@jmhsrv I’d agree. Before you at least had a chance, however remote, but now you have to be at a certain economic level to have that much discretionary income to spend on something other than needs.
@jmhsrv if you want to take a step toward being un-poor, you should stop wasting money on Chinese-made garbage like what’s being offered on this website.
@adamwesv I should also probably stop getting laid off from my job after 25 dedicated yrs, stop searching for work daily for seven straight months since being laid off, and stop supporting my adult daughter and my ex wife, both who are battling cancer, and can’t work themselves…. Then perhaps I wouldn’t whine about $100 conditional irks, cause I wouldn’t be “poor.”
IRKS used to be a cheap thrill, but I can’t justify $100 worth of merch to get one.
@adamwesv@jmhsrv Your daughter and ex are very lucky you are supporting them through cancer. It can be incredibly difficult to work depending on how sick treatment makes you and the safety net in this country sucks bricks.
@jmhsrv the guy at the corner down the street holds a sign about all his problems as he asks for money too. Is he telling the truth? Are you? No idea. But I can’t help you, and neither can Meh.
@jmhsrv@Kidsandliz i can see how it comes off as nasty. I don’t sugarcoat my opinions, and they’re often abrasive. I don’t generally mean offense. This meh-rathon has me in my feelings.
@jmhsrv@Kidsandliz@Kyeh didn’t take long for this to turn into a whiney reddit neckbeard stew for the eternally-online. I hope your fedora didn’t fall off as you were coming to the rescue.
@jmhsrv@Kidsandliz@Kyeh you do realize you are responding to a comment where I am very literally “dishing it out,” right? Thanks. Now I missed out on some Robert Irvine Insulated Tumblers and 3-pack of Racing Roaches.
@adamwesv@Kidsandliz “ i can see how it comes off as nasty.” So you simply take pride in being an asshole? What a miserable way to walk through life. I feel sorry for your pathetic life.I may be dirt poor, but at least I have compassion.
@adamwesv@jmhsrv I am not sure what your problems are but I am not sure why you seem to think it is OK to upset people, put them down… @jmhsrv wasn’t complaining, asking for help… he was just, like many others have, that he was bummed about the current IKR arrangement. His ex-wife is a very lucky person that he is helping her. Many would not do that.
@jmhsrv@thechinglish The economic downturn is happening in some employment sectors, although not in others. The job growth is more in minimum wage service industry jobs and often you aren’t hired for them if you have an education and held professional jobs. As I have been told more than once, they want to know why you are applying and figure you will just quit when a job you actually want comes along. As his daughter is an adult he may also be dealing with age discrimination. It takes people 55+ about 3 times longer to find a job after being laid off than younger people.
@adamwesv Nobody ever asked for your time or opinion. Grow up, look in the mirror and realize who the actual “woe is me” victim is here. Its the guy who interjects his bloated ego assumptions into other folks lives when not asked, then gets pissed off when he is called out for his shit. Youre not done here or anywhere else. You will never be done. That big ass black hole in your life you try to fill with your “I dont sugar coat anything” approach to life will never be filled or satisfied. You know it, I know it, and all of Meh knows it…
@jmhsrv i like how you think im pissed off… as you finish another essay of a comment. And if “all of meh” bears weight in your mind, then i can’t help but cringe.
I rushed to get everything done by the end of the MEHrathon… And now there 24 MORE hours? Where’s the rest button so I can wipe out yesterday’s buying, take in today’s “offerings” and maybe find something really useful? ?
Loving the Mehrathon once again with these “IRK Challenges”. After so many years of not getting an IRK, this weekend’s Mehrathon allowed me to get my third IRK ever. I was fortunate enough to find $100+ on things I wanted/wanted to try out, plus I’m getting free Meh can coolers and free shipping to boot so it’s win win.
