@trimm We must be speaking of different employers. I asked about remote opportunities and was assure that there is exactly 1 remote employee and he is semi retired.
@alphapeaches mine didn’t and if you manually refresh when it hits zero you get this deal is sold out. You have to wait a second or so to get the new one. Weird. This last time was auto refresh.
You should have a different youtube link for each item where the link length matches the length of time the item is for sale. So If I am not interested, I can watch a video. When its done I come back to Meh for the next curated link. (alternate option, replace Youtube with PornHub).
@knrg i can’t even get the things 20 seconds in with my vip pass and saved cc and all other info. Been within a minute the last 6 fuks and always fail. Only gotten 1 in 3 years.
@ColeSloth at least you got one. I hit be ad doon ad the page loaded. Dild out. Was hoping I’d get one of those Canon camerad for our trip to meet our new grand children. First one was a preemie, four months old now, second is due on Augest 17.
So, is the countdown timer broken for anyone else? Also, I’m going to need someone to stay up all night for me to buy all the things I might like throughout the meh-rathon. All expenses incurred will not be reimbursed.
Could this be why Meh asked what past items they would like to see make a return? Cmon, Halo lights.
Was the last Mehrathon like this? Seems like this night/day alone makes VMP worthwhile. I obviously won’t be able to watch it the entire time, but I hope they offer something that makes me want to buy it.
Cmon pillows, fans, portable dvd player, shark tank items.
Stupid prolonged captcha PLUS lets me buy fuku, then “we don’t know what you want to buy” just irritating.
If we have an account, just let us buy already!
a discounted red/blue Switch?!? I so want to hit buy. but I already have one, and wife would kill me if I bought another. oh how it hurts to sit and watch this one go past.
So I placed an order and then noticed I was being charged for shipping. Is that how a mehrathon works? That’s a lot of $5 charges if I buy a bunch of stuff. VMP doesn’t help?
@R1CHMOND@shadowgaurdina Yep, unless you’re a VMP member, which you’re not and you can no longer join. One of these days we’ll launch a new Meh membership program that will get you free shipping on Meh.
@dave What if I was a VMP member and that status disappeared somehow for some unknown reason? I ordered stuff already this month and I’m pretty sure I was a VMP when I ordered. Now I’m basically missing out on every item being offered today because I’m not paying $5 shipping for every single order. Strange timing and no explanation. Help!
@warpedrotors Hey, your billing information still has the wrong info. Respond to my last email after you get a chance to update that - you can do that from this link.
@teddymid Hate to burst your bubble, but I’ve noticed items that items are priced higher at MorningSave than on Meh, even if you include shipping. For example the diffuser was $8 ($13 shipped if you’re a non VMP) on Meh, MorningSave has it for $32. 87% off on Meh and 47% off on MS.
The difference isn’t always this significant, but I have noticed this pretty consistent trend in Meh being lower priced.
Either way you’re supporting Meh, so who cares lol
Well. I’m sad about my failed Funko… but I did create an ode to this meh-rathon I’m not sure I’m going to stay awake long enough to continue my incredible artistic endevor… but Meh should feel free to send me something crappy in the mail as a thank you for my devotion.
MehStalker is close enough to working for now. Sold count I believe is the only thing that needs updated, and I gotta get up in like 4 hours. I’ll fix those manually later.
About the same quality as late stage BOCs? Do people generally still like the thrill of the possibility of something good, or is it a complete letdown every time?
I spent an hour researching nebulizers vs ultrasonic humidifier diffusers. I bought the diffuser with 5 seconds left on the clock but will also put a few battery powered nebulizers on my Amazon wish list.
Shouldn’t have bothered checking my bank account. Just missed my one chance to own a Dyson. I literally want to cry right now… but I’m at work, and it’s too early to hide under my desk in sorrow unnoticed.
@samjam10412 Don’t feel bad. Check out a Miele upright instead, once your bank account is in agreement (they’re equally not cheap). It’s like driving a Benz around your house…in the high-quality, amazing operation, smooth-as-butter sense, not the “hey, there’s a car driving through my house destroying everything” sense. Bags are the best.
This unsolicited advice brought to you by the Meh-rathon!*
*This advice is not associated in any way with Meh or the Meh-rathon.
@ramaiv just googled the Miele - well that was like a punch in the stomach… If I spend over $300 on a vacuum I better not have to make recurring purchases after that. I ain’t no bag lady… I’m too broke to be a bag lady. Why else do you think I’m on this website? Lol
@samjam10412 maybe the older dysons were better? My upright (got it here, i think, ages ago) was good on carpet, i will say that. Also the attachments are nice. But it kicked stuff around on hardwood, and the hose for the attachments was way too short… Made me hate it! Got the cheapest Miele canister, SO much better on my carpetless floors
@samjam10412 Bagless is overrated too. Why? Because filters clog and they cost even more to replace than bags. Also the dust gets back in the air when it’s emptied.
The bags for my Kenmore upright are 2/$1 (from my local 99-cents store). The filter for my Dyson was $17 – almost double of what I spent on the vacuum in the first place.
@Baethan Older Dysons were good on carpet but just fair on solid surfaces. Both of mine were thrift store purchases, mainly because purple. Also because the Phantom doesn’t exist anymore, so I couldn’t get parts for my other vacuum cleaner.
@Baethan I guess so? She only ever uses it for carpet, and that’s all I would use one for as well unless it was specifically made to go on hard surfaces. A swiffer always works better hard surfaces for me anyway. I will admit, the hose attachment for Dysons have always been awful - too short and too stiff.
@narfcake I wouldn’t have a problem with bags if the other vacuum that @ramaiv mentioned didn’t have a price range of $300-$600. We just got a cheap as hell Bissel that has a washable filter. But I’m okay with paying $17 once a year for a fresh filter if a vacuum functions and holds up as well as my mom’s has.
