Interesting article about the returns and refurbished industry
I wonder how deep meh is into buying from the reverse logistics side of things or if they source that stuff in a different way.
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There used to be some local discount stores, not part of any big chain, that apparently bought pallets of random returned Costco stuff. They also had the usual dented-can and near-expired-food stuff but the totally unpredictable loot of discounted Costco stuff was a big attraction.
@pmarin Likewise. I really haven’t bothered, however, as their 25-50% discount from full retail price hasn’t been cheap enough for me. The following competition have the same “never know what to expect” randomness but can beat or meet that discount:
There is/was a show about people who do this for a living, but except for the fact that we saw it on a Hulu channel, I can’t remember much else about it.
One couple lived near[-ish] us in a Rochester, NY suburb, and they transitioned from doing it as a hobby to a dual full-time career wherein they opened a thrift store selling the merch they sourced from these auctions.
Thank you! That is a fascinating article and I learned stuff so 5 puppies out of 5 to you!

@Clumber but but but…
/giphy 5 kittens out of 5

Well giphy can’t count but I am going with this.
@Kidsandliz Here, have a few more:

When there was a Radio Shack, I lived near a huge RS outlet warehouse.
Fascinating hours and sometimes afternoons were spent there.