@cengland0 Omg - Why hasn't someone combined robot vacuums and speaker docks yet? It could play your music as it makes it's dirt sucking journey around your abode!
Boo! Listen up Meh, your servers suck ROYALLY! You are worth 2 or 3 minutes at midnight, but not 10-15 waiting for the darn site to load. In the world of mainstream cloud servers and content delivery networks there is no excuse.
As an owner of a Roomba (courtesy of Woot circa 2007) and a Braava, I find the Braava much more useful. Use it 3-4 times a week. Use the Roomba 0 times a year at this point. MEH
It's hard to say "meh" emphatically enough to convey my lack of enthusiasm for a deal-a-day site that sells Roombas. I guess that means that meh is successful.
want one, need one but too expensive. when is the Neato coming back???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I bought this a month ago during the 2 for Tuesdays (one for each floor). One of the best purchases I made in a long time. Sure, sometimes they get stuck or lost or eat things they shouldn't after midnight. But in the scheme of things, it de-stresses me by taking away one of the most time consuming things in my life. It also has the interesting benefit of making me keep things off the floor...de-stressing me a bit more.
Got two for Tuesday last time. Sold one on ebay, so the one I kept cost about $125. Appeared brand new and works great, run it every day. They also had the Aerovac kit already installed. I have a pretty cluttered apartment it runs through the whole thing with no need of virtual walls.
I am so excited! I was looking for one of these on Amazon and they are $250 refurbished there. The hubby and I had a conversation last night about what Roomba to buy. Any Roomba for under $175 is the Roomba for me! Can't wait to see what the cats think...ha!
It is really fun to watch. Eventually it does go everywhere. The problem I had was too much stuff in the room. It couldn't handle dining room chairs and stuff. By the time I cleared the floor, I could have vacuumed. If you have uncluttered rooms, this would work great!
I got mine from meh a while ago, I love it. Does anyone know if this refurb model works with the lighthouses? Haven't found a concrete answer online, and don't really want to open mine up to look for the module....
"Best-Selling Floorcare Product With one R, two O's, an M, a B, and an A In Its Name Nearest competitor: A Broom"
I would bet "A Broom" has sold millions more units, making it by far the "Best-Selling Floorcare Product With one R, two O's, an M, a B, and a A In Its Name." Way to do your research Meh. I am dissapoint.
How can I get a meh.com representative to answer my questions? The dealbreaker for me is whether or not this unit comes with the upgraded Aerovac. Thanks.
@dsmeyer I'm not a meh rep, but the specs are at the top and don't mention that accessory kit. So I'm going to say no. It's not in any of the pictures, either.
Condition - Refurbished
Warranty - 90 Day iRobot
Ships Via - FedEx SmartPost
What’s in the Box?
1x iRobot Roomba 560
2x Virtual walls (each requires two C batteries, not included)
1x Self-charging home base
1x Extra filter
1x Battery charger
1x Rechargeable battery
1x Brush cleaning tool
1x Quick Start Guide
1x Manual
1x Warranty Card
Top view
Side view
What’s in the box?!
Clear the floor of any hazards
Price Check
$249.88 at Amazon
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Tuesday, July 7th - Monday, July 13th
@mediocrebot wife has been wanting one, her day of birth is soon. So, meh, why not get it for her.
at least it's not a speaker dock.
@carl669 Virtual walls are Roomba docks, so it's kinda the same thing.
@carl669 wait until Friday and see.
@cengland0 Omg - Why hasn't someone combined robot vacuums and speaker docks yet? It could play your music as it makes it's dirt sucking journey around your abode!
@Cinoclav ever heard of DJ Roomba!?
Well, this sucks.
@jsh139 and not in the good way.
@jsh139 literally.
Boo! Listen up Meh, your servers suck ROYALLY! You are worth 2 or 3 minutes at midnight, but not 10-15 waiting for the darn site to load. In the world of mainstream cloud servers and content delivery networks there is no excuse.
and it only took 12 minutes for the page to load the first time...
i think the rest of the world found out where the cool kids hang... oh well, there goes the neighborhood.
@alacrity Yeah, it was gonna happen
When a server takes that long, there better be the equivalent of a bag of crap for sale.
wooted this in 2007.... DO NOT WANT dog smears....
@unixrab is that dog crap?
@Twiggy115 Chocolate?
@unixrab 'Hope these refurbs don't have yer dog's "smear" residue in them.
@unixrab Well... now we know how these became refurbished..
@unixrab so did the roomba go outside or did your dog poo inside? Either way I think you're doing it wrong.
@Twiggy115 goat crap ... from @cengland0
@Kyser_Soze goat
@JonT oh ye of little intelligence: Neither happened. @cengland0 visited and I turned my back for ONE MINUTE ...
but I beat him in Chess
@JonT surprisingly accurate representation of @cengland0 ..... just add some birds.
@unixrab Thus the reason they made the Scooba robot mop! They should sell the combo pack!

Can this be set to automatically sense when our dog, Charlie has slopped his dog food crumbs all over the kitchen floor?
@RedOak I thought dogs were THE original Roomba,no?
Why would people buy this refurbished crap.... meh Meh MEH!
@DanielJamesBond I see what you did there
How have I never realized that Roomba is an anagram of "A broom"?
I bet there are more product names more clever than I notice.
Also Robo Ma!
