It's Official! The October Scapegoat - Spookgoat, Goat-tober, Octgoatberfest...
17With @sohmageek wrapping up his Scapegoat Scavenger Hunt for September, we gathered to vote for October's punching bag... er... Scapegoat!
We had a strong early leader in @jaremelz, but were then sidetracked by the abrupt departure of our fearless leader, @JonT. With this upset, the votes to goat @JonT came in fast! Still, a pretty close race was had! @JonT currently stands at 30 votes, @jaremelz with 26.
In a (un)surprising twist, @JonT has stated that he will not be able to participate as a goat should this month, knocking him out of the running. (But he still knows we love him.)
Which means, our early leader! Our felting fiend! Our SpookGoat-toberfest is... @jaremelz!
You were due, anyway.
- 20 comments, 135 replies
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simultaneous goats?
@carl669 magic? Or fuckery?
@Thumperchick magic
or, magic fuckery.
@carl669 clusterfuckery.
@carl669 I was sure I fixed that! I'll blame caching. Should be good now.
Oh wait, no, I'll blame @jaremelz!
@dave And so it begins. ..
@jaremelz You're liked so much your goatery started a day early.
@jaremelz I must say, you look damn good in goat.
@narfcake Everyone will soon realize the mistake that was made. I blame @sohmageek.
@Teripie Why thanks! Although poor @sohmageek is to blame for it starting early.
@carl669 @thumperchick apparently, it's also some buggery, since @sohmageek lost his beloved goatdom a day early.
Magic fuckery buggering, sounds like an order code from meh.
@jaremelz I need my goat to finish up the hunt!!! @MEHcus. Is this cause I singled you out with help from others in the office??? @hollboll is this for the broken cider. @dave is this cause apparently sending @jont toilet paper and calling him top shit gets him to quit. stop with the goatfuckery please?
@sohmageek I am really sorry, of all the goats to bump, it shouldn't have been you!
@sohmageek This is 100% my fault for not looking at the calendar. I know I'm supposed to blame it on the goat, but it really is my fault. I've returned your goat, and I'll pull @jaremelz until tomorrow morning, but if you'd like I can probably find a goat day for you in the future as well.
@sohmageek I have no idea what you're talking about. Your goat is right there!

Totally there the whole time...
@dave thank you Dave. Now let the goat games begin again!!! (Also someone owes me a day as mine started on the 2nd...)
@sohmageek New plan: you get every leap day from now on (if somehow I remember and you're still around).
@dave no one will remember that! Lol
@dave But February is so short that it needs the leap day when it gets it.
@sohmageek its in my calendar
So, what, we make @Thumperchick the mehdic and she immediately kills the goat a day early?
@jqubed the power, it went to my head.
@dave I guess you didn't remember :(
@Lotsofgoats Why bummer?
@Thumperchick cuz my joke about goating JonT is way funnier if we actually goat him ಥ_ಥ
it's ok I'm sure jaresmelz will be swell
@Lotsofgoats Even though I am leaving official goat type duties to @sohmageek for the day since it's still September, you get the first one.
@jaremelz ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@jaremelz October Goat Stamp....Sweeeeet!
@mfladd And I jumped the gun on October and told someone to fuck off already, double sweet! Sorry @lotsofgoats , no prisoners.
welcome to goathood @jaremelz! i've adjusted your eyes accordingly.
@carl669 I fucking love this!
@carl669 I can't un-see that.
@hollboll I might have to make it my go to response all month, then!
@hollboll even if you could, why would you want to?
@jaremelz How cool would it be if someone could make it into a gif with The Strain pupil blink.
@mfladd I WOULD DIE FROM HAPPINESS! Um, sorry for yelling, but that thought got me far too excited.
calling @medz. can you fulfill @mfladd's request 2 comments above this? @jaremelz would love you, but it won't help because apparently she'd also be dead.

@carl669 She already is. You don't know what I know. Thanks for the request - it would be so cooooool!
@mfladd All the better to haunt you

@carl669 @mfladd

Don't die, @jaremelz.
Well done @medz! But I am also kinda creeped out because it is like she watching me.
@medz Could you make them blink side to side, by any chance? If so, I'll die for reals. I'm trying to find a clip of The Strain to show you, but they blink side to side, like chameleons. But i love this!
@jaremelz Ohhh.... I see what you mean in this around the 0:50 mark:
So like the inner membrane blink?
@jaremelz ehhhh... I thought that would be easier, but apparently I need to work on my creepy translucent inner eye lid blinks. Hopefully this will do.

Bonus non-goat'd eyes version:
@medz woohoo! Ugh....ugh...I'm dead.
@medz Thats it! You have found her true nature!!!!!! That is The Strain. You get a special star!