@samjam10412 Fair point. Washable filters should last longer than a year anyway if they’ve been kept up. If it hasn’t (as was my case), replacement is the only option.
@samjam10412 I only mentioned Miele as a price-comparative alternative to Dyson, whose vacuums also run $300 plus. In my experience, the bags last a good long while, so the added expense is, as other have mentioned, a trade off considering less frequent cleaning and replacing of filters. I wouldn’t trade the Miele for a Dyson except under threat of immediate bodily injury.
With that said, in another lifetime I had a $50 Wally-Mart Bissell bagless vacuum that served me very well and is still around (reserved for the worst messes). It needs the occasional washing to keep it sucking, but suck it does.
@OnionSoup Crap in the old days was worth the challenge- then w/amazon, they just started selling cheap stuff that anyone can really get so they make $. Still hope to snag a Fuku…someday…it may take a while with my level of participation.
Bluetooth spinners? Are they USB rechargeable, or disposable like normal light-up spinners? There is no description of what the Bluetooth is for or about the batteries, only the title and pictures of the top.
I’m really disturbed by the countdown clock-- the bottom half of the digit changes before the top half flips down–
What kind of hacks are running this site?
@lichme So it’s just me being super impatient and not my it-cost-less-than-a-catshirt Moto that’s not working well? Good to know, even though I’m going to remain impatient about it.
(Site issues on my Windows Phone are expected anyway.)
@lichme@narfcake on a different thread the issue appears to be that the time on your phone/computer is not synched with the time used on the site. Go here to see how far you are off https://time.is
I got a second-batch Fuko, but I shouldn’t have (took about 15 seconds to go through the order process with the captcha).
I really disagree with this sort of sale format. First-come, first-serve, and at the whim of the server gods, just isn’t the way to do this. These things should be skill-based, not chance-based. That’s why I liked the previous Fuko (coincidentally, the first one I managed getting).
Maybe I should burn mine when I get it as a sign of protest…
Is anyone else disappointed they aren’t doing items every 5m? I was looking forward to reading 288 mullings over model numbers and the slow descent into madness or sanity that came with it.
I’m enjoying the running story description. Virginia the mangled Opossum. This is good stuff. Enjoying the Meh-rathon, a nice fresh take. Kudos, staff.
Man, this chuffs me a little. We all know the bag is coming, but they put the 9am east coaster bag up at 8:50, so I missed it, and now it’s for vmps only (nice perk for yall too!). Curse you life and your unfairness in mediocre things!
I don’t get it said I bought it then it reloaded itself and said sorry there was a problem? Now it’s sold out. After all the hard work I’ve been doing fo you meh.
I messaged my wife and she said that our daughter “just screamed repeatedly.” I’m sure she can’t wait for us to get our bag of joyful idiocy. She had all sorts of fun with the one we got in October 2015 with the unboxing video we made and then the idea she had to make “Terrible Commercials” videos. My wife is already aware that she’ll be filming the comedic carnage.
So is today’s event a ceremony of a clause of @snapster’s non-compete agreement expiring? Is that why there isn’t a progress bar, only a timer? Isn’t Meh’s birthday actually in a few weeks? Maybe this is just a jump start on Prime Day?
@MEH… It has been a total fun the whole time.I am just fawning at all the legwork put into getting so many deals, writing a 72 page 7 day journal and not to mention still need to handle those shipments… You guys definitely know how to throw a party.
Well, I guess that’s it for the first Meh-rathon. I managed to hit 48/57 of the meh buttons–was asleep for the 3 AM and 4 AM deals, then fell asleep again during much of the 4 PM block (though I did snag the VMP-exclusive fuko).
"I find Friend later, with the band of humans she had led in revolt against the mad apes, who lost their pluck when their leader crashed her airship into Whataburger. We are rebuilding, now. We have grand plans for a new society without violence, without suffering, and most importantly …
Without Meh."
NONONONONO…life without Meh would be…so unmehningful.
@f00l Ya know, I read the original when it was posted and knew something wasn’t quite right with it, but my my brain just assumed I was tired and that it was my fault for not reading it right.
oh crap!!
But I need sleep.
@remo28 Ditto. Tomorrow’s my first day at a new job, I can’t stay up all night! Do these things usually go 24 hours, or what?
@UncleVinny hey it is also my first day at a new job!! Im in Florida for training. Long ways from home.
@remo28 and @UncleVinny good luck and kick butt tomorrow
@connorbush go get 'em, tiger!
@connorbush You don’t happen to be in Tampa do you?
@connorbush @remo28 Hey! It’s my first day at a new job and I’m in Florida for living! Orlando, to be exact.
@trimm i do happen to be in tampa!
@connorbush I teach part of our new hire class which happens to be today lol
@trimm good thing you’re part of the kickstarter squad… otherwise this might be a little creepy for @connorbush
@trimm we better do the octopus handshake signal
@connorbush just found out we don’t have any remote folks today. Womp womp
@trimm We must be speaking of different employers. I asked about remote opportunities and was assure that there is exactly 1 remote employee and he is semi retired.
@connorbush Definitely were. Sadly enough.
I am seriously going to fucking cut a bitch.
@justbuyit with poo?
@justbuyit with earbuds?
With a Fuko. Yeah. I will seriously cut a fucking bitch with a Fuko.
so much for work tomorrow
Its like they planned it this way
Well. Crap.
I’m not going buy something that I can easily make myself
Starts right out with shit.
@jandrese What’s different about today?
How will this work with the Meh tracker thingy?
Many a “meh” streak will be broken today.
@TenaciousT theres a multiplier on todays Meh. I for one will not be getting the max score…
@joedel263 Oh damn, I’m already two down on the multiplier…
I’ll have to pooh-pooh that first deal.
Great. This song will be stuck in my head all day…
@SColburn I’ll see if I can put up a 10-hour version. Unless someone beats me to it. And then there’s the ear-rape version after that.
/giphy I need sleep

