Is it terrifying that this weird old house has a pair of Laurel & Hardy statuettes looking out the window?
16I say yes.
Don’t know if this picture will show:
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On the list of terrifying, those rank well behind the two long boards (barely) holding up the ceiling.
@rockblossom It’s a gloriously disturbing house.
@rockblossom I would 100% buy this if the locale suited me.
@rockblossom Is this what they call in the trade “a fixer-upper”?
@phendrick @rockblossom
More like a scrape-off. I do hope though that when they tear it down they salvage the tiles, and maybe that built-in corner cabinet.
@Kyeh @phendrick @rockblossom Not the Playboy centerfolds on display downstairs?
@mossygreen @phendrick @rockblossom
I bet someone will salvage those!
In my universe, that is called a “tear-down and rebuild.” This is what a “fixer-upper” looks like:
@phendrick @rockblossom is it just me or do the outside shots look like something from the Flintstones
I agree with @kyeh, I love that old architecture. You just don’t find it in homes anymore.
That said, there seems to be A LOT of disturbing things in that picture. But yes those statues are creepy AF
I like the statuettes and I love the cool details like the ornately curved archway and the built-in bookcase, but it looks like a nightmare structurally. I’d love to know who lived there.

Don’t think i’ve ever seen that kind of detail in a arch like that before. Sure could be a pretty room with just a little TLC. Wonder what the rest of it looks like? Statues should be butt naked and facing backwards though! Lol…
@Kyeh A Reagan fan with a deep love of magnets you get sent in unsolicited fund-raising mailings, based on the 'fridge.
@mossygreen Oh, interesting!
I kind of covet that towel bar …
@Kyeh Oh yeah, I’m nuts about the original built-ins that appear to have original oilcloth tacked on and all the red-painted trim. And the sink, dear god the sink! And a transom!
Yes, yes, yes! Me too. Is there a cool stove?
@Kyeh There are no pictures of an oven or stove, which is a little strange because they certainly made a point of being very clear about how horrifiying the condition of the house is. I’m hoping the sale falls through and it goes back on the market so I can tour it, but they priced it so it’s worth it for the lot alone (if construction material prices drop), so it probably will sell.
@mossygreen Maybe the stove was cool enough that they took it out and sold it separately.
@Kyeh @mossygreen Never has a Bless This Mess sign been less ironic.
@Kyeh @mossygreen Whoa, the bathroom in my apartment has extremely similar peach with green trim wall tiles all the way around the room. I believe they are original from 1929. My kitchen has some similar cabinets, without oilcloth or glass windows. Also a transom, but it was painted shut many years ago.
@Kyeh @mossygreen
What am I missing here? Where is this house and WHY is it being talked about? Besides for the statues of course. Os there a article or a link?
@Kyeh @Lynnerizer @mossygreen This looks like a house that would be in Chicago.
@Kyeh @mossygreen My grandmother had that same can opener in her pantry. Best can opener ever.
@ironcheftoni @mossygreen Oh, yeah! I think there was one (that can opener)in a house we lived in when I was a kid.
@fibrs86 @Kyeh Zillow says the house was built in '27, you are spot-on.
@Kyeh @Lynnerizer It’s just me! I found this house on Zillow and can’t stop looking at the pictures! The MeTV+ channel shows The Three Stooges, Laurel & Hardy and Our Gang after midnight, so every night sooner or later I’m like Huh. Laurel & Hardy. Must look at house.
@fibrs86 @Kyeh @mossygreen how can we see the whole listing? And the sink is so cool
@fibrs86 @mossygreen @tinamarie1974
Look farther down the thread - @dragoncmndr posted the link.
@dragoncmndr @fibrs86 @Kyeh @mossygreen oh, got it!!! Thanks!!
@dragoncmndr @fibrs86 @mossygreen @tinamarie1974
It’s kind of like a time capsule.
@dragoncmndr @fibrs86 @Kyeh @mossygreen yes. If someone took the time to restore it, it would be stunning. But that basement
@ironcheftoni @Kyeh @mossygreen
I have a SS version of that opener and it is definitely great, though mine has, sadly stopped grabbing cans. I need to find some parts…
@dragoncmndr @fibrs86 @Kyeh @tinamarie1974 Come on, it has a bar! It’s almost perfect!
