@Cerridwyn Yep, and every one is different. It’s a vacuum deposition process, and the finish is incredibly hard. I’ve also got a Fisher Space Pen with the same finish.
Most people I show it to say: “Oooh, how did they do that?”
A guy at work looked at it and said: “Nice, titanium nitride.” When I asked him how he knew that, he replied: “If something goes wrong in the vacuum chamber on the electron microscope it can plate everything in the chamber with that, and it’s a PITA to clean up.”
@blaineg when I was younger I had the rainbow leek for a few weeks and lost it. A guy I knew turned up with it but swore his girlfriend gave it to him from her job at Bass Pro Shops. I knew BPS didn’t sell the leek, but I didn’t forcefully retrieve it. Bastard.
super late to this party, but I’ve been carrying a blackwash Leek for a while now, it’s a really nice little edc pocket knife. And surprisingly the finish still looks fantastic.
I’ve had a titanium nitride Leek for years, and love it. Definitely the pointiest knife I own.
It’s the second largest of the Ken Onion “onion” series. (Chive, Scallion, Leek, Shallot)
And I just picked up the composite blade (two different steels) in blackwash.
@Cerridwyn Yep, and every one is different. It’s a vacuum deposition process, and the finish is incredibly hard. I’ve also got a Fisher Space Pen with the same finish.
Most people I show it to say: “Oooh, how did they do that?”
A guy at work looked at it and said: “Nice, titanium nitride.” When I asked him how he knew that, he replied: “If something goes wrong in the vacuum chamber on the electron microscope it can plate everything in the chamber with that, and it’s a PITA to clean up.”
@blaineg when I was younger I had the rainbow leek for a few weeks and lost it. A guy I knew turned up with it but swore his girlfriend gave it to him from her job at Bass Pro Shops. I knew BPS didn’t sell the leek, but I didn’t forcefully retrieve it. Bastard.
It’s a fine knife.
Who do you want to stab?
Should we report a … homicide?
@Cerridwyn Mostly boxes. I’m not sure if I get more at work or at home.
But I’m also a low-level knife (and tools in general) geek.
sharp objects, sharp objects.
And always bring a knife to a gun fight. you don’t gotta reload.
/giphy sharp objects

I was distracted and missed it. I blame that damn GOAT!
@chienfou mildly inconvenienced everyone with half-assed pranks on 4/1.
super late to this party, but I’ve been carrying a blackwash Leek for a while now, it’s a really nice little edc pocket knife. And surprisingly the finish still looks fantastic.