Is Meh running slow for anyone else?
10I tried to load up Meh this morning and it wasn't loading. I hit refresh a few times and still nothing. I finally got the main page to load, and tired to click the Meh face and Meh froze up again. I couldn't even load the forums for some time. I had hoped to see others talking about how slow Meh was for them as well... Thought I'd ask since I never had this issue before.
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Yeah, Meh was down for at least a little over an hour 7am -8:15am MST for me. The page would load to a blank screen.
I demand an OHSHIT report immediately. Firings will commence in 3, 2, 1...
I've had a hard time getting the forums to load this morning. not the first time though. a few nights over the last week or so too
The site has been flaky for me since 6am ET. So 4-ish hours. Seeing as I can post and see the site, I'd say it seems to work now.
Was down last night, was down this morning, been running slow for a few weeks now.
@thismyusername Take half the hair off his head...and place it on his face in the form of a's basically @JonT.
Something went so terribly wrong that we couldn't even sing along to Something Went Terribly Wrong. What'd you do @shawn?!
@cinoclav Pretty sure @sohmageek had something or everything to do with this outage.
@lumpthar I'm sorry, I was busy talking with Atlas, and I think the world fell off for a little bit... But once he picked it back up... he had to get the spin just right.
@sohmageek So you made Atlas shrug...
They are toying with our very lives. Oh the humanity!
I thought it was just my computer and phone and shitty connections.
@Teripie Same here! That's what led me to ask the community if they too were in the same boat as I was.
I couldn't get on from late last night up until a few minutes ago. Now I need meh to go night night again so that I can take a nap! I barely slept last night and tonight is the Weird Al show.
Is it wrong that I ache for meh problems so I can read the next OHSHIT report?
@marklog I love reading those. It reminds me of how much I don't miss working now that I'm retired. It's not quite schadenfreude, because I don't enjoy Meh's pain, but I do like the entertainment.
@marklog Not at all. Having once worked for a large ecommerce company, I thoroughly enjoy learning about what causes these problems. Back then we were just told someone was fixing it, have a drink in the meanwhile.
VERY slow (refused to load for a long time) today! lied and said it was just me. Is that site a joke?
@KDemo I think that just checks if it can connect, and since I never got an http error, it was connecting, just not losing correctly.
@jqubed - Thank you. I wanted to be able to trust it.
@KDemo Since meh was, in most cases, sending an empty page, it never saw it as down... I tried it a couple times as well.
I've had trouble all morning loading anything on the site. I got the site to load a couple times but it would just go out again. It looks like things are working again.
the site was old school BoC slow for me around 11:30pm Pacific last night. I assumed there had been a fukuburu and the site still hadn't recovered.
@zippyus - You can always check Twitter to see what's for sale when the site is down.
I blame the daily T-Swift video. She always drives rampant internet traffic. Oh and @sohmageek, I would be remiss to forget blaming those who are by definition blameworthy...
In response to Korean and American Meh, North Korea has developed its own Meh - which is not online; it's a physical bulletin board - and they are cyber-attacking Wal and Meh, to show glorious North Korean dominance in the daily deal site category.
@darksaber99999 - Wal-Meh sounds suspiciously close to our American evil overlords. Kim Jong-un can only covet their dominance.
@KDemo and their logo:
@thismyusername THAT is pure genius.
When down for everyone is one of the frequent paths to your website, maybe it's time for an OHSHIT report?

@2many2no you get a rainbow star.

@2many2no Fair enough.
OHSHIT REPORT (tl;dr edition):
After we sold out of Monster Digital USB 3.0 Drives the site crashed. Then it came back up. Then it crashed. Then it came back up. Then it crashed. Then it came back up.
This repeated with increasing frequency until around 9am ET. It was made worse by our automation that scales our server capacity down after peak midnight traffic.
We've been pouring over error logs, watching our application performance monitors, and upgrading the software on some of our core infrastructure pieces. Things are getting better but aren't great yet.
@shawn Damn, I'm glad I don't have your job today. Our IS is bad enough, not helped by the enterprise software still needing WinXP.
Good luck with the bug hunting!
@2many2no pretty sure our last XP & 2003 box are leaving this year... in a month or two!
@shawn Aaah. And it's Monday all over the place, with bug guts splattered on the ceiling and dripping down the walls. Thanks for the report.
@sohmageek I was able to kill off XP early this year on my network. Currently working on murdering my 2003 servers but that is a pain.
@shawn I see you put your best workers on it!
Site has seemed flakey these last couple of weeks.
@darkzrobe right when @sohmageek took over... hmm....

@mfladd @thisismyusername THIS IS SP... no it's meh... and you're right... I've been playing with some cords...
I blame it on tomorrow's fuku bag or Windows 10
@thismyusername Kitten server post has already been posted And while not mine you still owe me a coke for pointing it out.
@thismyusername I want my coke.
@thismyusername My coke or else...

The slow part tonight (sticky Bluetooth speaker thingies twofer) for me has been waiting for a comment to post. Really slowwww. (But some of them are fast - like this one.) The other screen jumps haven't been that slow.
Some sites on the internet have been funky for me in Mi for a couple of days. My stupid aol mail, I could not even get on, it was all scrambly like. I cleaned up the cookies and such (with the help from my granddaughter) and then could get on my mail. But it seems like everything on line is just acting peculiar, feels different, not the usual. Like 5 days ago we had fluctuating service all day. My internet provider is Comcast. It's that the common ground? I readily admit , I am quite ignorant when it comes to stuff about computers. However, I am intuitive enough to know when stuff isn't just jiving right.
@mick I'm also in MI but on AT&T Uverse until we change to WOW! No issues in general for other sites. Uverse has been pretty bullet proof. Excellent stateside and local support - just don't be expecting anything much after hours when it goes to India. But hate their pricing for Internet only after 12 months.
I would do almost anything short of getting home Internet by tethering to our mobile phones to keep Comcast out. What a horrible company in just about every way.
To run slow, it would need to run.

Everyone across the planet is experiencing the effects of Mercury in retrograde. You'll notice electronics don't work the way their supposed to and much like the game of telephone, even simple verbal exchanges become garbled and non-sensical. If you are paying attention, you'll notice it's not just Meh having issues.
@shells I think you dropped this....