How the hell am I supposed to get one of these? Is there a trick I’m not aware about? Literally clicked on the buy button the second it became available and it was sold out by the time the order finished processing
To be fair, this is the first meh-rathon in… a long long time… that I actually bought another item and didn’t simply pay Meh $5 to increase my carbon footprint.
What’s in the Box?
It is a mystery ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Price Comparison
Throw it in the trash
Estimated Delivery
Thursday, Aug 5 - Monday, Aug 9
Already scored one today
/giphy nip-rub

Well it sucks.
Son of a bitch!
/giphy coy-ardent-dinosaur

/giphy mobile-amorous-macaroni

feels like I should have been golden for these last 2 but the low quantity is killing my chances.
@jayman007 same.
30 seconds

/image fooey

/image rats
One more time, a swing and a miss. Zero for 27 or 28, I think.
Damn. Damn. Damn.

/image damn. damn. damn
Cart Page just stopped loading… Lame
missed it – went off to do something else, oh well
Whoo, VMP for me

/giphy losing-nippy-pesto
If all the other VMPs cancelled their membership I might stand a chance.
@poids Nope, because they allow members now…
How the hell am I supposed to get one of these? Is there a trick I’m not aware about? Literally clicked on the buy button the second it became available and it was sold out by the time the order finished processing
Crap. I can’t even catch a members’ only IRK. I need a touch screen display.
@plymouthdave doesnt help. You need to turn off the interwebs of everyone else trying to get one.
@Sneakertree And that’s the end of the Members’ Only round.
That sucks, literally did it as fast as possible and still couldn’t get it. Beep

/image beep
The streak lives! Thanks for everyone who believed in me!
/giphy universal-metric-ketchup

@steelopus I don’t mean to rub it in anyone’s face…
/giphy winner

To be fair, this is the first meh-rathon in… a long long time… that I actually bought another item and didn’t simply pay Meh $5 to increase my carbon footprint.
dang it. didn’t wait long enough for the checkbox to load. (P.S. “Robot”.)
Well I was at least in the right neighborhood for once
The meh face for this one is perfect for me.
That’ll teach me to try and do work
Yeah right, like you really don’t know what i’m trying to buy?! Just say, YOU’RE TO SLOW LOSER!! …and then laugh in my face!

Pfft screw you and your low qua quantities of irks meh!
My best attempt so far today. I got to the green bar, then oops we’re sold out.
It might not seem good but it is further along than my earlier attempts.
@hamjudo I’ve seen the green bars three times so far. Still nothing.