If there are more than two deals I’ll be disappointed.
@Pantheist I’ll be asleep.
@lisaviolet I’m on vacation. Interestingly enough, I care less about this stuff when I have nothing to do than when I do.
Decent song, @matthew. Not sure that it is as singable by me as the original woot-off theme, but still good!

Guys. Guys, come on. Tomorrow is literally my first day at a new job. Don’t do this.
@Beardmancer Me too!
@Beardmancer me three!!!
poor matthew…nothing will ever live up to the original woot off theme.
Are we having fun yet?
This song was good, but the Woot-off theme was better. Sorry @matthew
@jsh139 True, but Something Went Terribly Wrong is the greatest song of all. And applicable to a wider range of situations!
@jsh139 That song was so tedious.
@perturbington Which one? Meh-rathon or Woot-off? They’re both pretty tedious but the Woot-off theme was epic.
The hell…
Am I going to the meh-trough?
They are totally going to slip a fuk in there somewhere aren’t they.
@ruouttaurmind I saw the $5 button and was like “5 minutes in?? Picture’s not loaded but I better click it fast!”
@alphapeaches I did the same haha
@butthole69, alphapeaches, Click 'em all, you can always cancel after the pic loads (like I had to do for the turd clay first thing).
@ruouttaurmind yep, saw it, clicked it, the price was $0 so I said wow, I’ll “take another” clicked and it was sold out, haha!
Good way to clean out the forum page.
Also good luck to you meh button clickers.
oh sweet lord.
You can’t do this. I have a morning meeting!
You can polish this turd as much as you want, Meh. At the end of the day, this first deal will still be crap.
So it doesn’t automatically refresh the page when it counts down?
@jayplus707 mine did
@alphapeaches mine didn’t and if you manually refresh when it hits zero you get this deal is sold out. You have to wait a second or so to get the new one. Weird. This last time was auto refresh.
This is not what I planned to do with my night… Also, I’m too broke for this shit. But yay, you chose Mehrathon!
@PurplePawprints It took 3 years, but now I know I won!
I do like the timer, though. @lichme, are you ready to go on the Meh-rathon tracker?
I never thought I’d see the day… I can’t decide if I’m thrilled or disappointed.
So the meh. button has a counter today… gotta catch em all! 0-o
I knew you would finally cave @dave.
I stayed up for fake poop I couldn’t even manage to buy. I’m going to hate myself in the morning.
@evbarnstormer don’t worry, there are more deals
Ugh, why couldn’t this have been yesterday so I wouldn’t have any responsibilities to oversleep?
288 items for sale today?
Woop! I’m on vaycay. Screw America’s Majestic Majesty!
@tartanknickers On vacation as well. But I’m not in Meh-rica. I’m meh-rathoning from Meh-hee-ko.
How did this work with shipping cost?
…And you’re counting clicking the button click for each deal?
/giphy frustrated shake fist

