@FreePasta I have been in the past, do I need to re-enroll or something? I get charged at the beginning of every month what am I buying? I get free shipping. I’m confused
@sproinky If you’re a member there’d be an icon to the left of your name of a Heart inside a Sheild. You need to be a dues-paying member for Early Access to SideDeal offerings. Here’s how:
@IndifferentDude ahh that explains it, I had fraud on my account so my card was cancelled…no emails or anything though from support, I’ll shoot them a message thanks for the brainstorm
ICYMI link fixed - what happens is if we have a SideDeal graphic scheduled at the same time, it alternates (or maybe chooses randomly) between everything, so that’s why it was showing up on some page loads but not others. I unscheduled the SideDeal graphic for today
Ah. The old coupon-IRK trick again. I’m a sucker…
/image jubilant-organized-zoo

/giphy jubilant-organized-zoo

/showme jubilant-organized-zoo
Ugh. Sleep is highly overrated anyway.
@heartny maybe next year
Anyone else getting shaken down for not being a member when they already are?
Your profile doesn’t show that you are.
@FreePasta I have been in the past, do I need to re-enroll or something? I get charged at the beginning of every month what am I buying? I get free shipping. I’m confused
@sproinky If you’re a member there’d be an icon to the left of your name of a Heart inside a Sheild. You need to be a dues-paying member for Early Access to SideDeal offerings. Here’s how:
@IndifferentDude I pay money every month to Meh and get free shipping. What am I enrolled in?
@sproinky You might want to contact their support then. That’s odd you’re paying and your icon doesn’t show. Did your credit card expire recently?
@IndifferentDude ahh that explains it, I had fraud on my account so my card was cancelled…no emails or anything though from support, I’ll shoot them a message thanks for the brainstorm
@IndifferentDude @sproinky
/showme the brainstorm
@mediocrebot eerily accurate
Payday mehrathon…meh
I’ve missed the last couple of irks, feeling lucky
/giphy famous-pleasant-existence

Am I the only one where the ICYMI link disappears half the time on mobile? I use the DuckDuckGo browser
@shirlema Happens to me to on my phone. I am using MiniBrowser (Android). This happened during the last Thon too.
@shirlema Actually, it happens on my desktop PC too using Firefox ESR.
Well I was wondering when we’d be having a Meh-rathon… WOOHOO!

Where’s the ICYMI link?
Don’t see the ICYMI

Well, right after I posted that it appeared

@Commonwealth109 nice work then
ICYMI link fixed - what happens is if we have a SideDeal graphic scheduled at the same time, it alternates (or maybe chooses randomly) between everything, so that’s why it was showing up on some page loads but not others. I unscheduled the SideDeal graphic for today
Based on the Meh-rathon theme, I was hoping there would be a treadmill or walking pad. Didn’t see one. Maybe next year?