Biiiiig damn stock pot. If I’m investing the work and time to make 2qts of soup, might as well do a bit more work and make 20 and chuck it in the deep freezer for when I’m sick
Preach! I make batches that get portioned out into one-cup containers for freezing, so that I can nuke one for a snack or light lunch, or two (or, rarely, three) for a meal.
And a microwave-safe bowl, too. Remember, remove the soup from the can before nuking, and neither the can nor the can opener goes into the microwave. (You’ve got to be explicit about your instructions these days.)
@heartny I really wish we had a Jewish deli here! We’ve had a few good ones; the last one had fantastic chicken matzo ball soup; but they’ve been gone for quite a while. Next best thing I can find is Vietnamese pho.
If it’s bean soup it goes in the nine quart electric pressure cooker (the one that predates “InstaPots”). Like someone else said, if I’m spending the time to make it, I’m making a vat!
Caldron over an open fire. That reminds of making last year’s Halloween treats:
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the caldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder’s fork and blind-worm’s sting,
Lizard’s leg and howlet’s wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.
Making a chowder tomorrow. Braised a bunch of pork shoulder all day. Have to dig potatoes. Got corn from the farmers market. Fresh jalapeño. Fresh carrots. Also going to make a pesto out of carrot tops I just harvested. Flat breads on the grill with chèvre and the pesto.
Dutch oven for most soups and chili. Stock pot for my broccoli cheese potato. But that’s just habit, I could make that in the Dutch oven too. I guess what I’m saying is I don’t need today’s item for sale.
Just made chicken slicks tonight.
InstaPot or skillet.
Biiiiig damn stock pot. If I’m investing the work and time to make 2qts of soup, might as well do a bit more work and make 20 and chuck it in the deep freezer for when I’m sick
Preach! I make batches that get portioned out into one-cup containers for freezing, so that I can nuke one for a snack or light lunch, or two (or, rarely, three) for a meal.
Don’t forget the can opener.
@phendrick Pop top
And a microwave-safe bowl, too. Remember, remove the soup from the can before nuking, and neither the can nor the can opener goes into the microwave. (You’ve got to be explicit about your instructions these days.)
@phendrick @werehatrack Just upgrade the microwave.
If I’m making French Onion Soup, then a Dutch Oven is a must.
Beans and chilis, InstantPot.
All of the above, depending on the occasion,but not all at once. And a Ninja Foodi, not an Instant Pot.
Box and a microwave. However, if I’m sick, I go to the kosher deli and get some chicken noodle soup/penicillin.
@heartny I really wish we had a Jewish deli here! We’ve had a few good ones; the last one had fantastic chicken matzo ball soup; but they’ve been gone for quite a while. Next best thing I can find is Vietnamese pho.
If it’s bean soup it goes in the nine quart electric pressure cooker (the one that predates “InstaPots”). Like someone else said, if I’m spending the time to make it, I’m making a vat!
Caldron over an open fire. That reminds of making last year’s Halloween treats:
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the caldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder’s fork and blind-worm’s sting,
Lizard’s leg and howlet’s wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.
Those kids have not been the same.
@hchavers Yeah, I can see that …
Making a chowder tomorrow. Braised a bunch of pork shoulder all day. Have to dig potatoes. Got corn from the farmers market. Fresh jalapeño. Fresh carrots. Also going to make a pesto out of carrot tops I just harvested. Flat breads on the grill with chèvre and the pesto.
/giphy chowda

Cereal + milk = soup.
@narfcake sorry, nope
@narfcake But cereal + milk + fruit = pie
and I don’t want soup in my pie.
@rockblossom That was the same argument you made in the “mehployee work avoidance” thread from 5+ years ago, no?
@narfcake Of course! As arguments go, it is just as valid now as it was five years ago.
Dutch oven for most soups and chili. Stock pot for my broccoli cheese potato. But that’s just habit, I could make that in the Dutch oven too. I guess what I’m saying is I don’t need today’s item for sale.