@Cerridwyn Mine’s done that before. Then when it finally showed up the tracking history changed and the round trip between TX and IL vanished. Of course it showed up prior to when it said was out for delivery. If they lost something clearly they would have a problem finding it in some cases.
How do you tell the weight? I thought somewhere on the post office website when you track it there it used to say how much the package weighed and how big it was. I can’t find any of that information anymore.
Day 3 - It appears to be in Commerce, California, or maybe on it’s way there. Now if it holds true to form, it will wander over to Nevada for a few days …
@stolicat Maybe it will go to Vegas and fill the empty space in your box with winnings. Although who knows. If we start to have an air shortage like the TP shortage your box might decide air is more valuable and leave all that large quantity of air currently in your box in there
Mine has been hanging around Collage Park, Georgia for the past 2 days. Can’t understand why because there is very little to do in Georgia other than pick up the Virus.
Based on another thread I think a bunch are still in quarantine in TX having not left the warehouse yet.
I got one on April 15th btw…
Mine’s been in California (where I reside) for days. Newgistics apparently wants to keep it and not give it to the post awful
And depending on how you track it, it’s in several different places at once
/giphy magic

@Cerridwyn Mine’s done that before. Then when it finally showed up the tracking history changed and the round trip between TX and IL vanished. Of course it showed up prior to when it said was out for delivery. If they lost something clearly they would have a problem finding it in some cases.
Goat blame time - mine and others are still processing.
@DrWorm bought your mom that necklace you hated.
@DrWorm @mediocrebot YOU SCALAWAG
Hmmm… maybe you could say…My Christmas shopping is done ? OR… call it the … Snailmail Virus ? OR
…what’s Your Idea ?
Is this for the Sidedeal IRK or the Meh IRK?
@gsrivast meh irk, sidedeal’s irk has one somewhere or other and a reveal thread.
Meh IRK still processing.
Which is ok because then it will be properly fermented, or well aged, or something like that
One was already started on Tuesday here:
@IndifferentDude We usually do both shipping and reveal threads. The shipping one generally goes up first.
@IndifferentDude @sammydog01 ^^^^This
Mine is still in NJ apparently…
just got confirmation :}


On Its Way to USPS
May 13, 2020 at 9:46 am
Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item
Yes, we’re off and now the fun begins …

Yup mine has shipped too.
Day 2 - progress, as it is now “in transit” in Grapevine, which I guess means they’re wheeling it around the warehouse next to DFW airport.

Mine is on a long journey, too!
How do you tell the weight? I thought somewhere on the post office website when you track it there it used to say how much the package weighed and how big it was. I can’t find any of that information anymore.
@OnionSoup under newgistics it doesn’t do that.
@Kidsandliz so I can’t tell how many lbs of stale strawberry Valentine’s candy corn I’m receiving until it gets here.
I liked OLDGISTICS better. They were better at everything.
@mediocrebot, I said everything.
@OnionSoup I agree about oldgistics.
Day 3 - It appears to be in Commerce, California, or maybe on it’s way there. Now if it holds true to form, it will wander over to Nevada for a few days …

@stolicat Maybe it will go to Vegas and fill the empty space in your box with winnings. Although who knows. If we start to have an air shortage like the TP shortage your box might decide air is more valuable and leave all that large quantity of air currently in your box in there
Mine has been hanging around Collage Park, Georgia for the past 2 days. Can’t understand why because there is very little to do in Georgia other than pick up the Virus.
Mine shipped on the 13th, took two days to get from Grapevine, TX to the FDR facility in Greenwood, IN, and that’s where it is as of the 15th…
I’m guessing (hoping!) I’ll see it by the end of the week in Maryland.
What I’m REALLY excited for is the air fryer I ordered…
Day 4 - as expected, it’s wandered from southern California to Nevada, just north of Reno, where it shot a man just to watch him die …

@stolicat you forgot the part about robbing a dollar tree. Of stuff.
Still waiting… but based on the reveal thread I’m starting to hope it gets lost.
So one state away. I assume they will try for a Saturday delivery since I sent it to my work. That will help maximize my regret…

@D_a_v_e Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent. However, the guilty are now named…
Mines been hanging out in NJ for 6 days. Based on the reveal threads it’s trying to pick up the NJ smell to really make my day