@osiris3mc That's quite sexist of you. How about "amor ob" as in someone who loves to give pap smears OR a vacuum that loves to clean some carpets
@davidgro A Broom Boar Om Bar Moo Bra Moo Ma Boor Am Boor Arm Boo Ram Boo Mar Boo Oar Mob A Mob Or A Orb Om A Bro Om A Rob Om
Baby daddy hand
I say NEIN NEIN NEIN to this.
Quick....someone find a video of a cat dressed as a shark riding one of these....oh...and have a duck following it for no apparent reason.
@Kyser_Soze @DanielJamesBond
@Kyser_Soze where's the goat riding a roomba?? This is Meh!
@Kyser_Soze @Kyser_Soze I failed.
@woo545 Too many sharks are riding roombas...
@woo545 That was really really well done.
@woo545 tiger shark
2 for Tuesdays, 1 for Wednesdays, speaker dock Fridays, and now Roomba Thursdays.
I bought one of these when Meh launched. It's like my robot pet. I can sweep crumbs onto the floor and be like, the robot will eat them!
Did the Roomba suck out all of the server power?
Any speculation on Speaker Dock Friday?
@Fej depends on if the @poppiart deal was for reals.
As an owner of a Roomba (courtesy of Woot circa 2007) and a Braava, I find the Braava much more useful. Use it 3-4 times a week. Use the Roomba 0 times a year at this point. MEH
DJ Roomba checking in.
@PanicSwitch I'm taking him camping.
$25 more than last time.
@airjer Actually $30 more-- this one includes a $5 Shipping.
Well....a Roomba does a better job sweeping than a Sansa....
Just bought this.. can't wait to get my hands on this. Hopefully worth it
It's hard to say "meh" emphatically enough to convey my lack of enthusiasm for a deal-a-day site that sells Roombas. I guess that means that meh is successful.
want one, need one but too expensive.
when is the Neato coming back???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
@xLSxGaia Neato FTW!! So much better.
I bought this a month ago during the 2 for Tuesdays (one for each floor). One of the best purchases I made in a long time. Sure, sometimes they get stuck or lost or eat things they shouldn't after midnight. But in the scheme of things, it de-stresses me by taking away one of the most time consuming things in my life. It also has the interesting benefit of making me keep things off the floor...de-stressing me a bit more.
I still haven't been able to get the main page to load...tried at midnight and again this morning. Meh.
I ordered two of these when they were a twofer Tuesday deal. Neither one works. One won't charge, the other won't do anything except beep.
But iRobot's customer service is great. They're sending me two replacements (should be here today) and I don't even have to send the others back.
@dorri732 deMEHlition time!
We want one with lighthouses, dammit!!!
Got two for Tuesday last time. Sold one on ebay, so the one I kept cost about $125. Appeared brand new and works great, run it every day. They also had the Aerovac kit already installed. I have a pretty cluttered apartment it runs through the whole thing with no need of virtual walls.
I am so excited! I was looking for one of these on Amazon and they are $250 refurbished there. The hubby and I had a conversation last night about what Roomba to buy. Any Roomba for under $175 is the Roomba for me! Can't wait to see what the cats think...ha!
@lilmissychloe Technically, it's not under $175. Sorry for your meh.
@Cinoclav hahaha touché. i should have said for under $200.
It is really fun to watch. Eventually it does go everywhere. The problem I had was too much stuff in the room. It couldn't handle dining room chairs and stuff. By the time I cleared the floor, I could have vacuumed.
If you have uncluttered rooms, this would work great!
Really though....fix the servers!
I need to know who I'm mad at...your servers or my cable company.
Or both.
Yeah, that works. I'll be pissed off at both.
@smilingjack Be mad at the hampster in the computer. He got tired. It was past his bedtime at midnight last night.
... want more Neatos. Got two Neatos, don't want to pair them with Roombas.
I got mine from meh a while ago, I love it. Does anyone know if this refurb model works with the lighthouses? Haven't found a concrete answer online, and don't really want to open mine up to look for the module....
Questions: Does this come with upgraded Aerovac? Who refurbished the unit?
"Best-Selling Floorcare Product With one R, two O's, an M, a B, and an A In Its Name
Nearest competitor: A Broom"
I would bet "A Broom" has sold millions more units, making it by far the "Best-Selling Floorcare Product With one R, two O's, an M, a B, and a A In Its Name." Way to do your research Meh. I am dissapoint.
A vacuum? meh... starting to look like woot.
@renatopr This site's day one item was a Roomba.
How can I get a meh.com representative to answer my questions? The dealbreaker for me is whether or not this unit comes with the upgraded Aerovac. Thanks.
@dsmeyer I'm not a meh rep, but the specs are at the top and don't mention that accessory kit. So I'm going to say no. It's not in any of the pictures, either.
@dsmeyer Yes, these come with the Aerovac Bin.
@ChadP Thanks Chad! Is there a link with 90-warranty details? Is it full or limited, etc.? I am new to the mediocrity here =)
@dsmeyer I believe it's a full 90-day warranty from the manufacturer.
@dsmeyer technically a limited warranty. should cover everything you need.
What 200 suckers but these things.
@foodog Missed it by THAT much.
Did they really just claim that roombas outsell brooms?
Why did i buy this Meh....WHY!!!!
No Georgia Red. . . for that alone, meh.
I love purple.