Is anyone else seeing some glitchy black lines?
@ManiacClown see this explanation: https://meh.com/forum/topics/wtf-8
yas! A bit of obsessive checking, catchy theme song, and story telling all in one day.
You should have a different youtube link for each item where the link length matches the length of time the item is for sale. So If I am not interested, I can watch a video. When its done I come back to Meh for the next curated link. (alternate option, replace Youtube with PornHub).
Fuck shitty captcha. Made me miss the Fuko
@jofuzz it did seem to take longer than usual for me, but I’m not sure that’s why I missed it…
@jofuzz were you here for April Fool’s?
@alphapeaches Yep!
April fools was the only one I got.
Took me too long to type in credit card for Fuko
@knrg Yeah mine seems to clear the saved card info whenever its a fuku. I feel your pain
@knrg i can’t even get the things 20 seconds in with my vip pass and saved cc and all other info. Been within a minute the last 6 fuks and always fail. Only gotten 1 in 3 years.
@ColeSloth at least you got one. I hit be ad doon ad the page loaded. Dild out. Was hoping I’d get one of those Canon camerad for our trip to meet our new grand children. First one was a preemie, four months old now, second is due on Augest 17.
Is this the first Meh-rathon?
Gald you didn’t call it a Meh-Off.
Looks like the meh face is tracking how many times you clicked it today. Cool.
@jsh139 hmm so 36 deals then perhaps?
I have to sleep and then work, I’m not going to be able to hit all the mehs for 24 hours…
I’m going to go to sleep and binge-read the story in the morning…
I’m wondering if this story is going anywhere.
Couldn’t even get the headphones.
This is awesome!
Turning 3 and fuku was 3rd I see a pattern
@CaptAmehrican wonder if it’ll be multiples of three?
@hanzov69 Nope.
so i’m assuming they won’t be honoring the VMP reservations for these then?
@eforum they might be in their own way.
So, is the countdown timer broken for anyone else? Also, I’m going to need someone to stay up all night for me to buy all the things I might like throughout the meh-rathon. All expenses incurred will not be reimbursed.
Well, turns out meh won’t take my credit card at all. So much for buying anything tonight. Night guys.
You only have to be awake for about 10 seconds every 5 minutes. Stay in bed an extra 10 minutes and you’re even!
Fun fun fun. Do this once a month.
Could this be why Meh asked what past items they would like to see make a return? Cmon, Halo lights.
Was the last Mehrathon like this? Seems like this night/day alone makes VMP worthwhile. I obviously won’t be able to watch it the entire time, but I hope they offer something that makes me want to buy it.
Cmon pillows, fans, portable dvd player, shark tank items.
@JT954 - This is the first, inaugural meh-rathon. You can tell your grandchildren you were there for the memorable occasion.
Well, I was thinking it was going to be a Fuk-OFF, but Meh-rathon is ok, just not as offensive I guess.
Stupid prolonged captcha PLUS lets me buy fuku, then “we don’t know what you want to buy” just irritating.
If we have an account, just let us buy already!
Stop it!
Thanks Meh!! This is fun, and I wonder why you waited three years to try it?
@beachhead plus the many years when they owned woot.com
a discounted red/blue Switch?!? I so want to hit buy. but I already have one, and wife would kill me if I bought another. oh how it hurts to sit and watch this one go past.
The Switch was gone faster than the Fuko.
@ShotgunX So sad dude
@ShotgunX Ah. I didn’t refresh so it appeared to be still available. Wish the page auto refresh would also show us when things are gone.
Keeps adding with every deal. Homepage locked up in 3 … 2 …
and now website is down
white screen? crash server crash? Yup now something went terribly wrong video…
Oh. Snap!
and crashed. looks like my cue to go to bed.
Welp, was fun while it lasted, everyone!
Something went terribly wrong.
@hems79 terribly terribly wrong?
So Meh is going to be down for 5 minutes now?
So is your server going to puke and die with every countdown refresh? I was watching… quite the meh-ltdown…
well main screen is up but me logged out and now can’t log in so that page is still crashed
They bring up the Halo lights I’ve been wanting and I keep getting error messages.
Today’s my birthday too

@Rgdarkchild - Happy happy! Are you also 3 today?
@Rgdarkchild Happy Birthday!
@KDemo 5 actually
I am starting to feel a little… Unbalanced… Like things are slowly spinning… Clockwise, even…
Journal is up to Day 2. Glad that stopped.
Argh, and now it’s an hour!
An hour from now? I’m going to sleep…
Now were waiting an hour for the next item? zzzzzzzzz
So I placed an order and then noticed I was being charged for shipping. Is that how a mehrathon works? That’s a lot of $5 charges if I buy a bunch of stuff. VMP doesn’t help?
@warpedrotors I don’t see a VMP badge by your name.
@Ignorant I was a VMP and didn’t do anything to change it. Do they just cancel it for some reason that I’m not aware of?
@warpedrotors probably expired card and it couldn’t process payment.
@warpedrotors You should check your account information and make sure it matches your current billing information…
@medz My card is good until next year. I don’t know what happened. This sucks.
Great…all the hype and now I have to wait an hour…goodnight
Time to fix servers…
Thank God it’s one hour. I wasn’t getting any work done.

