It's what month?! (August 2023 goat nominations)
1So apparently, August has been deemed National Goat Cheese month. Why, I do not know, but at least here at meh, we still have the goat of the month – and that means @Phrog’s time at the current goat is almost over. And it’s time for another mehmber to take over the blame and/or unblame.
So nominate away!
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Can we expect faux vegan extra-protein non-gluten keto goat cheese puff snacks to be sold here this next month?
I nominate Billy for the Goat, but they will probably protest…
@phendrick Billy goat? Perfect…
Is there a @Nanny for September?
@nanny @OnionSoup Apparently there is/was a @Nanny, but they have mehbe deserted us for airier parts.
I didn’t write it down. Recently someone commented someone (long timer) should be goat who would then have their poop badge replaced. Maybe commenting on the new ink for irks icon? I forget whom and am too lazy to look. Whomever that is I’d nominate them if I finally got around to finding who they were.
@Kidsandliz I second that nebulous notion. Either replace their badge, or change it to goat poop?
@phendrick So it is in the thread that the ink for irk icon got attached to names. Except for love nor money I can’t find it.
@phendrick I finally found that thread, read the entire thing and still can’t find it. I am SURE whomever this is isn’t going to volunteer who they are but heck they’d dump the poop badge and get a goat one.
@Kidsandliz No, it’s this thread:
@Kidsandliz This is the thread that discussed the blood drop badge.
Is that the one you had in mind?
Kyeh’s link above mentions @Cerridwyn for goat. Is that who you’re thinking about? (maybe long overdue, either way…)
@Kidsandliz @phendrick
I will not be home much of August, attending to my father’s estate so if you want to do the deed, so Septembver
@phendrick Not @Cerridwyn as that person has VMP. It’s someone who was VMP and now has poop badge who was commenting on the ink badge. ALTHOUGH… September it should be if we remember (more than one has benefited from us forgetting ).
@Kyeh Just read that one. Not in there. The person had the poop badge, commented in some thread about the ink badge, someone suggested if they were goat then they’d have the goat badge. I then thought, “I’ll have to remember that”… well as you can tell that went well.
@Cerridwyn @Kidsandliz That will be emotional, no doubt. Hope most memories are good ones for you and that family ties can strengthen.
@Cerridwyn @Kidsandliz @phendrick
@Kyeh was correct in her post above.
Yes, it was @Cerridywyn
I was the one that made that suggestion
The thread was the ‘how many kickstarters still around’ thread
Here is the link to the comment
But weirdly enough, now they have a VMP badge. I swear it was a poop badge at one time!
@chienfou - cerridywyn doesn’t have a poop icon. The person had a poop icon and the specific suggestion was that the person could replace the poop icon with a goat one; that exchange started out that the person was sort of not happy they missed the chance for an ink badge and so the goat one was suggested. I don’t see that in that thread.
yeah, unless I am losing my mind (not entirely impossible) there are some posts missing from that sequence…
OK, think I figured it out. WHEW!
When they referenced bailing on the VMP
they lamented getting saddled with the poop icon, so THAT was why I posted my “be the dead goat” reply.
@chienfou @Kidsandliz Well, it sounds like we ought to give Cerridywyn a break for this month.
@chienfou @Kyeh I’d agree… but…
/giphy drum roll please
In the future
/giphy watch out!
How about @macromeh? How has he gone this long being a prolific and clever contributor to the general smartassery and not been goated?
@Kyeh appropriate as smartassery leads to…
@Kyeh If you really want a 100% ghost goat, guaranteed to rain on your parade and poop on your party, I’m your candidate.
@Kyeh @macromeh
That’s a risk we may just have to take…
@chienfou @macromeh
Sheesh! What’s with you guys who have plenty to say in the forum until you have the spotlight and it’s your time to shine, or whine, or whatever? YakkoTDI, hchavers … PHRoG has been pretty silent but he usually is anyway.
(NOT including chienfou, who was one of the really excellent goats!)
@chienfou @Kyeh I’m just trying to set expectations appropriately.
@chienfou @Kyeh And besides, the pay sucks.
@macromeh Fear not; you’re in second place at the moment. But there’s always September, and October, and November, and Grinchcember…
What about @ircon96? I tried (ineffectively) to deflect their way during my attempts to avoid the June goating.
Yep. Time is running out to choose a successor.
@gogrrl You don’t need to be the goat to get the blame for this one… J’accuse!!