I like the GOATED version best.
and @carl669 should be pinged on this awesome goat gif. Well done, gentlemen.
@jaremelz - Ready for Halloween. Congrats, @jaregoat! May your month be a rewarding mix of invective, profanity, and blamery. (I do love you!)
All due respect to @jaramelz..
Since when do we allow goat nominees to tell the community that they are too busy to be goat? I call shenanigans. @jont dodged a bullet... we must not forget next month.
@marklog Or the month after! @JonT for scroogemcgoat!
@marklog his time will come. And he deserves to be punished. But I think with a new job to get acclimated to it gives him a suspended sentence (for the moment).
@mfladd does he get. .. a spanking?
@MsELizardBeth How did you know that @mfladd is the one to ask about such things? He did love some abuse as goat, I mean.
wait so did we goat @jaramelz or @jaremelz ಡ⌣ಡ
wait WTF people! I got shorted 2 days!!!! I want a refund! I blame @Thumperchick for being too damn fast... GIVE ME BACK MY GOAT FOR 2 more days! Damn you @jaremelz....
@sohmageek It did come a bit early! I've already clarified that I'm not taking any shit from people until tomorrow. And really, not then either.
@sohmageek 1 day. Tomorrow is the 1st. Oops? (Also, transferring the goat happens elsewhere, I had no control over that.)
@sohmageek it's your own fault
You realize that this gives @mfladd what he wanted? That he has beaten me, and I must acknowledge this? Oh fuck it, that's not gonna happen.

@jaremelz Congrats October Goat - you can't blame me for any of this ;)~
I see you found your stall.

This is how picture you all month long....
@mfladd I resemble both of those.

@jaremelz I see past the deception. Now you are just trying to lull me into a false sense of security with that pic. (yes, I noticed the wink, evil goat)
@mfladd I don't know what you mean. Although, I am considering starting a new tradition. New goat gets to wear the skin of a former goat. I think you'd look good this way.

@jaremelz That ain't right. I will just get you this instead.

@mfladd You would torture me by making me wear something that ugly. At least I'll be warm, I have a feeling it's going to get mighty cold here the next 31 days.
@mfladd Has anyone ever made it more than 30 seconds through anything with Adam Sandler?
@jaremelz Yes, because there was a time when he didn't suck horribly, and was actually kind of funny.
@jaremelz So do you like this one any better?

@Kidsandliz Yes, now I'm fabulous!
@jaremelz I am a little worried about that tag in your ear though... surely you could have chosen cuter ear adornments. And yeah I am still up. Likely a 2 hour of sleep night for me. Meh. And I blame you too!!
This just in. A picture of @jaramelz's reaction to the Goatober announcement.

@denboy Oh Lord, you have the wrong @jaremelz with that pic. That goat looks sweet and kind.
@mfladd Just because you'll never be on the receiving end of any kindness from me....
@jaremelz Good. Because if I ever was I would be fucking creeped out by it! I would want to know who possessed the body of my evil friend, and why?
@mfladd There'd be only one reason I'd be nice to you,

@jaremelz He renounces the Patriots as a scourge upon American football?
@jqubed Since I know that will never happen, I can safely say that yes, that's when I'll be nice to @mflatt. I mean, @mfladd

@jqubed @mfladd go pats! Get me my coffee!
@jaremelz OMG, I love that!
@jaremelz and guess what I just found.

But I like your personal one.
@mfladd Eichorst and I will be keeling an eye on you and your shady ass team!
@connorbush Ooh, I love caramel apples! That's what you were pointing out, right?
@connorbush oh man. i wish i could go to this. roasted goat is delicious!

@jaremelz I did find an Adam Sandler goat song for you to commemorate this occasion.
@mfladd You dirty fucker, you moved it.
@jaremelz oh well. Life is a bitch and then you GOAT.
@mfladd When I get tired, I'll just jump on your back, ass.

@jaremelz Only if you ASS, nicely.
@mfladd You know that I won't, don't be silly. You'll be lucky if I don't jump up and down.
Somehow reading the opening paragraph all I saw was that @jaremelz felt a goat.

@jaremelz I'm so torn between goat torment and being your one true friend this coming month.
@cinoclav I think policy dictates you must torment me in October. But damn, you best make up for it later!
@jaremelz I can play that way.

@cinoclav Fair warning, I really will either cheat or throw all the pieces on the floor.
@cinoclav I think you have that confused with @marklog and his dogs
@jaremelz @cinoclav

@beachbum you beat me to it! But I probably would have said @jaremelz fingered the goat.
@mfladd Don't be a hater just because no one wants to play with your bishop!


@beachbum Uh, that was kind of the joke. And in his defense, it was only one dog. What kind of sicko do you think @marklog is?
@cinoclav Once is an accident, twice is a fetish.
@mfladd Yeah, and you're so clean

@jaremelz I am.


