This thread title belongs in the other thread about totally ridiculous stuff you heard. "Is Irk Quack" should be just three random words strung together (or at most an order number), yet I completely understand it. I guess my Mehndoctrination is complete.
No, doesn't even sound close.
They sound nothing alike to me.
AND... I got bored less than 10 seconds into the show... wtf sort of kids' show is that anyway?!?
@capguncowboy Kids who watch this have not yet been conditioned by the world to have 10 second attention spans.
@phatmass I'm sorry, what? I wasn't paying attention
Well, he obviously wouldn't be talking in his normal Irk voice when he was doing the voice acting as Quack. Don't be so obtuse!
@phatmass Hey, you asked us!
Have another Schlitz, dude.
This thread title belongs in the other thread about totally ridiculous stuff you heard. "Is Irk Quack" should be just three random words strung together (or at most an order number), yet I completely understand it. I guess my Mehndoctrination is complete.
@pitamuffin It doesn't even fit the pattern for order confirmation.