wait to test thyroid until 6-8 hours after they have been given the pill, tested too early - I had to drop her off - cut the dose, she nearly died and had a mild stroke due to un and under treated hyperthyroidism in cats cause high blood pressure and strokes), switched to the only other vet in town over this, made sure he knew how long after to test (I hadn’t found out about her mistake until I asked her, much later, exactly when did she draw the blood) and he did fix that problem but then stated she is old and was surprised I was treating her problems so does nearly nothing. As I have been in my old town several times I take her to the vet there and get competent vet care (by the vet the no kill shelter since I board them at the shelter when I go back for doctor apts)
Called my friend who runs the no kill shelter when I got home yesterday early evening (was 110 miles away at a doctor apt; my kitty had seriously declined while I was gone) and asked her to call the vet due to the sudden decline of my kitty and see if I could bring her in today (3 hour drive). She called me back and said he was appalled that nothing had been done and apparently rattled off a number of things that should have been done nearly 2 weeks ago when she was first sick and I went to the vet here - none of which was recommended, none of those tests done other than very basic blood work and test for parasites since I said I thought she had some and brought poop - other than a tape worm pill, nothing was done other than telling me to keep her hydrated (I was giving her fluids subQ using what I had for her brother who has stage 3 kidney failure, and syringe feeding when she stopped eating).
Fuck this town, the vets, the 2 doctor services that rival the vets in incompetence (one lost his license for fake narcotics rx’s for others to then give to him for his opioid addiction, got it back, lost it again for alcoholism, got it back and is currently in practice again)… I could go on but won’t.
Blame because I didn’t get any new gray hairs for my birthday. (Never would’ve guessed my hair would be such a slacker.)
/giphy Happy Birthday!!!
/giphy Happy Happy Birthday!
@sammydog01 I only wish I was that cute and fuzzy. But I had birthday cake, so there was that.
(And the less said about my dancing, the better.)
Blame: We have a mystery rash going around our house. Had one kid to the pediatrician twice this week for the same rash and they have referred us to the dermatologist. Now the other kid is breaking out and I have a couple of spots that I am wondering about. Thanks for the itchiness.
/giphy itchy
@tnhillbillygal That’s a great giphy!
@tnhillbillygal Back that thing up.
My rolling computer table lost an interior lock washer, which caused a wheel to go rolling away. In slow motion, the computer slid onto the floor. I blame the goat. It’s going to be Tuesday before my new one gets here, and then I still have to assemble it. Unblame: the old one had lost the ability to stay at the correct angle, and it was ugly.
Blame: Amazon cancelled my warehouse order for the sub-$40
POSbike I was going to pillage the front wheel and fork to fix my neighbor’s bike and to leave the rest on a trainer for use as a stationary exercise bike.Unblame: It was sub-$40, in “acceptable” condition. The reviews for it new was a measly 2.5 stars, so I was probably saved from the regret from having to dispose of its remains in a
yearmonth or two.Neutral: My local thrift stores have absolutely SUCKED when it comes to bikes. A Huffy Rock Creek that was $59 new but now with flat tires, for $99? A Specialized that’s old enough to still use center pull brakes, has rust, and needs at least some new tubes and tires for $149? An $89 Next Avalon for $199? I’ll stick to buying the sub-$3 Woot shirts, TYVM.
@narfcake Try the local sheriffs’ auction of seized property, including bikes.
I blame the GoaT for not being around and being GoaT!
@mfladd you gotta tag her! @katylava
Update Blame: Finally got a diagnosis on kid’s mystery rash. Fungus. Different cream because the first cream she was prescribed apparently makes fungus even worse and she was on it for 4 1/2 days. Now I am continuing my weeklong-marathon of washing everyone’s bedding everyday and had to give the cat a bath just in case she is the guilty party. She was mad at me for hours. Have to give the dog a bath tomorrow. He had to stay outside tonight as I just couldn’t handle two animal baths in one night after a day of doctors, driving, and walmart.
/giphy long day
@tnhillbillygal I’m glad the mystery is solved, at least.
@tnhillbillygal Yikes. We did a round of lice. I feel for you.
I bought tickets for my son to see Portugal the Man in February and scored 3rd row tickets. I have no idea who those guys are except for the vitamin water commercial song. It was scheduled for this Thursday outside under a roof and they just rescheduled it for Wednesday in a downtown theater. Now it’s all general admission so they would have to fight for seats. And I was planning on sending him and a friend without an adult. So I just asked for a refund. Florence, you motherfucker.
@sammydog01 that’s a bummer. I despise general admission. Hope you get the refund!
@tnhillbillygal I just got a $104 refund. I told my kid I would take him and a friend to a movie so I’m up $70 bucks.
@sammydog01 Nice!
Blame: Walmart’s search has managed to become even shittier than Amazon’s.
Blame: Amazon’s search hasn’t improved.
Blame: And I’ve had issues with several orders.
Unblame: But CS took care of them.
Unblame: Refunds on a few orders.
Unblame: Plus courtesy credit.
Blame: I used some of it already.
Unblame: It was on something useful. Warehouse had two tubes in the size I needed. And they’re the thicker thorn-resistant variety.
Blame: Because goatheads.
/image goathead
@narfcake I’ve also heard a rumor that Amazon’s search now has sponsored results too?
@reclaimercube They’ve done that for quite a while now.
I still don’t have the gray hairs I was promised, but I already blamed @katylava for that. So blame because I have 12 more goats to blame until I finally get my gray hairs, which will take another @#$% year.
That is how it works, right? I mean, @reclaimercube got the toothbrushes.
(If anyone ever registers as “#$%” here, they’re going to wonder why I keep tagging them.)
@TheFLP We could ask @meh how amusing that username is for them. I don’t think the symbols “#$%” can be registered as a handle here.
