@PooltoyWolf The only wisdom tooth to come in for me, also came in at a near perfect 90 degree angle. It didn’t hurt either, but it was bulldozering all the other teeth out of whack… They had to chisel it in half before they could extract it in two pieces. Since I was already under, they took the remaining wisdom teeth, which turned out to only be two more teeth. I never even had one on my bottom right side! Saved some cash for being a mutant.
@PooltoyWolf@xenophod my top two came in fine. I refused to get them removed because a story my 6th grades teacher told us about nerves being cut.
Bottom two are a little off/have pushed the incisors. Which… I guess it’s annoying because of the braces/headgear as a kid. I should see a dentist… I guess… Sigh
@PooltoyWolf@unksol@xenophod All of mine were removed when I was 11. My parents didn’t tell me that this was going to be done until the morning of the procedure, and caused me a bunch of grief at school as a result. I never got anything approaching an apology over the resulting mess, because the teacher(s) and admins didn’t believe that I hadn’t been told, and my parents didn’t believe what I told them about what they’d caused for me. I learned a valuable lesson; nobody was going to look out for me, and I couldn’t fix things for myself because I had no control to exert on my own behalf.
@werehatrack I might have the opposite experience because Dad paid all the money for orthodontia but when I said no to the wisdom teeth he let me have that. Probably should have had them pulled
Six in the morning, police at my door
Fresh Adidas squeak across the bathroom floor
Out my back window I make my escape
Didn’t even get a chance to grab my old-school tape
Mad with no music, but happy 'cause free
And the streets to a player is the place to be
Trying out my new “all terrain” mobility scooter that my sweet husband got me for my birthday yesterday. I’ll finally be able to get around on our property and visit the critters again. My knees can’t handle walking on uneven ground, and my wheelchair just isn’t up to off-roading. I’m pretty damned excited about this. I miss hanging out with my chickens. Bok bok.
I am doing laundry. I am sweeping and mopping the floors. I am planting a few things in my garden. I am doing dishes. I am putting away laundry. I might watch a little TV. I might drink a margarita or two so that I will enjoy doing all of the laundry and floors and sweeping and mopping make that three margaritas, maybe four .
Friday night will be forever remembered as the night we fixed Our HAPPI air purifier that came in our IRK! We’re both smugly pleased with ourselves and the ONLY regret we have is that we didn’t beat the heck out of it sooner because THAT is all it took to get it running! Lol Well… So far it seems like the fan was frozen, we’ll see if the fix is permanent.
Still staying above the dirt.
Getting five teeth extracted at 9 in the morning. Joy. (Wisdom teeth + 1 molar)
One of my wisdom teeth actually came in at a near perfect 90 degree angle. It’s never caused me any pain, if you can believe that.
@PooltoyWolf A fang!
@PooltoyWolf Sounds like you will have more fun than everyone else!!!
@mycya4me @PooltoyWolf
@PooltoyWolf The only wisdom tooth to come in for me, also came in at a near perfect 90 degree angle. It didn’t hurt either, but it was bulldozering all the other teeth out of whack… They had to chisel it in half before they could extract it in two pieces. Since I was already under, they took the remaining wisdom teeth, which turned out to only be two more teeth. I never even had one on my bottom right side! Saved some cash for being a mutant.
@PooltoyWolf @xenophod my top two came in fine. I refused to get them removed because a story my 6th grades teacher told us about nerves being cut.
Bottom two are a little off/have pushed the incisors. Which… I guess it’s annoying because of the braces/headgear as a kid. I should see a dentist… I guess… Sigh
@PooltoyWolf @unksol @xenophod All of mine were removed when I was 11. My parents didn’t tell me that this was going to be done until the morning of the procedure, and caused me a bunch of grief at school as a result. I never got anything approaching an apology over the resulting mess, because the teacher(s) and admins didn’t believe that I hadn’t been told, and my parents didn’t believe what I told them about what they’d caused for me. I learned a valuable lesson; nobody was going to look out for me, and I couldn’t fix things for myself because I had no control to exert on my own behalf.
@werehatrack I might have the opposite experience because Dad paid all the money for orthodontia but when I said no to the wisdom teeth he let me have that. Probably should have had them pulled
Flying to San Diego!
…at 6 in the morning.
Six in the morning, police at my door
Fresh Adidas squeak across the bathroom floor
Out my back window I make my escape
Didn’t even get a chance to grab my old-school tape
Mad with no music, but happy 'cause free
And the streets to a player is the place to be
Fixing one friend’s car and then going with a different friend to check out a used van that she’s considering.
Watching the weather, to see if it’s a night out or in.
I get to get new pain patches for my arthritis. YAY! Let’s party!

That is how boring my life is. 
@swiftiefangirl I get it.
@swiftiefangirl I feel you, and, your pain! Good luck with your new patches!

Making salsa, red velvet cake, pound cake, and carrot cake for tomorrows birthday celebrations.
@callow, salsa or pico de gallo?
@kittykat9180 pico de gallo
Staying in and not relaxing…
Being invaded by an additional 15 family members for a cook out.
Trying out my new “all terrain” mobility scooter that my sweet husband got me for my birthday yesterday. I’ll finally be able to get around on our property and visit the critters again. My knees can’t handle walking on uneven ground, and my wheelchair just isn’t up to off-roading. I’m pretty damned excited about this. I miss hanging out with my chickens. Bok bok.
@Pony I bet it’s awesome. Do some sweet jumps
@Kidsandliz Thank you!
@Kyeh So cute! Thank you!
Seeing Steve Vai and Joe Satriani in Austin tonight!
I am doing laundry. I am sweeping and mopping the floors. I am planting a few things in my garden. I am doing dishes. I am putting away laundry. I might watch a little TV. I might drink a margarita or two so that I will enjoy doing all of the laundry and floors and sweeping and mopping make that three margaritas, maybe four .
Sitting in a hotel room in Puerto Rico watching it rain.
Baking cookies and packing my suitcase for my flight tomorrow.
No, I didn’t misspell wedding…
Though I did enjoy my new tool
/image Grampa’s weeder

@ybmuG So what is Granma using now?
@phendrick @ybmuG Granma uses Grampa.
working in the ER. It’s a 50/50 shot since I work 7 on/7 off.
Friday night will be forever remembered as the night we fixed Our HAPPI air purifier that came in our IRK! We’re both smugly pleased with ourselves and the ONLY regret we have is that we didn’t beat the heck out of it sooner because THAT is all it took to get it running! Lol
Well… So far it seems like the fan was frozen, we’ll see if the fix is permanent.