30 x 45 “self-healing” cutting mat, rolled up (will have to wait to see if it heals itself flat; I actually need something else self-healing when cutting in the kitchen)
size XL 3-pk Members Only performance boxer briefs
size M Members only pajamas/loungers
[I’m size L. If the sizes had been reversed, I could have made do; but who wants briefs falling down when in a crowd? Should I work on gaining or losing? ]
Vitagoods TARE Digital Kitchen Scale, looks dispensary quality?
sand-colored IRK tote bag in design I hadn’t noticed before.
@phendrick haha, those healing mats ARE handy if you do crafts but not so much if not. Though I have even used them for cutting say cardboard or paper with a snap-off wallpaper type knife. Saves cutting through to whatever you are using as a base.
I vote on definitely not gaining weight for the use of IRK crap. I have select donation spots…as of late, I donate to the university in town that has a sustainability free store for the students. They love me there with all the IRKs and BOCs I get, along with penny shopping. haha
Garbage for money
2 Days!!! FTW!!! I GOT A COUPON TOO!
I thought for the two day mehrathon the previous deals are supposed to be available spanning both days. But yesterdays are gone.
True, they lie!Welp, it’s been fixed. You can spend money on yesterday’s deals, again.
@datruandi @phendrick
That’s been fixed
Go buy stuff from yesterday now

I’m really bummed that IRK are no longer affordable to folks like me experiencing economic downturn.
@jmhsrv what country are you living in?
@thechinglish what a weird thing to say
@jmhsrv I’d agree. Before you at least had a chance, however remote, but now you have to be at a certain economic level to have that much discretionary income to spend on something other than needs.
@jmhsrv if you want to take a step toward being un-poor, you should stop wasting money on Chinese-made garbage like what’s being offered on this website.
@adamwesv I should also probably stop getting laid off from my job after 25 dedicated yrs, stop searching for work daily for seven straight months since being laid off, and stop supporting my adult daughter and my ex wife, both who are battling cancer, and can’t work themselves…. Then perhaps I wouldn’t whine about $100 conditional irks, cause I wouldn’t be “poor.”
IRKS used to be a cheap thrill, but I can’t justify $100 worth of merch to get one.
@adamwesv @jmhsrv Your daughter and ex are very lucky you are supporting them through cancer. It can be incredibly difficult to work depending on how sick treatment makes you and the safety net in this country sucks bricks.
@jmhsrv the guy at the corner down the street holds a sign about all his problems as he asks for money too. Is he telling the truth? Are you? No idea. But I can’t help you, and neither can Meh.
@adamwesv @jmhsrv He didn’t ask for help. He just stated why he wasn’t spending $100 to get an irk. No need to be nasty.
@jmhsrv I’m just confused as to where this economic downturn is happening, since there’s been record job creation and unemployment is at a record low.
@jmhsrv @Kidsandliz i can see how it comes off as nasty. I don’t sugarcoat my opinions, and they’re often abrasive. I don’t generally mean offense. This meh-rathon has me in my feelings.
@jmhsrv @Kidsandliz @adamwesv

I don’t know why your feelings are more important than jmnsrv’s.
@jmhsrv @Kidsandliz @Kyeh didn’t take long for this to turn into a whiney reddit neckbeard stew for the eternally-online. I hope your fedora didn’t fall off as you were coming to the rescue.
@jmhsrv @Kidsandliz
Typical - you can dish it out but you sure can’t take it.
@jmhsrv @Kidsandliz @Kyeh you do realize you are responding to a comment where I am very literally “dishing it out,” right? Thanks. Now I missed out on some Robert Irvine Insulated Tumblers and 3-pack of Racing Roaches.
@adamwesv @jmhsrv @Kidsandliz
@adamwesv wasn’t asking for your help - take your fucking ego down a notch.
@adamwesv @Kidsandliz “ i can see how it comes off as nasty.” So you simply take pride in being an asshole? What a miserable way to walk through life. I feel sorry for your pathetic life.I may be dirt poor, but at least I have compassion.
@jmhsrv @Kidsandliz Mr. “Woe is me” is upset. My job here is done.