@jaremelz Not if that is the GOAT finger. Poor goat!
@mfladd I told you, I won't even do that for ex goats, now stop asking. It's getting weird.
@jaremelz you're telling me...

@mfladd Thanks, I actually laughed out loud. I needed that.
@jaremelz It is all your fault I am not done packing yet and likely will be up all night!! I do not do all nighters as well as I did them as an undergrad. And that is all your fault too! LOL. Congrats ?? for winning this dubious honor. You will always be remembered in on the internet via the way back machine if meh is around in 20 years and the early goats were long forgotten... I think that makes you immortal...
@Kidsandliz I'm sorry sleep seems so far away for you tonight! Can't it wait until morning? Here, just lay down for a'll be fine....

@jaremelz don't think so goat
Hey it's tomorrow ! It's October ! Curse you @jaremelz
@ceagee No! Not curses!

@jaremelz i'll share something with you: stages of goat
Denial- what? How could they do this to me???
Acceptance- yup it's a goat next to my name I guess I'm the goat
Blind rage- fuck you too! (or maybe this is channeling @carl669...)
Getting the groove on (pure bliss)- ok I got this. They think I am the puppet but no strings on me and I can lead them around with games or some shit! I'm awesome
Burnout- life happens and something pulls you back to your awesome/mediocre/whatever life. You end up not hosting for a bit
Denial- no I'm not burnt out I just have to do xyz in my real life. I'll be back in a few days
Then poof it's over. And you miss it. Or maybe @dave pulls at your heartstrings and pulls it then gives it back and plays the hokey-pokey on the goat badge ;) from the goat that doesn't want to give it up to you. Enjoy the month. :) now I can go back to scheming on what random task I get people involved in... Or do I have one going on now? ;)
@sohmageek I think it's cute how you believe it all makes sense and your turn is over.
@sohmageek What about the stage where you are scared to death that you are going to mess it up? That's what I was the whole time I was goat. If it hadn't been for @joelmw, I would have gone running from the building and never looked back.
Edit: Actually, I did leave the building for a while and was sitting at the bus stop, but @JonT brought me back with the "Barney Stats". Gee, I was such a mess.
@OldCatLady I wish it wasn't over... I thought I was going to fail... then it became fun... then it became WTF it's the end of the month...
@sohmageek You've been a great goat, I'm sorry to be the one taking over from you! I love that you enjoyed it. Be prepared for concerned emails from me, hoping you can talk me back down to sanity!
@sohmageek This makes me feel like I'm not such a freak after all. Thank you.
@Barney I can't help reading this as "if @joelmw hadn't set the bar so low . . ."
@joelmw I hope you don't think that's what I meant because you really were so helpful and supportive, you old goat.
@Barney That's just my insecurity speaking. I would never think that you would mean it that way, but that's because you're too sweet, you crazy, purple goat you.
@jaremelz here's a trick... get the
foolsmehricans into a game of somesort... they forget all about blaming you for things that aren't really your fault. ;) actually that wasn't my intention to not get blame... it just worked out that way :)@jaremelz oh and drinking games beat all! ;)
@sohmageek Haha, after seeing what all you've dealt with doing games, I'm sticking with an eff off approach for now!
@jaremelz Happy official, official goathood! (I see your goat badge.)
@Barney Thanks! I hope you feel free to lay some frustrations down on me, you're the one I'll gladly take it from.
@jaremelz OK... I blame me losing the goat to you... It's going to frustrate me so much I may go mad... In other news... Happy goat month! ;)
@jaremelz Aw, I'm going to find it hard to blame you for stuff because you're too nice . Now if it was @mfladd...
@sohmageek I hereby release you to the pasture with a sad tear. Have a beer and kick back.

@Barney Sniff, thanks. But it's ok, I mean, I may not delight in the abuse like a certain ex goat, but I can take it.
@jaremelz pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffftttttttttttttttt

@jaremelz rude
@Lotsofgoats Nearly always.
Congrats! @jaremelz

@stardate820926 Awww, I'm adorable! Thanks!
@jaremelz Should I start a new topic about Escapism? I'm feeling a little shy about it, but you could do it with authority. It's to take your mind off the sh*tstorm of your life, and for me to do something with all these neat images I have stockpiled.
@OldCatLady You, shy about it? I need something, it just keeps getting worse. And we are normally very even-keeled people with so little negativity in our lives.
@jaremelz Okay. 'No Hiding Place' is not a good title. 'Take Me Away' is a little better. How about 'This Wheel's On Fire' (song by Dylan, theme song of AbFab)?
@OldCatLady Take me away! Start with a bath one!
@jaremelz because of this I had to google "goat in bath". I was not disappointed.
@stardate820926 That's outstanding! And it looks as though it moves.
Since I helped instigate this. Congrats
@somf69 Is it chilly in here, or is it just me?