/giphy slacking
Feels like the hour wait is to work out the backend kinks…
@dammitdamian I don’t think they have enough products to keep a 5 minute change over all day. Just first hour, then slow it down.
@dammitdamian I think it was so they didn’t have to write 288 log entries.
@Ignorant Right. Speed up again during normal business hours.
@dammitdamian naps. we needed built in naps.
Why meh, just why?
woot off time
you pay shipment for every item??
@R1CHMOND did anyone get an answer for this?
@R1CHMOND @shadowgaurdina Yep, unless you’re a VMP member, which you’re not and you can no longer join. One of these days we’ll launch a new Meh membership program that will get you free shipping on Meh.
@dave im good man thanks for the answer but im done with meh was great at the beginning but it became another woot (since amazon acquired it)
@R1CHMOND you want some vmp action? check my profile
@dave pack it up I guess. You had a few good years.
@dave What if I was a VMP member and that status disappeared somehow for some unknown reason? I ordered stuff already this month and I’m pretty sure I was a VMP when I ordered. Now I’m basically missing out on every item being offered today because I’m not paying $5 shipping for every single order. Strange timing and no explanation. Help!
@dave That’s it, i’m going to shop morningsave.com today instead!
@dave define “one of these days”…
@Kidsandliz “Sometime in the future”
@woodhouse Let me be more specific. Define, with a specific number of days, hours, minutes and seconds (grin):
@warpedrotors Hey, your billing information still has the wrong info. Respond to my last email after you get a chance to update that - you can do that from this link.
@Kidsandliz N days, X hours, Y Minutes, Z seconds
@woodhouse FAIL! This is not an algebra story problem question…
@teddymid Hate to burst your bubble, but I’ve noticed items that items are priced higher at MorningSave than on Meh, even if you include shipping. For example the diffuser was $8 ($13 shipped if you’re a non VMP) on Meh, MorningSave has it for $32. 87% off on Meh and 47% off on MS.
The difference isn’t always this significant, but I have noticed this pretty consistent trend in Meh being lower priced.
Either way you’re supporting Meh, so who cares lol
Well. I’m sad about my failed Funko… but I did create an ode to this meh-rathon I’m not sure I’m going to stay awake long enough to continue my incredible artistic endevor… but Meh should feel free to send me something crappy in the mail as a thank you for my devotion.

@Panegyric What the fuck did you say to Bob?!
@Pantheist The captcha accused him of being a robot! It’s not my fault he has so much internalized self-hate.
@Panegyric LOL thanks for the chuckle. I like Bob
@candiedisilvio1 awww look! you made Bob smile!
@Panegyric LOL No need for self loathing Bob Your a bright boy who brings light to those around you
I forget who proposed it, but I really wish they would have called this event an “ambivilanche”.
@cercopithecoid I second that
@cercopithecoid It is the only good idea i’ve had in my life, and i wasted it on a failed dream
/giphy swing and a miss

Anyone good at calculus?
@Panegyric Good news! No calculus needed!
Bad news: You’ve got a bit of a wait.
TL;DR can’t you just put this junk in a google doc and let me pick the ones i might want?
oh wait, Meh.be i want to stay up all night seeing more plastic figurines.
/giphy "i’m out"

/youtube "i’m out"
/snorlax “I’m out”
“i’m out”
/8ball “i’m out?”
Without a doubt
/8ball “should I be sleeping?”
Outlook not so good
really. 2 of these…
@bfg9000 One for each fist, of course.
Or, business in the front, party in the back.
Oh Henry (not the candy bar)