@dragoncmndr @fibrs86 @Kyeh @mossygreen for a serial killer!!!
@dragoncmndr @fibrs86 @Kyeh @tinamarie1974 The houses are pretty close together, I’m sure the neighbors would have smelled something.
@dragoncmndr @fibrs86 @Kyeh @mossygreen or heard the screams!!!
@Enigma @Kyeh @Lynnerizer Probably a Chicago architect, and it’s the Wisconsin cream brick you see all over the midwest. Much of the street is mid-century split levels so it really stands out. Good eye!
@Kyeh @Lynnerizer
Exactly, I want to see the rest of the house too.
Love the visual history of different eras of thermostats.
I would buy that house

@rockblossom Just needs a little bit of paint and a quick cleaning and it’ll be good to go. (I’ve obviously been looking too long)
@cf1 Might want to patch that hole in the ceiling. My bet is that the CSIs cut it out to hold as evidence, but there might be some other explanation. I’m sure there is. Really. Could be any number of reasons that don’t come to mind at the moment.
@cf1 @rockblossom Everything can be done in 2 weeks.
@cf1 @rockblossom @yakkoTDI
When you give the two week estimate for fixing everything up does that include removing all the bodies that have been concreted into the floor or the basement or all the bodies that have been hidden in the walls?
@cf1 I would too! But it’s contingent. Also I have no money.
That radiator is awesome.
I think it’s an Easter Island-style tactic–point menacing figures at the potential marauders and hopefully they’ll go away.
@GrandmaLyn Definitely!
@GrandmaLyn When I was a kid, my aunt and uncle had a lake cabin that constantly got broken into. They bought a mannequin dressed in one of my aunt’s old nightgowns holding a toy gun and set it up in the window. Like that that would deter would be burglars. When they had guests over, it would be stored in a closet. Mainly because my sister was terrified of it.
You deserve a laurel and hearty handshake for this.
All it needs are a set of these for a quick update to a 21st century look.

@mike808 I think that’s more the “Early Third Age” look, though I do like the “Stop! Do Not Enter!” vibe.
@mike808 @rockblossom Put up some weeping angels if you really want a serious keep out vibe.
@kuoh Now that’s the kind of statue I want in my backyard! Best burglar repellent with no (hopefully) moving parts.
@kuoh @rockblossom I think around here it would probably get stolen!
Not a serious high-crime area, but a LOT of burglary since the pandemic started.
@Kyeh @rockblossom They’ll stay put as long as you keep an eye on them. Whatever you do, just don’t blink!
@kuoh Yes. AN eye. Why didn’t the people confronted by a WA just close one eye at a time while they backed away?
Update: the house closed on 8/20 for $201,000. I really hope it’s not going to be torn down, and that they keep the Laurel & Hardy statuettes there forever. If they tear it down, I hope the statuettes remain inside and become ghosts. Also the Playboy centerfolds.
@mossygreen wonder how quickly it will be refurbished and go back on the market.
@mossygreen Do you know where it’s located, so you can drive by and see what happens to it?
@tinamarie1974 Probaby depends on how much materials cost. And what they find behind the walls…
@Kyeh Sure do! Family friends used to live a few houses down, so I’ve been on that street many a time.
@mossygreen Great - please keep us posted!
@mossygreen I wonder if you could ask them for certain fixtures like the tiles or towel bar or something?
Every picture just shows me more reasons to love this house. Poor house.
It has potential for someone who wanted to do a lot of work to make it mediocrebot quality
I think the bonus room in the basement really sets the creepy factor for that house.
@dragoncmndr Wow - you can tell from the stains on the floor and the squeegee leaning against that pillar that the basement floods.
(Don’t ask me how I immediately recognized this …
@dragoncmndr @Kyeh One of my favorite online house-hunting photo finds was a house (a foreclosure, natch) where the basement floor was actually wet. I could hear the realtor thinking I’m not coming back. This is fine. I have spent much quality time minutely scrutinizing basement panelling photos, is that a water mark, or is the baseboard molding missing, or is the baseboard molding missing at the water mark?
