Is it logical?
@blaineg IMO, both are past their BBD.
If they can monetize something/anything ST and lotsa people buy it, then I suppose it is/will be a Thing. I think I will hold out for NovHemmer, as I am already missing one of my favorite characters.
@rockblossom Hemmer was great. I’ve heard a rumor that they’re bringing the actor back as another Aenar.
Yes it is. Haven’t you been “Spocking” your fives?
@mike808 Fascinating.
Excellent. Last creative thing I’d seen with paper money was folding it so the portrait turned into a mushroom.
@blaineg IMO, both are past their BBD.
If they can monetize something/anything ST and lotsa people buy it, then I suppose it is/will be a Thing. I think I will hold out for NovHemmer, as I am already missing one of my favorite characters.
@rockblossom Hemmer was great. I’ve heard a rumor that they’re bringing the actor back as another Aenar.
Yes it is. Haven’t you been “Spocking” your fives?
@mike808 Fascinating.
Excellent. Last creative thing I’d seen with paper money was folding it so the portrait turned into a mushroom.