Next thing you know, there will be imitators defiling donuts everywhere. The media really needs to devote more time to exposing this travesty. Thanks, Hyram, for shedding light on this immorality in such a sensitive way.
True story: Worked at BK during HS. Small town, one HS, staffed by all students. Once some random customer returned a burger for reasons lost in time. Someone in back didn't realize it was a return and put it back on the burgers to be sold thing. It was resold w/ a bite out of it. Luckily to a HS friend who had good sense of humor. Became a running gag. From then on, he would come in and order a burger w/ a bite out of it. Another friend worked in the back ( the same who put it back for sale),if management not hovering, happily obliged. After all slogan "have it your way" .
(per the song, the puns are beautiful, good job.)
This deserves airplay. Bravo!
Nice to see you back!
The facial expressions make this even better. I think @Pavlov will be proud.
@Thumperchick I'm awestruck - this is a hit!
@Thumperchick I was even more impressed by the facial hair! ;¬)
I'm a charter member of the fan club. Another hit!
So incredibly moving. I am wiping away my tears.

Not enough love for this could possibly be expressed here.
So nice, I listened twice.
Kind of Bob Dylan ish...
Next thing you know, there will be imitators defiling donuts everywhere. The media really needs to devote more time to exposing this travesty.
Thanks, Hyram, for shedding light on this immorality in such a sensitive way.
@KDemo defiling donuts NSFW
True story: Worked at BK during HS. Small town, one HS, staffed by all students. Once some random customer returned a burger for reasons lost in time. Someone in back didn't realize it was a return and put it back on the burgers to be sold thing. It was resold w/ a bite out of it.
Luckily to a HS friend who had good sense of humor.
Became a running gag. From then on, he would come in and order a burger w/ a bite out of it. Another friend worked in the back ( the same who put it back for sale),if management not hovering, happily obliged. After all slogan "have it your way" .
Incredible! What skill...rivals kids in the hall :-)
I'm in the fan club too for sure
I have sent this link to everyone I know with an email address!
Two days of donut licking.
@curtise I'm glad this is the one we get to watch all weekend, though.
And this is why a filler video would be nice, so embarrassing videos like these don't linger past their time.
Where did you get this idea that filler videos wouldn't also be embarrassing
@matthew Embarrassing in a good way. Not in a "I can't wait till this awkward moment is over with" way.
I like it but it still doesn't compare to Wine Cooler Disambiguation. :/