It's possible I might have a sister
19Weird feeling.
One of my cousins found a second cousin match in a DNA testing thing. Of all the siblings, there were three boys and five girls. One of the boys got killed when a tractor rolled over on him. (Farming family.)
The women would know if they had a baby. So, that left my dad and his brother. This could get interesting.
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It will get interesting. Good luck
Ooh, exciting!
Knowing my father, I’d actually be afraid to run a DNA test kit. I’m not sure I could afford all the Christmas cards.
@cinoclav Same here. It’s why I never took one of the tests.
She said she never knew her father.
@lisaviolet I have absolutely no desire to know anything more than I do. It’s actually quite likely my cousin is really my half brother. I haven’t seen him since I was a little kid.
@cinoclav Get them in bulk. Got a few crates from a few years ago and have now lost track of who has received which cards, but they better not complain if it’s the same card from past years.
@PocketBrain There are definitely things that are better left alone. This would be one of them.
Second cousins share a great grandparent, not a aunt or uncle
@thisisbrooke Possible first or second cousin match.
@Spheyr you have no IDEA how long i’ve been trying to find something like that chart…
now, my brain i still having trouble extrapolating it…
what about a “Cousin” of mine, Her Grandma, and my Grandpa were first cousins. so First Cousin thrice removed?
@earlyre @Spheyr Third cousins. You have a common great-great grandparent and you are the same generation. On the chart, it would be the “You” and the “Third cousin” in the right column. The grandparents that are cousins would be the green row.
To simplify, go back to your common ancestor (in your case your great-great grandparents) and count the number of generations and subtract one. If it is the same number for both of you, then you are the same generation (no “xx-removed”). Since it is 4 generations away for each of you => 4-1=3rd cousins.
If the number is different (say one is 4 generations and one is 2), you take the lowest number minus one (1) and that means first cousins and then calculate the “removed” generations (4-2=2). You would be first cousins twice removed. In the chart above is the “You” and the green box in the right column.
Clear as mud?
@earlyre @Spheyr @ybmuG
yep. Especially the part where your great uncle’s kid and your uncle’s grandkid are both your first cousin once removed.
@chienfou @earlyre @Spheyr @ybmuG Hmm so that is sort of like your uncle is your brother…?
yeah, the local joke is:
If you get married in (town A) and divorced in (town B, 10 miles away) are you still cousins??
or this:
So your grandparents might have some explaining to do, not your dad or uncle.
@thisisbrooke Well, if this woman was born in 1968 and my grandfather died in 1967 (at which time we lived in Athens, Greece, but my father came back to the states for his father’s (my grandfather) funeral - gramps had been ill for a while) and my mother’s father had passed away years earlier when I was very young, besides the fact that he lived his entire life in Ireland, definitely no explaining needed from the grands. Even if they weren’t all dead at this point.
And as I clarified in my previous response to you, the test didn’t determine if a first cousin or second cousin. It’s one of the two. I didn’t type both in because I was using my fire tablet and that thing has the keyboard from hell.
@lisaviolet @thisisbrooke I would guess the unknown match is a 1/2 niece or 1/2 aunt to your cousin and may not be related to you at all if the match is from the married-in parent.
@Kentwinston I wouldn’t even be posting this if there wasn’t a DNA trail to my father’s side of the family.
Seriously. I kinda get how this stuff works.
/giphy I am your sister
Not what I was expecting, but it kinda fits.
I thought I was an only child. At 10, my grandma told me I was going to be introduced to my 5 year old brother soon, apparently my dad had a last minute romp with an ex-girlfriend before he married my step-mom. Whatever, not my business, stay classy San Diego.
At 22 I finally talked to my mother for the first time, she told me I had a ~15 year old sister and I started talking to her, okay, not that weird, my mom had a life after she and my dad parted ways when I was a baby.
… but then I learned she had a kid a few years before me who was taken by CYS, different father, before she met my dad.
And another 4 she failed to mention between me and the 15 year old, who I’ve slowly been introduced to over the years, except one who fell off the face of the earth and even his twin doesn’t know how to reach him. Aside from the twins we all have different fathers. Also all but her youngest were either lost in custody battles or taken by CYS or similar orgs wherever she was, because she has all sorts of mental problems, a meth habit, and a felony conviction for arson so…
Yeah families can be fun.
@Spheyr Wow. Just wow.
@lisaviolet @Spheyr Thank you for helping us see our families in perspective. Stay strong.
@Spheyr /giphy Jerry Jerry Jerry
I used to have 2 half-sisters. Both were teens when I was born. One died a few years ago. The other lives in another country and recently cut off communication in an angry, rambling email - I suspect dementia.
On the bright side, I have three wonderful sisters-in-law. In general, I get along with my wife’s family better than my own.
Geez, I read advice columnists each day and this was in this morning’s bunch.
I did one of the DNA things and was totally confused. Not the countries that I thought I was from, instead of Scotland it was Wales. Both parents deceased, so I got in touch with a cousin. She said at one point in time, Great-grandpa was in jail and great-grandma got lonely.
@pooflady Aye, the Sperm Wales in the North Sea can be a tricky lot.
Have you been dating her ???
@gfreek What? Dating who? Someone I’ve never met?
@gfreek @lisaviolet Someone’s been watching too much pornhub.
@gfreek Just a little sarcasm…Could be a Lifetime Christmas movie. Umm, No on Pornhub
a few years back a friend of mine found out she has an older sister (well, half sister) down in TX.
She (the friend) is the oldest of 2 in her family.
I don’t know if her parents were already an item when her dad went into the army, but he either had a local girlfriend, or a fling with a local wen he was stationed at Ft.Hood.
Hmmm this could really get interesting with the sperm bank generations. Especially if the sperm only got used once or twice and the wife didn’t know the husband was a sperm donor…