MehStalker is close enough to working for now. Sold count I believe is the only thing that needs updated, and I gotta get up in like 4 hours. I’ll fix those manually later.
@lichme goodnight. I’m dreading crawling into bed this late…hope I don’t get busted.
I just keep rewatching the meh-rathon song.
Signed up long ago, but never really looked at any “deals” until today. Are BOCs (or similar) a thing here?
@perturbington they are called fukobukaros here
@thismyusername Ah, thanks.
About the same quality as late stage BOCs? Do people generally still like the thrill of the possibility of something good, or is it a complete letdown every time?
@perturbington they are like the original bocs, nothing like the recent bocs.
do a google search for site:meh.com and “fukubukoro” and “fukobukoro” for the reveal threads.
I spent an hour researching nebulizers vs ultrasonic humidifier diffusers. I bought the diffuser with 5 seconds left on the clock but will also put a few battery powered nebulizers on my Amazon wish list.
@5665150 you have an hour to cancel… So buy, research, and then cancel if need be if you are worried about it selling or timing out.
I can’t get mine to refresh ?
@msujp likewise…
it smells like a woot off… lotsa junk with an occasional semi precious gem in between…
Back to 5 minute intervals! Woo… I mean, meh.
Shouldn’t have bothered checking my bank account. Just missed my one chance to own a Dyson. I literally want to cry right now… but I’m at work, and it’s too early to hide under my desk in sorrow unnoticed.
@samjam10412 don’t be sad, dysons are overrated
@Baethan Like apple products.
@samjam10412 Don’t feel bad. Check out a Miele upright instead, once your bank account is in agreement (they’re equally not cheap). It’s like driving a Benz around your house…in the high-quality, amazing operation, smooth-as-butter sense, not the “hey, there’s a car driving through my house destroying everything” sense. Bags are the best.
This unsolicited advice brought to you by the Meh-rathon!*
*This advice is not associated in any way with Meh or the Meh-rathon.
@Baethan My mom has had one for 10 years that still runs great! I don’t think they are overrated in the least.
@ramaiv just googled the Miele - well that was like a punch in the stomach… If I spend over $300 on a vacuum I better not have to make recurring purchases after that. I ain’t no bag lady… I’m too broke to be a bag lady. Why else do you think I’m on this website? Lol
@samjam10412 maybe the older dysons were better? My upright (got it here, i think, ages ago) was good on carpet, i will say that. Also the attachments are nice. But it kicked stuff around on hardwood, and the hose for the attachments was way too short… Made me hate it! Got the cheapest Miele canister, SO much better on my carpetless floors
@samjam10412 Bagless is overrated too. Why? Because filters clog and they cost even more to replace than bags. Also the dust gets back in the air when it’s emptied.
The bags for my Kenmore upright are 2/$1 (from my local 99-cents store). The filter for my Dyson was $17 – almost double of what I spent on the vacuum in the first place.
@Baethan Older Dysons were good on carpet but just fair on solid surfaces. Both of mine were thrift store purchases, mainly because purple. Also because the Phantom doesn’t exist anymore, so I couldn’t get parts for my other vacuum cleaner.
@Baethan I guess so? She only ever uses it for carpet, and that’s all I would use one for as well unless it was specifically made to go on hard surfaces. A swiffer always works better hard surfaces for me anyway. I will admit, the hose attachment for Dysons have always been awful - too short and too stiff.
@narfcake I wouldn’t have a problem with bags if the other vacuum that @ramaiv mentioned didn’t have a price range of $300-$600. We just got a cheap as hell Bissel that has a washable filter. But I’m okay with paying $17 once a year for a fresh filter if a vacuum functions and holds up as well as my mom’s has.
@samjam10412 Fair point. Washable filters should last longer than a year anyway if they’ve been kept up. If it hasn’t (as was my case), replacement is the only option.
@samjam10412 I only mentioned Miele as a price-comparative alternative to Dyson, whose vacuums also run $300 plus. In my experience, the bags last a good long while, so the added expense is, as other have mentioned, a trade off considering less frequent cleaning and replacing of filters. I wouldn’t trade the Miele for a Dyson except under threat of immediate bodily injury.
With that said, in another lifetime I had a $50 Wally-Mart Bissell bagless vacuum that served me very well and is still around (reserved for the worst messes). It needs the occasional washing to keep it sucking, but suck it does.
So how long till Amazon buys out meh now?
@darkzrobe I’m mentally picturing a breakfast octopus meeting with Bezos and @snapster sporting a fake mustache
In mad ape den way? Really, Meh?
Finally! A Meh-rithon. When was this actually proposed? It seems like ages ago…
@crktfrog “Meh-rathon” …stupid tablet.
My card info was messed up, by the time I typed it in the bag was sold out…I’ll get you stupid bag, if it’s the last thing I do
Can’t even get a fuko during a meh-rathon. Captcha wins again.
And just like the early days of woot, I hold little hope of ever snagging a fuku.
@crktfrog only ever got one BOC despite trying forever. Doubt I’ll ever get a Fuku despite trying forever.
Just doomed to a life without crap.
@OnionSoup Crap in the old days was worth the challenge- then w/amazon, they just started selling cheap stuff that anyone can really get so they make $. Still hope to snag a Fuku…someday…it may take a while with my level of participation.
@crktfrog (I can’t even spell it right…) Fuko…
Well I guess my VMP is really going to get some use today
Looks like the timer is keyed off of your system time. So, if your system time is off, the countdown timer will be wrong. @shawn is this correct?
@jsh139 I changed my system time, reloaded meh, and the timer stayed consistent.
@lichme My coworker’s system time was 3 minutes fast and the timer was also 3 minutes fast. She’s on a Mac though. Wonder if that makes a difference?
@lichme I just tried it on my system and it changed the timer. Try advancing your system time by 4 minutes and watch the timer change.
@jsh139 So it does, it took about 30 seconds before it flipped the difference, I was just impatient the first time.
@lichme Word to the wise, make sure your system time is accurate!
@jsh139 https://time.is will tell you how close your time is to atomic time. Says my computer is 0.2 seconds ahead.
@Kidsandliz Nice! Looks like I was almost 12 seconds behind. Thanks!
@jsh139 How do I determine my system time?
@pooflady The clock in the lower right corner task bar area (in Windows).
@pooflady run cmd.exe then type “time” (no quotes) and hit Enter
@medz So the screen clock is about six seconds faster. Is that enough to fool around with?
Thanks jsh and medz.
A Meh-rathon - oooh! Yes, please.
Meh-related buyers remorse > bitching about yet-another-crappy Prime Day
I want this as my new ring tone but don’t know how to do it.
@sammydog01 do you have an iphone, android phone, or something else?
@communist iphone
@sammydog01 heres the mp3
but since you have an iphone you have to go through itunes
@communist Thank you! I will try my best to figure it out.
Anyone going for multiple Fukos?
@arbdef They will get cancelled.
@sammydog01 they can’t cancel us all!
@sammydog01 I want to be a greedy bastard though.

