IRKs without a Mehrathon? Yeppers.
14So there it is, 200 IRKs got tossed up at Midnight EDT, and an undisclosed number reserved for 8AM EDT. Dare we hope that there will be further reservations that will be announced later, like at 8:00:39 when the next batch has been exhausted? Do the VMPs rate high enough anymore to get their own piddly little batch at the traditionally-appointed time? Will it be gone in under 40 seconds, too? Will another batch get semi-pointlessly assigned to regular Mehmbers-only grabs, as though any hopeful non-Mehmbers had a chance of beating the Kaptcha before the batch sold out?
Any or all of these questions may get answered, ignored, derided, rendered irrelevant, bemoaned, celebrated, or otherwise kicked around and/or buried in the forum litterbox, when the time is right…
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Not cool for us on the west coast. I can’t get up at 5am to try to score one of a few irks, in competition with a lot more east coasters that have already started their day.
@jnicholson0619 I’m sure many East Coasters are like me and arent able to participate in the midnight ET launch. I’ve already been asleep for 90 minutes by that time so I’m happy to see some held over!!!
@jnicholson0619 in defense of meh, the west coast wasn’t cool before the company existed. They can’t control the weather, that’s left to more powerful entities.
@jnicholson0619 @njfan The Pacific Northwet was cool long before Meh came along, and long before SoCal had more people than coyotes.
@jnicholson0619 As someone who gets up at 0445 every morning, I would suggest you could probably either be up for the night drop or up for the morning drop. Which is the point of two drops: give people with different schedules a chance.
That said, looks like this is an all-day event, so you are in luck.
@jnicholson0619 @njfan @werehatrack True - it’s currently overcast and 60F here in NW Oregon. This has been one of the coolest, wettest springs here in recent memory. We had 14" of snow in April!
What? Oh, not the type of “cool” you meant? Nevermind…
@jnicholson0619 @njfan @werehatrack Did someone say song dogs?
@PooltoyWolf I’ve never heard that term before - “song dogs”!
@Kyeh Yeah!! Because they love to sing!
@PooltoyWolf Sweet! They’re a little scary though - they were roaming my sister’s neighborhood one year and several pet dogs disappeared. One even followed her and her dog home from a walk, but luckily her dogs are always leashed.
@Kyeh Yeah, they’ll go after small animals! The sad outcome of humans encroaching on natural areas…
And now that the 8AM batch sold out As Foretold By The Profits, we get the taunting advisory to stay tuned for further developments at 8;30AM EDT.
Meanwhile, over on SideDeal, the creepycrawl of listings looks long enough to be an end-of-Thon list all by itself. It’s almost as though someone at Meh figured out that there really aren’t all that many people bidding on 'thon crap at 3AM anyway, so why bother prestaging all those fiddly timers for a bunch of items that aren’t going to sell out anyway…
@werehatrack They had one mehrathon with weird crap that mostly sold out even at 3AM. I’m still sad I missed the Keanu savior tote bag or something like that. And the animal masks!
And now it’s an IRK-a-thon of just IRKs in small batches at announced intervals, but without the inaccurate “countdown timer” whose readout was never actually synchronized to the Irk server.
No matter what else takes place, there shall doubtless be cries of Harrumph! and Balderdash! and Tommy-rot! here on the forum, as is expected.
@werehatrack Yeah, the reveal threads for the higher priced ones are going to be especially – interesting. 🫤 I guess I’ll be feeling some schadenfreude since I haven’t been able to get one and I’m not going to try for any more.
@Kyeh I got one of the 8AM(ET) batch, and the escalation since then has me underwhelmed. Besides, I have Stuff To Do.
@werehatrack So was that one $5?
@Kyeh Yep. Incrementing upward by $5 every round since, I think, though they might have skipped $15.
@Kyeh @werehatrack I also got a $5 IRK and have only been checking in to see if the price keeps going up and they still keep selling out. Looked at $25 and just now came back to see at $60.
Stuff to do certainly trumps seeing if they keep selling.
@werehatrack Congratulations!
@drewesque @werehatrack
Pretty amazing - I really think those reveal threads are going to be a hoot; people already complain so bitterly when it’s only $5 they’ve spent and they get a box of dumb junk.
@Kyeh @werehatrack The coupons will (hopefully) mitigate that. At least you can theoretically recoup your money. Seems like 13 $5 coupons might be tricky when you never know what meh will offer, but the people spending $65 probably buy pretty regularly.
No ICYMI needed for this Irk-a-thon, since so far they’ve all sold out instantly.
Will that continue as the price goes Bezosotic?
Bored minds may have a bad attack of IDGAS at some point…
The coupons mean the IRKs are essentially free, regardless of the sticker price, and no limit on daily purchases means the same people with faster internet or whatever can continue to get them. What fun.
@geekahedron And having gone past the 10-coupon barrier, now the Testing To Destruction can really begin. Will they still sell out in 30 seconds at $75? I’m guessing that the answer is “yes”. At $105, I think we’ll see two minutes or more, and probably multiple cancellations. At $150, sometime this evening (if the inflation is more or less linear) we might see the 30-minute timeout go past with a few left. By 11:30PMEDT, assuming that reductio ad absurdum is applied, we might see nothing but cancels.
@geekahedron the down side is you can only use one $5 coupon at a time and they have to all be uswd this year. So if you spend $70 to get 14 $5 coupons, you have to purchase more 14 items this year. Doable if you’re a frequently sidedeal purchaser.
@geekahedron The $75 one lasted nearly 4 minutes, the $70 was around one minute if I remember. It could be that most of the whales who still want one already have. Perhaps a few will get one at every price though.