@dragoncmndr @mossygreen And speaking of molding … is that mold?
@dragoncmndr @Kyeh Heh. Yes. I believe the mold is load-bearing and cannot be removed. But if you’re in the mood for mold, do I have the house for you! [Caveat: it’s going to be torn down and replaced with at least 3 McMansions] One town over, across from a school with a historical village!
@dragoncmndr @mossygreen OHHHhhhhh!
How sad, that was once a magnificent house!
And fabulous piece of land!
And of course what goes up in its place will probably be a bunch of angular boxes full of chrome and granite and open floor plans, all of which I hate. That’s what’s happening in Colorado, where the population has jumped from 5 million in 2010 to nearly 5.8 million in 2020.
@dragoncmndr @Kyeh If you used that same description but told me it was built in 1955 for a ridiculous rich person by a locally-famous architect, in a flood plain, I’d be all over it, open floor plan and all. But I know that’s not what you’re describing.
@dragoncmndr @mossygreen
Well, yeah - I’ve never been a fan of Modernist or Postmodern architecture myself, though, even though I can appreciate the best examples of it. But what they’re putting up around here is just uuuuuggly.
And I resent FLW because he refused to acknowledge that he was influenced by Japanese architecture.
@dragoncmndr @Kyeh Understood. I resent FLW because his houses are mostly ridiculously inappropriate for where they’re built and structurally unsound due to leaking roofs. Prairie architecture my ass, we need roofs that shed water. I was in a tiny FLW house once where they literally had metal rods running across the ceiling to keep the house from collapsing. Ruined the lines of the room of course, but that’s what Frank Lloyd Wright deserves. Also there’s almost no storage in them and the servants’ rooms are tiny. You are literally not supposed to have any personal life that doesn’t fit into his vision, even more so if you’re staff. Also he was an asshole. And people talk about how short he was, but he wasn’t even that short.
@mossygreen Yes, I have gotten the impression that he was a pretty rotten human being; a genius, but like many other geniuses, an asshole as well.
That’s funny that you say “he wasn’t even that short” - like it’s a virtue he he doesn’t really possess!
@dragoncmndr @Kyeh @mossygreen
That house is so freaking cool, it’s a shame people are tearing it down. There’s no appreciation anymore. I hope they will at least salvage the doors and windows out of that house bc up here people really go for that stuff.
@dragoncmndr @Kyeh @Star2236 I know, it’s such a shame, but from the pictures it appears to be in terrifyingly horrible enough condition that salvaging the place would probably be a mammoth proposition. The mold in the basement alone is insane. We did actually drive to it and walk around the outside when it was still for sale, it was magnificent and clearly a total deathtrap. Every part of it.
Certainly a low price for that neighborhood!
@EddyGurge I mean, it’s tiny, and probably structually unsound, and I’m sure nothing’s up to code, but… yeah. It’s a steal.
Anyone got the link to the actual listing? Heh
@dragoncmndr @PooltoyWolf Thanks! Geez, you couldn’t even get a one-room efficiency condo for that price around here.
@dragoncmndr Thank ya kindly!
@dragoncmndr @Kyeh @PooltoyWolf In Rochester, that would be a reasonable price for that house, in that neighborhood in move-in condition - even now with prices over-inflated due to short inventory and low rates. In that condition, I would expect it to go for $50k or less.
@dragoncmndr @PooltoyWolf @ybmuG
Geez … sometimes I think I should relocate.
@dragoncmndr @Kyeh @PooltoyWolf
2br 2ba cape cod in older very desirable neighborhood with about the same size lot and 1280 sqft (about the same) - beautiful condition. Sold $191k. Across town it would be $160k
@dragoncmndr @Kyeh @PooltoyWolf @ybmuG that is lovely
@dragoncmndr @PooltoyWolf @tinamarie1974 @ybmuG
And incredibly affordable compared to what it would be here. Wow.
@dragoncmndr @Kyeh @PooltoyWolf @ybmuG what would a comparable house cost where you are located?
@dragoncmndr @PooltoyWolf @tinamarie1974 @ybmuG
Three times that.
@dragoncmndr @Kyeh @PooltoyWolf @ybmuG WOW