/giphy permanently cancelled
@sammydog01 @tHumperChick Is there a fuko blacklist?
@medz And don’t piss off Thumperchick.
@medz If they do it like woot used to they will just cancel the extra fukos leaving the original.
@arbdef This isn’t woot.
@therealjrn woot is not woot anymore either.
@medz I don’t have time for something like that.
@Thumperchick oh, good
@arbdef Zing!
Aye!! Missed some already, argh…
Regarding entry #33 - didn’t Eli Whitney and/or Samuel Colt have something to do with the rise of standardized parts?
@dannybeans I get around to Eli Whitney in a bit, but I admit I didn’t dig into Samuel Colt much.
Bluetooth spinners? Are they USB rechargeable, or disposable like normal light-up spinners? There is no description of what the Bluetooth is for or about the batteries, only the title and pictures of the top.
@MWPollard On another thread some of us concluded these are likely the exploding version so if you missed it you are in luck.
Yes for rechargeable, or yes for disposable?
Guess it doesn’t matter now…
I’m really disturbed by the countdown clock-- the bottom half of the digit changes before the top half flips down–
What kind of hacks are running this site?
@caffeineguy It’d be nice if the countdowns even worked. They don’t on either of my phones.
@narfcake They work on mine, somewhat, after they show 00:00 for a minute or so.
@lichme So it’s just me being super impatient and not my it-cost-less-than-a-catshirt Moto that’s not working well? Good to know, even though I’m going to remain impatient about it.
(Site issues on my Windows Phone are expected anyway.)
@lichme @narfcake on a different thread the issue appears to be that the time on your phone/computer is not synched with the time used on the site. Go here to see how far you are off https://time.is
@Kidsandliz hmm now thats weird
Hey!!! You guys took my suggestion to name this thing! Woot! …wait
@unixrab They ignored mine. “We’re having a Mehltdown!” So good.
@unixrab They should give you something valuable for that.
@dave or @snapster: Can you give @unixrab a year’s VMP subscription?
@narfcake That he can’t cancel LOL

@Kidsandliz @narfcake vmp is dead
It dies with me.
@unixrab Long live VMP

Nice job on the song.
of course… on the day of the first Meh-Off, my pc takes a crap… DAMN YOU WINDOWS 10!!!
it could be a bad SSD… but i cant find out until i can get it to actually completely start up…
posting this while making a recovery USB on my mother’s PC
Anyone else just here for the journal entries? This hour-long wait between entries is killing me though.
/giphy ugh

I got a second-batch Fuko, but I shouldn’t have (took about 15 seconds to go through the order process with the captcha).
I really disagree with this sort of sale format. First-come, first-serve, and at the whim of the server gods, just isn’t the way to do this. These things should be skill-based, not chance-based. That’s why I liked the previous Fuko (coincidentally, the first one I managed getting).
Maybe I should burn mine when I get it as a sign of protest…
@ShotgunX Absolutely disagree. Probably because I have no skills.
Is anyone else disappointed they aren’t doing items every 5m? I was looking forward to reading 288 mullings over model numbers and the slow descent into madness or sanity that came with it.
Did they do a second round of 5 minute intervals? I’ve been waking up every hour to hit the button, but I feel like I missed some.
@lowlypeon Full history: http://www.mehstalker.com/search.php
@lowlypeon Not that I’ve seen. The last round of 5’vers was before 9am to disappoint the 9am east coasters looking for a bag at 9.
@lichme ah, thanks. It appears i did miss some in between my hourly wake up checks.
I hope they fix the timer so it actually works every time before the next Mehrathon.
The timer is a good idea but it’s annoying that it doesn’t actually work.
@OnionSoup Mine works. It’s got a glitch in Chrome browser, but it counts down just fine. What isn’t working for you?
@Willijs3 if I don’t clear the cache Everytime they change product the counter stays on 0 for the whole time.
The theme reminds me of the “Armagedd-Off” thing woot did for the Mayan calendar ending.
When the heck did this start? Why didn’t you guys call me? I thought we were friends.
@wew we only call you once you’ve been around for 1,000 days.
@wew I got an email at midnight.