@TheFLP am I cool enough to get random mentions now? Yay! And for a second I thought someone realized it was my birthday. I feel like I should start a thread and explain the origin of my toothbrushes idea. But only if @RiotDemon approves.
I approve of @RiotDemon approving.
@TheFLP #$%!!!
/giphy happy birthday!
@narfcake September 3rd lol but thank you. An illustrious 26 years old.
@reclaimercube @TheFLP I totally approve of a thread.
Blame: I keep forgetting to buy a new fan for the bedroom.
(I just had to put something here that was actually my fault.)
@katylava I don’t think you understand…isn’t EVERYTHING actually all your fault this month?
@katylava My most recent project used one of these. You think they’ll notice a 24’ diameter fan missing?
/image Big Ass Fans PFX3
@narfcake is that a pic of your project or just your fan?
@narfcake Is that your fan or are you just happy to see me?
@compunaut @therealjrn Just a Google pic. They’re more so known as high velocity, low speed fans. And “Big Ass Fans” is the actual brand name.
@compunaut @narfcake @therealjrn
Blame because every month I get an email from Verizon with this as the subject line:
Yes, with an actual period. And every damn time I hear it in Darth Vader’s voice because of that freaking period.
Also, blame because I was too lazy to find a more appropriate thread to post this.
Couldn’t sleep. BLAME!
Ongoing Blame: 2 weeks and still dealing with this rash/fungus crap. Got the medicated cream but it seems it takes weeks for the rash to actually go away. Kids are enjoying the fact that I can’t drag them around places. We are planning on going flea marketing tomorrow for my birthday which is actually today but flea markets happen on Saturday so prolonged birthday fun! Kids and I are all going to have to wear long sleeves to the market but we aren’t supposed to still be contagious. Husband has still avoided it so far…
I promise I’ll quit complaining about this rash soon.
@tnhillbillygal happy birthday !!!
/giphy Happy Birthday!!!
@katylava Totally your blame to take because my power is out in this storm and I can’t play @Cyndiwolf’s
stupidawesome CAH game.I was driving my son home from school today. We were stopped at a light and I said “that lady in the next car is talking to herself. Wait, maybe she has a kid in the backseat”. He looked over and said Oh. My. God. She had a male friend in the back seat- he was inflatable and happy to see us. About 12 inches happy. It was not awkward. Not at all.
@sammydog01 So, is that a blame or unblame?
/giphy blame or unblame
@compunaut @sammydog01 So that was not the right time for the birds and the bees talk?
@sammydog01 That has got to be a first LOL (well not LOL with a kid present).
@Barney I let the school deal with that. And the internet probably. I don’t think this will be a topic of discussion in our house. Ever.
@sammydog01 Yeah, I’d be chicken, too.
/giphy chicken
@sammydog01 i really don’t want to take the blame for that one
@katylava Well don’t blame me.
Unblame for finding this humorous pic for the Saberlight Bolt Plasma Lighter on Morningsave.
Who knew that the daytime morning talk show crowd has a need to better light their bongs.
There is a phone game I liked to play, which had the option to tie the game to your email or Facebook account, which I never took because I didn’t feel like opening myself up to more spam.
The game updated today, and in the process, seems to have wiped my progress. A month and a half’s worth, including rewards from a few time-limited events I may never get back.
/giphy “Problem exists between keyboard and computer”
More updates came through and it looks like my data is in fact still present on my phone. Phew!
/giphy Saved!
@Kawa what game???
/giphy close one
@Kawa sign in with facebook! you never know when they might actually lose all your data, or something will happen to your phone. maybe you can create a fake account just for signing into games.
Unblame for this awesome red velvet cake my coworker made from scratch for me!
Blame for the sugar crash that is definitely coming later lol
/giphy Happy Happy Birthday!
/giphy happy happy birthday!!!
@stardate820926 Looks like it’s written in wet nail polish. So shiny.
@medz It was WAY tastier than nail polish haha
/giphy Happy birthday!!
/giphy Happy Birthday!
I haven’t been the most active goat, but tbf I’ve been playing with virtual cats in a virtual cat cafe.
/image real cats in a cafe
@narfcake there’s a cat cafe near me! only it’s not really a cafe… it’s in the mall and they give you a coupon for the food court and you can bring the food in while hanging out with the cats. still, i’m def gonna go.
@katylava Mall? What’s a mall?
BTW, I’ve been 100% unsuccessful today in getting a BOC – so have an unblame, @katylava!
@narfcake May as well collect one from me too @katylava! No BOC here either thank goodness.
I hate health insurance issues. Nuf said. BLAME!
I had two days left to see a movie this month on Moviepass. The website said Predator would be available today. Its wasn’t. I had a choice of Farenheit 9-11 and The House with a Clock in it’s Walls. I went to see the clock movie because SUCK IT MOVIEPASS, EAT $8.40.
(Its actually was a really good movie. Who knew?)
I am moving Monday and Tuesday so you escape the blame for that HOWEVER… BIG TIME BLAME for all the pain in the rear this packing shit it. Is there even a good way to pack coat hangers (no hanging them isn’t a choice as I have no garment boxes)? Why the hell do I own so many books and teaching crap (and this is after donating boxes and boxes of books to the library sale people, filling the 90 gallon trash can multiple times with files I am throwing out). And please explain to me why the hell it takes SO LONG to pack shit??? My back is killing me, I am tired, I dropped something on my toe and my toe nail is beyond purple and likely will fall off, the cats are having a freak out, and I am sure the sky is about ready to fall!!!
i was given direction to come here to have the goat accept some blame. one of my three phone holders on my bike was broken by some idiot (me). what do you have to say about that @katylava?
@Yoda_Daenerys at least i spared the other two