@adamwesv @jmhsrv I am not sure what your problems are but I am not sure why you seem to think it is OK to upset people, put them down… @jmhsrv wasn’t complaining, asking for help… he was just, like many others have, that he was bummed about the current IKR arrangement. His ex-wife is a very lucky person that he is helping her. Many would not do that.
@jmhsrv @thechinglish The economic downturn is happening in some employment sectors, although not in others. The job growth is more in minimum wage service industry jobs and often you aren’t hired for them if you have an education and held professional jobs. As I have been told more than once, they want to know why you are applying and figure you will just quit when a job you actually want comes along. As his daughter is an adult he may also be dealing with age discrimination. It takes people 55+ about 3 times longer to find a job after being laid off than younger people.
@adamwesv Nobody ever asked for your time or opinion. Grow up, look in the mirror and realize who the actual “woe is me” victim is here. Its the guy who interjects his bloated ego assumptions into other folks lives when not asked, then gets pissed off when he is called out for his shit. Youre not done here or anywhere else. You will never be done. That big ass black hole in your life you try to fill with your “I dont sugar coat anything” approach to life will never be filled or satisfied. You know it, I know it, and all of Meh knows it…
@jmhsrv i like how you think im pissed off… as you finish another essay of a comment. And if “all of meh” bears weight in your mind, then i can’t help but cringe.
I rushed to get everything done by the end of the MEHrathon… And now there 24 MORE hours? Where’s the rest button so I can wipe out yesterday’s buying, take in today’s “offerings” and maybe find something really useful? ?
@sarahsandroid Well they did say it was going to be a two day one…
@sarahsandroid Kind of optimistic to think today’s choices were going to be that much better
I was hoping there would be fun contests for Meh’s birthday celebration. Apparently not
@heartny I know. I miss those.
Y’all are giving new meaning to the word “meh” with this one.
@arysta I think the “meh” stays the same while the novelty fades.
Anyone else remember when Meh was fun?
This mehtathon selection is possibly the most meh I’ve ever seen
Loving the Mehrathon once again with these “IRK Challenges”. After so many years of not getting an IRK, this weekend’s Mehrathon allowed me to get my third IRK ever. I was fortunate enough to find $100+ on things I wanted/wanted to try out, plus I’m getting free Meh can coolers and free shipping to boot so it’s win win.
I only spent $5
Happy Birthday guys, thanks for the entertainment!
I can’t believe I already got my IRK shipment notification. Holy Mackerel.
@Dakini I got my IRK this morning.
Where’s the gloating/whining thread?
@phendrick Maybe you need to start one!
@Dakini Quick listing for now:
30 x 45 “self-healing” cutting mat, rolled up (will have to wait to see if it heals itself flat; I actually need something else self-healing when cutting in the kitchen)
size XL 3-pk Members Only performance boxer briefs
size M Members only pajamas/loungers
[I’m size L. If the sizes had been reversed, I could have made do; but who wants briefs falling down when in a crowd? Should I work on gaining or losing? ]
Vitagoods TARE Digital Kitchen Scale, looks dispensary quality?
sand-colored IRK tote bag in design I hadn’t noticed before.
Worth > $1 net cost to me (but << $100)
@Dakini Not my bag of tea.
I’ve already been accused of starting too much around here.
On closer inspection, the cutting mat is not designed for the kitchen but for the crafts/sewing room. My talents do not therein lie.
@phendrick haha, those healing mats ARE handy if you do crafts but not so much if not. Though I have even used them for cutting say cardboard or paper with a snap-off wallpaper type knife. Saves cutting through to whatever you are using as a base.
I vote on definitely not gaining weight for the use of IRK crap.
I have select donation spots…as of late, I donate to the university in town that has a sustainability free store for the students. They love me there with all the IRKs and BOCs I get, along with penny shopping. haha
@Dakini https://meh.com/forum/topics/birthday-sidedeal-irk-reveal#64af03784433dcf1d9a85549
I relented, so don’t call me relentless.