/giphy neener neener
@MrMark You know, that’s very cruel. You Must Have Looked That Up!
"wew joined us 999 days ago on October 16th, 2014. "
nevertheless, that’s an astounding post!
Will you be calling me tomorrow?
@wew This was the cleverest post ever MrMark made. Please don’t hide it.
I need something good to come up while i’m at my PC. I got money to buy dumb crap with. So far its just the Fuko for me.
@mypiesarepiff First world problems…the struggle is real!
Le sigh. Now I can’t buy anything and Meh is pinging my card for $1 preauths. That’s some crap right there.
I’m enjoying the running story description. Virginia the mangled Opossum. This is good stuff. Enjoying the Meh-rathon, a nice fresh take. Kudos, staff.
Man, this chuffs me a little. We all know the bag is coming, but they put the 9am east coaster bag up at 8:50, so I missed it, and now it’s for vmps only (nice perk for yall too!). Curse you life and your unfairness in mediocre things!
@Tiamat114 for what it is worth it was IMPOSSIBLE to ger. I clicked immediately and missed it
I like how my orders keep failing but then I get an email saying I bought something. LOL yay Meh
So… now it’s VMP only, but you cant join VMP… awesome…
@knrg No one promised you a Meh’ritocracy
@knrg At least you noticed. Work was too distracting for the special time for us VMPs to register my attention.
Finally something for my $5/month. But it’s still Meh…
We have achieved three quarters rotation!
This is un-a-Meh-rican…
So how come when I bought the disks I didn’t have to sign in, but when the fuko comes up, I do? And of course came nowhere near getting one.
Damn this site and their crappy servers. I clicked on the Fuku after 1 sec and just kept getting weird server errors. This is beyond frustrating.
I don’t get it said I bought it then it reloaded itself and said sorry there was a problem? Now it’s sold out. After all the hard work I’ve been doing fo you meh.
The “Read previous entries: Day 5” link at the top of the posts is broken. Not sure who to contact about this…
@Dillon1337 Awwww, we missed a Fukobukuro.
@Dillon1337 I found the link on meh-stalker
https ://meh.com/deals/picnic-time-stratus-insulated-cooler-3
@Dillon1337 Oops, fixed those links now.
I messaged my wife and she said that our daughter “just screamed repeatedly.” I’m sure she can’t wait for us to get our bag of joyful idiocy. She had all sorts of fun with the one we got in October 2015 with the unboxing video we made and then the idea she had to make “Terrible Commercials” videos. My wife is already aware that she’ll be filming the comedic carnage.
Well, while I bask in my disappointment AGAIN. Here’s my afternoon Meh-rathon art

I have to say this is some of my best work conceptually just not visually. I’m particularly proud of this one.
I really dislike these 1 hour items. The shorter times keep my attention but waiting an hour makes me just kind of wander off.
Hey, a Meh-rathon! I guess I won that naming contest 3 years ago!
@saramwrap my entry was calling it a Jerk Meh-off.
So is today’s event a ceremony of a clause of @snapster’s non-compete agreement expiring? Is that why there isn’t a progress bar, only a timer? Isn’t Meh’s birthday actually in a few weeks? Maybe this is just a jump start on Prime Day?
@caffeineguy Meh’s Birthday was actually yesterday. Zero Day was Saturday…
Did anyone else figure out that there’s going to be 60 Mehs tonight, so if you meh all 60 the disco ball does a full rotation every minute!
@morrdt It looks to me like it puts all of your clicks sequentially- there is a skip when I went to bed. No full minute for me.
@MEH… It has been a total fun the whole time.I am just fawning at all the legwork put into getting so many deals, writing a 72 page 7 day journal and not to mention still need to handle those shipments… You guys definitely know how to throw a party.


/giphy meh-rathon

When does this end? I remember something in some thread announcing the meh-rathon, but can’t remember where I saw it.
Well, I guess that’s it for the first Meh-rathon. I managed to hit 48/57 of the meh buttons–was asleep for the 3 AM and 4 AM deals, then fell asleep again during much of the 4 PM block (though I did snag the VMP-exclusive fuko).
@lljk 48/57 is pretty damn amazing in my book. I work here and only got 16 LOL
Did anyone still have an unbroken click streak before this?
"I find Friend later, with the band of humans she had led in revolt against the mad apes, who lost their pluck when their leader crashed her airship into Whataburger. We are rebuilding, now. We have grand plans for a new society without violence, without suffering, and most importantly …
Without Meh."
NONONONONO…life without Meh would be…so unmehningful.
They killed meh! Bastards!
Without Meh? What’s the point of staying up until midnight if there is no Meh? What’s the point of speaker docks? So much sadness
Wait! This isn’t a sneaky way of saying that Meh is going away after midnight, is it?!?!?!
The past three days, I’ve more than gotten my Meh’ney’s worth out of my VMP membership.
Worst. Meh-rethon. Ever.
@phatmass Best too!
@phatmass as compared to what ?
Also worst Meh-rathon.
You forgot to mention that.
@f00l Ya know, I read the original when it was posted and knew something wasn’t quite right with it, but my my brain just assumed I was tired and that it was my fault for not reading it right.
@f00l actually, I rather enjoyed the Meh-rathon.
Best. Meh-rathon. Ever.
In addition to being worst.